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100 WHITTLER ST BP-2019-0063 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:43 -091 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot.-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit BP-2019-0063 Project# JS-2019-000093 Est Cost,$31000.00 Fee:$75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: TRINITY SOLAR 104144 Lot Size(sp.B.): 50094.00 Owner. ABOUKASM RACHID zoning: Applicant: TRINITY SOLAR AT. 100 WHITTIER ST ApolfcantAddress: Phone: Insurance: 32 GROVE ST (508) 577-33910 WC PLYMPTONMA02367 ISSUED ON:7/16/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK•ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR 7.375KW 25 PANELS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeTvoe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 7/16/20180:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner Department use only City of Northampton Status of Pannh: Building Department Curb Cw IDINWay Permit 212 Main Street Seeerrseptic Avallabllity Room 100 WaterNifell Avallabi. Northampton, MA 01060 T"Sets of Structural Plans. phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413.587-1272 PIOHSae Plans Other SpeoNy - APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH /�A ONE OR TWO �FAM'IILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION p �' ' ) ^l{' ? 1.1 Property Address: This section to be comp�lert�edb�y office 100 Whinier St Map Lot_ nit Northampton,MA 01062 Zone Overlay District Elm St.Diaplct CB Diablct SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP(AUTHORMED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Rachid Aboukasm 100 Whittier St Name(Pont) Cugel t)5 Tim Addreee: Please see ched Telephone X32 Signature 2.2AuthatizedAu Neil G Gree e 4 Open Square Way-Suite 410,Holyoke,MA 01040 Name(Pant) Curent Mating Address: 413-203-9088 signatm Me SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)w be Official Use Only completed bv vernot applicant 1. Building $9,000 (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical $22,000 (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) 5.Fire Protection 6. Tolal=(1 +2+3+4+6) $31,000 Check Number This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Num at Date Issued: aWkli nussionerllnapectoBCale i 1 1 / / / IF YES, has a per it been or need to be obtained from l� Needs obtained © Obtained Date)sued: , C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: .' D, Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E Nil the construction activity disturb(deanng,grading,excavation,or filling)aver 1 ade or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over t acre? YES O NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. s ZF,ontae NING All Information Aust Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column m Is,fifixf m by Building Deparrmmr Setbacks Front SideL: R: L: R:- Rear Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (Lar area minus bids&Paved hio ofParking Spaces Fill: v,A.&Location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO © DON'T KNOW ® YES O IF YES, date issued:, IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page, and/or Docuri B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained © Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES © NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. f R SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows FO lteration(s) Roofing ❑ Dr Doors O Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [01 Docks [p Siding[0] Other[fes Brief Description of Proposed Work: Install 7.375 kw solar on reef.Will not exceed roof Reacts,but will add 6"to roof height.25 panels Alteration of existing bedroom_Yes_No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 5a.If New house and or addition to eAsting housing,complete the following. a. Use of building :One Family Two Family Other It, Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of healing? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ftof wetlands? Yes _No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain_Yes_No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No, L Septic Tank_ City Sewer_ Pnvate well_ City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, Please see attached as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to Work authorized by this building permit application. Signature of Owner Date now I, Trinity Solar as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed underthe p ns and penalties of ry. Neil G Greene Print Name X Signatur Omer/Agent Date "[ L SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ me of Li^ 1 NedGGreene CS 104144 License Number 43 Firglade A ,Springfield,A 01 8 3/17/2020 Address Expiration Date X 413- 3-90 ,111 Signature Telepho 2jitillstereHNot Applicable ❑ Trinity Heating r Inc. DBA Trip' Sol 170355 Comoanv Name Registration Number 20 Patterson ok Road-Uni 0,We Wareham,MA 02576 10/11/2019 Address Expiration Date X lephone 413-203-9088 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.C.152,§26C(6)) Workers Compmuation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... ❑ No...... ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occupied Dwellines of one(1) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that the owner acts as supervisor.CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner:Person(s)who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or tarn structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official,that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the buildine earner. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on thejob site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you may be liable for pemon(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature June 28,2018 To: Inspectional Services From:Chelsea Lefebvre—Trinity Solar Subject: Permit Applications for solar installation Attached please find the building and electrical permit applications and all of the other necessary documents here.There are also two checks enclosed for these applications. If there are any questions,please feel free to let me know. Thank you very much! Chelsea Lefebvre LCA Chelsea.Lefebvre@trinitysolarsystems.com 413-203-9088 Ext. 1526 Trinity Solar 4 Open Square Suite 410 Holyoke,MA 01040 „ | ° � § \ � ; ! � . � ! � ` ! , | ! |(! ; � ! |.,'.�•.� � a � ` ; § R ! ----------------- § § k \ ) § ( ' � } \! § ill � � ] , | # ; q � ER ; | : $ 'ji : , ! . m ± � . 1 , : . | � � ! \ , • � ® r ) � ( § ( ) ) ! ( d HAS & ! E E 8 ƒ | | � m + Rp ; • | ! ! P , e 5 ] |; | | . ; ! ! || • �� , | § | ) § | § •s , ;| || � | \ § ` ` k ° � % , _ c2 � $p �§ , § | ( § HIM ] | & 1 § § r ■ g Nn \ ° - ) ) ) ) ] j ) ] ) ) ) ) ) ] ) jj ] ! ARRA §§/ @ Oil M » / ) AAAA INSTALLATION OF NEW WH771E":'FEET' ROOF MOUNTED PV SOLAR SYSTEM 100 WHITTIER STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01063 r'1 VICINITY lSITE �..w SCPLE�.MSMS v NM�o. SHEET INDEX PV-1 COVER SHEET W/SITE IN S NOTES PV-2 ROOF PLAN WI MODULE LOCATIONS PV-3 ELECTRICAL 3 LINE DIAGRAM AP APPENDIX t rrtmm[v�ux SOLARYO �/ E C T O R JOB NO.: U1982-0736-181 SUBJECT: SOLAR LAYOUT E n O 1 n E E R S PROJECT: Rachid Aboukasm Residence E. M N1. iwaro M9 DTHE )lfYd,DTHE E%15TND AADF E. N1�NI Ul V E C T O R JOB NO.: LOAD9112-1736-1111PAR SUBJECT: LOAD COMPARISON E r O 1 n E E R 9 PROJECT: Rachid Aboukasm Residence Summary of Loads Existing With PV Array D[psfJ 6 10 Lr[ps9 20 0 S IPS91 35 1 25 Maximum Gravity Loads: Existing With PV Array D+L,[psf] 26 10 ASCE 7-10,Section 2.4.1 D+S [psf] 41 35 ASCE 7-10,Section 2.4.1 Maximum Gravity Load [psfl:l 41 35 Ratio Proposed Loading to Current Loading: 84% ON The gravity,loads in the area of the solar array are decreased;thus,the stresses of the structural elements are decreased.Therefore,the requirements of Section 807.4 of the 20151EBC as referenced in 780 CMR Chapter 34,9th Edition are met and the structure is permitted to remain unaltered. �/ E C T O R JOB NO.: U1982-0736-181 SUBJECT: GRAVITY LOADS E n a I n E E R 9 PROJECT: Rachid Aboukasm Residence CALCULATE ESTIMATED GRAVITY LOADS Increase due to Original ROOF DEAD LOAD(D) pitch loading Roof Pitch/12 6.2 Asphalt Shingles 2.2 1.12 2.0 psf 1/2" Plywood 1.1 1.12 1.0 psf Framing 3.0 psf Insulation 0.0 psf 1/2" Gypsum Clg. 0.0 psf M, E & Misc 0.0 psf DL 6 psf PV Array DL 4 psf ROOF LIVE LOAD (Lr) Existing Design Roof Live Load [psq 20 ASCE 7-10,Table 4-1 Roof Live Load With PV Array [psf] Massachusetts State Building Cade(780 CMR Ch w/Solar Panel SNOW LOAD (S): Existing Array Roof Slope [x:12]: _'. -. Roof Slope [°]: 27 27 Snow Ground Load, pv[psf]: ; ASCE 7-10, Section 7.2 Terrain Category: _ ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure of Roof: ;'ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Exposure Factor, Ce: 0.9 0.9 ASCE 7-10,Table 7-2 Thermal Factor, CI: f')j ,`_� ':! ASCE 7-10,Table 7-3 Risk Category: -1E" - kF '`r ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-1 Importance Factor, Is: 1.0 1.0 ASCE 7-10, Table 1.5-2 Flat Roof Snow Load, p1[psf]: 35 35 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.3-1 Minimum Roof Snow Load, pm [psfl: 0 0 ASCE 7-10, Section 7.3.4 Unobstructed Slippery Surface? 1C " ASCE 7-10, Section 7.4 Slope Factor Figure: Figure 7-2b Figure 7-2b ASCE 7-10, Section 7.4 Roof Slope Factor, C,: 1.00 0.72 ASCE 7-10, Figure 7-2 Sloped Roof Snow Load, ps [psf]: 35 25 ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.4-1 Design Snow Load, S [psf]: 35 25 �YECTOR JOB NO.: CONNE CONNECTION SUBJECT: CONNECTION E n O 1 n E E R 8 PROJECT: Rachid Aboukasm Residence Lag Screw Connection Capacity: Demand: Lag Screw Size[in]: -,5119 Cd: 1.6 NDS Table 2.3.2 Pressure Max Max. Trib. t (0.6 Wind) Tributary Area Max. Uplift Embedment [in]: (psf) Width (ft) (a) Force (lbs) Grade . ,;. Zone Capacity[lbshn]� �C. ^ NDS Table 12.2A 1 15.2 16.5 251 Number of Screws 2 28.7 16.5 474 Prying Coefficient: 1.4 3 1 43.9 ra 11.0 483 Total Capacity[lbs]: 586 Demand< Capacity: CONNECTION OKAY 1.Embedment is measured from the top of the framing member to the beginning of the tapered tip of the lag screw. Embedment in sheathing or other material is not effective.The length of theta pered tip is not part of the embedment length. 2. 'Max.Trib Area'is the product of the'Max.Tributary Width'(along the rails)and 1/2 the panel width/height (perpendicular to the rails). Ul YECTOR JOB NO.: WIND PRESSURE SUBJECT: WIND PRESSURE E f1 O I n E E R S PROJECT: Rachid Aboukasm Residence Com onents and Cladding Wind Calculations Label: SoYF %l Note: Calculations per ASCE 7-10 SITE-SPECIFIC WIND PARAMETERS: Basic Wind Speed [mph]: 117 Notes: Exposure Category: C - Risk Category: II ADDITIONAL INPUT& CALCULATIONS: Height of Roof, h [ft]:; ;5. (Approximate) Comp/Cladding Location,AAMMMpROPh Tt85jT Hip? No Enclosure Classification, Ifyiitlhpp. Zone 1 GCp ` r Figure 30.4-2B (enter largest abs. value) Zone 2 GCp swi ; (enter largest abs. value) Zone 3 GCp .g6.; (enter largest abs. value) a: 9.5 Table 26.9-1 Zp [ft]: 90o Table 26.9-1 Kh: 0.95 Table 30.3-1 Kai: 1 Equation 26.8-1 Kd: 0.85 Table 26.6-1 Velocity Pressure, qh [psf]: 28.2 Equation 30.3-1 GCp;: 0 Table 26.11-1 (largest abs. value) OUTPUT: p =qn[(GC,)— GCp; Equation 30.9-1 Zone 1 Pressure, p[psf]: 25.3 psf(1.0 W, Interior Zones`) Zone 2 Pressure, p[psf]: 47.9 psf(1.0 W, End Zones') Zone 3 Pressure, p [psf]: 73.2 psf(1.0 W, Corner Zones'within a) (a= 3 ft) VSE Project Number: U1982-0736-181 Rachid Aboukasm Residence E C T O R 7,5,2018 E Il O I n E E R 8 The solar array will be flush-mounted(no more than 6' above the roof surface) and parallel to the roof surface. Thus, we conclude that any additional wind loading on the structure related to the addition of the proposed solar array is negligible. The attached calculations verify the capacity of the connections of the solar army to the existing roof against wind (uplift), the governing load case. Limitations Installation of the solar panels must be performed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. All work performed must be in accordance with accepted industry-wide methods and applicable safety standards. The contractor shall notify Vector Structural Engineering,LLC should any damage, deterioration or discrepancies between the as-built condition of the structure and the condition described in this letter be found. Connections to existing roof framing must be staggered,except at array ends,so as not to overload any existing structural member. The use of solar panel support span tables provided by others is allowed only where the building type,site conditions,site-specific design parameters,and solar panel configuration match the description of the span tables.The design of the solar panel racking(mounts,rails,etc.),and electrical engineering is the responsibility of others. Waterproofing around the roof penetrations is the responsibility of others. Vector Structural Engineering assumes no responsibility for improper installation of the solar array. VECTOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING,LLC tN MOOEII T. A 07/05/2018 Roger Alworth,P.E. MA License:47740-Expires:06/30/2020 Principal Enclosures RTA/wic 651 W.Galena Park Blvd.,Ste. 101/Draper, UT 84020/T(801)990-1775/F(801)990-1776/www.vectorse.cem �YECTOR E n O I n E E R S VSE Project Number:U1982-0736-181 July 5,2018 Trinity Solar ATTENTION:Phil Smith 4 Open Square Way,Suite 410 Holyoke,MA 01040 REFERENCE: Rachid Aboukasm Residence: 100 Whittier Street,Northampton,MA 01062 Solar Array Installation To Whom It May Concern: Per your request, we have reviewed the existing structure at the above referenced site. The purpose of our review was to determine the adequacy of the existing structure to support the proposed installation of solar panels on the roof as shown on the panel layout plan. Based upon our review, we conclude that the existing structure is adequate to support the proposed solar panel installation. Design Parameters Code:Massachusetts State Residential Code(780 CMR Chapter 51,9th Edition(2015 IRC)) Risk Category:II Design wind speed: 117 mph (3-sec gust)per ASCE 7-10 Wind exposure category:C Ground snow load: 40 psf Existing Roof Structure Roof structure:2x8 rafters® 16'O.G Roofing material:asphalt shingles Roof slope:27° Connection to Roof Mounting connection:(l)5/16'lag screw w/min.2.5"embedment into framing at max.72 O.C.along rails Conclusions Based upon our review, we conclude that the existing structure is adequate to support the proposed solar panel installation. In the area of the solar array, other live loads will not be present or will be greatly reduced (Massachusetts State Building Code(780 CMR Chapter 16,9th Edition(2015 IBC)), Section 1607.12.5).The glass surface of the solar panels allows for a lower slope factor per ASCE 7, resulting in reduced design snow load on the panels. The gravity loads in the area of the solar may arc decreased; thus,the stresses of the structural elements are decreased. Therefore,the requirements of Section 807.4 of the 2015 IEBC as referenced in 780 CMR Chapter 34,9th Edition are met and the strut ure is permitted to remain unaltered. 651 W, Galena Park Blvd,Ste. 101/Draper, UT 84020/T(801)990-1775/F(801)990-1776/www.vectorse.com -MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION roml 6517m x 39<m x 1.2511 Ontl,fl 8 6e111e -- c363omm.l000mmx3zmml � - - .1'. 41-45 Wz{l88✓R r.r.nwn wv I'..I'll, 0.131133.2mml llre Wtl ple-elIIIAd DAfL w110 I'll 1leCliOn 1[M01[gY -....rr 6a[a E-1 CgIl..F,Nm (}�� hAme &x -1W W alwmn ,}P-'"�-gym. -��• Cul 6.10 mo-f,,tall,ne 0 ANrUM @lar apt Ixuupn pm 260<i.03ru.437-3.54:1.p 59.0.75,E a, [ (66J)mm x 11 I Wm N 15.191111).PT1IT-r I'AAA IP61,W.Ih bpass diEPez 6'AOIe 4mmreoarcaplc,(.)x39-3111I1000mm1.1-1 z39.AYln(100011111 �..m,... Cwetur MUX:CarMt MC4 a'MG a4eraufm61e.'P69 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS low.clus 385 � 1% MINIMUM PPHERMANR II y1ANEARD 16X1 CON0111045 SIC'(POWER 1011RANEE+L W I E WI III,Ae MPPMI 285 290 $9S f 6npn Prwp C-11 Lr (A) 956 9.63 9.10 3 Oaea Cirtun VAR., Yu IV] 38.91 39.19 3949 4 C.,... L. til 898 907 9E3 YPMEe aI MPPVrx IV) 31 7.3 31.96 32.19 EN¢If AT ONE '17.17 t17 '177 MINIMUM P[PIORMPXH AT xOOMAI CeIVA ING 10101LOx5 AOC' Ppver At MPp' P.+ IWI 2103 2144 218.1 § SAmi Gi¢ux Cxrmi' ix 141 271 7.11 182 R (Men mf'..vpna[r V. IV) 36.39 36.65 36.92 IS CwNM NNPP' 4e 141 7.C4 1.12 120 Vpgp x MIP' V.r IV] 29.92 3012 3030 IdgWrM."I sv[vum AM 1.5E Nuunmen.roNnnia SiC TI....51 `BMWm.FEC[strtlrumµl.SG ryexar xya,s11..1 metl er G CELLS HM0RNMK{WMRAWY HIIyWMNMi AT EOW WAITAKI bn 98Y�11n ,ff, lu", lY mer. ^•�•",� i dt 6%1.35[11Crf Yex. Ym P W92610&M 1-vl u'.er uplo lOpyS, Y _ yi AIIAL,83.6%of1 III purer upu)S In E 1 NIIXW mtnwensM telo-an[!v n. ,n mtNx4Nmp WF • ' r fxmtp lfe9CLITS LI5 aafnaYm sal pnAA Npur Y p reapre ee munlry u xluar e. 2 IT • mm-alr Af$1erinman[e unJer lmv vxEiaMl mntlnrom rn �..�.+...+se�...av�r...�w. •re• {urrvnm StE[w0Xws425'C.ICWW[Nf 8 YIMPIRRiUR[CO[IIIGIfMY{ RempxMxA Caeni[bm AF. II (%Ill +0.04 bmpnnxe CpemnpM of ippxmre tKXinml el IT. Y I%1R1 -6.39 -.11-1 OpnMIM E-C 3emperMme an I•EI 1131$A 145 a3°Q . y. Wdmrrm 6yYlem vpMRa v„ IV] 1000 UEC(/10W N3> mxr CIA" II Nninum SNin Eu A.A..., IA Del 20 I.F.RNinE LIIEC111VPE1 UG ". .At nxN.Pm.IULp IRY3PI 75 t3LO8Pa} Pwrfmo npPueleapxabre -40°(pyro+185,f '3 pntmmlnuput purr -40•C up to.851CI 5 0e1.1I17A.01..I fulP 0"1 50.612666 Pal I mei15f41140I numual }y S QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATFS VACKAGING INFORMATION 174 Fee,vpL Ow6tl It.,u-,,, ml WA Muf MA".pn C. 1EY 61155It",IC 11130 tt4V [lass n pumperN PNlex pn 5l'[In161n 30 A nVE CE �4M xompx pr palleu yer 4U'Elm aims Z6 Z PNM'prmemWMitu WrNt 681110 45.311 x'6111 11 745mm.I150mmx1170mnJ R «� PMIn Werpm 1"5 1651651gg1 Wffi Msfmnrpn n[mvenme mua M(Iilarep.See lM mNeNlnn anp opnmm4manuea vomac3prnlMmrol nwwceW'Imem fm lwlxxmlwmxien on pppwam....Nran erd uss q o!:M1r4PMuc1. 3 WnWy REMIS NMMeIM. 3W£M[Oum GM[v ixrw,Sur41164`.irnle,G 5MI8.VSAT til.1 419 718 59%+EMAN repmryWc p—ia[Om i A.Ww,p[laaua _ powered by illia- 77AQ. u wG4111 285-295 rM SOLARMODULE The new high-performance module - is the ideal solu- tion for residential buildings thanks to its innovative cell technology The world-record cell design was developed to achieve the best performance under real conditions—even with low radiation intensity and on clear, hot summer days. O.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY.LOW LEVELIEED COST OF ELECTRICITY Higher yield per surface area and lower SOS costs and higher power classes and an efficiency rate of up to 18.0%. INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields,whatever the weather with excellent low-light and temperature behaviour ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE III Long-term yield security with Anti PID Technology. Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.O^r. EXTREME WEATHER RATING OCELLS high tech snow alloy frame,loads ertified for Tox xxwgo^' high snow 15400 Pa)and wind loads(4000 Pal. 2016 MAXIMUM COST REDUCTIONS Up to 10%lower logistics costs due to higher module capacity per box. O A RELIABLE INVESTMENT w.vb.ur.e oew Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25 year linear performance warranty. APT len cundNons.Cees m,l%ov aga ru gr""i,d,wlh c.ndo[hw .H IOPca .d P."k sulxc. 25'C.16Bh See date sheet w n,u fa,funha THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR- 'nlwmalwn ®u olid Wgxp PAGE 51 GREAVES POWER DISTRIBUTION GU9AL BUG-BITES- go C Insulation Piercing Connectors Un3E Elinnabc need l0r cOnd.,Inealef.1hppinp No WIN nOWUO elar irUU.1"f0, Fa OOOOMI t..1w,eoell a elumaum,a aluminum 10 aluminum e10eefoW FM Use on awlele0t udO*my ' IPC SERIES lura eMrNLoaJM1a NNxaE mala ax _gy�xil�5� nuMDEN WWIEa11 ww rNr va)a ears wan a. valwnwl Imw - Lw l.fi- m.e 6,.e.- _avT e,a ' an 1]1N •IKYa [p.f 1310E 131. 1'1IC MY Wp .A f YO II .1p 6 .1) CSN 13113 )K3 awl-fq fq.W MIO 1 ]5 B 113 OTx 1N4 IK aNa awl_46, aea-VO _ %a I1 a 10 - L'om ofle fWAN". W-M m-13 W0 !a am am 1316, •IK 3aY EW-200 W-f s0 sE f fLl 1310 -IK NF em.. 6,W-3d0 WO n 1 ]w a GAVTpN Ulm 'KNEED 330-M W-M MOM i n 1 aseUM FI ewan 'ODKaL bWu)OIMN MW fewadxaf YerNexl a ImuMwd colme Only! 1 x13 u.LaaDNe Do not ImWI w bare MID. ted GUTTER TAP CONNECTORS Dual-RURAL won naMp abrnkmNn by mt-TO,wr. ww 00UJ 90•C L"dniplladmea=WE rmn WMawas TEP pwaEw a pw"no wwr b neat, m GP SERIES _ Nl1ap urxDooMAAOR --- ea PT.DlwMwp MIIINI MI.aM YMN N ' x w L aM1 Nal0xfwl WC wR r�hh -13"T .. -- a— a tz 7-.zaIw 'Se IY. N .w CSN 1310 "16, W.6, IN.13E0L I . 1Y. U to am n1K Warr 6,W-1N M.e 11 1•I. n. 12 aJ1 ON \ en1 W. M-w ..a W. w. 11 6 3.13 ax Few Copper-aO ppDr. law Opm 300.350 SW.z Iv. 1v. Iv. • 3.0 am copper-to4dur dnum, 01" wr0 IW.00 500.2 ] Im Er. a zs cT3 aluminum-to{btrinum '6..npMw1axl e aNfinYNw Nl.mna.Wee 6,1 fmM mm11W PwWMfe 600V pO•C 5'nepon wDNMap owan fa w6,WIm GP Wmeetpm For Indoor IMO only GPC SERIES N.Lw WA Oa MOMM WM ~H X o.W L TY WFMMNI I OTN 6,w.slMM1n u NU0w1 NONDER COIMEaM MOMOR I N IYIpMT(aH u0f ` 1i13J' enei av3-- re Lav — 111y Nf 1L Mm. 1 I �. I els ax u1W DMexW area Meo oto ax t r1 I• �/ i ov1 UO e11. a >Ie erx IW fa dee We P.OaeLLe 6,e ax (II� OK 111. are TO a,'. auxcEi___._ I crx I wwxaeere.-uu.can n Nemsae re1x,CsnFeru• MFsx na0. H+sa6 roLL wFE1eao-N1-11eo(OuUeecr solar " • e z SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On P300 / P350 / P404 / P405 ; P500 PIOO P350 P500 Paoa P405 Dor 60cellImr nigh Power par 96<elI Her 60-cell hor mm film me,Well 601 and for modules) and 72,11, modules) 72 cell modules) snort strm¢g INPUT Rmcd of DCPoway- 300 350 500 nos fins w Anrn:mr Manmum In Pn.Vnnage a1 ia9 6a 80 90 us vdr VOr nwen IemP",at"r"1 M=PT Opoll1ng enngr a TS 8 n 8 s 12.5-So 125. 10S Vnr Manmum Connnunos moil Current flscl 10 Il 101 4d[ ManmumIn, _ 995 - WGRbted F"iency 9tl a .r OoeNollage Cnlcdory OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) rAa-11C OutMt Curren: 15 on, Hartman Outoul Voltage 60 95 Vdr OUTPUT DURING STANDBY IPOWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF) Salary Co[ w voltage Or Power Oonmo,fr 1 Vnc STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC ICC Part 15 Class e.IFC610o0-6-. ,E,00063 Sri,IV IEC62109-1 01II5afi UL 1741 ROHS Fire Salety VOL AR-E 2100 712 2013-OS INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Marimom Allowed 5poem VnhaRe 100o Vnc Dior—mnslWnLrFIT 128,152 5 22 5/5 v 59]x 108 121:152 e35/ 128r 152 x43/ 128+152+50/ rnm/In 5x592:132 5x59/,169 5:502:196 WeCM lmrmbm,best 260/12 118 994/21 1064/23 Rr/lb Inodl Cn nnrvsl or MC4" Ou1PN CarnettOr MCA 0u1o.n Ware Ter,, 095/30 12/39 m/N 111conng temperature F,,,C 40 .85/ 40 -185 Z/ Pmtecmn Ranng tP68/NEMA6P aeaeve Nummav 0.100 ,. PV SYSTEM DESIG N USIN GP SOLAREDGE INVERTER"' SINGLE PHASE THREEPHASE Minimum IT,ng Lendtb P3CYTP35(i 8 16 ,Power 0o1mo-1 P404 P405 6 13 Manmum string length(Power Uotlmizersl 25 50 Lnr—Powe,For 5lnng 5250 11250 W Parahel 5tor,of ViHercnl lengths or Oneni Ycs solar - • • = • SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On P300 / P350 / P404 / P405 / P500 • sr , a yc, 5, y ; PV power optimization at the module-level — Up to 25%more energy - Superior efficiency(99.5%) — Mitigates all types of modules mismatch-loss,from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading — Flexible system design for maximum space utilization — Fast installation with a single bolt — Next generanon maintenance with module level monitoring — Module-level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety Ill I'll , 11" , AlIf RAN(F JAPAN .nlvn TVS]n.A A 'HF N 1 1 nr ir.arvus nK NS Al'. mwA, arPdge.cor solar -Ts s is Single Phase Inverters for NorthAmence a e T solar . SE3000HUSI SE3800H US 15E5000HUS/SE6000H USI SP600H US SolarEdge Single Phase Inverters - — forNorthAmerica - SE3000H-USI SE3800H-US/SE5000H-US/SE6000H-US/ SE7600H-US �w:ei + +.. + /. t_.. .. �•, AA pw .. - `9. 9 , t ;ip s Aw I..,. .....m a-. um.s.q nno ssvv. . ,., OpOtni3ed Io Ihttion with Xa-Wave teN3wbgyPr— ketlReF�'v�aEmwn:wN oe.auow+retl _ Mn _ •Bam�E'bnw.e k r s.rmv "m.....�.......�.,.e fbd A Nutt fmlory an Ra i.,�„M ve,wrm.nW U.Up, arthuhpde.S.1.Bapltl ANawnIa NCCAUaM 301 i,{nutltle W].]laMa90.13 Illl]91 SOur1MM bABUC8ule33pW mmpWamx .EM,.,,er,man,Na.a:vm-..unomemao=iAaoore •rl�a7 _ _,: vc �n�:— ^, ... -xhnreeaa n.�m�naNvaimwryu=wnaamre .'. .• _.. 9ulhJn maNk.Knimunlmxne wave nM RoHS ""'All<m. A N1',., miwur'ALI' 11—.LAI.1= IL AAan ....oin,Ax6=A SNAPNRACK SERIES 10D ON FLASHED L-FST Rencloa. FLASHED L-FEET ARE OPTIMIZED FOR QUICK -— AND ROBUST INSTALLATION ON STANDARD _ COMPOSITION SHINGLE ROOF SURFACES FOR OTHER ROOF TYPES STANDOFFS ARE RECOMMENDED r SNAFNRACK MODULE I ATTACHMEITHARDWARE SNAPNRACK STANDARD RAIL ROOF RAFTER TYP(ROOF ATTACHMENTS SHOULD ALWAYS BE EMBEDDED INTO ROOF RAFTERS OR STRUMRAL MEMBERS SUCH AS STEEL PURLINS) ROOF AND ROOFING DERLAYMENT, AND ROOFING MATERIAL IYP. SNAPNRACK FLASHED L-FOOT � (,VP���I IMINSTRFAM ENERGY GO0.PY OESIfl1ER GMrPMXua SCALE. DNS PMT NUMBER. DESCRIMIOH REV IRI�VUI IYLllT GRUTER_ oRYn BT��I SERIES 1000VERVIEW,ON FLASHED C PV &�YFnoa = MMovEo$r DATE 1201(3 L-FEET r Ir - IX SNAPNRACK -2X SNAPNRACK LEVELING REHSIOX. SPER SPACER ATION TO THATINSTTHE SET SCREW STW -L 1X J�1'8 X 11""LONG'Ll -ZX*"-18 X 1"LONG _— ROUGHLY CENTERED BETWEEN ' ❑SETSCREW '❑ SETSCREW _ ITHE TWO PIECES BEING)OINED Ar, :ON STANDARD SERIES 100 ATTACHMENTS FEATURE 3'OF VERICAL ADJUSTABULITY N HE USE OF I" POI WITH THE USE MOUNTING LEVELING :()NTOP 0.5 SPACERS 9.5 7.5 B.S THE FIRST INCH OF ACCOMP ACCOMPLISHED WIIS TH INTO SLIDING DETAIL A FEATURES MILT INTO BOTH L SCALE 5:8 FOOT AND STANDOFF CLAMP COMPONENTS RAIL HEIGHT=7.5" RAIL HEIGHT=8.5" HT=9.5" =10.5" FOR AN ADDITIONAL INCH OF ABOVE ROOF SURFACE ABOVE ROOF SURFACOF SURFACSURFACE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT,ADD 7"STANDOFF 7"STANDOFF OFF ONE LEVELING SPACER. USE SPACERACERS OF SINGLE LEVELING SPACER F STANDOFANDOFF NOT TO EXCEED 30%OF ATTACHMENT POINTS ON L-FEET OR 10"STANDOFFS. FORA HEIGHT ADDITIONAL INCH OF HEIGHT AWLISLEVELING SP ADO USE OF LEVELING SPACER USE OF TWO LEVELING SPACERS NOT 5.4 6'4 TO EXCEED T POINTS 4.4 ATTACHMENT POINTS ON L-FEET OR 10"STANDOFFS. 4RAIL =3.4" RAIL HEIGHT=4.4" RAIL HEIGHT=5.4" RAIL HEIGHT=6.4" SURFACE ABOVE ROOF SURFACE ABOVE ROOF SURFACE ABOVE 0.00E SURFACE ONE L FOOT ONE L FOOT ONE L ROOT PLUS ONE SPACER PLUS TWO SPACERS UNDER LFOOT UNDER LFOOT (2 (SP p MNNll=ENERGY CORP,V pESICl1Eft GMNMNs'[ $LP1F. DNS P/.pT XIMBER: pE$CRPl10N pEy \C\l W II✓, opuT[R' pXp�' 5100006 SERIES100 RAIL LEVELING F - „. -"" mpppYEp BY wRE. II0113 zr wtAG BO1.T5 icna i W AM�Roo5w1v HAI mAREIa lRAFT�S ON MPOF RASH Of TTpp111 ALL$ISG'WM+uRE'lo pI TOROFMWIWNG 9VYRAAO( THE 4rt-!ffi Wa T{GIIIM Kff lf*W -SAM&&r n-M STEMMPRASHINGwa! KNOMIN 1CAN {S.S MAMr OR OF L�wOT(( IRSLOPE VS OF 5(�pTMi�EG� AAA nMM SAMS$ / ND CHANNEL MOSV WASHER ' a.SS.U69cFtM' 1 �� ST 71 MIL gLAPMRPA+1 �..� .�� / SIOSMMGG�MB71' SNSSTAR11AG S@3:BOLT LFOOT pOOF !-'Gr RIS E"iC11VJOitY/iTl 1 � LOG BOLT SIYiMAO(LMANS iB /"� FA DOD dGMTYP. rAGFowaMGTro. I- ,,. M9tEDLF=MMKrVNGP�RFOR ,;MOM WTO SMff"7l91WACRS RAGSOw BBIM?MwTorwwG UPMTWOLE6SMSPACMAS OMILEM DMAUAnON SWARM In.119M no BAG.LMOU ,vuws*�•vetnc cw�i. iasiRat 9+PP9rrs Pp{GE(AM91,flAWii(;it FOOT TO sw ,.-•��•:�::. .=.-.` glyiB! DAM - aim PWMw RSR F $t inks Bdl wIU $UinkOa Steel SnapNrx4 B 0 rg SmWn<k Standard Rail Splu. o[F Waeblr Bolt with still- spa as t O a WdSM SruipllrxF Bantling 5 NracM Rtlpstable EnE a58t0nEnria 9a. Wmp foP id CknW Srap.—I, SndpNnck B0rMln9 $Uinbss Sondn9 Ift pNrack aC1YFtade Ena Bmtlnq ollmh _CMnnel Nut Clamp Bot[pn CMdl INUI stainkas XarO with 9pYllxk J1\J1_ SaiS-Lx4 WWera 'nelrNrwl Eentllep snapWeEA adrMlq SwpNrwkEaMIM Warner bluabWa F0M CMm0 MW EYwp 'wlMerl NNl flpEpe sn..Nra<4 Grouts Luq l"AWG ppn Wb. All fa"'. gkemuna 1pp Adwmaly tONF NfOU1NEDFFA NOW OF MODULE'[ snapwaa B prtli unmerul Fne CMmp mEn wam UEC Pini Strap vECw.ap¢ anl.as Su.I Bou w1ah Fldt Wasaer 'wpMrwh lia lw q uakpi EM CMmp $napNrx9 may C—p Ckma nawralY Sendbtl$IeiMMi SMPMa[µ $MpM'x4 B0nd�n9 SnapNreO gppginy CMnrM Nut pYbyr Steel FMnge Nut Umnal Slainki5 Ran Cdkr SenaUC$lainkss Nut FMnpe Nul StMFIe�w Bdt $MPNgck SIYNea[ snapWac4 92 Begree Flange MIII FInah [Eqpt BPII snnd., MpNn<N SMpNrac4 Npurpo[e sl FF'nn L Fool $Ih�N SneprMa<4 Base(bMUp SraPWac4 .at.SMwn) 9MpWa<F� + LFMI MaU1Rwf MIXT a.. vTa FMShin9 BB[B TSSImEIy FC0 Ban V SnWlnc'bneMq Slnl m.k apMIM S.N.k Metal Sta" AwTwI L Feet 6aN MM Ftarlaw Nrof Ewe wfh bMl"L Flat SnapNrack Series E ' UL Technical Data Materials • 6000 Series aluminum • Stainless steel • Galvanized Steel and Aluminum Flashing Material Finish •Clear and black anodized aluminum • Mill Finish on select components Installation •Quick and efficient mounting • Adjustable hardware to ensure clean and level finish •All components bonded to ground with integrated bonding features Calcs.&Certifications • Listed to UL Standard 2703 for Grounding/Bonding and Fire Classification • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and Type 2 Modules • Stamped Structural Engineering Reports for all 50 States Grounding • SnapNrack Grounding Lug(One Lug per individual row of modules) Warranty • 10 year material and worksmanship(download full details at snapnrack.com) Snap rack- (877) 732-2860 www.SnapNrack.com Q 4 Al Msen.nb 0 2015 by SnapNre[Y Mc— r19 MoU p SYatams6u ngMs r¢seraetl SERIES 00 UL ROOF MOUNT SYSTEM The SnapNrack line of solar mounting solutions is designed to reduce total installation costs. The system's technical innovations have been proven to drive down costs and improve installation quality on more than 350 MW of solar "® installations. Pitched Roof Arrays Simplified The SnapNrack Series 100 UL Roof Mount System is an efficient, visually appealing, photovoltaic(PV) ! module installation system. Series 100 UL Is Listed -- -- - -- -to the UL Standard 2703 for Bonding.meaning that all system components have been Certified by UL for Roof System In 4 Simple Steps: electrical continuity. eliminating the need for additional 1)Go to the online Series 100 Configuration grounding hardware,The System's components provide Tool(configuresnapnrack.com)and select an adequate bonding path which has eliminated the "Yes'for UL 2703 Listed need for grounding lugs and washers at each module, and bonding jumpers between splices. The UL 2703 2) Identify Site Conditions(Array Tilt, Building Listing ensures that SnapNrack partners can provide Height. Roof Type,Wind and Snow Loads) the best in class installations in quality,safety,and 3)Build array m the online Configuration efficiency. Tool and automatically generate a Bill of Materials. • All bonding hardware is fully integrated into the components 4) Place order with your distributor Purchase material for a single project or order in bulk • No grounding lugs required for modules for additional savings • Rail splices bond rails together,no rail jumpers required • Proprietary SnapNrack grounding lug snaps in the rail channel,no drilling of rail or reaching for other tools required(One Lug per individual row of modules) • Class A Fire Rating Type 1 and 2 modules OPVLISTED Mounting System Patent Pending 2703 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents I Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-1017 www.mass.gov/dia W)w.rkers'Conspensistion Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Conlracmrs/Eleelrieions/Plumbess. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITI'. AmIlifant Information Plesu Print Legibly Name(Business/OrganirafiovIndividua0l Trinity Heating&Air, Inc.dba Trinity Solar Address:2211 Allernvood Road City/State/Zip:Well, Now Jersey 07719 Phone 4:732-780-3779 An Yoe as emplayer7 Cheek the senampelam hos: Type of project(required): I.❑! I mn a ampbyer with 1,630 emplmm(full w&m pen-time)• 7. ❑New construction 2.❑lemavdelxopriemra peatnerahiP erd have memPloyees washing formein g. C]Remodeling mycapacity.INownkeri camp.aa.. requirW.] 3.❑I ast a homeowrcr doing all work m self.INa wnkms'cmnp.in.rcquircel I 9. ❑Demolition 4.❑1 as a homeowner mk will ce hinny mmracams to ones all work m my property. I will 10❑Building addition emme wen all cameeorseiNer have workere'comperemion imurmrea me so le 11.0 Electtical repairs or additions Proprietary wah ec earplmen, 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5.❑I an a gemral wnmcw end I lave hired Ne subcommotms limed on de eaac etret. rteaw uhmapaemn have empimms and have wmkra%camp.imminent 13.❑Roof repairs b.❑We arcacorpormion mailmoaken neve exxn,, d their ngladexemption per MGL.. 14.❑Olhtt 152,41(a),W we leve a employees.INo wakmi carp.ireaaarc regwmd.] *Any applicem that ehah cox MI must also fill out the scam belowamwing Noir yvwkms'compenwim polity infiam mim. r Nameowxa who wbmit Nu al6davit iMi,ming Nay arc doivy ell work entl arra hirt auntie canaazlay mum wbmit a rewaffdevit iMi,miaag each. emplooyee konlnest amt ehxk Nuhox mustemeM1N an Wditbal sM1atslewi�ane mnr oleic yubcannxmrs and teen whealrranm dmeeemitiea neve . If Ne mbcmtracmrs nen empbyea,NeY man Prmide weir wodms'come.polity number. lam"employer fho is providing workers'compmsadon insurance for my employee. Below is rhe policy andfob sae lnform d m Insurance Company Name:Arthur J.Gallagher&Co. Policy 4 or Self-ins.Lic.k:EWGCR000D65617 Expiration Dam:1111/2018 Job Site Address:4 Open Square Way,Suite 410 City/State/Zip:Holyoke,MA 01040 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration ilea). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up m 51,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verifc ion. I do hereby fy n the ns dpmaW Jury that the information providedideae Is true and correct Sianatu . / Date: Plrone le 32-780-3779 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be complesed by city or town offictat City or Town: Permit(Liceme k Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Bull 2.Building Department 3.City/fown Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Impactor 6.Other Contact Person: Phone a: A a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE1661 1 0n7n017°" ' THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: M the cardRcete holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rihts to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsements. PRODUCER cMA.H NAME: Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. PxGNE 858482-9900Em .656-082-1888 4000 Midlantic Drive Suite 200 EIMount Laurel NJ 08054 INSUREIRI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAICe INSURER A:HDI-Global Insurance Company 41343 INSURED TRINHEA-03 IxsuREe a Liberty Insurance Underwriters Inc 19917 Trinity Heating&Air, Inc. INSURER C: 110 Lyman St. Holyoke, MA 01040 INSURER D: NSURER E: INSURER F: -- COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:1801370239 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. /LTR TYPEMINSURANCEIN POLICY NUMBER PDUCYEFF POLIcY UP LIMnS A X COMMERCMLGENERALUMBILJTY EGGCCOOON5617 11/1/2017 11/1I2010 EACH OCCURRENCE $2,000000 OWMSMADE 1X OCCUR PREMISES Ea awrtews $100,000 MED E%P(AM L^B MRmI $ PERSONAL S ADV INJURY $2.000,000 S PER GENERAL REGArE $2.00.000 GEN IEELEMITAPPCOPOLOCPOCPROWCTSGOMP/OPAGG $2,000,000 OTHER- EAGCC011I121eA AUgMMIUW (Ea emdm $2,000,000 X ANY AIRO BUD I LY INJURY For pxa[n) $ OVMED SCHEDULED 9JDILY INJURVreCMI) E ALL"' ONHIRLY AVrOS (PoW. ED AUTOS ONLY AACTOd OONLY $ Porsoudsl B VMB0.¢LA LMB X pCCUR 1000231034-02 1111/2017 MIS EACH OCCURRENCE $3.000,000 A X EXCESS LMB EXAGC000W5617 11/1/2017 11/1/2019 'CLAIMSMADE AGGREGATE $3000,000 OED I I RETENTION$ Lung x M$3,000,000 $21,000,000 A ....a COMPENSATION EWGCC000065617 11/1/2017 11/12018 X I PER AND EMPUYERS'WBILRY YINSTATUTE ER ANY PROPRETOREARTNENE%ECUTIVE ❑NIA/ EL EACHACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICERMEMBER E%C WDEW posonvorro NH EL.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE$1000000 IIY bWIWuMx DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS EeIav E.L.DISUSEPOLICYLIMIT 1$1000000 A AubmCbile EAGC0000065617 11/1/2017 11/12018 All Other Unite $1,000/81000 Comp/Collusion Des. Truck-Treanor and SaPoTrI $51,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LO:ATONSI VEH G ES(ACORD 101,AEEMmeI Reasons Used^verb M[S[E 1I try[a N nouln it Evidence of Insurance CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Tnnity Heating and Ao,I NC DBA Trinity Solar THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 2211 Afenmocl Rd ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISNNES. Wall NJ 07719 AUTHmIMED REPIIESENTATNE � d �lu� 01988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo am registered marks of ACORD Comrtrinwealm of Massa'aausells ®. Divisionot Protessbnal Lkensur! Board of Building Regulations and Standards COnitrp tOn'SUpervisor CS-106144 EApves. 03/17/2020 NELO CREENE mss_ N FNGIADE AVE SPRINGFIELD IAA e1101 Commissioner cj, CMtlru4M aCPrbber Ie...mnee.mums•w mh rm!vwc«aia ww.m 4sslM la,COpcuMClburs cvpe rtylualdeMblN ePrt+. eesw!b gblp!a lmnm lYlm M b!Mpntlyyry! 6mlr Ylary CaM N lwv M r!rllalm et IMs acwnl, b mrardmllen Yael ryp Ilelrnl Cas Nl))>llJ1W w lirir vww/rYleNsMM 11 -71 Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation One Ashburton Place - Suite 1301 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Type: Supplement Card TRINITY HEATING &AIR, INC. Registration: 170355 D/B/A TRINITY SOLAR Expiration: 10/11/2019 20 PATTERSON BROOK ROAD UNIT 10 WEST WAREHAM, MA 02576 Update Address and Return Card. SCA 1 A 2nWO5111 Office of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Registration valid for individual a only TYPE: Suliolement Card before the expir n date. If u return to: Registration Expiration Orece of Co ..nr Affairs a tl siness Regulation 170355 10/11/2019 10 Park Plaza- he 5170 TRINITY HEATING&AIR,INC. Boston, MA 0 16 O/B/A TRINITY SOLAR v NEIL GREENE 20 PATTERSON BROOK ROAD UNIT 10 WEST WARERAM, MA 02518 ` Not valid without $I9f18ture Undersecretary �-i'io`inR Y HOMEOWNERS AUTHORIZATION FORM Rachid Aboukasm (print name) am the owner of the property located at address: 100 Whittier Street, Northhampton, MA (print atltlress) I hereby authorize Trinity Solar, and their subcontracting company , to act as my Agent for the limited purpose of applying for and obtaining local building and other permits from the Authority Having Jurisdiction as required for the installation of a Photovoltaic System located on my Property. This authorization includes the transfer/re-administering, and/or cancellation of any existing permits on file for the purpose of updating/applying with a t rte subcontractor. Customer Signature: Date:6/21/2018 erintxame: Rachid Aboukasm