32A-172 Fire Alarm Proposal IRS 2012-11-01..,....
Industrial Residential Security Co.
396 Main Street
EasthamptoD, MA 01027
Fire Alann Narrative:
Location: 11 -15 Bridge Street
Northampton MA 01060
Building: USllge Group B and R-l,multi story Commercial building with 2nd f1 &
3td Floor Apt's. .
Installing Company: Industrial Residential Security Co.
396 main street
EflSthampton MA 01027
Fire Alarm System:
The Fire Alann System is a Silent Knight 5208 anolog rontrol. The SK bas 10
zones which are class A or B. The Notification Loop is class A or class B. The Silent
Knight Annuciator is LCD with all functions enabled (Key in Kno~box to enable
operation). The procedure to reset and or silence the alarm, is to push the silence and or
reset button then push in the code (1111).
Fire Alann Monitoring:
The Fire Alarm System will be monitored at C.O.P.8. Monitoring in NJ. Irsoo sball
program all alarms, troubles and supervisory. It shall dial tbm the built in digital dialer to
the central Station. Proper notifications to the Fire Dept. and responsible parties shall be
made upon receiving the signals.
Fire Alann Equipment:
1 Silent Knight 5208 analog 10 zone control
1 Silent knight 5235 LCD annuciator
1 Outdoor red beacon
I Outdoor Knox box
4 Duct smokes with remote:reset plates
4 Sprinkler valve tie in's
--;.-~~ ...,.;
Common Area;
5 2nd floor smokes
5 2nd floor unit heats
5 2nd floor unit horns
5 3rd floor unit horns
5 2nd floor common hall I stairway smokes
3 2nd floor common halJl stairway hom strobes
31stfloor common smokes
21stfloor common. pull stations
2 . 1 sf floor oommon hom strobes
31stfloor oonnnon bathroom strobes
2 Basement common hall smokes
1 Basement common hall pull station
1 Basement conunon hall hom strobe
3 Basement common bathroom strobes
Units; A-B-C
12 Smokes 1 st floor and basement
4 Pulls stations 1 st floor
7 Hom strobes 1 st floor and basement
3 Strobes in bathrooms
Unit: E ..
4 Smokes
3 Hom strobes
1 Pull station
Un.it: D
6 Smokes
3 Hom strobes
1 Strobe in batbtoom
1 Pull station