505 Certificate of Compliance 2011 `T i<vr:d ci Heswk-1-t� Copy FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE • No. Fee COMMONWtEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health, +n41,w„, 4Or_ , MA. • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: individual Component(s) ❑ Complete System The undersigned hereby certify :hal He Sewage Disposal System; Constructed ( Repaired ( ), Upgraded (Abandoned ( ) by: Clairy_c EX Coo/0AI vloi at: 505 Nor+� Rrws5 RoUd • has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Tide 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to application No. dated U / 10 is io /;. Approved Design FlowS?S (gpd) Installer ri, i.,--? 6 ' Designer: , / Inspector Date 23,/ /2-0I I , The issuance of this permit shall nal lie construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. 1\10.1-e.5 :F/ 1 I ' — ilniskect 3. radio) Vic+ COWtp!e+ec( a?1 -lone- of Incpec-Hon — Seph�—l-ahk sho&..tJ be puvv cd every +krce_ years anct • ^cul-lel- -(C',t-C;14shoutl1cl bar eleanecl an nutall 1y L 1 - A .,ord -P IuSL4iny powder 4a+ercrevs-t'S anal lark-ax pc cin On-F0 sys-Icln - s,_� As -Ec-,, I ! ° skPAch o ✓r, brcl< <' c sLacJ' - Oa+Ie+ F; [-Ler adc&d +0 cep-4 +ay.1c 6.40 DEF APPROVED FORM S/ I, 6J + i �-kr — — lJod vnoilnadc y - L _'-'--------------_-- _ I 1 — — xaa �a ,,}..51Q a b cnauoc)moca it U J patis (flu.0) rants) Q _ (-,d!rih"'n) wa+sAs Z OoSI oM+DIH-51 X J (-2s„ay ‘And- +no }sod }5.u) cJ b C3tb,5 + t°N oZ _ bbo % IMA i_f_40(v S�o�Cta'i s�rW 0,000) -3 pi -A 1 yP-1-S 'IT 5bVA? 3Icn1::4 0.599 - ttA Wfz,-)10 aZ