21 Certificate of Compliance 2016 Commonwealth of Massachusetts FILE COPY prow hCit /Town of NORTHAMPTON .L— ,' City/Town of Compliance . .-i-= Form 3 DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use. This is to Certify that the following work on an On-Site Sewage Disposal System Important:When ening out forms ❑ Construction of a new system on the computer, ® Repair or replacement of an existing system use only the tab ❑ Repair or replacement of an existing system component key to move your cursor-do not use the return Has been done in accordance with Title 5 and the Disposal yst Construction Permit(DSCP): key. / / // �/Ilap O DSCP Number _ _ - DSCJ 9 Ir0 SRS LLC Facility Owner Alm”Xa 21 HATFIELD ROAD Street Address or Lot#- - NORTHAMPTON _ MA 01060 CilYrTown State Zip Code Design- ornation: DO. • ` M.4 •Y _ MacLEAY ENGINEERING - .I Name of o pant 7 Dat ill-7 Si! ature p� _ -Installer Inf :tion: W.R.THA sr" - _ W.R.THAYER&SON Name , Name of Company G/fi/ _ /i—/—/ 9 Signature Date Use of this system is conditioned on compliance with the provisions set forth below: The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as ;9,rt at L �/ /// U�>< Lhw ti e� P e A proving A only i/ /7 re P /!•✓=..f•✓i Date i s vi t5torm3.doe.06/03 Certificate of Compliance•Page 1 of I • Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of NORTHAMPTON ;+ Form 9A - Application for Local Upgrade Approval tl DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use. Form 9A is to be submitted to the Local Board of Hearth for the upgrade of a failed or nonconforming septic system with a design flow of less than 10,000 gpd,where full compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1), is not feasible. System upgrades that cannot be performed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.404 and 15.405, or in full compliance with the requirements of 310 CMR 15.000,require a variance pursuant to 310 CMR 15.410 through 15.415. NOTE: Local upgrade approval shall not be granted for an upgrade proposal that includes the addition of a new design flow to a cesspool or privy, or the addition of a new design flow above the existing approved capacity of an on-site system constructed in accordance with either the 1978 Code or 310 CMR 15.000. A. Facility Information Important:When filling out forms 1. Facility Name and Address: on the computer, SRS LLC use only the tab _- - key to move your Name --- --- - - _ cursor-do not 21 HATFIELD ROAD use the return - - -- key. Street Address mQ' NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 City/Town State _. _ - — Zip Code �� 2. Owner Name and Address(if different from above): SRS LLC 9 VALLEY STREET Name Street Address -- HATFIELDMA City/Town _. State __- 01038 413-2473P4e 9-/T ZipCode Telephone Number -- - - - - - 3. Type of Facility(check all that apply): ® Residential ❑ Institutional ❑ Commercial ❑ School 4. Describe Facility: SINGLE FAMILY RESDIENCE 5. Type of Existing System: ❑ Privy ❑ Cesspool(s) ® Conventional ❑ Other(describe below): 6. Type of soil absorption system (trenches, chambers, leach field, pits, etc): UNKNOWN t5form9a•rev.7/06 FILE CO P YApplication for Local Upgrade Approval• Page 1 of 4 Lik E Lt iia A Commonwealth of Massachusetts =el City/Town of NORTHAMPTON -,_� __I Form 9A — Application for Local Upgrade Approval ` ef DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use. A. Facility Information (continued) 7. Design Flow per 310 CMR 15.203: Design flow of existing system: N/A _ _-- gptl Design flow of proposed upgraded system 330 gptl Design flow of facility: 330 gptl B. Proposed Upgrade of System 1. Proposed upgrade is (check one): ® Voluntary ❑ Required by order, letter, etc. (attach copy) ❑ Required following inspection pursuant to 310 CMR 15.301: orale of inspection -2. Describe the proposed upgrade to the system: REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING BELOW STANDARD SYSTEM WITH A MAXIMUM FEASIBLE COMPLIANT SYSTEM 3. Local Upgrade Approval is requested for(check all that apply): ❑ Reduction in setback(s)—describe reductions: ❑ Reduction in SAS area of up to 25%: sns size,sq.ft. _ reduction ® Reduction in separation between the SAS and high groundwater Separation reduction 5 FEET TO 4 FEET fl. Percolation rate —`2 min./inch Depth to groundwater 28 t5form9a•rev.7/06 Application for Local Upgrade Approval* Page 2 or4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of NORTHAMPTON Form 9A - Application for Local Upgrade A ,�( •" pproval i.c DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use. B. Proposed Upgrade of System (continued) ❑ Relocation of water supply well (explain): ❑ Reduction of 12-inch separation between inlet and outlet tees and high groundwater ❑ Use of only ane deep hole in proposed disposal area ❑ Use of a sieve analysis as a substitute for a perc test ® Other requirements of 310 CMR 15.000 that cannot be met–describe and specify sections of the Code: LACK OF FOUR FEET OF NATURALLY OCOURING PERMEABLE SOIL. 35 INCHES AVAILABLE. If the proposed upgrade involves a reduction in the required separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and the high groundwater elevation,an Approved Soil Evaluator must determine the high groundwater elevation pursuant to 310 CMR 15.405(1)(h)(1). The soil evaluator must be a member or agent of the local approving authority. High groundwater evaluation determined by: DANIEL WASIUK — Evaluator's Name(type or print) Signature — - - e 1 Date of evaluation —C. Explanation Explain why full compliance, as defined in 310 CMR 15.404(1), is not feasible. (Each section must be completed) 1. An upgraded system in full compliance with 310 CMR 15.000 is not feasible: LACK OF AREA WITH MINIMUM DEPTH OF PERMEABLE SOIL 2. An alternative system approved pursuant to 310 CMR 15.283 to 15.288 is not feasible: ELGIN MANTIS ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM BEING USED i5fonn9a•rev.7/06 — — Application for Local Upgrade Approval, Page 3 of 4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts =._-- City/Town of NORTHAMPTON . i _=