Northampton GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc. Preliminary Hydropower EvaluationOne Edgewater Drive
781- 278 -3700
FAX 781 -278 -57(11
htt J= i71ti`tNW a.c.1102
:aeofimvironntentril., Inc,
September 22, 2009
File No. 19547.10
Mr. James R. Laurila, P.E,
City of Northampton
Department of Public Works
125 Locust Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
Re: Preliminary Hydropower Evaluation
Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir .Darn
Northampton, MA
Dear Mr. Laurila:
Engineers and
In accordance with your request GZA CieoEnvirontwmtal Inc. (GZA). of Norwood,
Massachusetts has completed our preliminary hydropower resource assessment for the
Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir, located in Northampton, Massachusetts.. The purpose of
our efforts .was to provide' you with a preliminary assessment of the potential for
hydropower generation. at Upper .Roberts Meadow .Reservoir Darn. As part of this
assessment GZA developed estimates of the theoretical hydropower generation capacity
and annual energy production potential based on typical available flows and available head
at the dam. GZA also grossly estimated conceptual development costs and calculated the
simple payback period for the project based on assumed energy values. This letter report is
subject to the limitations included in Appendix A.
Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir Dam is situated on Roberts Meadow Brook in the Leeds
section of Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts..Thc dam is situated off Chesterfield
Road, The darn's impoundment is referred to as Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir. The clam
was originally constructed as part of the City's water supply system. but no longer is relied on as a
water supply reservoir and serves as part of the backup water supply system. The Elam is an
earthen embankment with a stone masonry spillway. The dam has a height of about 35 ft and a
length of about 125 ft. An approximately 65 -ft -long stone block masonry broad crested spillway
is located near the dam's lett abutment, The spillway is arch shaped, and. a 27 -ft long portion of
the spillway near its left abutment is notched, about 6 inches lower than the remainder. The
contributing drainage area at the dam is approximately 9 square miles. A site locus is included as
.figure 1.
Copyright`'' 2009 GZA. GeoEn.vironmental, Inc.
City of Northampton GZA File No, 19547.10
Preliminary Hydropower Evaluation September 22, -2009
GZA is familiar with the dam from our work on the 2006 Phase I Inspection and 2007
Phase II Inspection and Preliminary Dam Removal Design and Permitting. GZA estimated
the power generation capacity and the average annual energy as part of our alternative
when considering whether to repair or remove the dam. The average annual energy is an
estimate of the amount of energy that could be generated in a year by the project assuming
average hydrologic conditions. We then investigated the approximate costs involved with
the design and installation of hydropower generation equipment and estimated the simple
payback period, Payback periods were calculated for electricity at wholesale value (i.e.
sold to the grid) since the city does not have the need for power at the dam site.
Hydropower Hydrology alien Hydraulics
Although the Upper Meadow .Dam has a surface area of approximately 4 acres and
a storage capacity of approximately 6.6 million gallons, a potential hydropower project at
the site would need to be operated as a nn -of -the river project (i.e. flow into the
impoundment equals flow out without significant water level fluctuation). It is unlikely
that operation as a peaking project (i.e. utilizing the storage in the impoundment to store
water and generate electricity at times when electricity rates are high) would be granted
approval by perthitting authorities.
GZA. developed a tl.ow duration curve for the site based on flow records collected by the
l.7SGS. for Station Number 0II71500, Mill River near Northampton, MA. The USES
gaging station is located approximately 6 miles away. GZA utilized a drainage area ratio to
estimate flows at the Upper Roberts Meadow Dann. GZA estimated that the median (50
percent excccdence) flow is approximately 10 cfs and that the 25 percent duration
exceedence flow is approximately 20 cfs. A copy of the flow duration curve is included as
Figure 2. Because hydropower turbines are typically sized for approximately the 25
percent. duration flow the maximum design flow was taken to be 20 cfs. Note that a
conservation flow has not been assumed. Requirements for a conservation flow would
results in a decreased maximum design flow.
Power and Energy Estimates
The amount of power that can be produced is controlled by the net head available, the flow
available to spin the turbine, and the overall efficiency of the hydropower system. Based
on our observations of site conditions, the available hydraulic head is approximately 24
feet. The maximum design flow was taken to be 20 cfs.
Based on the flow and head available for the project, a 'ross:flow or a Kaplan type turbine
may be an appropriate choice. GZA assumed. efficiencies based on efficiency curves
Power (kW)
Energy (tiiWhrI
Value of Energy
Value of RECS
Annual Value of Energy
Cost to Design and Construct
750,000 to 1,000,000
Simple Payback Period mars`
-55 to 77
City of Northampton. GZA File No. 19547.10
Preliminar Iivdr ower Evaluation September 22, 2009
provided by manufacturers for projects of similar size. GZA estimated a maximum power
output of 30 kW and an annual energy production of 130 MWh.
.Project Costs and Payback Period
GZA developed gross preliminary conceptual estimates for the costs involved with the
design and .installation of hydropower generation equipment. Preliminary conceptual
estimates indicate that it will cost. between approximately $750,000 and $1,000,000 to
.design, permit and build the proposed hydropower project at Upper Roberts. Costs will be
impacted by the distance to the utility tie -in to the electric grid, necessary licensing and
permitting efforts, actual equipment costs, and other factors. No costs for environmental
mitigations (such as a fish ladder) have been. assumed. Costs to develop the project have
been assumed to benefit from significant `synergy in constructing the project at the same
tirne as repairs to the dam. The cost to repair the dam ($1.8 million) is assumed to be
independent o'fthe cost to develop the hydropower project and is therefore not included in
the payback estimate,
GZA evaluated the value of the energy produced on an annual basis. Because the location
of the dam is remote (i.e. there is no end -user for the electricity) at the site, we evaluated
the scenario where the electricity is sold to the grid and thus the City would receive
wholesale value (approximately $0.06/ kWh) for the electricity. We have also assumed
that the project will be considered to meet the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Portfolio
Standard and that Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) will be worth $0.04 /kWh. Note that
in this analysis, GZA has not attempted to account to for the future value of money,
interest variable electricity costs, or tax incentives, The following table summarizes the
annual value of energy produced for wholesale values.
Tablet. Annual Value of Eller Produced
The most recent hydropower solicitation from the Renewal Energy Trust (RET- formerly
known as the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative) was announced in September
City of Northampton GZA File No. 19547.10
Preliminary Hydropower Evaluation September 22, 2009
2009, The solicitation requires that all projects must "result in an increase in energy
generation by at least 200,000 kWh/year, on average, as compared to historical levels."
The solicitation also requires that the project: 1) have a FERC license or exemption, 2)
have a FERC RC order indicating the facility is non jurisdictional to FERC, 3) or be eligible
for a conduit exemption. Based on our estimate of annual energy potential and the fact the
project does not meet the FERC status requirements, a hydroelectric project at the Upper
Roberts Meadow Dam would not be eligible for a traditional grant from the R.ET through
this solicitation.
Discussion of Project Feasibility
Based on a design flow of 20 cfs and a head of 24 feet, the maximum power output for a
hydropower project at the Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir Dam would be approximately 30
kW. During periods of lower flows (i.c. say 20 percent of the design flow), a minimum of 6
kW could be generated and during months of lowest flows (Le. August and September)
generation would likely cease. An annual energy production of approximately 130 IVMWhr
would be expected from a project at the site. This is enough energy to meet the needs of
approximately 30 homes.
Since there is not an existing FERC licensed or exempt hydropower project at the dam, the
project would likely need to go through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) process to obtain a license. GZA anticipates that the FERC license process could
take more than 5 years at a cost of more than $100,000 to secure the license required for a
hydropower project at this location.
Typically, small hydropower systems are more cost effective if there is a direct end user
near the hydropower plant. The City does not have any power demands in the vicinity of
the dam. If hydropower was installed, the generated power would need to be put back into
the power grid. Power put back into the grid is only worth about 1/3 the value of the power
if it were used on -site. Given the location of the dam, new transmission lines would need
to be provided to get the power from the dam into the grid. This also adds cost to the
project which consequently makes the option even less financially viable. C:1ZA
preliminarily estimated a project payback time on the order of 58-77 years (excluding the
cost of the new transmission lines). It is unlikely that a payback time of this duration
would be considered acceptable to justify development of this project (from an economic
In addition, to install a small hydropower system, the darn would need to be rehabilitated to
bring the dam into compliance with the dam safety regulations. Rehabilitation of the dam
is approaching 2 million dollars.
City of Northampton GZA File No. 19547.10
Preliminary Hydropower Evaluation September 22, 2009
Based on GZA' s preliminary feasibility evaluation of the potential hydroelectric generation at
the Upper Roberts Reservoir we have the following conclusions.
O The potential maximum power at the darn is approximately 30 kW and the potential
annual energy is approximately 1 .30 M.Wh- ,enough energy to power 30 hottes.
Q The City does not have any power demands at or near the darn site,. therefore the
energy would need to be sold to the grid at wholesale cost (approximately 1/3 of retail
The energy will have an annual value of approximately $13,000 (including income
from the sale of REC:.$).
it will cost approximately 8750,000 to $1,000,000 to develop the project.
The project will have a payback period of approximately 58 -77 years.
Based on this preliminary analysis, the. assumed utilized current energy values, and CiZA's
understanding of the goals of the City in developing alternative energy projects, we do not
believe that the Upper Roberts Reservoir Dam is a viable hydroelectric project site.
We trust that the information. contained in this letter meets your needs at this time. Please call
Chad Cox (781-278-5787) with any questions that you may have.
Very tartly yours,
Kristin Ekholm, P.L.
Wat k Resources Engineer
1 1/
tp t /1/
/lad. W. Cox, P.E.
Appendix A: .Limitations
M A. Taylor, P.E.
Consultant/ Reviewer
\19,000.20 999119547`.19547- I0.MATHydro Evaluation\ Preliminary _Hydro_Leitcr- 9- 14.09.DOC
Alternative Energy Systems Developer and Integrator
To: Friends of the Upper Reservoir Dam
Re: Evaluation of Hydropower for the Upper Roberts Dam
Dear Dee John,
After looking over the information forwarded to me from GZA and per phone conversations concerning the Upper
Roberts Reservoir dam, we believe that a hydroelectric plant would be feasible. After reviewing the data, the
preliminary figures indicate that with minimal disruption to the historic dam site, a 50 -100 KW Kaplan style
turbine generator could be installed. A feasibility study would have to be completed to determine the exact size
hydro system to set in place. This would require a site visit to gather information on the site and surrounding
This type of power plant could supply power for approximately 40 to 80 homes for one (1) year* and power over
produced will be Net Metered to the grid. This over production will in essence pay for repairs and maintenance
of the dam site.
I have also sent along with this findings letter the following...
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission brochure for small hydroelectric systems
D R Energy Services affiliations list
Also, I will be available to take your call if you require additional information in your meeting.
Robert Craig
Senior Engineer
D R Energy Services, Inc.
Alternative Energy Systems Developer and Integrator
Office: (810) 229 -2390
Cell: (810) 422 -3275
Average annual household electrical usage in the United States is 10,000 KW, based on 2007 statistics from the
U.S. Department of Energy.
PO Box 1013 Brighton, MI 48116 Phone: (810) 229 -2390 (877) 766 -0664