32A-153 (42) 30 STRONG AVE BP-2018-1396 GIS a: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:32A- 153 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-000 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL 042A) Category: Sign BUILDING PERMIT Permit BP-2018-1396 Proiectk JS-2018-002482 Est Cost: $1500.00 Fee: $60.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: PROSIGN Lot Size(sq.11): OWner. HUANG YUTING Zoning, CB(100 Applicant. PROSIGN AT. 30 STRONG AVE Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 110 FORGE RIVER PARKWAY RAYNHAMMA02767 ISSUED ON:6128/2018 0:00:00 TOPERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORKINTERNALLY ILLUMINATED WALL SIGN POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House tt Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy signature: FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 628120180:00:00 $60.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner City of Northampton Map 32A Lot153 Zone CB(100)/ Massachusetts Date issued 6/28/2018 0:00:00 Inspector of Buildings Permit # BP-:,O18-1396 Permit Fee$�,0.00 SIGN PERMIT Business Address 30 STRONG AVE Applicant InstallerPROSIGN Applicant Installer Address 110 FORGE RIVER PARKWAY Work Description INTERNALLY ILL INATED WALL SIGN Estimated Cost $1500.00 Building Department Approval by: City of Northampton / Massachusetts i s DEPARTMENT OF BUI(OING INSPECT/ONS =;\ 212 Mein Street • Municipal Building Northampton, MA 01090 INSPECTOR Application for a Permit to Place or Maintain a Sign Sidewalk Sign, Marquee or other Advertising Device _ (Application to be filled out In Ink or typewritten) Number ..................... Plana ewi st e� ? I t `) f h ha Bu i4 'ia n for Erection........._.......(J ) before a permit will be granted Alteration.... ..( ) Repair.................... ) July cX819 7 Repaintin .S Removal............... ) : FEEGU_PAGE........PLOT....... Northampton, Mass. ......6.�.2�................20.(N To the Building Commissioner: Application for a permit to place or maintain a sign or other advertising device, or marquee. BUSINESS NAME ......7�( .... ...... 9b:£.... ...S.P.9......................._............ 1. Location, Street and No. ...7�Q..........S.i?."F:�:�Sr...._.A.�!k..._....._... . ............... ... NvaN 2. Owner's name ..... . P.N.CMy.............. ... (A...,.............................._..............._..., ....... 3. Owners address ....73R........St .............. ......... ............... 4. Maker's name ..........4�f4u.S.LCxN,S........................................................................ .....,. 5. Makers address ......r4`.1:r.}......¢>.vLYyo..9tC.......ST:_........._wgZ-r... 6. Erectors name ........... ....D.J!ti...... ............... n 7. Erector's address ............._.............._---.............. .................................................... SIGN KIND OF SIGN (Designate) 1. Sign will be (check one) illuminated X. Non-illuminated ....... 2. Will sign obstruct a fire escape, window or door? ..NP.. Marquee ............... 3. Lower edge will be .9...ft...4 ...ins above the public way. Projecting .............. 4. Upper edge will be !.7Y..ft........ins above the public way. Roof ..................... 5. Height ..2:.ft....6.ins Width ..!aft.--ins Temporary............. 6. Face area .?- ..sq. ft. Wall .........X......... 7. Inner edge will be ..°(}.ins from the building or pole. Sidewalk.................... 8. Outer edge will be ..V...ins from the building or pole. Other......................... 9. Face of building or pole is ..'...ins back from the street line. 10. Sign will project ..9...ins beyond the street line. 11. Sign will extend .P....ft .......ins above the building or pole. 12. Of what material will sign be constructed? Frame 13. Estimated cost $..LiSZz4._. The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the be of knowledge and belief. ( ign of Owne or gent) THIS FORM IS PART OF THE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant: Pr!0,516A6 Address: 4'4 2"at O1 c S1 . 4UT'SPF.LO, kAA Telephone: 413 01 -1 2. Owner of Property: KAn°'^ y l,�'A ^G y� Address: 30 sj na'�G _Telephone: ? 3. Status of Applicant:_Owner �ontract Purchas essee _Other(explain): 4. Job Location: .3V STvlc-*. nu. Parcel ID: Zoning Map#Parcel#/53 District(s) (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: 6TWIL 017- 6. Description of Proposed UseM/ork/Project/Occupatlon: (Use additional sheets if necessary) -"T1--)j" rr j -17 'r -C CMA,.. -L I,EYrrn L�bU 7. Attached Plans: X Sketch Plan _Site Plan EngineerediSurveyed Plans S. Has a Special PermiWariance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW_ YES_ IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO_ DON'TKNOW YES_ IFYES: Enter: Book Page and/or Docuument# 9. Does the site contain a brook,body of water or wetlands? NO-K— DONT KNOW_ YES_ IF YES: Has a permit been,or need to be,obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , Date issued 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES ' x NO K IF YES: Describe the size,type and location: /✓D C'j-IS n�fi S& V TIMll.(• sbxt(CMn —) S* 2w !Wa✓Mlb 0'� SlMtA'�z or At7.rc � S7z1�fJ Are there any proposed changes to,or additions of, signs intended for the propert)R YES_ NO_L/Ir IF YES: Describe the size,type and location: 11. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION 12. TNsodumtobefilledinby. the9ila Existing Proposed Required by Zonin Lot Size N��} Frontage "-9 2, Front: _ Setbacks: Side; L: R: L: R: Rear: Building Height Bldg Square Footage % Open Space: (Lot area minus bldg and _ Paved parking) #of Parking Spaces #of Loading Docks Fill: (volume&location) 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: (o(ZSI f 13 APPLICANT'S SIGNATUR f Applicant's Email Address (required) NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning Requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. Page 3 of 3 < 120" PAaSiGNS WEST SPRINGFIELD 06-20-2018 LS 1x15 ORRMRO IS RIE FPORERIY OF MMORS,NEST SFRNOFEIO.THE BORROMER"EES R SR W BE REFpOW0E0,CO OR OISROSED OF OIREM OR MORTEM,ROR NEO FOR M%IPPOSE MOR`FEfdtSSIOR IROM FROSERS,N SFPoROREEO,