FY18 CP2 NEW REVENUES/OFS EXPENDITURES/OFU Surcharge % 3.00 1. Total fund balance from prior year (PY) report (Form CP-2) 1,331,319.56 2. Proceeds from bonds and OFS 0.00 3. Collections from community preservation surcharge 1,213,350.05 4. Distributions from State trust fund 240,398.00 5. Earnings on investments 6,361.71 6. Gifts, Grants, Donations 0.00 7. Other, i.e. Interest, OFS appropriated to the fund-CH44B 3-b1/2 :0.00 Total New Revenue/OFS 1,460,109.76 8. Expenditures: a.Open Space 359,470.80 b.Historic Resources 237,566.78 c.Community Housing 330,781.88 d.Other (Community Recreation)0.00 927,819.46 9. Expenditures for Debt Service: a.Open Space 585,029.17 b.Historic Resources 0.00 c.Community Housing 0.00 d.Other (Community Recreation)0.00 585,029.17 10. Administrative Expenses 52,196.94 11. Other 0.00 Total Expenditures/OFU 1,565,045.57 Total Fund Balance June 30, 2018 (Detail Following)1,226,383.75 page 1 of 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Northampton DIVISION OF LOCAL SERVICES CITY CP2 Community Preservation Fund Report - Fiscal Year 2018 printed on 10/9/2018 2:49:00 PM CITY/TOWN of Northampton Detail of Community Preservation Fund Total Fund Equity Fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 1. Fund Balance Reserved for Encumbrances (3211)1,210,830.76 2. Fund Balance Reserved for Expenditures (3240)0.00 3. Fund Balance Reserved for Open Space (3241)0.00 4. Fund Balance Reserved for Historic Resources (3242)0.00 5. Fund Balance Reserved for Community Housing (3243)0.00 6. Fund Balance Reserved for Special Purposes (3280)0.00 7. Fund Balance Reserved for Community Preservation Act (3320)/Undesignated (3590)15,552.99 8. Total Community Preservation Fund Balance June 30, 2018 (Total must equal total fund balance page 1) 1,226,383.75 Has the community met the requirement to either appropriate or reserve for future appropriation at least 10% of the estimated annual fund revenue for open space, historic resources and community housing? Y If no, explain how the town plans to meet the requirement? Signatures Accountant/Auditor Completed by: Joyce Karpinski, Auditor , Northampton , jkarpinski@northamptonma.gov 413-587-4900 | 10/9/2018 2:42 PM Comments No comments to display. page 2 of 2 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Northampton DIVISION OF LOCAL SERVICES CITY CP2 Community Preservation Fund Report - Fiscal Year 2018 printed on 10/9/2018 2:49:00 PM