235 Conservation Commission 2018 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DONNA C.SAIlOOM,CHAIR [J }' SUZANNE SMITH.M.D. �a T�7)1 JOANNE LE\IN,M.D. MASSACHUSETTS 01060 . It ,. • OFFICE OF THE 44.7„;-„,.re euSdMr Wood,MPH.Director BOARD OF HEALTH J SndsSA ear,MPH.Health imputeHeats 212 MVN STREET Pebitle Abbott RN.Public Nurse NOR212 MPTON.MA 01060 Hasler McBride,0S4 (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 Onsite Septic System Construction Permit: Conservation Commission Review NOTE: As of 1!1!11, Septic System Permits will not be issued by the Northampton Board of Health until we receive this form signed by the Northampton Conservation Commission Staff Member. The Conservation Commission can be reached by contacting: 0 Sarah LaValley,Conservation,Preservation and Land Use Planner SLaVtllevanorthamDtonma.Rov Office of Planning&Development 210 Main Street, Rm, 11,City Hall Northampton,MA 010601Rider C nn // 1� I Property Owner: rtoSe�KrAddress: ;35 (pies /"leccJJOk1 II fROr_e-' Engineer. III steruL (I I Cors=rvatio ommission Conservation, Preservation and Land Use Planner Date: 10-4/M