13-038 (37) City of Northampton Massachusetts ( IL D212 Main S ee BUILDINGeMunici lfial Bux TION3 ( $13 Ns1n Bthr • Municipal Building \ C� annthav¢Gon, IN 01060 �`•--"•g tgp— c a -l 30 3� 0 RECEIVED TENT PERMIT APPLICATION I� r JUN - 5 2018 (For Tents over 120 square feet) DEPT O FBUILDING INS EC" Permit Fee: $30.00 Check# , 2y 'Cf Ave- 1 /PLEASE TYPE/OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1 1. Nameof Applicant: A )/a/�gey tem -m�. `V/a"'L It—" �I Address: 33 0 N• IC�.G J 4'. No ;Ifip VRlephone:&f33 S$f{ -z(G 5 2. Owner of Property: j gtr, .e Address: 3 Q,(Ip.t Telephone: St% . e 3. Status of Applicant: ✓Owner _Contractor ,, // / /f'►',r ,�/•/ff 4. Tent Location Address)'IM Al, k.l S FNC. ,4k,w: jaj, , 5. Use of Property: Residential:_ Commercial: ✓ 6. Description of Tent: r Size: I S l r J f Occupant Capacity: 2 0 Dates of Use: G7 �n /zZfl�f 7. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED:PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION 9. Certification: I hereby certify that the Information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: 6/1±/Le APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE l��l��'•Lirr'K NOTE: Issuance of a permit does not relle ns an applicators burden to comply with all zoning requlrements and obtain all required permits from the Conserwition Commission, Department of Public Works and other applIcable perm[granting authorities. City of Northampton Massachusetts !�s DSP"72GMNT or BUILDING INSPECTIONS p 212 Main atxeet • Municipal Building Northempten, MIL 01060 RECEIVED TENT PERMIT APPLICATION JUN - 5 2018 (For Tents over 120 square feet) DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS permit Fee: $30.00 Check# 2(n Z,4; 40R114,MPTOK MA 01OFA PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant:: ft C' B F." La Address: N. ,k 1 9 ¢. A Telephone:(413259'U .2 (14S 2. Owner of Property: 1,L4 Address: Se1ML.0 Telephone: .f2rM 3. Status of Applicant: ✓ Owner _Contractor 4. Tent Location Address): 330 M4 11, 5. Use of Property: Residential:_ Commercial L/ 6. Description of Tent. Size: ( h, it I a r Occupant Capacity: 16 ' Dates of Use: 6 ZZ r 7. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED:PERMrr CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. e. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: G L APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE NOTE: Issuance of a permit does not relleve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. City of Northampton Massachusetts N is DSPARTAIaNT OF BUILDING INSP&CTZONS J� 212 141n Stre.t • NuHisciBuilding C 9orNuopton, let 020 01060 � RECEIVED JUN - TENT PERMIT APPLICATION 5 2018 (For Tents over 120 square feet) DEPT OF 9UILOINA INSPECTIONS permit Fee: E30.00 Check# 2y�r� NOpTHHMPION,MP 01080 PLEASE TYPES OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION n 1. Name of Applicant: ,t"/ iV Va(It f CO ^ Op AC( Va.M Lo-s LA /y Address: 330 K-.Nf J 2. Owner of PropeM: S0. C Address: 54.� Telephone: saw.t 3. Status of Applicant: Owner _contractor 4. Tent Location Address): 320 J� 5. Use of Property: Residential:_ Commercial: r 6. Description of Tent: C f Si.: � S 1F � J�11 Occupant Capacity: {,C) ) Dates of Use:6/M/�_y f,/ — 6 7. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED,PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. e. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 5// DATE:_{y��_IAPPLICANT'S SIGNATURE//�.lt"t NOTE: Issuance of a permit does not relieve an applicenrs burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Conservation Commission,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities.