32A-153 170825 30 STRONG PERMIT SET 2017EXISTING WOOD 101 VINYL F.A. VISUAL DEVICE THERMOSTAT 28'-6" 28'-6"5'-0"5'-2"16'-5"6'-8" 9'-0" 1'-6" 1'-4" 6'-4" 6'-6" 8'-8"27'-0"3'-6" 28'-6"11'-5"5'-7"4'-7" 8'-7"6'-7"7'-7"4'-6"3'-0"200 AMP ELEC. PANEL SLOPED TILE FLOOR 2'-9"2'-6"2'-4"3'-0"2'-4 1/2" F.A.PULL STATION 100 B102 B101 FURNACE F.A. VISUAL DEVICE EXIT SIGN EMERGENCY LIGHTS EMERGENCY LIGHTS STAIR DOWN STAIR UP F.A. VISUAL DEVICE KEYPAD 101 F.A. VISUAL DEVICE THERMOSTAT EXISTING 200 AMP ELEC. PANEL F.A.PULL STATION 100 EXISTING FURNACE F.A. VISUAL DEVICE EMERGENCY LIGHTS EMERGENCY LIGHTS STAIR DOWN STAIR UP KEYPAD 28'-6" 9'-8"10'-4"10'-4"4'-0"3'-10"6'-4"EXIT SIGN F.A. VISUAL DEVICE6'-6"7'-6"1'-6" EXISTING WOOD 105 104 VINYL EXISTING WOOD SHOWER HEAD FLOOR DRAIN 6'-0"4" CURB5'-0"1'-0"36x80"36x80"36x80" B102 B101 28'-6"28'-6"6'-0"14'-1 1/2" B104 36x80"2'-6" 12'-0" 36x80"12'-0"36x80" VINYL WOOD CONCRETE TILE WOOD WOODTILECONCRETE WOODNEW FLOORING80 GALLON ELECTRIC DHW TANK SEWAGE PUMP WASHER/DRYER UTILITY SINK EXIT EXIT F.A. VISUAL DEVICE F.A. VISUAL DEVICE B103 = NEW WALLS5'-2"27'-0"FURNITURE BY OWNER FURNITURE BY OWNER FURNITURE BY OWNER SCHLUTER SHOWER SYSTEM INSTALLED IN WET AREA F.A. VISUAL DEVICE F.A. VISUAL DEVICE NEW FLOORING 7'-8 1/2" PROJECT ADDRESS: 30 STRONG AVENUE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 PARCEL ID: 32A-153-030 OWNER: YUTING HUANG ARCHITECT: Maria Chao/CHAOdesigns 128 Snell Street Amherst, MA 01002 PH: 413.461.6448 chao.maria@gmail.com PROJECT INFORMATION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS GRAPHIC SYMBOLS 1. Contractors shall verify all dimensions and take own measurements at the job site before commencing any work. Advise architect of any errors or discrepancies. 2. Work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local codes. 3. Contractors shall coordinate all work with other trades and installation of all equipment items or assemblies prior to commencing work. Notify architect of any errors, disprepencies or conflicts prior to continuing. 4. Do not scale drawings if dimensions are in question. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining clarification from architect before continuing with construction. 5. All contractors are to use complete sets of construction documents for bidding coordination and construction. Subcontractors are not to assume that complete scope of work is illustrated in individual trade drawings under any circumstances. 6. Contractor shall consult and obtain permission from utility owners prior to commencement of work and cooperate with owner and utility company in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of utilities, secure approval of connections to existing utilities from appropriate utility company and local authorities prior to covering. CODES AND REGULATIONS: · 2009 International Existing Building Code as modified by the Massachusetts Amendments · 780 CMR 34 · Massachusetts Architectural Access Board Regulations - 521 CMR PROJECT DESCRIPTION CODE REVIEW SUMMARY: Existing space is on first floor of Property at 30 Strong Ave. Northampton, MA. Area of work square footage: First floor: 762 sqft, Basement: 770 sqft · There are no structural changes, no exterior changes, no change in Occupancy nor changes in egress in scope of work. · Existing egress door to street has emergency lighting and exit sign located on plans. · Fire alarm system is brought up to code as well as power and lighting systems, as required by code. · Existing 200 amp panel is to remain. · Domestic hot water has been upgraded to 80 gallon heat pump hot water tank and existing furnace is to remain. · New plumbing fixtures are noted on plans and a new sewer pump in basement will connect to the existing sewer line. · New HVAC work is shown on plans and includes some ductwork rerouting. · Area of work is fully sprinklered. · No work is affecting other existing building systems. Proposed alterations in the area of work are the conversion of existing interior space to a Massage Therapy Spa consisting of (4) private rooms and one unisex ADA bathroom along with the related electrical, plumbing and HVAC upgrades. Group B Occupancy, Max. Occupancy: 15 people (See Occupancy Diagrams) DRAWING NOTES FIRST FLOOR: BUSINESS USE GROUP: 751 SQFT, 8 PEOPLE BASEMENT LEVEL: BUSINESS USE GROUP: 644 SQFT, 6 PEOPLE STORAGE USE GROUP: 125 SQFT 1 PERSON STRONG AVENUE #30 #32,36 OCCUPANCY DIAGRAMS 9'-8" 2X2' ACT CEILING6" DEEPACT SOFFIT6" DEEP ACT SOFFIT SLOPED ACT CEILING 10'-0" ACT CEILING 10'-0" ACT CEILING SLOPED GYPBOARDCEILINGSLOPED GYPBOARDCEILING6'-9" 2X2' ACT CEILING 7'-7" 2X2' ACT CEILING 9'-8" ACT CEILING6" DEEPACT SOFFIT6" DEEP ACT SOFFIT SLOPED ACT CEILING 10'-0" ACT CEILING 10'-0" ACT CEILING SLOPED GYPBOARDCEILINGSLOPED GYPBOARDCEILING6'-9" ACT CEILING 7'-7" ACT CEILING SLOPED ACT CEILING SLOPED ACT CEILING 6" DEEP ACT SOFFIT 6" DEEP ACT SOFFIT 9'-8" ACT CEILING 9'-8" ACT CEILING 9'-8" ACT USE HUMIDITY AND SAG RESISTANT ACT IN SHOWER AREA EXISTING EXTERIOR LIGHTS 6'-9" ACT SOFFIT 7'-7" ACT CEILING 7'-7" ACT CEILING = NEW WALLS LOCATION OF DEDICATED OUTLET TO BE DETERMINED CONCRETE DECK ABOVE 6'-9" ACT SOFFIT CONCRETE DECK ABOVE EXIT SIGN EXIT SIGN PERMIT SETEXISTING + PROPOSED FLOOR, ELECTRIC AND1/4" = 1'-0"A1.0rev: date:sheet:scale:AUGUST 25, 2017 CHAO DESIGNS 128 SNELL STREET, AMHERST, MA 01002EMAIL: chao.maria@gmail.com CELL: 413.461.644830 STRONG AVENUE , NORTHAMPTON, MArev:scale:sheet:date: PREP FLOOR AREA FOR NEW FLOORING AT BATHROOM AND SHOWER AREA RELOCATE EXISTING ELECTRIC/TELEPHONE LINES TO NEW LOCATION IN PLAN. 1 2 3 5 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL SEAL ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT THE TRANSMISSION OF MATERIALS GENERATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ADJACENT SPACES. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPERLY DISPOSE OFF-SITE OF ALL MATERIALS REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION. AT EXISTING SURFACES SCHEDULED TO REMAIN, WHICH HAVE BEEN DAMAGED BY DEMOLITION, CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR TO MATCH ADJACENT SURFACES. NEW FINISHES TO MATCH EXISTING EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. REMOVE EXISTING DOOR, FRAME AND TRIM EXISTING OVER HEAD SMOKE DETECTORS TO REMAIN, UPDATE AREAS AS REQUIRED BY CODE EXISTING PLUMBING LINES TO BE RELOCATED, REMOVE EXISTING PLUMBING FIXTURES 6 7 EXST. ELECTRICAL PANEL AND FURNACE TO REMAIN. 8 9 PREP EXISTING WALLS FOR NEW PAINT 10 4 RELOCATE EXISTING SUPPLY DUCTS AND REGISTERS TO NEW LOCATIONS IN PLAN. DEMO PARTITIONS AND WALL PANELING IN THIS LOCATION (INDICATED WITH DASHED LINES) RELOCATE EXISTING RETURN DUCT IN BASEMENT AND PROVIDE GRILLES TO NEW LOCATIONS IN PLAN. 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 3 6 6 10 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 PROJECT NORTH REFLECTED CEILING PLANS