31A-034 7 Franklin St Addiition-FindingArchitects, Inc. 196 Pleasant Street, Suite 202 Northampton, MA 01060 413-585-0641 http://www.tdouglasarchitects.com REGISTERED ARCHITECT, COMMONWEALTH OFMASSACHUSETTS This drawing is not intended nor shall it be used for construction purposes unless the Signed professional seal of a registered architect employed by Thomas Douglas Architects is affixed in the space below. The Architect shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright. THOMAS DOUGLAS Rev Date Description Project Title STEIN HOUSE 7 Franklin Street Northampton, MA Parcel ID 31A-034-001 Issue Date: Drawn By: Checked By: Project ID: Drawing No. Project North Sheet Title Scale: JUNE 1, 2018 TD ABC 18-000 AS NOTED 6/22/18 PROPOSED SITE PLAN A-10040'-0"40'-0"82'-1 1/4" 124'-7 3/4"55'-0"117'-9 7/8"14'-4 5/8"88'-9 1/4" 10,0352'-7 1/4"2'-7 1/4"31'-2" THE LINE OF THE PROPOSED ADDITON IS PARALLEL TO THE LINE OF THE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED NEW 1 STORY ADDITION 7 FRANKLIN STREET EXISTING 2-STORY SINGLE FAMILY HOME EXISTING 1-STORY PORCH EXISTING 1-STORY GARAGEFRANKLIN STREETREMOVE EXISTING 1-STORY PORCH THIS IS ISSUED TO CLARIFY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PROPERTY LINE AND THE PROPOSED ADDITION. WE ARE EXTENDING THE NONCONFORMING CONDITIONS - (2'-4 1/4" DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINE) -BUT WE ARE NOT INCREASING THE NON CONFORMING NATURE OF THE PROPERTY