N'ton High School codeCode Review Thomas Douglas Architects Inc
NCTV, Northampton High School 196 Pleasant St.
Northampton, MA
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CODE REVIEW March 31, 2014
Northampton High School
Northampton Cable TV Studio
Northampton, MA
Applicable Building Code: MA 780 CMR Eighth Addition
IBC, IEBC International EXISTING Building Code, 2009
• Install a new door lockset in 1 existing exit door
Use group:
Northampton High School: E
Door # 3 in the attached plan is currently one of two exit doors in the space labeled
“Reception Rm”.
The school proposes to remove the existing lever handle and install new hardware that
would require keyed access from both sides of the door. This is an effort to limit public
access from the NCTV area into the High School area.
This “Reception Rm” appears to have an occupancy capacity of not more than 25
IBC code Section 1015, Exit and Exit Access Doorways allows a space to have only one
exit if it has a B or E use occupancy of less than 49 people.
Therefore, since the Reception Rm. Space has an occupancy lower than 49 people it
should be allowed to have only 1 exit. This exit also discharges directly to the exterior at
the level of exit discharge, complying with section 1021 allowing 1 exit.
Changing the door hardware should not alter the accessibility of the space, since
handicapped accessibility would still be allowed by NCTV staff (and High School staff)
through the keyed door.
End of Document