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308 Soil Suitability 2011
V�sA f Sa Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1.0<(,,....- City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal A. Facility Information Pablck Melnik Owner Name — —_........_.... 308 chesterfield Road _..__. Street Address MapLotA Northampton MA 01060 On Slain zip Code B.Site information 1. (Check one) ® New Construction 0 Upgrade ❑ Repair 2. Published Sail SurveyAvailable? 0 Yes ❑ No Ityes: 2008 1:6,510 311E Year Published Publication Scab Sol Map Unit Woodbridge One sandy loam,8%-15%slopes,very stony(311C) >10"_35"to dense material,see soil report Sod Limitations 3. Sudiclal Geological Repod Available? Yes 0 No a 19ar 1250 000 0 0Yom' 1999 Published 12 0Uo00Scale Map Unil till&Bedrock _. . _ Drumlin Geobpla MMedel Lenon, 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map Above the 500-year flood boundary? 0 Yes ❑ No Wlhln the 100.year flood boundary? 0 Yes 0 No Wain the 500-year good boundary? 0 Yes ® No Within a velocity zone? ❑ Yes ® No 5. Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map Unit . name Wetland,Conservancy Program Map Map UNI Name 6. Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS): 122011 _ Range: 0 Above Normal ❑ Normal 0 Below Normal MonWreas 7. Other references reviewed: mtormtY2-55.doc•rev.Ina Form II Sul Sultanaly Aneesmenl be On-Sle Sewage Dispaal•Page t of 5 Yµn l 1;B. Commonwealth Massachusettsof 1p • Cityliown of Northamptonhampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal A. Facility Information Patrick Melnik Owner Name 308 Chesterfield Road Street maws __. Mag1.MX Northampton _ _._- MA 01060 City Slate -...... Zi Code B. Site Information 1. (Check one) ® NeviConstruction ❑ Upgrade 0 Repair 2. Published Soil Survey Available? ® Yes 0 No If y�8 P:b,510 311E Wei a Vub16be0 1:6,5a4on5[ab 311E IMap Unit Woodbridgefine sandy loam.8%.15%slopes,very stony(31 IC) >16"35"to dense material,see soil report -.._. Sell Mmitanona 3. Sulfide!Geoo lcal Report Available?❑ Yes ❑ No If yes: 1999 1:250,000Sca 9 Tear NdiNW 5Scala Map UN( Till B Bedrock _ Drumlin Geologic Materiel LaMknn 4. Food Rate Insurance Map Above the 5110•year good boundary? ® Yes 0 No Within the 100-year flood boundary? 0 Yes ® No WNhin the 500-year flood boundary? 0 Yes ® No Within a velocity zone? 0 Yes ® No 5. Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map urvl ,-....._.._ Name - WellandsConservancyProgramMap Ma -- - ----_ Map unn-_- - Name 6. Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS)' 12/3011 - Range: ® Above Normal ❑ Normal ❑ Below Normal Month/Year 7. Other references reviewed. --- - -"_ -' Info ol1-asa ma.rev.ina Form It-Seli svuahhly AaseumenNm On-Site Sewage Disposal.rage I ore St‘ Commonwealth of Massachusetts •- n City/Town of Northampton sac 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C.On-Site Review(minimum of(Wo holes required al every proposed primary and reserved disposal area) Deep1Observation Hole Number: 5 - Oats Time _. weauw 60 11) 1:0 -- SunSunny 1. Location Ground Elevation at Surface of Hole: 485 — Locator(identify on plan): See plan 2. Land Use woodland yes 7% (ag.,wWdend.agricultural fed.wantM.els.) surface Stones slope(%) Wooded Drumlin Passim Land/Naps(a11eN steel/Vegetation LUWfmm >50 50 3. Distances frau: Open Water Body >1 wgp---- Drainage Way -feet Possible Wel Area wet Property Line roar Drinking Water Well N/A ---- Other lest 4. Parent Material: Glacial TIII Unsuitable Materials Present: ❑ Yes ® No If Yee'. ❑ OWoted Soil 0 Fill Materiel ❑ Impervious layerm 0 WeatheredfFtactured nock U Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: U Yes ® No If yes: Depn w4ad,re from PJ Depth samara wawa nom Estimated Depth to High Groundwater 38 --' ilMes --- eNeebn %Nonni I.2-a dao.rev.iia Form 11-Son sulla9my Maaivnml Sr owslw Sewage Disposal.Page 2 of 8 Ste Commonwealth of Massachusetts v • Cily(Town of Northampton W1Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserved disposal area) DeepObservation Hole Number: 5 1112112011 _ Time Seager 80 1b 1..... Time Sunny, 1. Location 485 See plan Ground Elevation at Surface of Hole: -- Location(identify on plan): - -- wood Yes 7% 2. Land Use p.9..weasels.apioAtu ed field.want lol.de.)......._ Sunam Sieges dopa 1%) Wooded Drumlin VegWWn Landfoml Position on Landscape(attach sheel) 3. Distances from: Open Water Body -wn "- Drainage Way 00 k.a- Possible Wet Area «Ont Pmpedy Line b�vl Dtlnktlg Water Well NIA Other foal 4. Parent Material' Glacial TED _.._. Unsuitable Materials Present: ❑ Yes ® No If Yes: ❑ Disturbed SW 0 Fill Motorial ❑ Impaniws Layer(s) 0 WeatheredFtaclured Rock ❑ Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: 0 Yes ® No if yes: noelWeeping from PEI Depth slaming Water In Hole Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 3lglas"— elevation uni1159.doc`rev.1110 Fen II-Soil SullabYly Asmsvneal for On-Site Sewage Dispose!•Page 2 of B Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/rown of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(continued) Deep Observation Hole Number: Redoxl0embk Features Coble Fraglnwite Boil Horizon/BW Matdc Calor. ojoht ) soil Lnun %by Volum So Soli CenSOil Other Depth Layer Flow WanglWangle (USDA) Cobbbea SlrvcNn MMI Depth Calor Percent Gravel abode 03' A 7.5YR 2.5(1 SL SABK V.Friable 2e-20' a 10YR414 LS 5% SARK Friable 20'-32" Cl 10YR 4/4 LS 5% SABK Friable . 3r-38" G2 2.5V 42 34" 10YR 518 5% LS 5-0% SARK Firm 38"48" G3 25LS 2%Y 412 SABK v.firm _ Additional Notes: IShmtt 0 58doC•rev Ino Form II-SM SNtMLry Pemnment for On-Saa Sewage Deposal.Page 3 of 8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts to City/Town of Northampton kijil Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(continued) Deep Observation Hole Number 5 Rodoximorpme F.Murn Coarse Fragments sell Soil HalwN SOTS Marl*:Color lmMUM) Sell Texture %by Pelee,. Soll yn sit. ether C.Pe tin') LayerMWN(Munsell) MOM Cobbles 6 SlnicWM lMMu) Depth talar Porten, Grovel Rom 0-2^ A 7.5YR 2.511 SL SABK V Friable 2"-20' B 10YR414 LS 5% SACK Friable 2o'-32" CI 10YR 414 LS 5% SABI( Friable 32"-30" 02 2.5Y 4/2 34" I OYR 90 5% LS 5-7% SARK Firm 38"A8" C3 2.5Y 412 LS 2% SACK v.firm AEJNonal Notes: I5lwm1-259doc• w vie Fonn t l—SUI SuiisMMy Avesamenl I(On-She Sewage Deposal.Paw,3 o10 Commonwealth of Massachusetts 25ts, Citylrown of Northampton I Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal + C. On-Site Review (continued) 11212011 135pm DeepObservation Hole Number: 6 Oale glare weather sunny 00 1. Location Ground Elevation at Surface of Hole: -464 - Location(identify an plan): -------- WoodlandYes _.. 6-1% 2Land Use IDB.woodland,agricultural geld,recant log etc) _... Sarlxe Stones Slope(%) Wooded Orumdin Side slope _. Vegetation Lsndlong Position on Landscape(alach sheet) >5U 50 3. Distances from: Open Water Body kelp Brain age Way Possible Wet Area Possible reel Property Line ren Drinking Water Well beA Other feel _ 4. Parent Matedel: Glacial Till -- Unsuitable Malenals Present: 0 Yes ® No IIYes: 0 Disturbed Solt ❑ Hu Materiai ❑ impervious Layer(s) 0 Weathered/Fractured Rock 0 Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: ❑ Yes ® No If Yes: Depth Depth Vrbepinp hum PP Depth Slentliy Walern Hole Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 4T -"'_.."' :tmoe -aiev.don Wend la34doc•rev,1110 form It-sot Suitability Aaxsvnannor onsite Sewage Disposal .Page 4010 Commonwealth of Massachusetts ., Gity/iown of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (continued) B 1112120111:35pm --_ sunny60 Deep Observation Hole Number: Dae Time weather - - 1. Location Ground Elevation at Surface of Hole. 404 Location(identify on plan): - ------- — WoodlandYes 6-1%e. 2. Land Use (oB v,00da/M.agNultwS field,v 1a.ekl -�- Swtw Stones Slope Chi Wooded Side slope _. Vegetation �- b dlema n stoat Landscape(We&sheet) >100 Dreina Wa > Possible Wet Area 50 50 3. Distances from: Open Water Body Teel ge y perfeel Property Line wei.. Drinking Water Well vet Other bet" 4. Parent Material: Glacial Till — Unsuitable Materials Present: 0 Yes ® No If Yea: 0 Disturbed Sail 0 Pill Material 0 InVerviaus Layers) 0 Weathered/Fractured Rock 0 Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: 0 Yes ® No If yes: upnwaeNne tram Fir Depth standing Water nude Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: i/Mlee elevetm I51mm11-2-%dac•rev.1/10 farm 11—Sad SulUOi ly Assessment for OnStte Sewage caaposal.Page 4 MB Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (continued) Deep Obeetveaon Hole Number: 6 — --_-- .. _. RMoxlmorynm Features Coarse Fragments bon Bail Horizon(Soil Matrix:Color- Imaul.) Loll Texture %by YON". gall ConsistenceatOther Depth On.) layer Maln(Munsell) (asont CabdasII structure !Moist' mom Color Percent QrNN stones 0-2'' A 2.5Y 32 SL Leese v.friable 2s-24" B 2.5Y 4/4 LS 3-5 SABK V.Friable 24"-00" Ci 5Y42 42 11YR5/8 5% LS (slims 5-7 SABK Friable @38" 45"-100" C2 5Y 4/2 LS 5-10 I SABK Friable Adellional Notes: Morm1 YD5a.L0e'rev.1110 Form it-5DI 5ulbblGy Assessment for Om9b Sewage Disposal -Pape 5 ora Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton W. Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C.On-Site Review (continued) Deep Observation Hole Number: 8— "' -'— RedoslmeryM1lcFeatures Co.,..Fragmonle OpIM1 083 5 Xal yaNoMioMYMmCo _. moXMgull Texture yVeNmSoil Coneletense Other IIS0A) Cobbles& '"""'" point) D.pte Color Percent Crewel Stones A 2.5Y 312 .. SL _ Loose _ v.friable 2'-24' B 2.5Y 4/4 LS 3.5 SARK V,Friable 24".4B" Cl 5Y42 42 10YR518 5% LS fsl lens 5-7 SARK Friable ©J6 _ 48"-106° C2 51'4/2 LS 5.10 I SARK Friable Additional Notes: 151mM1 -58dos•iw.VW Form tl—Sal SuitabllyNwsrment at OmSlte Sewage Disposal •Page 5 ofa .C , Commonwealth of Massachusetts CityiTown of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method Used: isi Depth observed standing water In observation hole AN/A _ e.N/A None, inches ® Depth weeping from side of observation hole A NMche/A-„ ecNBs Depth to soil redoximorpbic features (mottles) InchesA. 9.42 A.34 inches 0 Groundwater adjustment(USGS methodology) Inches Inches 2. Index Well Number 0.eatl4q Dab Index MO Level - MNslm.A Factor Adjusted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring pervious Material a. Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? ® yes ❑ No b. If yes,at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary: lOiwme Lower boundary: „ ---- Ismmn ASB.doo.rev.1110 Sono II-Soil Sulntty Assmsmenl(or Onus snweau olspinal•Page a 018 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Clty/fown of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method Used'. ® Depth observed standing water in observation hole NoesA -- B Ns. IA Depth weeping from side of observation hole „ A.ches IInnchesA Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A.Whoa B.42 ® A.34 IB2 0 Groundwater adjustment(USGS methodology) 0. B. mcbn ... kyles Index WetNumber Reading Data Index Well Leal OYNalmenl Fatlw Adjusted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material ' 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a. Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? El Yes ❑ No b. If yes.at whet depth was it observed? Upper bounden! Imes Lower boundary. inches 15bnnl1.2-58 JSc•rev.InC Form 11-Soil eWabIly bsasmenl for OnSile Sewage Oifposal •Page 8 of 8 SL. Commonwealth of Massachusetts • • City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal F. Certification i codify that I am currently approved by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15017 to conduct soil evatuatIons and that the above analysis has been performed by me consistent'Mn,the required training,expertise and experience desaibed In 310 CMR 15.08 I further certify that the result"of ray soil evaluation.as Indicated'i the attached Soil Evaluation Form. am accurate and In accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.101. IAJ9II .$anal al Say EMI >, r� /a 1aaii iji lance • Typal\or PaSntdNNaamee of Sot Evaluator alienee Date al oil valuator Exam N Oleoer.Nea11h W8neae Boarof Health d _...._ Note:In accordance with 310 CMR 15018(2)this tom must he submitted to the approving authority whin 60 days el the dale of field testing,and lo the designer and the moony Daher wl T . ISform1l.1 ploy•rev.1110 Fain II-Soil suitability Anmemonl tor On.Slb Sowaeo Disposal i Page I al8 a. Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal F. Certification I certify that I am currently approved by the department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15.017 to conduct soil evaluations and that the above analysis has been performed by me consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described In 310 CMR 15.017. I Nrther certify that the results of my soil evaluation,as Indicated in the attached Soil Evaluation Form, are accurate and in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.107. I_, -�Signature ersaevy .. os sQ�l7 jd,b� TypoPrinted Name ol Sol Evaluator I Limnos aGala cur oll valuatlor Gam Name,Board MXeSMVNnna Boss or Healh1 .— Note:In acmedanm with 310 CMR 15.010(2)11M kern must be submitted to Ina approving authority millers 80 days at the date of field testing.and to the designer and the property owner with Per aeon Test Form V. Y Stamm. oloa'rev. no Farm II-SOY SWabNy aauamxm for On-elle Sewage olaposal.Page!or 0 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton ‘1/4?) Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Field Diagrams Use this sheet for field diagrams: 1.02v4111.2.5e.doc•rev.1/10 Farm 1t-Sal Sultabim Assessmem for On.Sile Sewage ehposal.Pagel dB 0 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Field Diagrams Use this sheet(or field diagrams: • Ibimml l.2.O doc•we.Ina Form n—sort aulbday Assessment(Cr on-ale sewage Disposal.Pay/18110 Commonwealth of Massachusetts . City/TOM)of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal A. Facility Information Patrick Melnik _ _ ._.............__ --- Owner Name 308 Chesterfield Road _.._....._. Meet AMT.'S. MaNfcl I. NorthamptonMA 01060 City _-_ __.. -. Slab - bp Com B. Site Information 1. (Check one) N New Construction 0 Upgrade 0 Repair 2. Published Soil SurveyAvailable? ® Yes 0No If yes 2008 Pub,5W 311E 200Yam PuduMd Publicans:8,510Scala Shc Map Unit Woodbddgefine sandy loam 8%-15%slopes,very stony(3110) >18--35"to dense material see soil report___ SolUmIWions 3. Surfclel Geological Report Available?❑ Yes ❑ No If yes: Year 1:260,000 09 p 1999 1250,000 Publ/callon Map Ont Till&BedrockDrumlin Geolopl[Mabd4 _..__ Landlmm 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map Above Me 500-year hood boundary? 0 Yes 0 No Within he 100-year flood boundary? ❑ Yes ® No Within the 500-year flood boundary? 0 Yes ® No Within a velodly zone? ❑ Yes ® No 5. Wetland Area: National Welland Inventory Map Map unit Nana --- - Wetlands Conservancy Program Map - _ - __ - wawa u.m. 6. Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS): t2/2011 Range: ® Above Normal ❑ Normal ❑ Below Normal Mont/Year ?. other references reviewed. ---- ----- INmm11-2 78.doc•rev.MD Form It-Soil SUIUNIIy Assesmest kr OiSite Sewage dsposar'Paqu I ora Commonwealth of Massachusetts •- - e, Cify/Town of Northampton Al Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal A. Facility Information Patrick Melnik __ ._............_ Owner Nemo 308 Chesterfield Road Noe Address -- MnpIIntn Northampton MA _ 01060 Ca, ---- Stele Zip Cada B.Site Information 1. (Check one) ® New Construction Q Upgrade 0 Repair 2. Published Soil Survey Available? ® Yes 0 No If yes: 21108 _ 16,510 311E Year Pudlshed Publlutbn Scale SW Map Mil Woodbridge fine sandy loam,0%-15%slopes,very stony(3110) >18'-35"to dense material,see soil report Sal Limitation, 0oglca1 Report Available? Yes 0 NaIfyes: 1999 Pub50'000 3. Surildel Ge PaYear Published Publication Scale Map Unit TM&BedrockDrumlin UUn arm Gadyk MOWN.' 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map Above the 500year flood boundary? ® Yes 0 No Wllln the 1011-year flood boundary? Q Yes ® No Wlbin the 500-year flood boundary? Q Yes ® No Within a velocity zone? 0 Yes ® No 5, Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map Ural Mame Wetlands Conservancy Program Map Map unit - Name n. ® No 6. Current Water Resource Conditions Condiliana(USGS): Modhttea� RangeAbove rmrmw+ Warfel 0Noal 0 Below 7. other references reviewed —._................. - (Mortal1-2-78 Uoe•rev. no Four'11-Soil SUItabl4Y Asenmeent for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Page 1 of 8 $a Commonwealth of Massachusetts • City/Town of Northampton 'I Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(minimum of Iwo holes required at every proposed primary,and reserved disposal area) T 11212011 2:09pm Sunny,60 DeepObservation Hale Number: Dale The Weather 1. Location 483 See plan Ground Elevation at Surface or Hale: Location(Identify on plan): woodland Yes _.. 7% 2. Land Use tas..modem.wnonural Reid.recant kg,etc) Surface Stones Slope l%) Wooded Drumlin sem o0 - Landform PosWOn on tantcape(sheet 1MN) >13. Distances from: Open Water Body ga00 >50 Drainage Way -- Possible Wet Area Set -- Property Line rcet Drinking Water Weil 20 NDA Other leer— Glade! 4. Parent Material: Gledal Till _ ..---_.. Unsuitable Materials Present: 0 Yes ® No If Yes: J DbWrbed Soil ❑ Fill material O Impervious Laya(a) 0 Weathered/fractured Rodr ❑ Betlmta 5. Groundwater Observed: ❑ Yes ® No If yes: Depth weephe sum Pa youth standing wanonnom Estimated Depth to High Groundwater. 338s sevemn 1610im11-]4adoc•rev 1110 Form 11-Saul Suitability Assessment(of On-Slle sewage Disposal .Page 2 o16 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton ii Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal c. On-Site Review(minimum of Iwo holes required at every proposed primary end reserved disposal area) Deep7 nyi 60 Observation Hole Number: 11/21/2011 T2IM, __ Weatef 1to rime Surmer 1. Location 463 Location(identify on pan): see plan _ Ground Elevation at Sudan of Hole: woodland Yes 7% 2. Lana Use Kg..woodland,agdcNWnu l nem,vacant lot,etc) Stones Slope(%) Wooded Drumlin __ — Vegetation Landon Position on Landscape(Math sheaf) >100 Drainage Way 'SQ--- Possible Wet Area 50 3. Distances from: Open Water Body 'iaei feet feel Property Line ke Drinking Water Well NrefA Other feet 4. Parent Material: Glade!Till -__.-.. Unsuitable Materials Present: 0 Yes ® No If Yes ❑ Cstwbed Sail ❑ Fill Material ❑ NPerheus Layegs) 0 Weathered/Fractured ROd< 0 Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: 0 Yes ® No If yes: Deptnweuping from Pa Depth SteMmg Waters Here Estimated Depth to Nigh Groundwater. „fie elevation I61om.11-24adoc.rev,WO Form I1-Soil SuilatMy Assessment for OmSlle Selage Disposal •Page 2 of a Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(continued) Deep Observation Hole Number: —_ ReloxlmwPMc Features Coarse Fragments 0S911 Soh HoNoN BOX Math:Colon (mottles) Solt Texture 4M Velums Boll Gon oil Other Dein 0.0 (USDA) cobbi„& Structure MOIee La Motet lMumele Depth Color Ferment Gravel Stones ( I 0-3' A 10YR 3/3 SL Loose V.Fdeble 3"-2S B 10YR 418 LS 3-5 SABK v.Friable 25"-50" Ci 25Y 52 38" 10YR 5/8 5% LS 5-7 SARK Friable 50"-98" C2 2.5Y 4/2 LS 5-10 SARK Friable Additional Notes: r m11—sou Suitability Assessment lm On-Site Sewage Disposal•Pape 3 01 5 1501m14NB.Eoe'nv.1110 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review(continued) _-_ Deep Observalim Hole Number — -_ RosommouM) tures Coarse pnum.M Soli Soil Horizon'ad Mobi a.cow. (moan) Sett Texture %M Volume soil Con Soli Other eolith/Ha Layer Lbbl lMimwlll MOM enrol Oobmata structure nsHro Depth Color Percent Donee A 102R 3/3 SI Loose VFriable 3185' B 10YR 416 LS 3-5 SARK v.Friable 25"-50" Cl 252512 38" 10YR 5/8 6% LS 5-7 SABK Friable 51T-20" C2 2.5Y412 LS 5-10 SARK Friable Additional Notes: Fowl11-Soil Su edgily Assignment for On.$1te Sewage Disposal•Per3 of a urwm».xaeaoo•rex ma $. Commonwealth of Massachusetts • 1 j CitylTown of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (continued) 8 1112112011 __ 2:42pm sunny • Deep Observation Hole Number: oat. ren• weather 1. Location Ground Elevation at Surface of hide: -483 Location(identify on plan): Woodland Yes__.... 8-7% 2. Land Use (e, .woMMpFoIral odd,yawl lot.mica sedate Stones slope(°%) Wooded ___ Drumllin _ _ Side slope _. VegNSYon Landlam Position on Landacns(allacn awn) >10050 ]. Distances from: Open Water Body yea— Drainage Way it Possible Wet Area reel Property Line 4s-- Drinking Water Well hell Other feel 4 Glacial Till 4. Parent Materiel; Unsuitable Materials Present: El Yes ® No — It Yes: 0 Dswvea Soil I] Fill Material ❑ ImpeMous Lewis) ❑ weathered/Raw/red Rock ❑ Bedrock 5. Groundwater observed ❑ Yes gil No if yes: peen weeping from Pe nests sending water m Hale Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 142'ii elevator) Form n-Soa S labiln Assessment for Onnna Sewage disposal•Pane 4 of 151•rm11-P-0B.doc•rev.1110 Commonwealth of Massachusetts • City/Town of Northampton �' Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (continued) 8 _ 111212011 2:42pm sunny 80 Deep Observation Hole Number irate lime Weather 1. Location Ground Elevation at Surface of Hole: '482— Location(Identify on plan): —' Woodland &i% Yes slope(%1 2. Land Use (ed - agricultural fie_.va(anllW.dc) Sweatt Stones Wooded _ Drumllin side slope Vegetates Landrum Position on Landscape (811a[lr s1uvM1 50 0. Distances VPossible Wet Area an: Open Water Body fee00 Drainage Way feelet len Property Line 1ae0e1 Drinking Water Wellleer Other reel 4. Parent Material: Glacial rill -- Unsuitable Materiels Present: 0 Yes ® No If Yes: ❑ OsIwbod Soil 0 Fill Materiel ❑ Impervious Leyer(s) ❑ Weatheredwractlred Rock 0 Bedrock 5. Groundwater Observed: 0 Yes ® No If yes: cep)weeping from Pia oen%Standing Warrvin lank _— Estimated Depth to High Groundwater 4 i2°m[bea yzvabon 15larm11-2-0fi.dov rev.llla Ferrell-seSalability Assessment at On-SW sewage Deposal •Page 4 Ma 5L, Commonwealth of Massachusetts -r City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (continued) Deep observation Hde Number: 0 MtostmoNMO Features Coarse Fragments 3011 9oilXwlxaNSell MC'Sada;color- Santee) soil Texture S. Volume S"by Consistence OIM1ar Depth prig Low Mold(Munnel9 (USDA) Cobbles IS 3auelun mom) Depth Calor Percent asst 31011.• A IOYR 3/2 SL Loose V.Friable 41-26" B 2.5Y 5(4 LS 2-3 SASK V.FnaNe 261J9" Cl 2.51'52 30 2.5Y7/6 5% LS 3-5 SARK Friable. 39••-90' C2 2.5Y 4/2 LS 5-7 SARK Friable Additional Notes: t51Nmv-24e°c•rea.ma Form II-Soe 3uamMy Assessment mr Onsl$snags Disposal .Pao 5 of Commonwealth of Massachusetts • Ir ., City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C.On-Site Review (continued) Deep Obaelvadon Hde Number: 0 RadodmmpM<Pastern Cana Fragment, 8011 Sell Nwlxan/Solt 1 Meld.:Color- (mottles) Sall iaxlea %by Volume Soil Co/labium, odor Depth Pm, Layer xeul{Nuneelp IV°°N Coeuns sdmawra prom Depth Calor Percent Guwl Blanes A 10YR 3/2 SL Loose V.Friable 4"-26" B 2.5Y 5/4 LS 2-3 SARK V.Friable 26"-39" Cl 2.5V 52 30 2.5Y118 5% 1.8 3-5 SARK Frieda 39"-90" C2 25Y4/2 LS 5-7 SARK Friable Additional Nodes: LNmm142404oc•rev.l/10 f mmI1-Sol SWdb3ty Assessment ler°mate Sewage Disposal•Page 5 o18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation I. Method Used: P NIA _ B.N/A _.__ .._... ® Depth observed standing water in observation hole mores _-- Name A.WA B.WA ) Depth weeping from side of observation hole Iran. —"— '— span A 38 _ B.38 ® Depth to sea redoximorphic features (mottles) Inches inches ❑ Groundwater adjustment(USGS methodology) Tomes tomes 2 _ Index Well kmter aeeeunq Date _ Index vke Lein GLIuaMenl Fodor Posted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material 1. Depth of Naturally Oocuning Pervious Materiel a. Does at least tour feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? G] Yes ❑ No 0Lower boundary: 90 b. If yes.at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary: „the,a „dies Foam tl—Sohl Suitability Asenl for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Pogo a ore Ie1mn11Q90 Eoc•rev.1110 a , Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method Used: A.NIAB.NIA b Inahn _.... O Depth observed standing water In observation ho -- __- Win A.NIA B.NIA ® Depth weeping from side of observation hole Imran _- - InGwa A.38 Et 3t1 O Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) bTea_- — lames ❑ Groundwater adjustment(USGS methodology) Inches Inches _.—.__—...— Index NWNumber Reatl4y Delo Index Weil Level Adjustment Factor /Ousted CmuMwelerlevel E. Depth of Pervious Material 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervian Material a. Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? OYes ❑ No oLower00 - b. If yes,at what depth was It observed? Upper boundary: lathes — boundary Imries 41orm11-2-78 doc•me 1110 Film II-Soil SuiNbdlly Acussnwnl for di-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 6 orb Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal F. Certification I certify that I am currently approved by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15.017 to conduct soil evaluations and that the above analysis has been performed by ma consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. I further certify that the results of my soil evaluation,as Indicated In the attached Sal Evaluation Form, are accurate and In accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.107. sga:u.�asod Evaluator _.— Dam Typed or Minted Nome WSoil EvaWelw/License 0 Data of Soli Evaluator Exam NBmeor Board of XealNWmeev Board of Health Note: Inaccordance and 15.018(2)5.0i1 (Percolation tom must TausF es fanitied to Me approving authority within Bo days or the date of field testing.and Notre 151mm14L18 dot.me lilt Form 11—Say SUIIaiily AsseaeMel for On-ite Sewage Disposal i Page)of 8 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal F. Certification I certify that I am currently approved by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15 017 to conduct mil evaluations and that the above analysts has been performed by me consistent with the required training,expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.011. I fuller certify that the results of my sell evaluation,as Indicated In the attached Soil Evaluation Form, are accurate and in mmrdanm with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.107. Signature dsoilev�la:tar ow Evaluator I LI Date m Sell evwaWEaam—..—...._ Typed or Printed Name of SoilEvEvaluatorwNO a Board of HealthN+ma of eoaN of Heal Yawn Note:In acwNance math 310 CMR 15.016(2)this form must be submitted to the approving euttwily within 60 days W the date of field testing,and to the designer all the property owner vimTaa Fwm12. Fwm 11—Sot Suitability Pswamonl for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 7 el B 15fomnn-2.78.eoo•re..1110 Sim Commonwealth of Massachusetts ., City/Town of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Field Diagrams Use this sheet for field diagrams: Manama-mama'rev.1110 Forgo 1-SoA SuNEily Assessment lm On-Silo Sewage Disposal Paso Sof f . Commonwealth of Massachusetts Citylrown of Northampton Form 11 -Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Field Diagrams Use this sheet for field diagrams: Form 11—Sod Suilshi111y Assesmlenl for On-Site Sewage nipmal .Pap B of 8 LNpm11-E-015 Mc,rev.IMO Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Pittsfield r �. Percolation Test Ilrz Form 12 ir Permlaton test results must be submitted with the Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal.DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used,but the infomlafion must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form,check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. important as A.Site Information Men flingforms on In Patrick Melnik ........ myuer,we Orth Vq key 3Name .ma to move your 308 Chesterfield Road ar-ao mSOWt Ad]aa at tae use Cn reran Northampton MA 01060 cawTow sue 7A Code IN Eric Melle _ (413)582-7000 coma*Roma(x aimerem from Owe) 7wephone Number o•••X B.Test Results 11212011 1:56 11212011 239 Date r Data Fre ' PT3 PT4 _. ......... Observation Hole* 35' 35- Depth of Perc 1:58 2:39 _..._ Start Pre-Soak 2:11 2:52 End Pre-Soak 2:11 2:52 _. ..._..._ Time at 1T r eat g' 2:26 3:10 2:37 3:40 Tme at 6' 15 30 Time(9'E') 5 miMn 10 minor _ _— Rate(Min.11nch) Test Passed: ® Test Passed: 59 Test Failed: Test Failed: 0 Eric Melle PE e9 t J. .e Teat PerkPIPPI PPP Ed Smith NOMmaPton BOH -- wxreaea By: Comments: vercTst.Paso l a l t5brml2?oo mul Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Pittsfield ile Percolation Test 1/4i Farm 12 -€ Percolation test results must be submhted with the Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Dsfor Disposal DEP has provided this form r use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used.but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form,check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. important Poul A.Site Information whenein Mims en the Patrick Melnik mrpher.ua oma tee your Owner8hest Cursor-you 308 Chesterteltl Road '— Cursor-aonot Sone Motels o°FLO*use 01060 my- Northampton Northampton SlateMA 01 Code ErCitic Meleent (4131582-7000 I� Eric Pe Tekpnone Nwnew Contact Person M efferent from o..,xn ifriit B.Test Results • 11/21/2011 1:56 11/21/2011 2399 Dale roe Der- PT3 PT4 Observation Hole it 35" 36' Depth of Pere 1:56 2:39 _ .. Start Pre-Soak 2:11 252Ent Pre-Soak 2:11 2:52 _—._—...— ime at 12" 2:26 3:10 Time at a" 2:37 3:40 Time at 6" 15 30 _..._..._ Time(9•s) 5 min/in 10 minim Rat(Min/Inc) Test Passed: t3 Test Passed: Test Failed: ■ Test Failed: Eric Melte PE _ ti.'1 J. .a• Test Pertained as _.... Ed Smith,NONtmapton BOH Witnessed By: Comments Pert TM-Page I of I Wors12.ax•08/03