23A-126 (4) 30 MIDDLE ST BP-2019-0683 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS M&Block:23A- 126 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:INSULATION BUILDING PERMIT Ega] t# BP-2019-0683 Proimt-# JS-2019-001115 Est.Cost: $4000.00 e: 5.Q0 PERMISSIONIS HEREBY GRANTED TO. Q At.Class_ Contractor: License: s r 0: PAUL. SCHMIDT 103635 Lot Size(sa.ft.): 15463.$0 Owner: DEQQU EM zoning:(IIW(100)/ Applicant: PAUL §g H M I QT AT., 30 MIDDLg ST Xgcant Address: Phone: Insurance: 24 CHESTNUT ST (413) 247-5739 WC HATFIELDMA01038 ISSUED ON:12/10/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-INSULATE ATTIC, AIR SEALING AS NEEDED POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: I&ARAilment Fireplace//Chimney: Rough: 7: Insulation: Final; oke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signage: FeeTyne: Date Paid: Amount: Building 12/10/2018 0:00:00 $65.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587.1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner ::j7NSU61gr10A1 City of Northampton Building L3 #rnent 212 Main Street Room 100 t Northampton, MA 01060 phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,AL R, "-46&OLISh A ONE OR TWO FAWLY DWELLING SECTION 1-SITE lNF*fttAAT4ON DEC 6 018 1.1 Prtar adv Vis: . ��� �� NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ..�.�.r C 1 0 Ln zow 611111s OL WAAPW SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWVERSWPIAUTHOR2ED AGENT 21 QWpgr of R gr6, J ` 1 vr� �► e Name(Print) Current Mla&V Address: Telephone f `� Signature 4" M4 Name Current 0siting Address: gnature Teiehone Item Estim =Cowst(Dollars)to be Of ti Use Ot taorrtrmit icant 1. Building 7 C"o (a)Iui P"44 Fft 2. Electrical (b)Es#imsked Tod CoM of 3 Plumbing Suilldit Pwrnk Fee 4 Mechanical(HVAC) 5, Fire Protection 5. Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) Cl"Nut 7 Building Permit Number D&* Issued: Signature: EMAIL ADDRESS(REEK) ECO; EITHER HOMEOWNER OR CONTRACTOR) Section 4. ZONING Alt nsformation Mst Be cotmteted. Permit Can Be DenW Duero twe tnfwmtian Egg Proposw Rapbld by zonmg 7bir oaiurms to be MW in by DWI&V Depousaw Lot Size _... . Fina ..._... ._.. .... ... ___ ...... . _ __.. _ Sys _.... . _._... L_......__. lt:-- L:_ ....... R:. ............... Building Height Bldg.Sguam Footage ala Cwt Speoa Fookage % (144 area mum bldg&paved #of _ .. Fill: . t &z _.... . .. _.._ A. Has a Special Permit/Varianceff been issued for/on the site NO 0 DOWr KNOW YES 0 IF YES,date issued:: IF YE'S: Was the permit recorded at the Iiiry of Deeds? NO 0 Down KNOW YES If YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO 0 DOPff KNOW YES �} IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commissim? Needs to be obtakwd t"N ObtaUwd 0 DaW iswsel _.. C. Do any s4m exist on the property? YES { NO " IF YES,describe size,type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of s*ns Intended for the property? YES 0 NO ' IF YES, describe size,type and location: E. VISI ft own4ruallon air dWArbC or )am 1 acre or Is It par'!of a=nmon van tM&will+#MA over 1 acre's YES NO IF YES,#on a Nortwmpton Storm Water AiMarsoement Pormit from DPW is nxpjWW, SECTioN 5- New House ❑ Addition ❑ Repleceawnt Windows I Alterationisj ❑ RoofitV ❑ I (ir Doors D Accessory Bldg, ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [01 Decks (Q Sidirtp(! O= .. p� Brief Des ri tion of Proposed „ S� F , / " a c ter ' - c��, tl oe Work: ! S Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes Plans Attached Roll -Shut a. Use of building: One Family Two Family _ _ Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c Is there a garage attached? r i d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? � f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. _Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? E h. Type of construction I. is construction within 100 ft.of wet[ ds? Yes No. is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No Depth of basement or cellar below finished grade i I k. Will building conform to wilding and Zoning regulations? Yes�No. 1 Septic Tank �ity Sewer Private well City water Supply i SECTii?N 7a-OWNER "-T Tf G LET�tIN OWNERS�� T i 1, as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize iz, 1 to act on my behalf,In all matters relative to work at prized by this building permit application. j Swriature of OVWW Date as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that ft stats and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,t$the best of my knowledge and belief. i Sign under the pains and penalties of perjury. Print Name /c;l g' I Sig e of Date SECTION 8-CONMUCT i-SERMES 8.1 Liceand Conabuwtkm / Not Applicable Nance of License Holder: C�� Z!2,,,3-&-. License Num be1.2c Adores Expiration Dite e- S ature Telephone i Not Applicable C-om2gov Na Registration4mbar e) , 7 Address Expiration Date '� "5X Tele � e SECTION 10-WORKERV COWENli$ATIOM FRANCE AFFM T OA.G.L,c.1&2,*25CM Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit ust be completed and submitted with this application,Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the buildl rmit. signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... No.,.... 0 j City of Northampton Massachusetts DEVARTINAWT OF BUIT*DrNG XXSPZC7r0KS 212 Main street *Municipal building NarthwWton, M 01060 Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of IVIGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A, The debris from construction work being performed at: (Please print house number and street name) Is to be disposed of at: C-U nc (Please print name and location facil r Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: ry\A C) D 44 f(Company Name and Address) g1nature of F1~App#caW or Owner Date If, for any reason, the de"will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. City of Northampton 212 Main Street * Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01060 massachus*tts DWAR7T OF BUXZDXNG XNSPACTZONS AW AFFIDAVIT Home Improvement Contractor Law Supplement to Permit Application The Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation("OCABR")regulates the registration of contractors and subcontractors performing improvements or renovations on detached one to four family homes.Prior to performing work,on such homes,a contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor("HIC"). M.G.L.Chapter 142A requires that the"reconstruction, alteration,renovation,repair, modernization, conversion, improvement,removal,demofton, or construction of an addition to any pre-existing owner-occupied bu#&V containing at least one but not more than four dwaffing units-.or to structures which are adjacent to such residence or building"be done by reskiih"yd contractors. Note:If the homeowner has contracted with a corporation or LLC,that entity mast be registervit Typeof .................... ....................... Est. Address of Work. rf-UA -(:L� Date of Permit Application:—— ------- I hereby certify that: Registration is not required for the following reason(s): Work excluded by law(explainj:__......... Job under 51,000.00 Owner obtairting own permit(explain):...... -—----- -.-Building not owner-occupied ­­Other(specify):...._.................................... ..........­­.......... OWNERS OBTAINING THEIR OWN PERMIT OR ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS FOR APPLICABLE ROME IMPROVEMENT WORK ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AND DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE ARBITRATION PROGRAM OR GUARANTY FUND UNDER M.G.L.Ckqvur 142A.SUCH OWNERS ALSO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITES FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THE BUILDING PERMIT,SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION. Signed under the penalties of per ury: I hereby apply for a buildingt as the agent f the oWnpr: W IL4 L I Date I Contractor rite Ctrv�y�c4-of-5 HIC Registration No. OR: Notwithstanding the above notice,I hereby apply for a building permit as the owner of the above property: Date Owner Name and Signature RISE ENGINEERING' OWNER AUTHORIZATION FORM I, Erin Decou (Owner's Name) owner of the property locatedI at: 30 Middle Street (Property Address) Florence, MA 01062 (Property Address) hereby authorize :!:—:>� I (Subcontractor) an authorized subcontractor for RISE Engineering, to act on my behalf to obtain a building permit and to perform work on my property. This form is only valid with a signed contract. Owner's Signature XDate RISE Engineering,a Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. 60 Shawmut Road Unit 2 1 Canton, MA 02021 j 339-502-6335 www.RISEengineering.com 7hc� ��c�r�r «�►��t*rr/�� ��j.1��rs,+;�tc°l�us�tls Deptrrtmert,t rrl lrtrlustrirtl.4ccident?t sligations .,. 00 W"rtshin t°on Street � a Rosu,rra> :4.4 112111 svtvw,mus.8.govIdia Workers' C ompertsstion irtsursnct Vtirtavit. Ruiiciltrs t t,rttract€rsl ;ic tricians/Plumrer iictu t lnf p6AMO Pt it SDL Horne improvement Contractors inc Addrt s: 24 Chestnut Street Hatfield, MA 01038 a iR# tlt' 413-247-5739 1rc vrau an emplet,.er. Check the appropriate lttrx; Type rw1 prajtect(rtyuiretlt 9 ilr'� :';1117sL4bLr'x4it? r di �11t.;C3t i ' 3 f4 �t's� (:i.,Pt7'iiiLlL.f4?�3 c'tllji Rrsic: OU anti of.Part-time — �,,,... fwaohe":-nn:i M)le Proprietor or panrleY- �,?c,.:�� rTte3CfL'iltT,r f %Wrkin it vloy Aie in ariv eap�k:,w, ; ; tr €T:Ie4iTt�aefclitir»r, i < SR)rit rs corn :r �. iiTattr�zrtcc " 1 t R r.2 <f It rr2u tt"cC ck)Tri ..%3.f `.ksarii ' 4 ,`=i #SC,,t i f 3 3 .S I I1rnFliTt repairs ?r Tdi:itfi3i3. "ids t {7t"ICG*r^; GC)TrI ?. , rx , ? e.31,(fl.t 31 1M M(3i .� -, ll I € cot fair, aas�sirtee�.�,Ra,rtl # ;. Insulation .S,SSt33ca,a ?t,.v��,.3t.tx+��. .,,,anr•, i,S1,s,l:ijts .,.._ _ „z �~rr� l�:.r,•,At„ylRrii+#iu> �l,t;,.r,;d11;4+€ ,i ..sriic-i3 rltl ,.�3:`,zditiY,li x)iS FlaT.traK!t RTiCtixaRl34"}'-�,i;s# .u., .._ .. __. _. ,,,,9,.3, ,ftxx,e„'=f1'Ytt$t".11tkYX"i;i i33:Si 1ttit3s#4a.„d1•'1,.l:;ft.xlp.'.'ds;it f,MrA0o'f,05. i 1t%xa...ti, !yak must Attdi+;i.ir.t"M aWuw4 4,0'k,. ,.J sSRti-u rera tit'; hast;empkccs,.tic 4S ,,,i - "O,, nc�r I rrt»u»erlr��ker thupr Ir ItrarrT nrlcer�'c°rr�n�rtticrrr in.t�trrtrrz'N 1l)r rttt�c=�� ►ja. l�frri��;t'�►4r/ t#c�•� b she inJvrtmlrticrrt. 1w,aranee Compattg :Marne: Selective insurance Co llohc, of self.ins, l,ic. ;.. WC9024456 �piration Lkit_cj._ 02/23/2019 .<)t)site;Adcire,s� 130._ cru' -a-LizS� it, Staic lip Attach a copy of the workers'c peasation policy cfrcluration page-(showing thepokey attataNaer sad txts *tiatel. I iilure to wcure ccrwrapt«as reyui ed under Sectir)y. .... A ° '+;lt:i l_ #; 1 :.ts. : tii to the imposition itiwn ctt`criminal penalties c, r, fiiie tip to'S1.500,00 and"or orte-YT kr imprisonntert; :;, #.. 4 .i peiiahic-, w fire fttrrn of aS`iU*A`ORK ORDF R kind u 1;m ,.St tip tea S'250.(tt)a day against tyre violator, € aLxL i i qi ti,s 3 f # !tis`+tatelfwrit Ina; tx:forwarded to the O fioc `? ;rT>r ri aifcarts of the DIA trwr inswr*uv cove 1 do hereby cert x4er POM€ndpenalrits s,l perjurt aster Me iqjormwfion rook"above it true twd e(weea. (�fi ittl u:i,e rsttdt' lei not Wrke in this urets,try he omjlietefj hr, 411,or town 10MO, C;ir� err"fawn etratitil-ifte'"stu i Issuing Authors(eiirele ate); 1. Board of Heafth 2. Mpartftat 1 C-ite,%"l e)"if "lrrk 4. Electrical lssWtor PlastbWg taectnr 6.Otbier AC"R CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1/15/2018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION QNLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER 'THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL. INSURED, the policy(ies)must he endorsed. It SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such ondors"r i!). PRODUCER 1.a Henderson, CTSR Webber & Grinniall P f (41:1)586-0111 FAX 0.1p,tel (AC,-I R North King Street IMS,,chenderson0w*bborandgrinnoll.con; A INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL 0 Northampton MA 01060 'N9URFRA:8Q16Ct1VQ Ing CO Of S Carolina INSURED 1N$URER 0 SSI QC t,LVQ, Ing Co of Southeast 39926 SDL Home improvement Contractors Inc, INSURER C Chestnut street "NSURER T) Hatfield MA 01,035 NItURERr -——--­----­­­---- ............ COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:Master Exp 201.9 REVIISION NUMBER: HIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED SEIJI)",;,�iAVE. BC�N .HE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR T1111F POLICY PF R- 101" iNJ17CA`F10, N0111+1ITHSrANOING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM 0,,P ',ONA`,()N 011 ANY CONTRAC T OR OTHER E)OCUMENr WITH RESPECT TO WHICIi 'HIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, 'HE. NSURANCE A ,`()RDW(; 8 tP01, IF.S DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJE,­ r AL., THE ?SMS FXQ USLONS AND CONDTIONS OF SUICH POLICIES.LIMITS SH(,WN V.Ae HAVF,BEEN RE[XJCi�' DBY PAID CLAIMS 'NSA :At SUIW LIP.......... "'YPE Of INSURANCE LIMITS ................ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL.0AW7TY A X )WAG '0 RENTED E ka,i S C. C a WAo rw""a", '1,1 'Any`nor,, A,,%,�?,::"A­ UA: e?-„. k w, i 3,:10313 00 PRO X ........... .................. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY NG",C 0 i. ANY A,0 A A� A, x A',l 06, X 0R�1`A L, x W)N,0,AN011 -000 X UMBRELLA LIAR x A EXCESS LIAR A U x 8220406,� i 2019 .......... WORKERS COMPENSATION ....... AND EMPLOYERS`LIXASILITY Y'k SLA J11-114"fy, 8 -In NH) W,90 34 6 50"; ',)00 D�Ep, 51rL0 DESCRIPTION Of OPVRATtONS LOCATTOW VE141CLES (ACORD 101.AddWinnaL Rerrsatkx St33rstlule,.may be Attactwo t more W"e 4,0quir*d) sThe Workers Compensation poli does not inc.-,Itide �_overaae for Paul, Schmidt, Kendrick Dempsey and Douglas �Schmidt. Columbia Gas of Massachusetts is hereby named as Addat,onai Insured per written contract with respects to General Liab.,,Iity & Auto Liaibiaty, for work performed, and per the terms and conditions of the policy, CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION ANY LiF THE ABOVE DESCRI[SED POLICIES OF CANCELLED BEFORE Columbia Gas of Massachusetts THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OFLIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE P(XICY PROVISIONS. 4 Technology Drive Ste 250 Westborough, MA 01581 AUTHORIZED REPReSFNTATIVE C,1"11-2014 ACORD CORPORATION, All riot"noterv0d. ACORO 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORO ?NS025,?w«r,. ^I - 2018 '�. EAT'HERIZATiON mass e' .. ., E.R INCENTIVES ?.4tx"d an y:*tar Energy reccrrrmendattc ns, yaw kat mi,r ar benefit ander a'" a-eei np 3 zw7>m.,-Wratm E3d re mmmg g +mwWd,faleMe fdhyv ala the ar=;,'"nc„t€r m ta0ov, p t,o yrserc CUSTOMER INSTRUCTIONS 3 ?are a o"�ahf; ,*nfed ,.o*atractcsr =e" f=vak.:c' e ans so mown n x W"`.?Tw€zmwn urrt mr �4aned a,rad com'plened c o e s of is tarn;ars;as try of t r'':'a.a Withas c:: don of Y.. w Em"y y S"0 s¢...:>e:,:m o:.. Una n MW P^m TOW Q ema=d t �«A as.,f f,c,.,,. .t�9�.i ROE— .. f<e;E% ✓<Me*d-e?'$ .*,err2a;4. :n-entave'i`s M bib MEMO h'uT?" ,.t a>.:"..,a w r._Mm s"' t9'<"lou ';.Y`-Me t mll:be in`he c+"zent rMar,a'gF2`it'9%Mt exrPedis t:`e C;A.€4t w-mss r.<<,�:�" C:e-a.},Py"a[ss<�1 Y"�€Y;..':,'��'•..: 4 €ete thc=re t_rnnmended i aairivaa ation erntsr �.*y'frp,' t rrttdt`° : Erin Decoti 'Client 9 o, Site ids° 452866 Sm r„ 0 Middle Street Florence {06 °� fa)ne N •nein 267 254-41 f ry .,N� € ��. Cte twn �S 19 n 4u 0 a Datat% ,o dire are€t theme is any trove k ars tube Waring tht, 04";. j wM evaOne the foll"wiing areas Whwe+ l ie Mau save : w eaat'ea ate` a C9df rr€ tl latPt ffU masse been made M Attic Floo 0 Attic Wall jittad 6t3 J �tericr Wall ��€rr at have oei'forrned my€€smMan and deter"uned there, i.+ ';: o t vc,k,*""min tur-e granp.r?ties ar(+as below. wall l�atttc Slo I XtF a i,rr Vat8 jai-er-e rt<§:.+.,fea:a ani a r ,`; e i'-rm +ar=;