gfn_shed_slabNOTES: 12'X16'SWb-oi 4W0 PSI amete with anbaf0.tl wire grin. 6irrA pound slab wiN 12 inch Permtter hal Sbb M apGocimtte MyM1[of surmunaing Plane. Wmpal fill beneath gab -di to be determined by all conditions. Unsuitable mesial encouncerN during .lavation will be ranwen and rePWn 1 wiN suitable 5tiuctural fill. PIDtl GUGerrmcenmrks Gran Fm] Northampton Garan SM1M Hank SUvix Ppprwimah loeaa w -# 0 CSLli Eke 140 mack" Spee[ #1 St #IRrWes Florence,M4 DIM4CRoaa LecereW MA 03054 CUWray ne MNYs[ deranon M1anksilcer@ryambemrorks.mm Sbb onyraae NOTES: 12'X16'SWb-oi 4W0 PSI amete with anbaf0.tl wire grin. 6irrA pound slab wiN 12 inch Permtter hal Sbb M apGocimtte MyM1[of surmunaing Plane. Wmpal fill beneath gab -di to be determined by all conditions. Unsuitable mesial encouncerN during .lavation will be ranwen and rePWn 1 wiN suitable 5tiuctural fill.