43-108 (6) 44 WESTHAMPTON RD BP-2018-1268 GIs 4: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Mao:Block:43 - 108 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1268 Project# JS-2018-002250 Est.Cost:$34039.00 Fee $75.0o PERMISSIONIS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS 111266 Lot Size(sp.8.): 52707.60 Owner: KONOWITCH MARTIN&BARBARA DICKEY JONES Zoning: Aaalicantr PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS AT: 44 WESTHAMPTON RD AaalicantAddress: Phone: Insurance: 311 WELLS ST- SUITE B (413) 772-8788 Workers Compensation GREENFIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON:6/4/2078 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK INSTALL ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR; 24 PANELS, 7.68 KW ON TWO ROOFS POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS Certificate of Occupancy signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/4/20180:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner r— Department use only RECEIVED GI of Northampton Status of Permit: Buil ing Department Curb CuVDdveway Permit g 'ZU16 2 2 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availability L�WIRI.AMFTON 2 Room 100 WateriWell Avellabilily N rth pton, MA 01060 Two Sats of Structural Plans Dm smA41>$58 1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Sita Plarro .MA01000 Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION )&'P _ _ 12 1.1 ProoeM Address: This section to be completed by office U 44 Westhampton Rd, Florence, MA 01062 Map Lot nit Zone Overlay District Elm St.District -CB omelet SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIPIAUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Martin Konowitch and Barbara Jones 44 Westhampton Rd,Florence,MA 01062 Name(Prim) Current Mailing Address. (413)584-6805 See attachment (A) Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Aaent: Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative,LLC 311 Wells Street, Suite B,Greenfield,MA,01301 Name(Pant) Current Mailing Address: 413-772-8788 Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed bpermit applicant 1. Building $10,973 (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical 23,066 (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3, Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC) �� 5. Fire Protection 6. Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) $34,039 1 Check Number This Section For Official Use Only Date Building Permit Number: Issued: Signature: Building Commissionernnspector or Buildings Date Section 4. ZONING Ail Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This Cotonou to b`Egpd in by. vn.M Budding Depvhnrnt Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (Lm atrn,nin.bag&pmod ol,i #of Parking Spaces Fill: volume&Location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, date issued:, IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO © DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page, and/or Document#' B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained © Obtained © , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES © NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: ' E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ FRepl=a( entWindows AKeration(s) ❑ Roofing ❑Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ igns [171 Decks [p Siding(0) Other[m] Brief Description of Proposed Work; InsYNlion of wfm wmEPh m'olYio ryv¢ swYam m( Alteration of existing bedroom_Yes X No Adding new bedroom Yes X No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes x No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet sa. If New house and or addition to exlstina housing. complete the followlna a. Use of building :One Famill Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? If Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodsloves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction I. Is construction within 100 It of wetlands?_Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain_Yes No f Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank_ City Sewer_ Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a•OWNER AUTHORIZATION•TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, Martin Konowitch and Barbara Jones as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Philippe Rigollaud to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. See attachment (A) 5/21/2018 Signature of Otwwr Date Philippe Rigollaud as Gw%#Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. PHILIPPE RIGOLLAUD Print Name 5/21/2018 Signature of a t Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Helder:Daniel Gomez Gonzalez CS-111266 License Number 43 Hatfield Street , Northampton MA 01060 03/14/2021 Address j Expiration Date // 413-772-8788 Signature Telephone 9.Rwiaterad Home Imorowmant Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative LLC 140077 Company Name Registration Number 311 Wells Street Suite B Greenfield MA 01301 09/15/2019 Address Expiration Date Telephone 413-772-8788 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152,§2SC(8)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....._ 0 No...... ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occupied Dwellings of one(1) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,Provided that the owner acts _as supervisor.CMR 780- Sixth Edition Section 1083.5.1 Definition of Homeowner:Person(s)who own a parcel offend on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or faun structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-veer Period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official-that he/she shall be responsible for all such work Performed under the buildine permit As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on thejob site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion ofthe work for which this permit is issued. Alan be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability ofEmployers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you maybe liable for pinmon(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature Attatchement A AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND SERVE AS AUTHORIZED AGENT 1 hereby agree to the Project as set out above,and I agree to pay the contract price according to the Terms of Payment. I further agree to the Terms and Conditions attached hereto as a part of this Proposal and Agreement. 1 hereby authorize Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltwcs Cooperative to proceed with the above-referenced Project in accordance with this Agreement.I further authorize Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative,or its designated representative,to obtain required permits for this project on behalf of the Owner. I will allow any photographs or videos of this project to be used by Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative for marketing purposes. A check for the First Payment is enclosed and I am returning this Agreement within 21 days of the Proposal date. 7z n Name �L / Date Ala Signature Title i Ipp � 5 2018 Proposal and Agreement p 00013590 Page 6 0 U Mahn Konm ich-Mamh 22,M18 ® Cornmonwealth of Massachusetts Dwtston tit Prolessronal Licensure Board of Budding Regulations and Standards Construction Supervisor CS-111266 Etcpires 0311d/2021 DANIEL GOMEZ-GONZALEZ 43 HATFIELD STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 01000 C CiORtrnl$blCner Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation One Ashburton Place Suite 1301 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Home Improvement Contractor Registration lroo t ,1077 IYUnli hb/I LLrI'ilU�O':Ur.14iC5 C:UUY rxyeatlon 0915?UI� 31� WRtS ci SVnf P �Jffl M i rr LiP pt?,^� �Voa:c 4om eae aY rtrr.nr Caitl rI�LC.F rtA rBOVFUF`:1 f.<iN1R4fl Or?�� goyis VSYu .uliC lu inJn wool u+t only OL a) in 1 , �siin��itrScot =ionaliui ,acoRnB CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OTE rte DT ' 011032018 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED ASA MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUREIR I,AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND TINE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: N Ne certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must hsve ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. N SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to Ne terms a1M cc.dificr s of the Policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on M13 certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endoreementhi. PRODUCER CONIALT LiMa Pavers NAME We6Ber8Grinnell PNOXE - (413)686U111 lag,xA, MID) -6481 8 Noun long Street ADORESf: Ip FirsSiwebberanDii mirell corn 1NSURERISIAFFOROING COVE NDIF MAIC. NOrthampmn MA 01080 INSURERA: HOI Global Ins.ColEnel9i INSURED INSURERS' MaMellEENgi Pioneer Valley PnoloVoltaos Cooperative.lnc INSURERC: Intefl IRS CO or HUrnove'Energi Arn.Kim PinkRam INSURPRO 311 WPIIs S4eel.Suite B INSURER E: Greenfield MA 01301 INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTFICATE NUMBER: Master Exp 12019 REVISION NUMBER: THI515 TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMEDASCAT FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OFANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TOALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAMS. ON 11E OF WSO... INSUP POLICY NUMBER Nallp aMN LWITS T,ACts ERCIALGENERALLIABILIIY EACH OCCURRENCE 5 1,000 No CLNMe MADE ®OCCUR FREMISES Eaammme 5 +��0 MFOEXPNnv rvivv9 . Excluded A EGGCROM2412116 01/0112018 OV012019 PERSONALEADVINJURY S 1,000000 PER L ASGREGATE LIMIT WPUES PER GENERA-AGGREGATE 5 2,00 NO POLICY �P,T ❑IDG RiODUCTS-COMIASAGG 5 20DD000 OTHER $ AUTOMOBRE W9LRY .—Be.)Be. IN L LIMI ; 1,000000 WDLYIN ue"PerdNSM1 5 APvUYA.G'.YNEo 51HEDULIO EAGCROOD241218 0110112018 0110112019 BODILY INJURY(PH ao<gen11 S AUTCe ONLY AUTO9 "RED NOrvONxED RiOFERTY 0NAA0E 3 AU T OSONLY ALLISONLY er[WBN Underinsured TUAWS1 BI S 20000 UMBRELLA LIAR """"' 3 3,000 DOD OCLUi FACN pCCJRRENCE B EXCESS LMa Cwx1SMAre I8EFXNE604A 01101,2018 01101/2019 AGORECATE 5 3,000,000 DEO NETExiIOry S 5 WORMDED I PEXSATgX STATUTE ERU AND EMPLOYERS LMNLIry YIN A OfFOEIl AE BEF E%CLU]0ECUTnE ❑ X1A EINGCR0002412118 0110112018 011012019 EL EACH ACCIOExi 3fDort Orta o sundri In NN) ELOI$FASE-EAEgFLOYEE 5 +0D0000 IT """"under f 0000x0 DESCRIPTION OF OPERGTIONS MInw EL DISEASE-POURY LIMIT S Commercial PropenY Business Pers PRIORITY, $1 750000 C CPR18E17801 011012018 01101120+9 IrMAI min $350000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS;LIX MS IVEHICLES IACORDIOLAddldmalRNnahs ScheduN,m Oea c11Memwespamisre .ilJ CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULDANY OF ME ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE WE EXPIATION OAR THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Evidence of Insurance ACCORDANCE WITH TSE PCHI PROVISIONS. AUI1HOR12E0 REPRESExTAINIE y �\ l 4 D 1. 4 m 1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 26(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks Of ACORD \ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department oflndustrialAccidents 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-20177 www.mass.gop/dia 11 orkem'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractars/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Le ably Name(Business/Organizaliontledividaap:Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative Inc. DBA PV Squared Solar Address:311 Wells Street, SuiteB City/State/Zip:Greenfield MA 01301 Phone#:413-772-8788 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate her: Type of project(required): 1.Q I am a employer with 48 employes(roll rand/ex par nine)* 7. ❑New construction 2.❑twar a sole pmpaetorin partnership and have no employees working for me in 8. ❑Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.insurance required.) 3 I ani a homeowner doing all work No workers'emo insurance ed 9. El Demolition ❑ Ba Y [ p n ce rcquir I' 4.❑Iamahom«con«avawip ne M1im �mactors to condaot au workwm I will 10 E]Building addition mrsg co Y property. me mat au wnmanors eiN«have workers'compcnsatioo inauran«o.are sole 11.❑Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employ«s. 12.❑Plumbing repairs or additions 5.[]1 am a general contraction and I nave hired the subwnnacmrs listed on flue mmched snap.. 13.❑Roof repairs These subcontracthave ors employ«s and have workers'comp.resuran 6.❑We...cor wane r and its olfioort have exorcised their ngpt ofe-caption per MGL c. 14.QOtber 152,§1(4),and we have no employres.[No workers'comp.insurance requited.] *Any applicant mat checks inx al must also fill out the s«tion below shoran,their workers'compensation poncy infdrtmtion. 1 Hm..cast at ch submit Nis afraavit chedn a they are doing all work and Nrn lift outside cnnrtactry must submit a new not r entities h soon. employees Natchock Nisboxmustectouched plois ,thee mutnal provide the make Drop snbc,rum1nrsand state whether or not inose entities have employees. Iftne subcontractors have employees,d¢Y must provide Neir workers'comp.policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance far my employees Below is the pnliry andjob site Information. Insurance Company Name:HDI Global Insurance Co/Energi Policy#or Self-ins.Lic.#:EWGCR0002412118 Expiration Date:01/01/2019 Job Site Address:44 Westhampton Rd City/State/Zip:Florence, MA 01062 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL a 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify under the pains andpenalfies ofperjury that the information provided above is true and correct Signature: Date: 5/21118 Phone#: 413-772-8788 I Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official. City or Town: Permit(Liceme# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: New England Construction Engineering, PLC 436 Campbell Street (NECE)Structural Construction Solutions While River Junction,VT 05001 Jonathan Rugg, P.E. 603-903-9798 J.mggoNewErglarWConefrudmEngineering.yam May 21,2018 Ms.Miim Gates Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative, Inc. 311 Wells Street,Suite B Greenfield,MA 01301 Re: Konowitch&Jones Residence,Northampton,MA PV Squared Project No. 12039 NECE Project No. 18-001 T-106 Dear Ms.Gates, At your request New England Construction Engineering,PLC(NECE)has reviewed the Information that Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative,Inc.(PV Squared)provided on the roof and supporting structures of the Konowhch and Jones residence,at 44 Westhampton Road,in Northampton,MA.The purpose of this review was to provide an opinion as to the structure's ability to support proposed rooftop mounted photovoltaic(PV)arrays.The information that you provided,is attached to this letter for reference. You are proposing to erect PV panels on south facing roof surface of the main house.The house is a two and a half story wood framed split level residence with an addition to the west.This main house section, where the PV array is proposed,measures approximately 28'x34'.The house has a gable roof.The roof has a 23-degree pitch.The roof is supported by manufactured wood trusses at 24"O.C.These trusses span approximately 28'.The trusses have 2x4 top and bottom chords and the 2x4 webs member.Analysis assumes MSR Fb=2,400psi grade 2x4 for the top chords and N2&btr 2x4 bottom chords and webs. Conclusions are predicated on these material assumptions.The roof has a plywood decks and asphalt shingles. Conclusion: Based on the information that you have provided,I conclude that,the trussed main house roof will adequately support the design snow load additional dead load of the proposed PV array. I base this opinion on the following assumptions. I assume that,owing to their smooth surface,the PV panels will shed snow more readily than the existing asphalt shingles. I also assume that the panels will be installed parallel to the roof,eliminating any additional wind load.The ground snow load (Pg)for Northampton is 40 psf. Based on information that you have provided,the proposed PV panels weigh approximately 2.6 psf. In summary,the main house roof will support the proposed PV array. New England Construction Engineering, PLC PV Squared—Konowitch g Jones Residence Jonathan Rugg, P.E. Northampton, MA Page 2 of 2 Thank you for the opportunity to assist with this project. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at NECE. aJ�txorJNr�c Sincerely, o JWTHM s / RIBG IM No. 51987 ro /Jonathan Rugg, P.E. ti New England Construction Engineering, PLC. Attachments: -Building information. ynu4 Konowitchjones - Northampton ,0a » r South Roof ACPV Array (Asphalt Roof) Owner: Barbara Jones, Martin Konowitch Address: 44 Westhampton Rd, Florence, MA 01062 Phone: 413-584-6805 e-mail: mkonowitdDcomcast.net; bd iones55(a).a mail.com System Size : 8.64 kW DC skylight PV Array: (24)SunPower SPR-360-D-AC (ACPV): See sketch for layout Mountine: Invisimount racking on L- feet on FlashFoot2 bases Roof Structure: See attached truss design and PE letter. ` I TRUSS STRUCTURE IV Trro>wm.: _ - - — _'_-- - - � � Roof plan struquml Info T Top-- BT optlnErymi'ST Mon woos a..' W Wt WLM1YM:� RH Ym.ec+Wrol.One �� W wY Wu: Yua..e..m, GU uYwln lcn+wl: Y c'�� c � OxnnlLWe / d ! � � e A Dn+Nga mlmale Section 6GUq4 TRUCTURALASSESMEN + q PV Squared Solar aO eow+ess � 1) oneer atccrco er 'I,1-, GrxnMb M4.01M1 1 aYll3d1BE 1 \ f 11 r nl` '! n.a.nia0one�.M.�o ioe xueleen. I-� 1 Dere � I �i� owavn BY. fJ I ��� LNHAY j Tp WEMw' ' E eemnrAPNiw. BT m�ewnbmi.' W Wet nwmtwtEtro, WT,YINYVEk,M: W rye Ob r.mm»+m, eul LG�rMm.wme 0.dwb4 Mlb KYe Secttion�y(((JJyyy�s��i��a Q 5V 0 PV Squared Solar ertq,�c*: K-Oflo Ly�(= r r - _STRUCTURAL ASSESMEN >+iba.s 0 .ocrEas: ry W, ara.cpu ner j'.{ O,aeMeN M0.0f9p1 SHEET; PROJECT INFORMATION: /per $QQU44 to• Owner: Martin Konowitch --}--f- Barbara Jones • Address: 44 Westhampton Road i •1,/ BE Florence, MA 01062 •+ . •^` • Phone: (413)584-6805 PV SqI Solar Bn wens svea.SO.B Greenfitld MA 01301 • Email: mkonowit@comcast.net eeagn@pr4137728788 bdjone555@gmaiLcom a13a�z B7BB • System Size: 8.64 kW JOB- Konowitch Jones • Modules: SunPower X22-360-D-AC SITE Wwstharrpaon Road • Rail: SunPower lnvisimount Borers.MA 010Q • Bases: EcoFasten Quikfoot RwlswHs. • Snow Load: 40 lbs • Wind Speed: 117 mph ROOF STRUCTURE: 21°Trusses @ 24"O.C. ROOF MATERIAL: Asphalt Shingles PROJECT NOTES: 1. Framing location to be verified on site. ^Site Plan 2. Slide rail assembly as needed to avoid ,. Ro xale interfering with splices or bases. 3. Unless otherwise noted bases are staggered and spaced at 48"O.C. TILE: Site Plan 4. Additional or alternative bases may be used to meet actual roof conditions. BILL OF MATERIALS C/T PART MAKE MODEL FDex: 12039 56 Base EcoFastenBY: 1c Quikfoot BATE. anrzme 17 Rail SunPower lnvisimount SCALE A:snowy 10 Rail Splice SunPower lnvisimount SIZE es^.11 38 Midclamp SunPower lnvisimount 20 Endclamp SunPower lnvisimount A-01 24 jMoclule ISunPower X22-360-D-AC (Sheet 1 or a yoU4R y^�O Zs���1 wsquared solar 311 Wells Evert sure 0 GreenfieM,MA 01301 -R Roof 397" deslgna,vsgaaredowl, 41}7728788 Array 3773/4" loe'. Konowitch Jones sltE'. a,lWesmampron Road Florence.MA 01062 RMSIONS'. ( o Q q O Trusses @ Q 24"O.C. Use blocking or L-Feet above rail at Array to be flush with eave and centered T'E Array Layout decking bottom of array only. between gables. May shift to accommodate attachments at Below rail otherwise. chimney and vent pipes and needed. FON«. 12039 edges as needed. BY 1G DATE, u17rz018 sGLE N16-1 V Clamp Torque: 85 in-lbs sae. esx 11 L-Foot Torque: 375 in-lbs Max Span: 48" Max Cantilever: 1/3 adjacent span A-02 e.g 32"span= 10-2/3"cantilever Module Size: 61-5/16"x 41-3/16"x 1-13/16"(46mm) lmeee2 m2) z 6} y YM SunPowerAs60-D-AC Residential AC Module Design-Driven Advantages k1 module aesthetics and efficiency' Unmatched module reliability SERIES No electrolytic capacitors ' 25-year Combined Power and Product Warranty California Rule 21 Phase 1 compliant Maximize Value for Roof Size system for roof, not string Inverter Optimize performance of each module Expand Deployment Options Complex roofs and partial shading Small systems Optimize System and Installation Efficiency System expandability SunPowerAC rnodules which include a faGory-integrated SunPower Simplify& Speed Installation rnluon venter,provide a revolutionary combination of high efficiency,high Factory integrated microinverter reliability,and module level DC so At power camersor. Designetl Robust,double-locking AC connectors Design Flexibility oHslte and onsite specifically for use with Stun ower lnvieiMon,r"and the SenPowei No DC string sizing process Monitoring Syv:crn SunPower AC modules ernble rapid Installation, best - Fewer installation steps than competing in-class system aesthetics.and intuitive visibility into system performance. systems Intuitive Commissioning All this comes with the best Combined Power and Proddct Warramyin Component of Complete System nc,ndusry- Built for use with SunPower-InvisiMount- andthe Sur-Power Monitoring System(Pv55x) Grid Support Utility-Interactive Smart Inverter Superior system reliability and aesthetics CLJHF-VJefs newiype D AC mod.ile is LL IC51 ed and(ni ified m LL 17L1 SA arct provides advanced smart inverter functions.SunPower type D AC modues are fully compliant c iim-his California Rule 21 Phase 1 remucm n -,and the Rule 21 grid profile a easily sit during 7Y) coinu is_iorirg with Sun Power PV55x morntonl g hardware. r - sunpower.com ec 1 VII SunlPl1 D-AC Residential A C Module Series IEEE 1547a 2014' CA Rule 21 5RDPref le (default so nor) min./roT./'nax. into./ncnl./n`ax Frequeicy;Hz) 595/60.0/60.5 55.51600 6D6 Pt11.e1 Fa(I(II 0 99/ 100/ 1.00 C 85 lead /1.00/C 8S lag. Reach,Power 1169 Var VVI Ver voltage 0240V 2112/240/264V _ ;2C8V 183/208 r 2288V Ma>.Current @240 V t 33 A _ @208V 1.54A D( AC(IC ..11..15; Fffluenty @240V 96,09% --�--- __ _ Ia208 V 95.59% Max.Un is 120 A Branch Cr,it @240V 12(single phase; @208 V 10(two pole)wye Power 320 W 320 VA Ne artily pnase balancing for 3 phase Inslallanons SPR-X22-3W-D-AC Wa anues 2Syear limited power warranty Noninal Power IPnoml 360 25 yearLmned pmdua waraPry Power Tolerance r5/-OCPI I stcd to[)1 174i SA Avg.Panel Efficiency 2224% �I -SRDs ILLL 1 4/ 1003.IF FF 1547,Jf,111 aA T,,IT, CrmC;Pvrvorl dJc 21 Phascl Three bypass diodes PV Rapid Sm adov:n Equgmer, S,aJ T.Ierxuc, Itglamd lr I: -I 1111111 pnin: Equipment Grounding uatkng Lt 6703,UL 97C3 Co-neaors and cab es (load break dlsce-nectic-1 LA 1741 AC Mocule(Type 2 fire It ngl Operating Temp. -40`FFErI85"F(-40`Cto '85 Ci (t, ti0tat ons Fnables Installation In accordance,I-. Ma AIIIIIIiTS,p 122'F(50`CI NEC 690 Max.load Wind'.6)psf 3000 Pa,305 kg/m2 f,t€back NL( 69011 liapic ylbutcE, nsius and Snow_125 ps[6000 Pa,611 k,Ots from. ciatn:e I,I a1 rayl mpzc Resistance I nch(25 mm;eiamete-hail at 52 mph(23 m/sl NEC 690.15 AC Ccmneeors-E9033(4) R4(1 FCC aed ICES003Oase B When used o,ith I^dmMounl racking CJ Iff3I. SCImryls 96 INomcoysldlllne lNd*eOmGenIII In:eg,ated grounding and bond nq �m son tempered gl , old fro [C High I a Class. i e ratec e(I ¢ ecoa — - _ -- LI e I1 F'at�ng Ouldoc ales e. - - - - I�PID Test Pe enual- 1 oJegrada[t t frame. Class l black a"ocl highest AAMA ranC) �ttzm lnl vae'vc 45 1 to,(20.1k. Ra tu hand M10 l i 33 1 M d le a r the If 1 al i olnlc�lI ) I InS nl n t131n1 e L _ ...1 le dy, Ir _LI 1 l I'll r u 1,111 r 1 0 . Jar L.lr . i a, J tic t r1 uEImmmIc ,_ s,r,tYW®lIFnno�umTnw 2 e-.d 11 _ J 1 o •unt"' Residential Mounting Simple and Fast Installation Integrated module to rail grounding Preassembledmid and end clamps Levitating mid clamp for easyplacement 1 61�` _ - Mid clamp width facilitates consistent,even module spacing Simple,pre-drilled rail splice - UL 2703 Listed Integrated grounding Flexible Design Addresses nearly all sloped residerral roofs Design in landscape and portrait Rails enable easy obstacle management Customer-Preferred Aesthetics #1 module and#1 mounting aesthetics • Best-in-class system aesthetics Elegant Simplicity • Premium,low-pro`ile design Black anodized components SunPower' invisiolount" is a SunPower-designed • midden mid dampsand end clamps rail-based mounting system. The lnvisiolount system and capped,flush rails addresses residential sloped roofs and combines faster Part of Superior System installation time, design Flexibility, and superior aesthetics. Built for use with SunPower DC and AC modules Best-in-lass system reliability and aesthetics The Invisitcoum product was specifically envisioned and • Combine with sunirower modules and engineered to pair with SunPower modulesTheresulting monitoringapp system level approach wll amplify the aesthetic and Installation cements for both homeowners and Installers. sunpower.com w�. SunPoountTM ResidentialMounting VctivleN MA Clalr(artl kail ctlWeN Ertl Cl,"1, rI13er d Clan'p EndClarrp PaIla Had SGLce SIemnL�,%Se -,,J-, mnNOw-L rodate.�al erem Tp, . rataro. ac'Cm90 " OadOk l r010,Pa 1pIL Isla Cl,p ack _ t rlen xepl B.S 304 6s e t22 oz3 6000 pa do-1,, Ertl CI-.mp oad 4-etl alarlr, Iltr afC.3-T6 nC IT=9ozi Pad --,ckan,d Oedal nr.rm allo}6005 T6 63OOrITTi'c'fi; yllm A n g6JO5L BIO erll; ll , 30= t l 3 _ r .r,lc , YI r J r IL tr platedm 1,11 1,,1 L _ - ] rP 36r 2A�:coolYTer Ifo vfV r'J ,e9 M1Gtpng CI24 nGIi,+al Ctl eid21nt I3 (L' I, elCF4a't ' Q el 11 TI,3 ( rrsl Lr Pr.:P f4rO .:aCFTer_ 2✓Lein. .I�.I�renl Pa rdfaa.re i r bLlvl Neb Wer..ne rM1nosr mpu rlevrnb Oie lrvziMou � rt'equbN ror Oamrvaeml mf rbJiy. 3015 SunPower[orp,rarmn,PII Pipnlz v ererved. SUNPOWER It SUNPOWEB lI a nd INVISIMOUNTare rrademn cor ,gst,r,l m6 RAvd.3 p. L_ 1, d k,' I, p p 'L Y _,ecLlve owners `G.0 WiT EjE,cd,,e D s 11011"i d ram e .ras bjr o chn,w,lour ce Doament N5091 Elv VT', : I' �. QuikFOOt PRODUCT GUIDE . . Exploded Product View/B.O.M. - 1 Installation Instructions - 2 '�'�'�• Cut Sheets - 3 Specifications -4 Air oto I '�I , L.Ji ryr ;Oa EcoFasten Solar- 1,TT—,r-Tom' . � a lalhi 4 p!� { �'j' QuikFoot— Product Guide Exploded Product View, Bill of Materials r -- ��I r�INI ' ° jrIj Materials Needed for Assembly Item No. Description of Material/Part Quantity 1 QuikFoot Base Plate 1 i P s i t 4li 6 2 Fastener(Length to be determined) 2 �l '1i17 3 �{ QuikFoot Flashing 1 A I. q4' S 4 EPDM Washer 1 V I', E 5 L-102-3"Bracket*(other options available) 1 6 5/16" EPDM Bonded 18.8 SS Washer 1 �i l r , R ? 7 3/8"Stainless Steel Hex Nut 1 6 v 11 Required Tools �I 2 Fi P I i J+: I y d t' r ' t } ]r a]]-859394] Hobrbbu aam Solar All wnteM png U Setl rents oopyn22 by n5M70828181 398 1.1 EWFd41¢¢Solar pmtluctr are puoaMeE by N¢bll¢w¢g05Paleo�6.0151022 B2B153]00�28101390 B26166710820106299 628209914 322GSGSC 8282]21]0 B25,22555]82 t rel µMr y'I'F ,: Cut Sheets: OF-AL-Base ivy 1 yfl QuikFoot— Product Guide f'1 I a � 1 2X 0 .33in 18.38mm] f f �,r�I I 1 00 P� I OF 1f .tl I i r 1 .50in �. 38.10MMI 318"-16 Stud Al i E E r E E P t v � t ; IIS l QF-M : 75' QF-L : 1.75 877-859 394 7 EcoFnsten Solar All coMent protedO under c pyn911t All nghls iesewed 10109114 t Em sin Solar prWuc15 arepMyevd by the buoying U.S.Patents 8 151 522 02 8.153700 B2 6 181,398 82 8 166,713 B28.146,299 616 209 91152 02x5454 826.272 114 82 6225 551 B2 r;�yE I Cu: Sheets: QFL-812 ; QwkFoot— Product Guide 111 � I Is �1 1fpl41j7, � � 111�1i R.38in �l1� [9.53mm] .032in �4 LI [0.81mm] SII. lI,I h 12.001 n Tv I- [304.80mm] r f ,! FFG I �, frr ! � I 3.00in [76.20mm] .50in �— ` �( 8.00in [ 12.70mm] [203.20mm] / r 81L859-394] � EcuSolar All lprotected lotler t .r . 932 EmFa51en Solar products are pmtMeE by the aslOaang U.SPatenr58.151522628 153 700 B28181,398 B20,16fi 713 B20.1<629982820991482 6205450826 2]2.94928.22535]82 it 'el QuikFoot— Product Guide Cut Sheets: Bracket Options -SCL-1 01-3 fit - �tl� , y { {4. flit 46 SERRATIONS II II I � L 1 7/8" R1/16" 1/4" � � f 3/4" 1/16" � t R.0O5 R.01O 2X R.01 60.00° 3/8"+.002 1/8" 0 7/8" X 820 DETAIL SCALE 3:1 y L 877-8593947 EmFasten Solar All content protected under copyright.All rights reserved 10/09114 37 1 toonanan Solar buri are potereb by the tollming 0SPatents'.8,151,522 B28.15370OB28,181398 B281H710 B28106299 B2 B209910 B28,205050 B28272,174228225557 B2 . �I1 QuikFoot— Product Guide Specifications � DART 1 —GENERAL I 111 r : II i. Ild t. 1.1 SUMMARY 1.3 SUBMITTAL h" A. WORK INCLUDESA. Submit manufacturers written specifications. B. Base plate is 6000 series aluminum with one �I PEM Type Press-In Stud 18.8 SS. 1. QuikFoot base plate attachment bracket that B. Submit standard product cut sheets. III I+ I attaches directly to the roof deck. Ili M I ,,, C Submit installation instructions C. Fasteners to be compatible with chosen roof J �) 1 it 2. Provide appropriate bracket and fasteners D. Submit product specific load test data,showing application and meet specified pull out values e II'i§ for the roof system, as shown in load test data. ultimate and allowable load values specific to 11 B. RELATED SECTIONS ultimate roof deck specified for the project. D. Counter flashing ls.032gauge aluminum em- Y 1 1 Seaton 07600:Flashingand Sheet Metal bossed t0 accept Shape of Stainless steel base Z Section 07500:Roofing 11, QUALITY ASSURANCE plate 3 Division 1:Administrative and Procedural Installer to be experienced in the installation of Requirements specified roofing material for no less than 5years in 2.3 FINISH 1�1 Y g 4 Division?Thermal and Moisture Protection the area of the project. � Yrl 1I A. Bracket is mill finish aluminum d .2 SvS-EM DESCRIPTION 1S DELIVERY STORAGE/HANDLING B- Base flashing-Black- I t' A. COMPONENTS: kynar painted �� ( Inspect material upon delivery.Notify manufacturer I � I p 1. QuikFoot system consists of aluminum within 24 hours of an missing or defective items. 6It bracket and base plate with stainless steel y g PART 3- EXECUTION F rKeep material dry,covered,and off the ground until n stud,(1)s[ainless steel nut(1)EPDM washer installed. yrs and(1)bonded stainless steel and EPDM 31 EXAMINATION washer. A. Substrate.Inspect structure on which brackets 2. Fasteners PART 2-PRODUCTS are to be installed and verify that it will with- A.To be of metal compatible with Qu&Foot stand bracket. 2. MANUFACTURER any additional loading that may be incurred. `+•.L�' '� i ('• B.Fasteners should be selected for compat- EcoFasten Solar ibiloy with the roof deck 289 Harrel Street,Morrisville.VF 05661 B. Notify General Contractor of any deficiencies ' (877)859-3947 before installing EcoFasten Solar brackets. C.Fastener strength should exceed or be g l www.ecoaccom fas[ensol equal rothat of[he allowable load of the C. Veri(ythat roofing material has been Installed system.See test data at correct) prior to installing solar attachment rl wwvetefastensolar.com 2.2 MATERIAS Y P g Y� -' B. ''� A Attachment Bracket brackets. 3. Sealant(if required by roof manufacturer): to be roof manufacturer approved. 6000 Series Aluminum(choose one) 3.21NS-ALLATION ' 1 4. Aluminum counter-flashing 1.CP-SQ-Slotted _..rf 5. Aluminum attachment bracket 2.F-111-A A Comply with architectural drawings and project t,.= engineers recommendations for location of 3.P-3-CSK system.Comply with Manufacturers written in- ,A B. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS'. 4.SCL-101-3 stallation instructions for installation and layout. V 1, Bracket spacing to be recommended by 5. L-102-3" + project engineer. 6 L-102-6'• 2. Install a minimum of two fasteners per 7.Z-101 1' base plate. 8.Comp Slide 3. It is important to design new structures or 8.Custom assess existing structures to make sure that they can withstand retained loads. t r 1• L_- _9394—_.. _.. I 877-859 3947 ' Ecnsolar All content protected under cepynght All rgreserved. 14 , 41 Ecoesen Bolerpmtlucts ampm[ege00y the fdowgq LLS Saunts:8,15L522328,153,790 620,181 398 620,166r13 B20,16fi.299828.299914 828,205,454 B28,Z]2.1]C 828.225.55]82 3/8.. A 46 SERRATIONS i� II + I 1J_ R1 /16" 1 7/8° t6" �00 3/4" < 1 /R.005 R.010 2X R.O1 60.0CC 0 3/8'+.0028" X = +/- .1 0� 7/8" X 82° DETAIL 3 .XX = +/- .01 .XXX= +/- .005 Q289 Harrel Street Morrisville, VT 05661 SCL-101 -3 aODEcoFasten Solaro Toll Free Phone 1.877.859.3947 Toll Free Fax 1.888.766.9994 MATERIAL: 6000 SERIES ALUMINUM Q web w .ecofastensolaccom e-mail info@ecofastensolar.com SCALE: 1:1 1/6/2012 SHEET 1 OF I Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative POLICY DOCUMENT #9 Current version adopted by the Board of Directors on April 28, 2011 INSTALLATION CREW OPERATING POLICY This policy applies to all PV Squared employees in Massachusetts, but is particularly directed at those involved in the installation of solar electric and other renewable energy systems (licensed electrician, learner/apprentice electrician, licensed constructor supervisor, supervised carpenter and laborer). When engaged in this work as an employee of PV Squared on a PV Squared project site, activities of PV Squared employees are covered under the General Liability Insurance maintained by the Cooperative. It is the intent of this policy to provide clarity to installation situations where the applicable codes and regulations are unclear, ambiguous, or silent. It is possible that a municipal building or electrical inspector could interpret the codes and regulations in a manner that differs from what appears here. But this policy sets out, in writing, how the cooperative interprets legal work requirements and unclear details. It is an internal consensus working model, intended to be revised and improved from time to time. As a general matter, a city's or town's Building Commissioner is charged with enforcing the State Building Code, Plumbing and Gas Code, Electrical Code and Architectural Access Code. The commissioner addresses concerns about the safety, accessibility and security of construction of homes and businesses. The commissioner also enforces zoning bylaws. In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, employees of the cooperative who perform electrical tasks and activities must hold a Massachusetts journeymen's electrician license or be under the direct supervision of such licensed personnel. These tasks and activities include installing electrical wiring, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures or other appliances for carrying or using the electricity associated with Renewable Energy Generators (electrically active solar photovoltaic modules, wind turbine-generators, hydroelectric generators, etc.). In no circumstances shall the Massachusetts licensed journeymen have more than one learner or apprentice working with him/her or under his/her supervision. Mounting structures come in a variety of configurations and have differing functional and physical characteristics. A structural component or assembly becomes associated with electrical work as the Renewable Energy Generator is electrically bonded to the mounting structure. Unless otherwise noted in M.G.L. c.143 553 through 5560 inclusive, all structural work defined as follows shall not be required to be performed by a Massachusetts licensed journeymen electrician: • Structural improvements • Elements of a Renewable Energy Generator's support structure that fall under a building permit (e.g., assembly of top-of-pole mounting structure on steel pole with concrete foundation prior to execution of any required electrical bonding of the support structure and associated renewable energy generator (solar electric module) to the support structure Policy # 9 Installation Crew Operating Policy Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative POLICY DOCUMENT #9 Current version adopted by the Board of Directors on April 28, 2011 • Roof-top mounting support structures including but not limited to posts, stand-offs, flashings, feet, and mounting rails • Operation of heavy equipment involved in moving, hoisting, digging and other tasks • Earth work, excavation and concrete work • Manual labor involved in moving loading and unloading of equipment • Moving, hoisting, and attaching an electrically bonded panel assembly (defined as one or more assembled and electrically bonded solar electric modules) to an existing structural support designed to host the panel assembly. Note however that construction of a panel assembly is an electrical task due to the required electrical bonding activities. Repair and Servicing of Installed Equipment Repair or replacement of an electrically bonded and/or energized renewable energy generator (e.g., installed solar electric panel) will be performed by a licensed electrician or properly supervised learner or apprentice working with the licensed electrician. Replacement of an installed inverter must be performed by a licensed electrician or properly supervised learner or apprentice working with the licensed electrician, if the work requires removal of AC and/or DC conduit and associated wiring that originates outside of the installed inverter (e.g., removal of external AC conduit and wiring between the inverter and point of interconnection with the on-site electrical service). Note that this activity may require a wiring permit in some local jurisdictions. This requirement also applies to the servicing of an installed inverter that involves replacement or repair of components and wiring internal to the pre-manufacturer inverter (i.e., factory installed components that were originally shipped with the inverter) even though such activity may not require a wiring permit. Replacement of an installed inverter may also be performed by a qualified technician who may or may not be a licensed electrician or properly supervised learner or apprentice working with a licensed electrician if the inverter is of a "plug and play" design. Such a qualified technician can also performed other tasks that include installation and servicing inverter-based performance monitoring systems (e.g., replacing internal communication cards, making "plug and play" ethernet connections, etc.), assuming these activities do not require creation of a new AC power source circuit to operate the communication system(s). Policy # 9 Installation Crew Operating Policy Non Electrical Work at atypical PV Squared Installation: • All Material Handling tasks o Module prep and moving o Ladder lift setup o ladder set up o Trash/recycling removal and sorting • Structural Improvements o All carpentrywork • Roof Mount Array o Fall protection anchor setup and removal o Layout and mounting bases o Racking up to but not including"bonding/grounding related activities" o Leveling of racking o Sealing seams/patching roofing/additional flashing • Ground mount array o Site work,earth moving o Trenching/digging o Construction of racking up to but not including "bonding/grounding related activities" • Conduit run o Making holes in structure o Fire blocking,sealing penetrations o Stickers • Power Board o Build wall,hang plywood o Stickers • Interconnection o Stickers • Monitoring o Wif options o Any"plug and play'devices o Programming of monitoring devices I Computer based activities • Installation completion o Final building inspections I Install pictures-See checklist o Update one line and roof drawings to reflect as built o Completion checklist o Notes for others o COC left onsite • Misc o Truck Organizing o Material List, ordering o Daily check-in o Customer interaction and training activities Ak 5n�4A 30 PVSquared Solar)ww .pvsquaredcoop Phone.413-777-8788/F x.413-777-8668 4� 311 Wells SL Ste.B I Greenfield,MA 01301 .1� .orV, MA Elec.Lic.A13764JMA HIC 140077 Dear Town Inspections Officials, Please see our enclosed applications to permit a Solar Photovoltaic System in your jurisdiction. As you are likely aware, PV Squared is a worker-owned-cooperative B-Corp, employing 40+ people in Greenfield. We have installed thousands of PV Systems out of our Greenfield, MA Headquarters since 2002. PV Squared is committed to complying with all Commonwealth laws and regulations. Our worksite guidelines are created with the intention of exceeding all safety, electrical, and building requirements as defined by their respective jurisdictional entities. This includes the work of people from multiple disciplines, including electrical engineering, structural engineering, civil engineering, electricians,construction supervisors, roofers, and their associated helpers. We are a company that values training and education.We make certain that every individual is qualified for the roles and responsibilities that they assume. It is our policy to pay for the employees travel and training time and cost of the education, including CSL and Journeyman and Master Electrician classes. As an electrical contractor we are furthermore guided by the January 30, 2009 Massachusetts Board of State Examiners of Electricians (BSEE)judgements, and rulings that have followed.We pay strict adherence to these mandates and all electrical work is conducted by an electrician and an electrician's apprentice in a 1:1 ratio. We also understand that non-electrical tasks associated with a Solar installation can be completed by non-electrical workers, such as CSLs and others. I have attached our installation policy for your review, as well as a list of example non-electrical tasks. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or delineation of work, please let us know, We are a learning organization that is always trying to improve on what we do. Respectfully, Adam Thurrell Operations Manager