428 Title 5 Application 2018 ;Ali)i � ci egl mP,o CITY of NORTHAMPTON L ' Oft PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT ���' -�' .r! Public Health Director-Merridith O'Leary attu1' in ' Municipal Building-212 Main Street--Northampton,MA 01060 Phone(413)587-1215-Fax(413)587-1221 ht(P:/H air.nonliamptonmu.eo✓245/Health Application for Witnessing Official Title 5 Inspections ((FFLee:$150.00(2 hour field);$75/hour thereafter Date: J lb- I U Site Address: tt01.6 Ct ie e-cit"' Parcel # Property Owner: J&1✓iT*--fatrislIv1k.- in-* Property Owner Address: 5/ 0 Si& -ilow✓)1V it#Y-e Sin flartaTti i£1 Telephone: tugsbi-1J05 L Com^ 0: 44(of Title 5 Inspector / • /// //'l Name of Inspector R !/ 5-/e r,-)74-i_ / License#: -VA) 7 / t/ Company Name �O REDO/.0 0C+/Q�/J Mailing Address 1 C�Liere l i / 4- ' City/State/Zip Code 1-17-7,/ Telephone: Office: 7 Cell: Please answer the following: Yes / o: T5 Inspector has most recent plans for system to be inspected at No: T5 Inspector has pump-out records Cr,: T5 Inspector has location of private water supply wells (within 150 feet of system location) Reason for Inspection, H/1oeZSP r." .54./e Date requested for Inspection: 5/4/ Time: /q ' 3O4M Return Application Ten Days Prior to Requested Inspection Date to: Northampton Board of Health 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Application Fee is Non-Refundable .,:ih,HW e�° CITY of NORTHAMPTON i,„l PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT i' _- $� 5 Public Health Director-Merridith O'Leary N•5014--'=gb Municipal Building 212 Main Street Northampton,MA 01060 Phone (413)587-1215 Fax(413)587-1221 httpillwww.northamptonma.gov/245/Health northamptonma.gov/245/Health CERTIFYING TITLE V INSPECTION Date of Inspection: S/e" tr( Time: 7 130 4 M T 1 Property Owner: ---.1 e••JN 1 -LC�_1l �"�r-; 15l, 1-0 r 'YI�C' I r�S�J Location of Title V Inspection:lL4 d-g CLe. S-- (-Cie `J Pc" Title S Inspector: i l l c i e(-JI TC. License#: Phone#: IJ9C S cr•e Me.S 5ctL l c eSco C4 3 , 9 'El a7 COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED: CC be>guCL BUILDING SEWER:0 K SEPTIC TANK: c.. P roe as s -C ai nite r "rrs ' - o - Yes No / Liquid level below the outlet/invert Yes /_ No X\ /Evidence of backup Yes_ No ><Sludge depth and thickness (Within 12 inches of outlet tee-pumping recommended) )6-BOX) , i c OO 4--y' UC �..: q.r Yes_ No X Static water level is at or higher than invert of outlet pipe Yes No Broken box,obstructed pipe,or box is uneven or settled Yes X No D-box is level and flow is equal Yes No )(Evidence of solids carryover SAS: C K Yes V No Leaching system located Yes No Portion of the SAS exposed to determine condition Yes No Evidence of breakout,ponding,or sewage backup Yes No74 Leaching //p p�it/Cesspool/'t PUMP CHAMBER: IJ / - Yes No Alarms and pumps functioning correctly Yes No Does system include a siphon CESSPOOL/PRIVY: NOTE:CESSPOOL TO BE PUMPED A PART OF INSPECTION KVA GREASE TRAP/TIGHT TANK: NOTE:TANK MUST BE PUMPED AS PART OF INSPECTION rJ /A N GROUNDWATER DETERMINATION: Methods of estimating HIGH groundwater elev do ( c�P2 G.r, IP —cto, Cs SOs f® c't,4 - Sir ni_, -r-S.,. -s S' CD.-'r4 ,�z,k5 `� Yes X No Location of bottom of leaching facility compared to the HIGH groundwater elevation corn eted? �� ,+a)r . `t�c7n�s- 1 I SSS :'rri CONDITIONALLY PASSE - - FURTHER EVALUATION NEEDED � X ci -L0 € sercL, I , L tieeJ `N� 13ee cite lie Signature of Board of Health Agent rep(�� Date , G