NHS_BBT_Field Report_1_2012-09-06M:\12040 - NHS Black Box Theater\NHS_BBT_Field Report_1_2012-09-07.docx Page 1 of 1 TIME: 5:45pm WEATHER: 80’s, Sunny PRESENT: Steve Zucchino, General Contractor In accordance with 780 CMR116.0, I have completed field visits and observed the following work: OBSERVATIONS: 1. Lighting pipe and anchors have been installed at the ceiling. Electrical outlets have been installed on the soffit. 2. Seating platforms have been completed. Permanent chairs are being anchored to the platforms. The end railing and reflective warning strips remain to be done. 3. Shelving has been installed and secured to the floor and walls. 4. Panic hardware remains to be purchased and installed. 5. Walls and ceilings have been painted. 6. Laminate flooring is nearly complete. “Keep Clear” marking remains to be completed at back stage area. 7. Additional Exit light has been installed. 8. Stage curtain has not been hung. Northampton High School to provide narrative on Egress Procedure. Aelan B. Tierney, AIA, LEED AP Kuhn Riddle Architects TO Louis Hasbrouck, Northampton Building Commissioner DATE : SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 Puchalski Municipal Building 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 PROJECT: NORTHAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL BLACK BOX THEATER cc: Steve Zucchino, Stephen Eldridge, Bruce Lathrop PROJECT NO.12040 SUBJECT: PROGRESS FIELD REPORT #1