FY18 CP1Return by September 15 to: Municipal Data Management/Technical Assistance Bureau Division of Local Services P.O. Box 9569 Boston MA 02114-9569 Surcharge %3.00% Total Surcharge Committed to Collector for FY 1,233,869.56 Current Yr Surcharge Abatements/Exemptions 22,444.71 Prior Yr Surcharge Abatements/Exemptions 0.00 Net Surcharge Raised for FY 1,211,424.85 Additional Revenue Appropriated to CPF (Ch. 44, Sec. 3b1/2)0.00 Total Net Surcharged Raised and Other Appropriated Revenue 1,211,424.85 Signatures Board of Assessors Completed by: Joan C. Sarafin, Principal Assessor , Northampton , jsarafin@northamptonma.gov 413-587-1202 | 8/13/2018 8:46 AM Accounting Officer Joyce Karpinski, Auditor , Northampton , jkarpinski@northamptonma.gov 413-587-4900 | 8/14/2018 11:06 AM page 1 of 1 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Northampton DIVISION OF LOCAL SERVICES CITY CP1 Community Preservation Surcharge Report - Fiscal Year 2018 printed on 8/14/2018 11:06:25 AM