24C-197 14-149 7 Adare Pl Northampton Energy Efficiency Plan 2014-09-09
Project Address: 7 Adare Pl, Northampton MA
Conditioned Floor Area 2882 ft2
Volume 44077 ft3
Building Type Single family detached
Bedrooms 4
1. Assumptions for Preliminary Home Energy Rating
CET has completed a Preliminary Home Energy Rating with the following assumptions:
a) The construction plans you have provided are accurate, including window dimensions and locations.
b) Energy features not listed below in part c will meet the prescriptive requirements of the IECC 2009.
c) The home will be built to incorporate the following energy features:
Building Envelope Specifications Used in Analysis
Foundation Walls R-22 Insulated Concrete Forms, Grade I
Slab Floor No insulation at edge 3” EPS (R-12) insulation underneath radiant slab
Exterior Walls R-22 Insulated Concrete Forms, Grade I
Windows U-value = 0.19 SHGC = 0.24
Glass Doors U-value = 0.31 SHGC = 0.29
Sloped Ceilings 12” Structural Insulated Panels (R-45) Grade I
Flat Ceilings R-30 Fiberglass Batts Grade II
Skylights U-value = 0.36 SHGC = 0.45
Blower Door Test* 2.0 ACH50 or better*
Thermal Enclosure Checklist Meet all Checklist Requirements as verified by a HERS rater at pre-
drywall and final inspection
* The 2009 IECC requires a blower door test result of 7 ACH50 or lower. The number listed here requires significant improvements in air sealing beyond the base energy code.
Mechanical Systems Specifications Used in Analysis
Heating Equipment Natural Gas boiler 90% AFUE
Cooling Equipment Central Air Conditioning 13 SEER
Ductwork 100% inside the conditioned envelope
Water Heating Equipment Natural Gas On Demand 0.82 EF
Whole House Ventilation Heat Recovery Ventilator
67-80 CFM, 70% sensible recovery efficiency, 50 watts
Lighting & Appliances Specifications Used in Analysis
Lighting 80% CFL, LED, or pin-based fluorescent
Refrigerator ENERGY STAR rated
Dishwasher ENERGY STAR rated
Page 2 of 2 ~ Please send signed form to the Center for EcoTechnology
Tel (413) 586-7350 ext.242 ~ Fax (413) 586-7351 ~ greenhome@cetonline.org
2. Preliminary Home Energy Rating Results
Based on the assumptions described above, we have calculated the following Preliminary Home Energy Rating results.
Preliminary HERS Index: 50
Preliminary Improvement Over 2014 Mass. Reference Home v2: 44.6% - Tier II*
Note that Confirmed Home Energy Rating results may vary from the Preliminary Home Energy Rating results due to changes in building plans, energy features installed in the home, RESNET standards, software changes, and other
3. Services Requested
CET will provide a Confirmed Home Energy Rating for the purpose(s) indicated below. CET will charge fees for these activities based on your Home Energy Rating Services Agreement.
• Stretch Energy Code
• Incentives for the Mass Save Residential New Construction program – Tier II*
* = Mass Save Residential New Construction requirements and incentive amounts can change at any time without notice at the discretion of program sponsors. We anticipate, but do not guarantee, that current program requirements
and incentive amounts will apply to this project as long as it is completed and inspected by November 30, 2015.
As part of these services, CET will verify that your home meets all the requirements of these programs.
Preliminary Rater: Mark Newey
Date: 9/9/14
Job #: 14-149
I have reviewed and understand this Energy Efficiency Plan. I have reviewed the assumptions in part 1 and confirm that the assumptions are correct.
Signature: Date:
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