38B-229 (10) 65 FAIRVIEW AVE BP-2018-1334 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map.Block: 38B-229 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Cateeo v'Wood Stove BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1334 Proiect# JS-2018-002372 Est.Cost: $4031.00 Fee: $40.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO.- Const. O.const.Class: Contractor., License: Use Group: WRIGHT BUILDERS 106505 Lot Siu(sp.It.): 20952.36 Owner: LASH ELEANOR Zoning,URB(100)/ Applicant: WRIGHT BUILDERS AT: 65 FAIRVIEW AVE ApplicantAddress: Phone: Insurance: 48 Bates St (413) 586-8287 (116) Workers Compensation NORTHAMPTONMA01060 ISSUED ON.611412018 0:00.00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.-HOMESTEAD WOODSTOVE POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke, Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeTvoe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/14/20180:00:00 $40.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner City of Northampton .of Massachusetts �. 'I 0212 Mins OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS P 212 Min rfs • awlclpal Building �F ^ `, 9orNamptun, MA 01060 Ift `"a RECEIVED �qbq JUN 1 2 2018 NG OR TWO FAMILY SOLID FUEL APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION W OD,COAL,PELLET,CORN,STRAW OR SIMILAR STOVES,OR FIREPLACES DEPNOHTHAMPTON.MP 01060 T OF BUILDING NB CheCKp f�`5 /X 7t/ ia Please (D fill in all�apprroppriate information H' 1. Name of Applicant:p JAI � 94 4[ 0, 4'D Address: /^-- � ••L� I�O�j1.-, (1'� �D� Telephone: 5g6 �O d 2. Owner of Property : 1.6NTS'1�N /��TTCU6& e- WT� P qq Address: SOS Pt,wtew Aw,, f�n1"IFc �Itr1 lvTelephone:I��D '531.- [bty 3. Status of Applicant: Ownert-� (-�ContrAaccttoorr (,[ 1' 4. Type or Brand of Storve��: hyme 7-�d � ••'— W"I)!'PVEy M0bEV#dS7D' f1'2'0F 5. UL Listing : VL IL s,"/ ax-so-) 6. Estimated/Cost: 7o3)- - �r77p 7. Email : (AAvD w� Ii hk2l] ` kC6 If applicant is not the homeowneerrr::-� fPa- M�,Q„ /M e7bW"LV411mrgrVk10W-(�,M Contractor name � tf4 &V[l(/DEm-a�il : / V LlYtt'vD f�WF'l b'r��1Nlt� -COf� Construction Supervisor's License Number I D Io � Expiration Date 1 01/17 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number 101 73f. Expiration Date 6 y' All Applicants must complete a Workers Compensation Insurance Affidavit before we can issue a permit 8. Certification: I hearby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. DATE: p/� Q i O APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I� 1 DATE: .. ' b h- HOMEOWNER'S SIGNATU APPROVED DATE: // B BUILDING OF IA Comaonoo ahn of Massac8usetts Division of Profet,wri I L imrs.oe Board of Building Regulations and StawarEs C onstra,W EMdSaperviso r CS.106505 Eapires: 1170-112014 t ANN ES, 4 EOW� a 101 WEST NAgI)_EY CHARLENo 1, Sh� U Commissioner basun hancjgpp pCId"a mmY$gtw which caMain - t0k halt(991 cubic Mainers)0"dosed space. palmi Wlsesii raeMpt Stale&tlF9t Fir In� a Ir trwocation orth�sMemx . CaY 1417)72744 or"NN w `1111g4odaPt r Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation-.. 10 Park Plaza- Suite 5170 Boston, MassacWpetts 02116 Home Improvement Registration ROWMdW¢ 101ti30 TOW. PrKl"CwPOMdw Evhwm: OPlBWs Tr0 419MI WRIGHT BUILDERS, INC. Jonathan Wright a 48 BATES STREET Northampton, MA 01080 Y Updob Addrw Yd rewra afd.Mark 1 n for rhea06 erwr O awasry+ ❑Addr— ❑ R—Al ❑ LmplgmMt ❑ Loot Can{, �� orrmea�0(� Omni ofCraoss AlGln•Boi.=HgWdoa Iln or rayhhotloo VAN for hWbhlod a ally HOW MPROOMPENT CONTRACTOR beforo the eapbmdm dots Iffemd renin to; R@gWbvdM 888 Type: Of u of Ceoauar Amho and Bedoer Ro`olatlao EWbWWMWdM8 PrhW CoMomdon IOPark - 5170 DaWo, WFtN31Ti 0111 JormOme WNW 48 BATES STREET N&Mwwtw,MAL 01000 Oad� of a r' ACO M CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCEtill BATB3avzolwe n THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLYAND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcyges)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or Be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and Conditions of the polity,cvllaln Policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such andamement(s). PRODUCER xµE, Jenna ROOIig al CISRFile Webber B GrinnellallPHONE 1413)588-0111 F," Xe: (413)586-6481 8 NOnh King Street aODRESB: ImdngYB�webbemndgdnnBlLfAm INS MRIS)WOWING COV E NAICa Northampton MA 01060 l"UMRA: Albella Insurance Group 17000 INSURED INSURER B: A.I.M.Mutual Wright Builders,Inc. INSURERC: Alin:Jonathan Wd9M INSURER O: 411 B.A.Street INSURER E: Nonhal MA 01060 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: Master 2019 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FORTHE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF My CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IX L Y POUCYEIM LIMOS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NVMBER MMD M" COMMERCPLGENEMLL lI EACH OCCURRENCES 1'000,000 CLAIMS MADE OCCUR PREMISESE•m—mm $ 10O'D00 WDEXPA,10—I ma l $ 5.0 0 A 85OWN268 03/012018 031012019 PERSONAL SAran'INJURY f 1.000,000 GEN'LAGGREWTE LIMITAPPLIES PER GENEMLAGGREGATE $ 2'000,000 POLICY PEC La' PRODUCTSCOE 2,000.000 OTHER: Employee Berl S 1,000,000 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY OMBBIINEEDD SINGLE LIMIT S 1,000000 ANYAUTO BODILY INJURY(Faral l S A CWNEDX SCHEDULED 1W0070845 OW0112010 031012019 BODILY INJURY(Per accaeml s AUTOS ON, PUTOB HIRED NON.DYmFD PROPFRIV DAMAGE f X AUTOS ONLY X AUTOS ONLY v,.ew•m PIP-Basle f 8,000 X UMBRELLA LMB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE f 5,000,000 A EXCESS LMB CIAIM3MADE 4600068266 031012D18 0310112019 AGGREGATE f 51000,000 DEO I X1 BFTENTON$ 10,000 f WORKERS COMPENSATION X STATUTE ERH AND EMPLOYERS UA2I YIN R ANY PROPnIETOR?ARTNERIEXECUTINE O NIA MCC20020005342018A 031012018 03MIR019 EL.EACHACCIOENr f 500,000 OFFICER,IAEMBER E%CLUD EO? 500,000 nemd.min Nm EL.GISEASE-LAEMNLI S nyee.assents u�6e� LIMIT s 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS balm EL - DISEASEPOLICY DESCRIPTIONOFOPEWIMSILO"TIMSIVENICLES ACORD 101,McNlonsl liba eSale4ule,may b e1bNN N m•m teal 1.mal CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANYOF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Informational Pumoses Only ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHOMTED REPREBEMATNE vt_� � ®1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(201&03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD �\ The Commonwealth of Massachusetts l Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017 www.tttass.gov/dia N orkers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information Please Print Leeibly Name : (Business/OrgmizatioMndividu t)): Address: If 9Alle+ ,L �y �a.,Ar� City/State/Zip: O D 0(0 Phone#: t{9 3 4 b .P � X 6 0 / Are you an employer?Check rh......Posts boa: Type of project(required): L[JIamaemployerwidt employee,(fdl and/or part-time). T ❑New construction 2.❑l am a wle propnemr or perNership end have no employ=s wanking forme in g. ❑Remodeling =y capacity.[No workvs'comp.insu, required.] 3.Om I aa homeow�doing all work myself.[No workers'compu.inowot,region.l t q. ❑Demolition 4.❑I am a homeowner and will be huiug contractors to conduct ell work on my property. 1 will ]0❑Building addition ensure that all contractors either have workers'coartomaation usurance or ere sole 11.❑Electrical repairs or additions prupnetors with no employess. 12.E]Plumbing.spars or additions 5.1].11 sur a generemtor l contand l have hued the subco - ntrecton listed on 0e attached sheet. 11E]Roof repairs fliers,sub-contractors have employees aid have workm'wW.insax,er.t 6.[-]We are aex action and its oDiters,have exemired their right of exemption per MGL c 14.00ther 152,§I(4),and we have no employe=.[No workeri=rap.insurance required.] •Any applicant Nat checks box al must also fill end the section below showwg their workers'compensation policy wfomutioo. to. meowners who submit Nu affidavit indicating they are doing dl work and thin hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. <Coatrectarr that check this box mart attachN an additioud.hest showing the name of the sub-contractors end ons,whether or not Nose=lilies have employees. If the sub-contractors have employees,they must provide Neu wmkas comp.policy number. I an an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy andjob site information. /A� Insurance Company Name: f'E A1 . MutjKy� r� p Policy#or Self-ins.Lie.#: Mcz>Do 2-D DTI 3 f O v I OA- Exposition Dale: � ) Job Site Address: City/S[awaip:No rn&M( IUN, M/s N� Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration 00.date)D( 6 Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152,§25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to$1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. !do hereby cerdfy under thepains and penalties ofperjury that the informadon provided above is true and correct c; �to rny0 P' /lL19,1>G.felk-- Date, II3� 8 Phone je, Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town ojJiciat City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector S.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: Please retain this sheet for your records. It contains the Model No. and Serial No. of your stove. 'rhis information is needed to complete the enclosed Warranty Registration form and is useful in the event you need to order accessories or replacement parts Homestead Woodstove Brown Majolica Enamel Polished Gray Soapstone Model No. : 8570-412OF Serial No. : 14793 317 Stafford Avenue 4, heal'ff1Sbom Morrisville, VT 05661 ,Fr HEART.f YOUR HOME heaMistone Homestead Hearth Mount(M8570H)&Freestanding(88570F) NON-CATALYTIC WOODSTOVE Owner's Manual Installation and Operating Instructions vro,sm,ma„e a,n m. aoaan a iware.ne . •'�,;",,. senk:ee W a.oravwnau.mo ce,lifietlntice Fv IN1 ty ) 3' � etknai kgack lmEWal. krww.nfi�rnesE.ery Ius �Illl-A '4ekh�t II 1 ]I Save these instructions for future referencel Please read this entire (Tuner's Manual before you install and use your new Homestead Wood Stove.To reduce the risk of fire, follow the following Instructions. Failure to follow these instructions may result in property damage, bodily injury, or even death. Contact local artllnarilNs having prbdicfion(your local building dgr6erant or fks o1MeWs)about the rAddd-Patdb,any Aden iod.rlion lsp.ction Homasautl Mo6a16610 Manual:6600-00116 Rewe 621111 H..ntrsf.Quality florae i4exting Prod ,Inc Homestead Models"570F and#851rM Table of Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................4 Codes 5 Safety1.f.'m'—a't'lo"n' .......................................... .................................*. .......................................... 5 Specifications...................... .......................................................................................................... ........................................6 Installation..............................................................................................................................8 Unpacking.........-...................................................................................................................................................................8 InstallingYour Stove................................................................ .....................--................................................................8 Hearth Requirements and Floor Protection...............................................................................................................................9 Fireplace Install For Hearth Mount Stove(#8570H)with flinch Legs....................................................................................11 Dimensions and Clearances for Hearth Mount(#8570H)Stove with 44nch Legs and Surrounds..... ............12 Fireplace Install for Freestanding stove(model#8570F)with 64nch Legs............................................................................17 Freestanding Install for Hearth Mount Stove(#8570H)With 4 Inch Legs and For Freestanding Stove(#8570F)With 6 Inch Legs.....................................................................................................................................................................................22 Venting Components and Configuration...........................................................................28 ConnectingYour Wood Stove................................................................................. ..........................................................30 Installingin a Mobile Home...................................................................................................................................................33 Operation .............................................................................................................................34 Controlsand Features............................................................................................................................................................34 ChoosingFirewood...........................................................................................--................................................................34 WoodHeat Value............................................................................................................-................................... 35 Buildinga Fire...........--.............................................................................................................. ................................ 36 OperatingYour Stave .......................................................................................................................38 Maintenance & Cleaning.....................................................................................................40 Stove's Interior.............................................................................................. .............................................40 Stove's Exterior........... ...................................................................................................................................41 Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................43 YourHeating Needs.............................................................................................................................................................43 Operatingthe Stove..............................................................................................................................................................43 TroubleshootingGuide............................................................................--........................................................... .44 GeneralInformation ............................................................................................................45 Partsand Accessories............................................................................................................................................................45 SafetyLabel .........................................................................................................................47 Headhstorre Qualify Home Heating pn ai s,Inc. Fl r aad Models N57OF and f/8570H Introduction Congratulations! You have just invested in a most stove centrally in your Irving area to allow the heat to unique wood stove—the Homestead wood burning travel naturally to distant rooms. We suggest that stove from Hearthstone Quality Home Heating you do not locate your stove in an uninsulated Products Inc®. Both the Homestead Model 857OF basement. The amount of radiant energy required to and 8570H,with their 2.0 cubic foot firebox capacity, heat concrete basement walls is so great that most are the cleanest burning EPA certified, non-catalyfic of the useable heat is absorbed by them and lost. wood burning stoves in their class at 1.9 grams per hour particulate emissions. The generous width 4, SAFETY NOTICE:A HOUSE FIRE MAY RESULT IF allows for loading wood up to 19 inches long! You THIS STOVE IS NOT INSTALLED PROPERLY.FOR can be proud to join the Hearthstone family. YOUR SAFETY, CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS. CONTACT LOCAL Your purchase ensures years of clean, comfortable BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS ABOUT heat with minimal maintenance. You will receive the RESTRICTIONS AND INSTALLATION INSPECTION benefits of the most advanced technology in wood IN YOUR AREA- burning REAburning without the cost and maintenance requirements of a catalytic stove. The Homestead The performance of your stove depends on many blends modem technology with the unique beauty variables. Since all installations are unique, the and heating qualities of soapstone (traditionally general information and operating procedures renowned for its even heat production and long heat presented here can only serve as useful guidelines retaining ability).We trust that you will appreciate the rather than hard and fast rules. Should you quality of our handcrafted product. experience any problems or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your dealer for additional Please read this manual in its entiroty before information. installing your stove. it explains how to safety install your stove, break it in, operate it, and maintain it. Validate your warranty — return your warranty This information will be useful to you now and in registration card to Hearthstone within 30 days of years to come, so keep the manual handy and refer purchase. Once your warranty is validated, contact to it as needed. your dealer for any necessary warranty service. Use these instructions as well as national, state,and This stove is manufactured and warranted by: local building codes to install your stove. Be sure to maintain the designated stovepipe and stove Hearthstone Quality Home Heating products Ince clearances to walls, ceilings, hearth, and other 317 Stafford Avenue combustible surfaces. This will help reduce the risk Morrisville,Vr 05661 of fire. Failure to follow these instructions can result in property damage, bodily injury,and even death. Locate your stove in a safe, convenient, open ama; away from traffic flow, and doors and hallways; and near a chimney and chimney connector. Review the proper clearance measurements from combustible surfaces.You can safely reduce required clearances in most cases with special connector pipe and special wall coverings or as specified by this manual, the NFPA 211 codas, and your local authorities having jurisdiction. Keep furniture, drapes, curtains, wood, paper, and other combustibles far away from the stove. Never install the stove in locations where gasoline, keraserre, charcoal tighter, or any otter flammable liquids are used or slaved. The soapstone wells of a Hearthstone soapstone stove produce an even, radiant heat Locate the 4 HeaMalone Quelily Hama Haa#rg Pnxhx1x Inc." Hon,astead Motlels 48570F and#857011 Codes d Inspect the stovepipe,chimney connector,and chimney frequently,as recommended. When you install your Homestead, It is imperative that you adhere to all local codes, which can be 6 Make sure the removable ash lip is in place— obtained from either of the following two national as it was certified for operation—while using sources: the stove. If the ash lip is not installed property, the hearth may exceed safe temperatures. American National Standards Institute,Inc. (ANSI) 1430 Broadway Follow these safety precautions: New York, NY 10018 6 Never modify this stove in anyway, especially National Fire Protection Association,Inc. the primary air control system. (NFPA) i Never bum kiln dried wood, painted or treated Battery March Park wood,solvents,trash, plywood,colored or Quincy,MA 02269 glossy paper,artificial logs,cardboard,coal, you are installing our Homestead in a mobile garbage,or driftwood. Especially,do not bum If Y g Y mal in this stove. home, follow the guidelines described in the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety 6 Never use gasoline type fuel, kerosene, Standard,Title 24 CFR,Part 3280(United States). charcoal lighter fluid,or other liquid fuels or solid fire starters to start or invigorate a fire.These Safety Information fuels can possibly generate carbon monoxide, Read and understand this Owners Manual which can deplete the supply of oxygen or create thoroughly before installing and using this stove. o explosion.Keep all such materials away from the stove. Ensure you install your stove: Never use the stove if the ash pan is loose, not A. According to the recommendations and in place or if the ash grate is open. instructions presented in this manual. 6 Never use a wood grate or other device to O According to all applicable codes. elevate the fire. With the proper-sized chimney. 4 Do Not allow logs to rest against or otherwise come in contact with the glass when the door is When using your stove: God. A. Wam children and others unfamiliar with wood A. Do Not slam the door,or use it to force wood in stoves about the danger of touching the hot, to the stove. radiating surfaces of your stove. For your 4 Never over-fire your stove. (See page 38.) additional safety,obtain hearth and stove guards from your local dealer. 4 Never put articles of clothing or candles on a hot stove. A. Follow recommended break-in procedure as L Do Not connect the stove to a flue that is outlined in this manual. serving another appliance.(See page 28.) i Bum natural wood only. Higher efficiencies and lower emissions result when buming air-dried, pgrer Safety Guidelines seasoned wood,as compared to green or freshly art wood. d such general rule-keep all combustible items, suchh as furniture,drupes.clothing,and other A. Keep the front door closed at all times except items,at least 36'(0.92 meters)from the stove. when loading wood. 6 Install a smoke detector. 6 Use caution when loading firewood into a hot O Keep a fire extinguisher handy.We recommend stove. the type rated-A B C-. 4. Keep the ash pat bay filly inserted and the ash 6 Dispose of esfres properly. (See page 39) grate dosed. 4a Keep children and pets away from the stove: they could be burned by touching a hot stove. 5 Heanhs Quality Ho me Heating Pro s,Inc.• Homestead Motlels N57OF ant M570H V Clean your system as needed. (See page 40.) 4- WARNING:DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PUT OUT A STOVEPIPE OR CHIMNEY FIRE BY THROWING WATER ONTO THE STOVE,STOVEPIPE,OR Periodic Checklist CHIMNEY.THE EXTREMELY HIGH perform ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH each of the following tasks at the specified FIRES CAN CAUSE INSTANTANEOUS STEAM intervals. AND SERIOUS BODILY HARM. Once the chimney fire has expired, leave the primary At the End of Every Week(oras required): air control closed and let the fire in the stove die out • Empty the ashes from the firebox and the ash completely. The stove should not be fired again until pan,sooner if the firebox or the ash pan begins the stove, stovepipe, and chimney are all thoroughly to fill up. inspected for any sign of damage. You must correct any damage before using your stove again. At the Beginning of Every Month: Specifications • Visually inspect the chimney connector and (Specifications are for both the #8.570F and#8570H chimney for creosote;clean them accordingly. unless otherwise noted) Maximum Heat Output: 50,000 BTUs per hour of At the Beginning of Every Other Month: Cordwood (based on independent laboratory test • Check door seals using the"dollar bill test"— results). when the fire is out and the stove cool,shut the a slide Heat-Lite: Twelve hours Heat-Life is a trademark of door on a dollar bill.Try the dollar out. If Hearthstone and is defined as thermal Capacitance the bill pulls out without any resistance,then or quantity of heat stored. Used here, it refers not your stove's door isn't sealed properly.To just to bum time, but also to hours of usable heat tighten the seal, change the door gasket. obtained from a single load of fuel. At the End of Every Season(once a year): Size of Heated Area: Up to 2,000 square feet • Dismantle the chimney connector and Firebox Capacity:2.0 cubic feet(.057 cubic meters) thoroughly clean it Replace any pieces that or 40 pounds of wood (The amount and weight of show signs of rust or detehombon. wood contained per cubic foot of firebox volume can vary from 15 to 36 pounds depending on the type of • Inspect and,if necessary, clean your chimney. wood, its moisture content, the packing density, as • Thoroughly clean out the inside of the stove. well as other factors. As a constant for comparison and test purposes, these specifications assume 20 • Inspect all door gaskets; replace the gaskets it pounds of seasoned hardwood per cubic foot of they are worn,frayed,cracked,or extremely firebox volume.) hard. Maximum Log Length: 19"(483 mm) Emergency Procedures Height(98570H with 4"legs): 25'/:"(648 mm) In you have a stovepipe or chimney fire,follow these Height(#8570F with 6"legs):27%"(699 mm) instructions: Width:27"(686 mm) 1. If the fire is too threatening,leave the area and Depth: 19'(483 mm) call the fire department immediately.If not perform the next three steps. Front Door Size: 18" wide x 12" high (457 mm x 2. Close the305 mm) primary air control. 3. Close the stovepipe damper(if present). Stovepipe Slm 6'(152 mm)diameter 4. Keep the stove frart door dosed and ash pan MrtY Clohnner. 6"(152 mm)inside diameter Inserted a8 the way. Nelson CNwry: Up to 8' x 8" (203 mm x 203 mm)square flue 6 HeaNrstone Quality Honn{leatlng ProCucfs,Inc.` Homest Modals A570F antl N570H Flue Exit: Top or rear exit Optional Equipment for Model#8570F: Rear Heat Shield Kit, Blower Fan Kit, Outside Air K8, Hearth Actual Weight: 360 pounds Mount Conversion Kit(for adding 4" legs), Surround Shipping Weight:400 pounds K0, and Hearth Mount Oval-to-Round Adapter. (Please see 'Optional Accessories on page 46 for Crated Dimensions: Height(#8570H with 4"legs or complete descriptions of this optional equipment.) #8570F with 6' legs): 341/:" (876 mm); Width: 3111," Soapstone Finish: Polished gray soapstone, which (790 mm);length 24'1,"(631 mm) varies from gray to gray-blue,according to its natural Optional Equipment for Model#8570H: Rear Heat composition. Shield K0, Outside Air Kit, Freestanding Conversion Castings Finish: Painted black matte and Porcelain Kit (for adding 6' legs and a bottom heat shield), Surround Kit, and Freestanding Oval-to-Round enamel colors. Adapter. (Please see 'Optional Accessories" on page 46 for complete descriptions of this optional equipment.) 7 HBaHhaforre Qu.10 H Hea6hp Pmducrs,M. Homestead ks Y8570F and 70H Installation Unpacking A. The kind of floor the stove will rest on. Depending on your floor,you can install your Hearthstone Stoves packages your Homestead stove as a Hearth Mount stove with 4"legs or as stove with the greatest ore, so that it ships safely. a Freestanding stove with 6"legs,a bottom heat Under certain circumstances, however, damage can shield,and a freestanding oval-to-round adapter. occur during transit and handling. When you receive your stove, unpack it carefully, inspecting your stove A. The optional Surround Set,which reduces the and all parts for damage. Also, make sure that all clearances to the fireplace's mantle and side parts are included in the box. trim. Your Homestead Model#8570H package Please use this section to plan how to locate your stove in your particular location. Consider both the includes: clearances of the stovepipe and the stove itself to 6 Hearth Mount Wood Stove the surrounding combustibles. 4. Ash Lip Read this chapter to obtain a sound understanding O Hearth Mount Compact Oval-to-Round Adapter of how to property install your stove. Depending on (For a freestanding installation,you will need the your installation, however, you only need read one Freestanding Conversion KO—please see of the following three sections: 'Optional Accessories"on page 46 for more 4 Read"Fireplace Install For Hearth Mount Stove information.) (#8570H)with 4-inch Legs"(page 11)only 1 you i Owners Manual are installing a Hearth Mount stove with 4"legs into a fireplace,with or without a surround. Your Homestead Model#8570F package Read"Fireplace Install for Freestanding stove includes: (model#8570F)with 6-Inch Legs"(page 17) i Freestanding Wood Stove only if you are installing a Freestanding stove aL Ash Lip with 6-legs into a fireplace,with or without a surround. b Freestanding Oval-to-Round Adapter(For a 4. Read"Freestanding Install'(page 22)only if you Hearth Mount installation, you will need the Hearth Mount Conversion Kit—please see i are installing either Hearth Mount or a "Optional Accessories"on page 46 for more Freestanding stove n a freestanding location. information.) You can reduce some clearances by adding the 6 Owners Manual optional Rear Heat Shield Kit manufactured by Hearthstone and available through your local dealer. If any parts are damaged or missing, please contact (See page 46 for a description; a companion Blower your dealer immediately. Fan Kit is also available for freestanding installations) Installing Your Stove Close clearance connector stovepipes must be First you must decide where your stove will reside. tested to UL standards and listed. Check the listing After choosing an appropriate spot, inspect this for your pipe for actual clearances. The diagrams in location to make sure that the stove will have this manual represent typical installations, but are enough clearance to combustible materials that specific to the Simpson Dura-Vent DVL brand. would surround the stove. These combustibles can include walls, floor, calling, fireplace, and chimney. Do not reduce clearances described in this chapter You must carefully consider the clearances to all of without using heat shields and/or close-clearance these combustibles before actually connecting your connector stovepipes. In addition, do not reduce stove clearances unless you probact surfaces par NFPA 211standerds. When com idering these desrences,consider Civarcas to AFPA 211 Profecied Surlatcss 6 H you are installing your stove in a fireplace or in You can reduce the Clearances to combustible a freestanding location. surfaces by using any National Fire Protection 8 HearthNare Qua74y Home Heating R sxds,lm.° Homestead Models"57OF and h6570H Agency (NFPA) approved wall protection system. Please refer to NFPA 211 for specifications and complete details. You can obtain this information directly from NFPA. National Fire Protection Agency(NFPA) Battery March Park r 17 Quincy,MA 02269 1-000-3443555 area sme 1-617-770-3000 VWw "mow' www.Mpa.org Outside Air Kir (Model#8570H shown) The optional Outside Air Kit(#95-53700)for both the When running the duct from your hearth to the Hearth Mount and the Freestanding installation outside, make sure you avoid all structural members allows you to draw air from outside your home— of your house.At the point where the duct meets the rather than inside--4o aid the draft of your stove. outside wall of your house, make sure that snow, Drawing air from the outside reduces drafts within leaves, or other materials cannot obstruct the duct's the room and air infiltration within the building. This opening. Also, screen this opening so that small can also improve your stove's performance in a animals and insects can't crawl or fly in. particularly,airtight house. If your home is well insulated and fight, consider Surround Kit adding the Outside Air Kitt might even be required To reduce clearances around your wood stove, you by code. Use this k0 for both a fireplace and a can install an optional Surround K0 (#9559710). freestanding installation. (Please see 'Optional The metal attachments of the surround match the Accessories'on page 46 for more information.) look of your wood stove and block the exposed spaces between the stove and the fireplace. o°15UE MR xr C°M"offS The surround is designed to be installed on a stove with either 4" or 6"legs. For 4" legs, the surround is 44" wide and 32' high; for 6" legs, the surround is ® Q nw a n*am 44"wide and 34"high. The Surround Kit is available from your Hearthstone �ea ren .si.oeb dealer, and comes complete with all mounting hardware and instructions. (Please see 'Optional Accessories'on page 46 for more information.) Ow.a.ma.Int. ni..e yno The Outside Air Kit allows for a direct stove Surround Kit connection of a 3"(76 mm)diameter duct(which you Mt#95-59710 can obtain from another manufacturer); this duct leads to the outside of the house. Connect the duct to your stove in a number of ways (illustration is typical for both Hearth Mount and Freestanding Hearth Requirements and Floor models).Choose the one that is most convenient. Protection Install your Hearth Mount stove with 4-inch legs on one of the following: A. A rroncorrbusf ble floor,such as a stab,camert, orstone hearlh.(A noncombustiole door WAR not ignite.bum,support corrilbustiort,or release flammable vapors when subjected to fire or the anticipated heat from your stove.) 9 Headhalane Q.W Home Heating Produza,Inc.a Homestead Models M57OF and Ne57OH 6 A floor protector with an R-value of 6.6 or more 6 Re K-factor is given with a required thickness that you obtain from your dealer.(A floor (T)in inches, use this fonnula: R-value= 1/K x T protector is any noncombustible on the floor & If a C-factor is given, use the fonnula: R-value= underneath and extending to the from,sides, 1/C and rear of the wood stove.) Install your Freestanding stove with 6" legs with the To determine the R-value of the proposed ahemate floor heat shield on one of the following: floor protector. i A hearth pad listed to UL 1618 standards.These 6 Use either the K-factor or the C-factor formula are noncombustible floor protectors;no other explained above to convert specifications not type of floor protector is acceptable. expressed as R-values. i A composite(homemade)floor protector with an A. For multiple layers of floor protectors, simply add R-value of 2.5 or more. the R-values of each layer to determine the overall R-value of the layers. The hearth pad or floor protector must measure at least 41'w x 41"d square (1041mm x 1041 mm). If the overall R-value of your setup is greater than Place your stove so that the floor protector extends the R-value of the specified floor protector,then your 16 inches (450 mm), [18 inches in Canada] to the setup is acceptable. front and centered beyond each side of the fuel loading and ash removal openings (as illustrated, Fabricating a Homemade Floor Protector looking down onto the top of the stove). You can make your own floor protector by stacking �41+ together noncombustible materials from the following table. Simply add together the listed R-values to attain the necessary requirements for installing your stove. Monc— Gypsum mbestible Material Taickcess R ¢j• m or plaster board' '/z 0.45.45 Wallboard,WOMelboard,or 1/z, 0.20 Durock _ Ceramic board(Fberfrax or '/z 1.10 Micor)l Nomnal sold day brltlk' 1" 020 1 _ r Ceramic wall or floor file' '/,. 0.01 Mineral wool insulabon' 1' 3.12 Cement mortar' 1 0.20 Figure 1 —Hearth Dimensions(US) Horizontal still air' 1/a- 0.92 Regardless of where your stove is installed,the area extending at least 16 inches in front of the stove Note. You cannot "stack" horizontal still air must have an insulating R-value of 2.5; you can also use a listed floor protector for this area. This a accumulate R-izo tal you must separate provides floor protection in front of the loading door. each layer ti le horizontal still air with another You must also place floor protection under the noncombustible material. chimney connector, extending 2' (50 mm) beyond To fabricate a floor protector for a wood floor with an each side. R-value of at least 2.5, consider the following Floor protectors coma with various types of examples: specifications. To convert a flow protectors Y."ceramic board 1.10 specification to an R-vakre,do one of the following: -'s'hor®rltel still air 0.92 6 If the R-vakm is given,use that vahre--no kxmvemw is needed. ' naardiig m IMerlek Tmtig services.Iris. ' A n ing b ASHR HeMbook of Fundamentals 19" 10 HaarNafoaa Quality Home Heating Poo S,Inc." Homestead Models 1195]DF and# 70H 4'solid clay brick 0.80 Wall Clearances(flinch legs,without surrouncQ Total R-value 2.82 FIREPLACE /,"mineral wool insulation 1.56 "e°horizontal still air 0.92 1"cement mortar 0.20 WALL WALL Total R-value 2.68 Fireplace Install For Hearth Mount � Stove (#8570H) with 4-inch Legs Before installing your Hearth Mount stove with 4-inch �--E legs, understand the following dimensions and clearances. Trim and side wait clearances for fireplace installations Dimensions and Clearances for Stove's with D=23"-TO SIDE TRIM 4-111th Legs but without Surrounds E=23"-TO SIDE WALLS The following four illustrations depict the dimensions and fireplace, mantle, and wall clearances for a stove with 4-inch legs and without a surround. Stove Dimensions(flinch legs, without surround 27" 23.5" 25.5" I 21.25" 1 I 195" FROVTVIEW SIDE\lEW SIDE wC\V 15. 5" M?VENV 11 Hearlhsfone Qualify Home Heating Pmduds,Inc.° Homestead Models ftBETOF and#e5701 Fireplace Clearances(4-inch legs, without Dimensions and Clearances for sfrrrounrQ Hearth Mount (#8570H) Stove with The Homestead stove with flinch legs fits uniquely under 22-inch lintel. 4-Inch Legs and Surrounds The following four illustrations depict the stove's dimensions and fireplace, mantle, and wall clearances for a stove with 4-inch legs with a surround. (Please refer to "Surround Kit" on page 9 for information about this option.) zz^ Stove Dimensions(4-inch legs, with surround) M . 22' MHJ. I"14. 1 33- 1— min in t-fireplace rel- sue Mantle Clearances(4-inch legs,without surround) Fireplace Clearances(4-inch legs, with surround) The Homestead stove with 44nch legs fits uniquely under a 22-inch lintel. Hunrru,sw TR M oR MANTLE DEPrI COMBnsln]Wu MANTLE ABOVE - TMSLrnE 22"nz' MINJMAX. • l6-ANY SIZE MANTLE i 25.1435" MINJMA A uNrts ARE MLTiES HomewW �-^14" m mmum 4" 1 fireplace R --zs"--I 12 H..Ad rM Q NyHome HeeNg Pmductr,Inc. Homealeed Modek N57OF and"S20H Wall Clearances (4-inch legs, with surround) Fr LACE WALL WALL Swmwd � I-E -� Trim and side wall clearances for fireplace installations D=9"-TO SIDE TRIM E=14"-TO SIDE WALLS Mantle Clearances(4-inch legs,with surround) 3 6 9 12 26 O0. MAMLE OEPIH 2 COMBUSnBIE MANiLEABOVE fH151JNE I< . wwns•MAMLE ss•wns•MAHnE x•-wnr.r MAHTLE q ALL OMIS 4 AM M= S.4 H—. 13 NeaMsfone Oueary Homo Heating Fhoducd,Inc.' Homestead Models N57OF and#a570H Hearth Clearances (for stoves with 4-inch legs) The following three illustrations describe the clearance to combustible requirements for three different hearth heights: Hearths raised less than 2 inches Hearths raised from 2 inches to 9 inches Hearths raised 9 inches or more All three illustrations present the same information regarding the stove's connection to the fireplace and chimney;only the dimensions and information regarding the hearths differs. Hearth Raised Less Than 2 Inches f7exhble wood am pipe ns�th=2 Masonry fireplace 1.5"MINJB"MAX (with surm®d only) Oval base in with cl®md (where regmmd by code) 12" 4" Heuwtone compact 2, oval to ramdadapter (part#95-52710)10) 1 Non� trbk ambusfloor eooatrrction or➢copra wi0r an R"-value of 6.6 benea*ft dove and exteodmgt 4w in front of glm. Non�nbustrble➢oar construction orhearth extension with an"R"-value of 2.5 or listed to U.L.1618,starting 4"fru the slue and extending 12"away from the stove and 8'beyond either side of the Srel and ash door openiW. (Model#8570H shown) 14 Hearlhsfwre Oualey Hare Heeb)q Pmtluds,Inc." HanesleadM els a8570F and!aa5701-1 Hearths Raised Nom 2Inches to 9Inches Flexrble wood ohm pipe Raised broth 2"-lees then 9" Maeovey&replace 13"MIN MAX with amomd only) 1 [1(3(wbm val beet tet with ct=nmd tequ6ed by code) ftmlLStane wmpac[ oval a roped adapts (pct#95-52710) Non-mmbuehble floor crosWotion or fl=putecty with®"R"-valm of 6.6 bmeath ft save. HaAh extenimt with an"R"-value of 2.5 or listed to U.L. 1618&,eatading 16'in front of glees and 8"beymd either side side of the fad and ash door opmngs. (Model if8570H shown) 15 H .nn orxr wilily Hare H aw Pmdeds Mc' Homestead M is M570F and#a570H Hearths Raised 9Inches or More Raised hearth Flexible wood stove pipe 9"orgreater Masonry fireplace 1.5"MINA"MAR. (with sonmmd only) 16" Oval base tee with cleanout (where mquired by code) HearthSlone compact will to mood adapter (art#95-52710) 9"or user rr� ' ; ,{',, J' �,,• Combustible floor PI Noncombustible floor construction or floor protector ..with an"R"-value of 6.6 beneath the stove. bprotector of yoroml either sidea�ofdtheBiml�ash doomropenl�'vgs. (Model#8570H sham) 16 H nbsWce Quality Horne H cg�,Inc.a Homestead Models 4857OF and M8570H Fireplace Install for Freestanding Wall Clearances(6-inch legs, **bout surround) stove (model #8570F) with 6-Inch u� Legs Before installing your Freestanding stove with d inch wAu l wAu legs and a bottom heat shield, understand the following dimensions and clearances D Dimensions and Clearances for a L E_ , Freestanding Stove with 64nch Legs, but without Surrounds Trim and side wall clearances for fueplace installations The following four illustrations depict the dimensions D-23•-TO SIDE TRIM and fireplace, mantle, and wall clearances for a E=23^-TOSIDEwwI.r_s stove with Cinch legs and without a surround. Stove Dimensions(6-inch legs,without surround) r LEJ nr �f iR I5.5' rwrvs= n•� v[vm vfi Fireplace Clearances(6-Inch legs, without Mantle Clearances(64nch legs, without surround) surround) The Homestead stove with 6-inch legs fits uniquely under a 24-inch lintel. UM OR MANREOEPIH COMBIISnaLE MAMM1E ABO\'E THIS LME 31-ANY.MANTLE L' MM. Y Yf' A. CN S A81 ARE E$ Honeae0 1 , mwum fveplece 61R II 17 He.rtOone OueMy Home HeaGrg Pmduch,Inc.° Homestead Modelo a 70F aid 48570H Dimensions and Clearances for Freestanding Stove with 6-Inch Legs and Surrounds The following four illustrations depict the stove's dimensions and fireplace,mantle,and wall clearances for a stove with 6-inch legs,a bottom heat shield, with a surround. (Please refer to"Surround Kir on page 9 for information about this option.) Stove Dimension(6-inch legs, with surround) [—J3.5 ZE.56'ZI IIIL-1111 —77 Fireplace Clearances(6-inch legs, with surround) The Homestead stove with&inch legs fits uniquely under a 244nch lintel. 24Y 4" MIN MAX. 25.1435" MITIIMAX. rltlrllmllm 4" t fireplace slze �—zs•--� 18 Hearthstone OualM Homo Heatirq Products,1�." Homestead Models M57OF and M70H Wall clearances(6-inch legs, with surround) FIREPLACE WALL WALL Same m D L-E- � Trim and side wall clearances for fireplace installations D=9"-TO SIDE TRIM E= 14"-TO SIDE WALLS Mantle clearances(winch legs, with surround) 3 6 9 12 2 TRIM OR MANTLE DEPTH 2 COMBUSTIBLE e MANTLE ABOVE E THIS LME M T 2J^.W/IS'MANTLE e 26'-Wn.5"MANTLE v 29"-W/13.5'MANTLE E RE INCH S o ARE MCHES y 51aNalld 0 Homestad v E 19 Heats#oris Qualify Home Healing Pmdurl&lac.° H"mesteatl Models#857OF alts M70H Hearth Clearances (Tor stoves with 64nch legs) The following three illustrations describe the clearance to combustible requirements for three different hearth heights: • Hearths not raised • Hearths raised less than 7 inches • Hearths raised 7 inches or more All three illustrations present the same information regarding the stove's connection to the fireplace and chimney;only the dimensions and information regarding the hearths differs. Hearths Not Raised Flexible wood stove pipe No raised hearth Masonry fireplace 1.5"MINA"MAX. (with surround only) 16" Oval base tee with cleanout (where required by code) Hearthstone compact oval to round adapter (part#95-52710) m (optional on Heatshield model#8570F) Floor protector beneath the stove and a hearth extension with an"R"-value of 2.5 or listed to U.L. 1618,extending 16" in front of glass and 8"beyond either side of the fuel and ash door openings. (Model#8570P shown) 20 HeeMafone t)eaay Home Heaft Pmdeds.Mc.° Homestead Modals nWOF and# 70H Hearths Raised Less Than 7lnches Fleuble wood stove pipe lose then e7 1.5"MNA*MAX (with surround only) 16° Oval base ton with cle not (where mquhed by code) HeerthStm compact oval to mand adeptet (pmt#95-52770) (optional Lees 7 1#8570F) Combuslildclikkall- Heatslueld Floor protector lenedh the sieve and a hearth extension with an"R"-vnlue of 2.5 err listed m U.L. 1618,extending 16"in fiat of glass and 8"beyond ei her s�ofthe Gael and ash door openings. (Model#8570F shown) Hearths Raised 7lnches or More Flexible wood stove pipe !Raised hearth fireplace Masonry 5repla L5"MMA"MAX. (wit sumund only) —16" Oval bare we with eteanot (where mquhed by Code) Hearthstone compact oval to mand adapter (pons#5700-I10) r or (�0n #8570F) HaWb dd Flow promotes beorh the dove and Wending 16°in fiat of glees and r beyond eithc aideofthe Ltd and aeh door openings (Model#8570F) 21 Heerthstorre Oual#y/lame Heating Rorlucts,Inc' Honarstead Models 48570F and#8570H Freestanding Install for Hearth Mount Stove (#8570H) With 4 Inch Legs and For Freestanding Stove (#8570F) With 6 Inch Legs Clearances to Hearths for Hearth Mount Stoves(#8570H)with flinch Legs The following three illustrations,while similar in appearance,describe the clearance to combustible requirements for stoves with flinch legs to three different hearth heights: • Hearths raised less than 2 inches • Hearths raised from 2 inches to 9 inches • Hearths raised 9 inches or more All three illustrations present the same information regarding the stove's connection to the stovepipe; only the dimensions and information regarding the hearths differs. Hearths Raised Less Than 2Inches Wood stout pipe Reined hearth lea than 2' HearthCtmn Extended Oval4t round adeptc (pmt#95.52705)(optionaloamodel#9 OH) � 12"P 2' Caasiaen Non-combustible flocrconstruelion or floor pmfator with so 'R"-value of 6.6 beoeatb the stove and exdmaing 4'in front ofglas. Nonaonsbatible Beer construction or hearth extmion with an"It"-value of 2.5 on gated to U.L. 1618,starting 4'from&a&and extending 12"away fim the stove sad 8"beyond either side of the Gael and ash door opeoioge. (Model#8570H shown) 22 Hearthstone O .Iffy Home Heating Pmduds.Inc.• Homestead Modals M57OF and#8570H Hearths Raised From 2lnches to 9Inches Wood sbve pipe Raised beadh 2"-kmd=9" 16" HearthStoee Extended Ovalle-round adapter (part#95-52705)(optional on model#8 0H) Combue06k floor Non-combustible floor conshuctioa or floor protector with=W-vdw of 6.6 beneath the wove. Hearth extension with an"R"-value of 25 or listed he U.I.. 1618,extending 16"m font of gime eyond and 8"beither dde of the fuel and ash done openings. (Model#8570H shown) Hearths Raised 9Inches or More Wood store pipe Raised hearth 9"or greater 16" Hearth8tone Extended Oval to-round (part#95-52705)(optional on model R) Irl 9"or gran combustible flool Noncoenirnnbk&orcooettocticte or floor paoacmr with an"R"-valor of 6.6 beneath The wove. mvnodma 16"m front of gL and 8" beyouill wither side ofthe and ash door openings. (Model#8570H shown) 23 HeeMsforre Queli}y Horre{leeb'ng Products,Inc." Homesteetl Models"a OF end# 7011 Clearances to Hearths for Freestanding Stoves (#6570F)with 6-inch Legs The following three illustrations(while similar in appearance to the previous ones)describe the clearance to combustible requirements for stoves with 6-inch legs to three different hearth heights: • Hearths not mised • Hearths mired less than 7 inches • Hearths raised 7 inches or more All three illustrations present the same information regarding the stove's connection to the stovepipe; only the dimensions and information regarding the hearths differs. Hearths Not Raised Wood stove pipe No raised hearth 16" Hearthstone Extended Oval-to-round adapter (part#95-52705) Ca Heatshield Floor protector beneath the stove Hearth extension with and"R"-value of 2.5 or listed to U.L. 1618,ex4ading 16"in front of the plass and 8"beyond either side of the fuel and ash door openings. (Model k8570F shown) 24 Heed#stone OuaMy Home Hea#na Rotl ,,Inc. Homestead Models#8570F 8M#0570H Hearths Raised Less Than 7 inches Wood stove pipe Raised hearth less than 7v 16" Hearthstone;Extended Oval-to-round adapts (part#95-52705) LASS 7' Heatshield Floc protector beneath the stove and a hearth extension with an W-value of 2.5 or listed to UI.. 1618,extend"mg 16"in front of glass and 8"beyond either side of the fuel and ash door opmilp. (Model#a570F shown) Hearths Raised 7lnch"or Mom Wood stove pipe Raised hearW puler date T 16" HeanhStooe Extended Ovako-road adapter (ped#95-52705) CambuW'ble floorTor Hemehield L(qu arpnstamr beneath the asmro and alnmd'mg 16•in front of glass and V beyond either side of the ival and ash door wenins (Model#8570F shown) 25 Ha.nratora Quality Home Haatirp Pn d da.Inc.° Homestead Mode*M570F and 41957014 Clearances to Combustible Surfaces for Clearances from Slovapipes Both Heart Mount(4" legs)and This table and illustration lists the minimum Freestanding (6" legs) Stoves clearances from your single-and double-wall You can use any of the following stovepipes when stovepipe to both unprotected and NFPA 211 installing your stove in a freestanding location. protected surfaces. (For more information about A. A single wall connector stovepipe can be either NFPA protected surfaces, please refer to 24 MSG or 25 MSG blued steel.You must "Clearances to NFPA 211 Protected Surfaces"on comply with larger clearances with single wall Page 8.) pipe. Connector Type Unprotected NFPA 211 i A double wall connector,Gose clearance Surfaces Protected stovepipe, must be used with a listed factory- Surfaces built"Type HT"chimney or double well pipe to Single wall connector 18" 12" reduce clearances. Double wall connector pipe pipe (460 mm 305 mm) is available from several manufacturers;ask your dealer to help you choose the most Double wak wnnectw 6" 3" appropriate pipe for your installation. Piga(see (155 mm) (80 mm) manufacturers 6 Several types of air insulated connector sperf#cabons) stovepipes are Simpson Dura Vent DVL, Metalbestos DS,Security, GSW,and Ameritec. When installing a chimney connector, do not pass QEIUNG them through a floor, a Ceiling,any attic or roof SINGLE WALL PIPE space,closet,or similar concealed space. If you are uaeNmmmvemccan passing stovepipe through a combustible wall or 91 rr m /s�Nrkm e"/t2" partition,your installation must conform to NFPA 211 DOUBLE WALL PIPE or CAN/CSA-13365 standards. eNHro../Pwnccrm 6'/3' suari is oiNnnrs For the sake of safety,make sure you allow for the minimum clearances from chimney connectors to all mwASpas sNmm rt N surrounding surfaces such as walls, ceilings,and mmwr�a�oN�re°Fr '"` floors—combustible or not. The clearances for a typical chimney connection and two freestanding locations—in a comer and in an 6"/3" alcove—follow.The single wall clearances are generic;the Double wall Gearances are for Simpson Dura Vent DVL. Ensure you check the exact specihcabons from the manufacturer of your connector. Rear Heat Shield and Blower You can reduce stove and pipe clearances when 9-0OR you install the optional Rear Heat Shield Kit(part number 95-68700). (Please see"Optional (Model#8570F shown) Accessories"on page 46 for more information.) 26 Hearthstone Ouald,Home Heah'n9 Products,Inc.° Homestead Models N570F and M70H Clearances from a Stove to a Comer This table and illustrations list the minimum clearances from the back of your stove to the walls in a comer, both when your stove is parallel and angled to the comer,and to unprotected and NFPA 211 protected walls. Unprotected Surfaces Protected Sur®cas(NFPA 211) Installation Type Perallel Side Parallel Rear Comer Parallel Side Parallel Rear Comer No Heat Shield 23-(584- 26"(660- 18'(460. 12-(305- 12-(305- 12"(305-mm) (optional accessory) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) Rear Heat Shield,and 16"(406- 13'(330. 12"(305- 12'(305- 12"(305- 9"(229-mm) single wall connector mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) Rear Heat Shield,and 16'(405- 7 (170-mm) 12'(305- 10-(254- T(178-mm) 7"(178-mm) double wall connector mm) mm) mm) REAR CORNER SIDE w z K- 0 U PARALLEL CORNER Cleararrces to an Alcove This table and illustration list the minimum clearances from your stove to the walls of an alcove, both unprotected and NFPA 211 protected walls. Unprotected Suncces I Protected Surfaces(NFPA 211) Minimum NrI Maximum Depth Minimum Height Minimum Wirth Maximum Depth Minimum Height (stove to ceiling) (stow,to ceiling) 59"(1499-nm) 4@'(1220inm) 3@'(915-mm) 51'(1295-mm) 4@'1220-mm) 14"(480-mm) DEPTH HEIGHT [TWIDTH �E FRONT VMW VIEW 27 fleerarslane m./fty Home Heating P Uds,1. Hwnest MotlHs Ma OF and M70H Venting Components and Configuration installing a chimney connector through a Components of a Venting System combustible wall to the chimney. The complete venting system consists of several 4 A wall pass-through (or chimney support components: chimney connector, wall thimble, wall package) also keeps walls from igniting. You pass-through, chimney, and liner. It is absolutely must use one when connecting through a wall or necessary that you install all of these components ceiling to a prefabricated chimney. within the clearances to combustibles discussed 4 Only install this stove to a lined masonry earlier to install your stove safely. chimney or an approved high temperature To protect against the possibility of a house fire, you prefabricated residential type building heating must property install and constantly maintain the appliance chimney. Do not conned this stove to venting system. Upon inspection, Immediately a chimney flue serving another appliance; you replace rusted,cracked,or broken components. will compromise the safe operation of both the wood stove and the connected appliance. 4 The chimney connector is the stovepipe from the 4 A liner is the UL 1777or ULC 5635 (for factory wood stove to the chimney. Install it into the stainless steel oval-to-round connector built fireplace or masonry) chimney. 8 connects (mounted on the flue collar) on the wood stove the stainless steel oval-to-round adapter to the chimney min rap. and connect tt to an approved chimney. The chimney connector stovepipe must be a 6' (152 You must conned your stove to a chimney or liner mm) diameter, 24 MSG or 25 MSG blued steel comparable to those recommended in this manual. connector pipe. Do not use aluminum or Do not use stovepipe as a chimney. Use stovepipe galvanized steel pipe--they cannot withstand for freestanding installations only to connect the the extreme temperatures of a wood fire. stove to a proper chimney. ♦ A wall thimble is a manufactured (or site- i WARNING:DO NOT CONNECT THE STOVE TO constructed) device Installed in combustible ANY AIR DISTRIBUTION DUCT OR SYSTEM. walls through which the chimney connector passes to the chimney. It keeps walls from igniting. You must use a wall thimble when 28 MeaNslone Ouellry Hary Hm w Koch Inc.a Homeabad M ek NB OF and W8 W EaeodM Roof A CLCsy (,epi®q Gp Su Btxk0 Smm Collar (Cmdwt /S—.COB. mtimlud�) Adj sable aao[ Mjusuble Roof Flahiog Fkehivg Attic huwmmR dd Fimbp Badietim TwiO-Lack Sb,Od Clay file ar i+mver asinine Ch®ey Sxaom orbs Liar Fi eFsbwae Sapp l Box evd Rim Wall' bk M. Chimney Colla wiN bwh-w Stovepipe Stabr eecdm Ta is clemom �ccss dom Two story house insW larim wild attic. Chi."pip.thmu8h Clay We m other Lined Masonry Ch q @ilmet Cap Chimon Cap Sbm Collar Mjoamble Rmf Storm colla Fleabag Adjuclablc Rmf FlashM Ctimary Savona Ivsullatim Chwe Facl— Shield Support Box mabwlt-a Well Snap sccM1m Stox"eplR Wall Tnimbk Tee Tee clem-om Acceit door Ta Sappmt emetd Churaeytbm&aver well with inclosed these. Doc elorY housemmlla wkh adic. Ck® u eoppoctod by Tee Suppe[Bactel. Chi u s Vp nW by Ceihi Fgum 2-Modal SMOF shown 29 HeeMsrone Qu RY H.Heating Piodncfs,Inc.` Homestaed Models Ma570F and M570H Installing a Venting System Installing in a Fireplace Attach stovepipe sections to the stove and to each You can install the Homestead in a masonry or zero other with the crimped end toward the stove. If clearance fireplace. For a rear exit, you must first creosote builds up, this allows the creosote to run remove and remount the flue exit Using a 318 inch into the stove and not the outside of the stovepipe wrench or socket, simply remove the four bolts that and onto the stove. hold the flue exit in place. (Be careful not to drop the Secure all joints, including attaching the stovepipe to flue exit when all the bolts are out.) Rotate the flue the stove's flue collar,with three sheet metal screws. exit 180 degrees and reinstall the four bolts, Install#10 x''/" (3 mm x 13 mm)sheet metal screws tightening Nem snugly. into the holes pre-drilled in the flue collar. Omitting Before installing the stove in a factory-built fireplace, the screws can cause your joints to separate from the fireplace must have the following characteristics: the vibration resulting from a creosote chimney fire. 1. Listed per UL 127 or ULC 5610. You can simplify connecting stovepipe by using additional accessories such as telescoping pipes, 2. Include a full height listed chimney liner meeting slipconnectom, and cleanout tees. These type HT requirements(2100° Fahrenheit)per UL accessories ease the inspection of your chimney, as 1777(United States)or ULC 5635(Canada) well as allow you to easily dismantle the stovepipe standards. (without moving the stove) when you periodically 3. The means to prevent room air passage to the inspect the stovepipe connection and chimney. chimney cavity of the fireplace. Install the stove as close as practical to the chimney, q Does not disturb the airflow in or within the while maintaining all proper clearances. Install fireplace when installed (louvers,or cooling air stovepipe that is runs short and as straightalas inlet or outlet ports must not be blocked). possible. Horizontal ns of stovepipe should always rise away from the stove a minimum of W per foot 5. Not be altered in any way,except for the (21 mm per meter). following: Do not use long runs of stovepipe to increase heat a. External trim pieces which do not affect the dispersal. Using longer lengths of stovepipe or more operation of the fireplace can be removed, connecting elbows than necessary increases the providing they are stored on or within the chance of draft resistance and the accumulation of fireplace for re-assembly,'rf the insert is creosote buildup. removed. In general, you do not need to install a stovepipe b. The chimney damper can be removed to damper with the Homestead. Some installations, install the chimney liner. however, could benefit from a stovepipe damper, such as a tall chimney which can create a higher 6. Must not have blocked circulating chambers(if than normal draft. In such cases, a damper can help available), regulate the drag The Homestead requires a draft 7 The means for removing the insert to clean the between 0.06"we and 0.1'wc. For drafts above 0.1' chimney flue. wc,install a stovepipe damper. Remember, the NFPA has recommended, minimum 8. Have a permanent metal warning label (provided clearances for chimney connectors tocombustible with the Homestead—see illustration to the below) surfaces such as walls and ceilings. Once the stove attached to the back, stating that the fireplace must is installed at safe distances from these combustible be restored to its original condition for safe use surfaces, maintain these connector clearances for without the insert. the remainder of the installation. This fireplace must be restored to k's original cmditbn for sate use without the insert. Cotrt taring Your wood Stme °NOTE:When installing this unit as an insert, this Iatel must be installed onfiin the fireplace. You ran irutaX yore Homestead to a fireplace,a acnes Prefabricated metal rhbnney,m a masonry chimney. Remember, you must adhere to all previously 30 HeaMalona Queety Homo HaaNg PioOuds,Inc.° Homesteatl Motl 46570F ar N570H described floor protection requirements when Connecting to a Masonry Chimney installing into a zero clearance fireplace. Consider two primary elements when connecting your stove to a masonry chimney: the chimney itself Connecting to a Prefabricated Metal and the thimble where the stovepipe connects to the Chimney chimney. Use only Code approved masonry chimneys with a flue liner. When connecting the Homestead to a prefabricated metal chimney, you must follow, precisely, the Before connecting to a masonry chimney, hire a manufacturers installation instructions. Use only professional to examine the chimney for cracks, type HT (2100` Fahrenheit) prefabricated metal loose mortar, and other signs of deterioration and chimneys listed per UL 103 or ULC S629 standards. blockage. If the chimney needs repairs, complete them before installing and using your stove. Do not i WARNING:DO NOT CONNECT THE STOVE TO A install your stove unfit the chimney is safe for use. CHIMNEY FLUE SERVING ANOTHER APPLIANCE. Ensure the size of the chimneys flue is appropriate Make sure the chimney's clean-out is complete and for the Homestead. The Homestead requires ri 6" working properly. To avoid a loss in draft, the clean-out must Gose off completely. If allowed to (152 mm) inside diameter flue for new installations. COOT,your stove will perform poorly and creosote will A 6" diameter flue provides adequate draft and performance. You can use an 8" (203 mm)diameter build up in the chimney. existing flue with a reducer. An oversized flue Make sure the size of the chimneys flue is contributes to creosote accumulation. (In this case, appropriate for this stove and that it is not too large. bigger is not better.) Use a masonry chimney with an 8" x 8" (203 mm x When purchasing a prefabricated chimney to install 203 mm) file size for best results. An oversize flue with your stove, be sure to also purchase from the contributes to the accumulation of creosote. same manufacturer the wall pass-through (or ceiling Use the following checklist to ensure that your support package), -r section package, fire-stops masonry chimney meets these minimum (when needed), insulation shield, roof flashing, requirements: chimney cap, and any other needed accessories. Follow the manufacturer's instructions when Chimney wall construction installing the chimney and accessories. In addition, A. Brick or modular block at least 4"(102 mm) be sure to maintain all manufacturers' thick. recommendations for the proper clearances to the chimney. b A rubble or stone wall at least 12"(305 mm) thick. There are basically two ways to install a prefabricated metal chimney: Flue finer O An interior installation where the chimney v Minimum thickness of 5/8"(16 mm). passes inside the residence through the ceiling O Installed with refractory mortar. and roof. A. At least 1"(25 mm)air space. O An exterior installation where the chimney passes through the wall behind the stove then & An equivalent flue liner must be a listed chimney up the outside of the residence. liner system meeting type HT requirements or other approved material. Whenever possible, choose an interior chimney. An interior chimney heats up more quickly and retains Intedor chimney requirements its heat; this both promotes a better draft and y, At least 2"(51 mm)clearance to combustible discourages the formation of creosote. An exterior structure. chimney does not benefit from the warmth of being surrounded by the buik6ng,so it typically operates at 6 Fre stops must be installed at the spaces where Wear flue tarrpmebaes than an interior chimney.An the dimney passes through floors and the atoeriv ch=Ws dealt Is rot as strong and may calling. enperamw increased 01009003 accumulation, O Installation must be 2"(51 mm)from the chimney. 31 Hearthstone OwIM Home H Hrq PmduCs,1ra,, Homestead Models xe57OF and M570H Exterior chimney requirements i At least 1"(25 mm)clearance to combustible 2' Min. structure. T— Chimmy height requirements(see illustration) 3' Min. I 6 At least 3 feet(0.9 meters)higher than the .JI highest part of the roof opening through which R Passers. 0 6 At least 2 feet(0.6 meters)higher than any part of the roof within 10 feet(3 meters)measured horizontally from the top of the chimney. 6 This stove requires a minimum chimney height of 13 feet(4 meters).The maximum allowable chimney height is 30 feet(9 meters). 3' Min. 32 Hewlharone Quality Hame Heating Rode . Inc.° Honandead Models a95/gF and a9sraH Installing in a Mobile Home Chim>te)Cap Follow these special requirements for installing your stove in a mobile home: am"888118E A. Install the slow in accordance with 24 GFR,Part 3280(HUD). Btmm Cww i Permanently attached the stow to your mobile aat�r.td. home's floor.Use the 318"holes in each leg base r ; sreo�6 to bolt down the stow. i Install one of the following Dun-Vent Mobile Home Chimney S Connector Kits: cwm q Ba 6DP-MH 6"Diameter SIN 9096N 7DP-MH 7"Diameter S/N 9196N TAIIII. 110-11 BMW Media 8DP-MH 8"Diameter S/N 9296N Each kit includes: 81eTepipe Stainless spark arrester cap,storm collar, adjustable vented flashing—0/12-6/12,two 24"Dura/Plus chimney pipes, 24"support box with bui84n starter section and trim. i Chimney must be removed when hampering Mobile Home. i WARNING:DO NOT INSTALL IN A SLEEPING ROOM. 6 CAUTION:MAINTAIN THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE MOBILE HOME WALLS, FLOOR CEILING,AND ROOF WHILE YOUR STOVE IS INSTALLED AND IN USE. Typical Moble Fbme insiallation.Chaney supported by ceiling. 33 Hearthstone Qualify Home Healing Pdducfs,Inc.° Hoineslead Models#8570F and# OH Operation Once your Homestead is set in place, connected, and assembled, you are ready to light a fire. r,Lox coLLea Hearthstone Stoves tests each wood stove before we ship, so you should be able to easily light your � . first fire. You may, however, have to make a few small adjustments to compensate for attitude and rnosraoosuennLs other factors particular to your installation. i WARNING: HOT WHILE IN OPERATION. KEEP CHILDREN, CLOTHING AND FURNITURE AWAY. CONTACT MAY CAUSE SKIN BURNS. raareax'urt��raoL— Please read this entire chapter before lighting your A.4aa004a.NDL[- first fire. It explains the controls and features of your FRorvT vow wood stove, how to choose firewood, and how to break-in your stove and use it on a daily basis. (Model#8570H shown) Controls and Features Remove ashes when the stove is cold. If the ash pan is warm, use protective fireplace gloves. Be Before lighting any fires, become familiar with the extremely cautious when handling, storing, or location of your stove's controls and features and disposing of ashes. learn how to property use them. For your own safety, do not modify these features in any way. J. DO NOT OPERATE THE STOVE UNLESS THE ASH PAN IS TIGHTLY INSERTED INTO THE STOVE Front Door and Handle:The front door allows you AND THE ASH GRATE IS CLOSED.THIS COULD to load wood into your stove; a fixed handle allows OVERHEAT AND DAMAGE THE STOVE. you to operate the front door and allows you to latch Choosing Firewood the door closed. To open the door, lift the handle to 9 the 10 o'clock position and pull the door.To latch the Your Homestead Wood Heater is designed to only door, push the door closed tightly then lower the bum firewood-also known as cordwood. handle to the 7 o'clock position. Pull on the door to make sure It is property latched. i CAUTION: DO NOT USE CHEMICALS OR FLAMMABLE FLUIDS SUCH AS GASOLINE, Primary Air Control., This feature is located on the NAPHTHA, KEROSENE, LIGHTER FLUID, OR lower left side of the stove.The primary air Control ENGINE OIL TO START A FIRE. DO NOT USE CHARCOAL, PELLETS, COAL,ARTIFICIAL LOGS, allows you to regulate the amount of air entering the OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS AS FUEL; THEY firebox. Generally speaking, the more air allowed ARE NOT SAFE DO NOT BURN GARBAGE. into the firebox, the faster and hotter the rate of The quality of your firewood affects heat output, bum; conversely, the less air creates a slower bum. duration of bum and performance of your Fireplace Pull the lever forward (towards the front of the stove) Insert. Softwoods generally bum hotter and faster, to open the primary air control; push the lever back while hardwoods bum longer and produce more long (to the rear of the stove) to close the primary air lasting coals. Density and moisture content are two control. critical factors to consider when purchasing wood for Ash Pan: The ash pan is located under the ash lip. your Fireplace Insert. The ash pan collects burned ash from a fire and The following is a list of wood species and their allows you to conveniently remove the ash from your relative BTU (British Thermal Unit) content. The wood stove.The ash pan is easy to remove:spin the higher the BTU content the longer the bum. ash grate open, sift the ashes into the ash pan, spin Firewood with higher a BTU content is generally the ash grate closed, then put the ash pan's handle considered ideal for a wood stove. and carefully slide out the ash pal. After you have disposed of the ashes, push the ash pan all the way into the stove. 34 H dtuitve Quality Home Hering P uds,Inc. Homestead Models p8570F and#8570H Wood Heat Value Maple,Red 2,924 8.7 Common Name Lbl cord MBTU/cord Fir,Douglas 2,900 18.1 High Osage Orange(Hedge) 4,728 32.9 Medium LOW Hickory,Shagbark 4,327 27,7 Boxelder 2,797 17.9 Hop Hombeam(Ironwood) 4,267 273 Alder, Red 2,710 17.2 Beech,Blue(ironwood) 3,890 26.8 Pine,Jack 2,669 17.1 Birch,Black 3,890 26.8 Pine,Norway(Red Pine) 2,669 17.1 Locust,Black 3,890 26.8 Pine,Pitch 2,669 17.1 Hickory,Bitemut 3,832 26.7 Catalpa 2,360 16.4 Locust,Honey 3,832 26.7 Hemlock 2,482 15.9 Apple 4,100 26.5 Spruce, Black 2,482 15.9 Mulberry 3,712 25.8 Pine,Ponderosa 2,380 15.2 Oak,White 4,012 25.7 Low Medium High Aspen,American 2.290 14.7 Beach,European 3,757 24 Butternut(Walnut,White) 2,100 14.5 Maple,Sugar 3,757 24 Spruce 2,100 14.5 Oak,Red 3,757 24 willow 2,100 14.5 Ash,White 3,689 23.6 Fir,Balsam 2,236 14.3 Birch,Yellow 3,689 23.6 Pine,White(Eastem, 2,236 14.3 Westem) Fir,Concolor(White) 2,104 14.1 Medium Basswood(Linden) 2,108 13.8 Juniper,Rocky Min 3,150 21.8 Buckeye,Ohio 1,984 13.8 Elm,Red 3,112 21.6 Cottonwood 2,108 13.5 Cofieetree,Kentucky 3.112 21.6 Cedar,White 1,913 12.2 Hackbeny 3,247 20.8 Tamarack 3,247 20.8 Moisture content also plays a key role in the Birch.Gray 3,179 20.3 performance of your stove. Wood freshly cut from a Birch,White(Paper) 3,179 20.3 living tree (green wood) contains a great deal of moisture. As you might expect, green wood has Walnut Black 3,192 20.2 difficulty burning and should be seasoned before Chang 3,120 20 using It In your wood stove. To property season Ash,Green 2,880 79,9 green wood: split stack and allow to air dry for a period of one year. Cherry,Black 2,880 19.9 Stack the firewood on skids or blocking to keep it off Elm,American 3,052 19.5 the ground, aWa only the lop of the stack. Peak Elm,While 3,052 19.5 or laps that coke the sides of the stack of wood trap rrdakne and prevent the wood from drying As Syrarne 2,808 195 fur sfaluhg tin old Vermonter said, 'The spaces Ash,Black 2.992 19.1 between the logs should be large eraugh for a 35 Heerrlurwre OoaNy Hoare He VProcvcfs Inca Homestead Modek#WOF a #8570H mouse to get through, but not for the cat that's gassing" of the paints and oils used when chasing it." manufacturing the wood stove. If you find it 6 OO NOT STORE FIREWOOD WITHIN THE necessary, open a few windows to vent your room. STOVE'S SPECIFIED CLEARANCES TO The smoke and fumes will usually subside after 10 COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. to 20 minutes of operation. The odor and smoke will end once the stove is"cured". Thermo-Ceramic Baffle System The first few fires may produce other odors from To enhance the combustion efficiency and reduce impurities that exist in the area immediately the emissions of the fire in your stove Hearthstone surrounding the stove. Some of these impurities can has developed an advanced THERMO-CERAMIC be cleaning solvents, paint solvents, cigarettes, baffle system. This system uses a lightweight, smoke, pet hair, dust, adhesives, a new carpet, and durable ceramic material above the burner tubes to new textiles. These odors will dissipate over time. maintain the high temperatures in the secondary You can alleviate these odors by opening a few combustion area and maintain the low emission — windows or otherwise creating additional ventilation high efficiency combustion you desire. This around your stove. If any odor persists, contact your technology will not corrode, rust, dissolve, or lose its dealer or an authorized service technician. strength, however it is vulnerable to puncture or cracking due to rough handling. Building a Bmakan Fire A. Please exercise care when loading wood or Follow these steps when lighting a break-in fire. cleaning your stove, not to damage the Before building a fire, make sure the ash grate is themroceramic baffle closed and the ash pan is pushed fully into the Located directly above the burner tubes in the stove. If the ash grate is open or the pan is loose, firebox, this white sheet of material will break if wood the stove will over-fire and be damaged. or cleaning brushes impact d. Use care when 1. Open the door and place five or six double sheets loading and cleaning your stove to not break this of lightly twisted newspaper in the center of the material. If this piece fractures or a hole is firebox.Arrange kindling in a crisscross pattern punctured, it will cause the stove to function over the newspaper. Use about ten pieces of improperly. You must replace the board through a kindling,M"(13mm)in diameter and 10"to 18" qualified Hearthstone dealer. (254 mm to 457 mm)long. Building a Fire 2. Fully open the primary air control by pulling the Once you understand the controls of your wood lever forward. stove and have chosen the appropriate firewood, you are ready to start a fire. Breaking-In Your Wood Stove It is imperative that your stove be "broken in" slowly. Cast iron and soapstone must be seasoned; over- firing a new stave can cause castings to crack or can damage other stove parts. Moisture in the soapstone must be driven out slowly to minimae the"shock"to the stove of its first exposure to high firebox temperatures. Also the asbestos-free furnace cement must be cured slowly to ensure adequate sealing and bonding. The bottom layer of soapstone in your firebox is interided to prevent then, stress; leave it m place in the III at atl thnes. PRIMARY AR CONTROL LOW <— HIGH When you light you first fires, the wood stove will emit some smoke and fumes. This is normal 'off- (Model#0570H shown) 36 Heedhafone Ouardy H.Hearing P uO.,,Inc° Homestead Modelo N570F w # 014 3. Using a match, light the paper under the kindling. 4. Close the door and allow the fire to bum. Keep Leave the front door slightly ajar momentarily the door and ash drawer closed while the stove until the kindling has started to bum and a draft is in use. begins to pull. 5. Once the kindling is burning,open the door and 4. Close the door and allow the fire to bum. Keep add logs,small at first,to build up the fire. Keep the door and ash drawer dosed while the stove the logs away from the glass on the door in is in use. order for the air-wash system to work property. 5. Keep a watchful eye on your stove;maintain a 6. Once the fire is burning well,use the primary air steady,low-heat fire.Your first and subsequent control to regulate the desired rate of bum. Pull break-in fires should make the stove warm but the lever forward for a higher rate of bum; push not hot to the touch.Add, at most, a few small the lever back for a lower rate of bum. chunks of wood to the fire to reach a safe break- Note: Whenever opening the door to reload or re- in temperature. arrange logs,open the door just a crack, pause for a 6. Once the stove is warm--but not hot to the moment, and then open the door completely. This touch—lose the primary air control(and allow procedure allows the firebox to clear of smoke the fire to die out completely. before the door is opened fully. Also, reloading on a bed of hot, red coals reduces smoking time and 7. Let the stove return to room temperature. brings fresh fuel up to a high temperature rapidly. Build and maintain your first two break-in fires as outlined above. Your patience will be rewarded by a properly seasoned stove. Building and Maintaining an Everyday Fire If your stove is not used continuously or has not been used in quite some time, follow the break-in procedure at least once to minimae the stress of a hot fire on a cold stove before proceeding with normal operation. We recommend one break-in fire at the start of each heating season. Remember, before building a fire, make sure the ash grate is dosed and the ash pan is pushed fully into the stove. If the ash grate is open or the pan is loose,the stove will over-fire and be damaged. Follow these steps to build a fire for everyday use. 1. Open the door and place five or six double sheets of fightly twisted newspaper in the center of the firebox.Arrange kindling in a crisscross pattern over the newspaper. Use about ten pieces of kindling,Y:'(13 mm)in diameter and 10"to 18" (254 mm to 457 mm)long. 2. Fully open the primary air control by pulling the lever forward. 3. Using a match,light the paper under the kindling. Leave the hoot door sightly ajar momentarily until Ow db ighas staled to bum and a drat begins to pull. 37 HeaMstare OuaNrY Hama Heeling ProdutTa,I�.e HomeateaE MWels M5I0F rNtl p8570H Operating Your Stove Efficiently established fire. Next, pull the primary air control fully open, and then completely load the firebox with Your Homestead stove is designed to bum firewood wood. Allow the fire to bum intensely for 20 to 30 efficiently. The following operational tips explain how minutes. to obtain the most heat possible with minimal creosote build-up and emitted pollutants. Finally, push the primary air control close to its lowest setting; the fire will settle into a lower bum rate with a small flame. The fire will now bum slowly Bum Rate and steadily. The length and intensity of the fire There are four basic bum rates: high bum, medium depends on the type of wood being burned, the 9 strength of the chimney draft, and other variables, bum, low bum, and overnight bum. Each has its own which vary from installation to installation. purpose. High Bum Rate: A high bum rate is recommended In the morning, you should find a bed of hot coals buried within the ashes. The stove should be wane once or twice a day to fully heat the stovepipe and to the touch but not hot To restart the fire without chimney; this also helps keep the amount of relighting, simply stir and rake the ashes with a creosote in your stove and chimney to a minimum. poker until the hot coals have come to the surface. After the fire is established and both the stove and Place a handful of kindling on the coals, close the chimney are hot. create a high bum for maximum door, and fully open the primary air control. The fire heat output Pull the primary air control forward so should reAgnhe within 5 to 10 minutes. Place a few that it's fully open or almost fully open. Fully load the logs on the burning kindling, dose the door, leave firebox with wood on a bed of hot coals or on an the primary air control fully open, and allow the logs actively flaming fire. to ignite. After you have attained a high bum rate, monitor the Running a high bum rate at least once a day bums stove temperatures frequently to ensure that the off accumulated creosote from within the stove and stove is not over-fired. The surface temperature on venting system. Now, in the naming after an top of the stove should not exceed 600`Fahrenheft extended low bum rate, is a good time to create your (316"Celclus). Once you understand how your stove daily high bum rate; run it for about 20 minutes or bums and heats in your particular setting, you can so. Not only does this hot fire promote a clean stove easily create a high bum rate without disk to the and chimney, it also helps keep the glass clean for stove or chimney. easy viewing of the fire within. Once your room's temperature is comfortable, Once the fire is burning briskly, regulate the primary maintain your fire by loading smaller quantities of air control to a medium setting for a medium bum wood. Burning smaller amounts of wood at a high rata. bum rate creates the most efficient fire, emits the lowest amount of pollutants, and mates the least Oyer-Firing Caution amount of creosote in your chimney. Medium Bum Rate: In general, you would usually Over-firing means the stove is operating above the al d your stove is recommended temperatures stated previously in the create a medium bum rate,especially ly y° "Bum Rate'section.You should carefully avoid over- left unattended. Set the primary air control to a mid- firingsince it damages range setting, appropriate to maintain a comfortable 9 your stove. Symptoms of temperature in the area being heated. in the t ie or s short bum times, a roaring sound in the stove or stovepipe, and discoloration of the Low Bum Rate: Close the primary air control for a stovepipe. low bum rate. Set a low bum rate only periodically; 4 CAUTION:ANY SYMPTOMS OF OVER-FIRING over extended periods of fima, a low bum rate WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY] promotes the accumulation of creosote. If you consistently maintain low bum rates, inspect your Over-firing can be caused by an excessive draft, venting system freM—ffy. inappropriate fuel, and human emor. Here are the Oareri�t Bun ReW An oversight bum, as you stepson Tru each of these . might expect, allows you to keep an area Iteatad Esq Dralt Contact your dealer to have a while you sleep. To create an overnight bum, first draft reading taken. Any draft in excess of 0.1 we make sure the stove and chimney are hot from an 38 HeaMelorre Oeelify Home Heating -ds,I-,• Home lr M eb N570F aM a8570H requires a damper in the stovepipe. Some the slots in the bottom and sift the ashes across the installations may require more than one damper. ash grate using a poker or other suitable implement. Spin the ash grate closed—remember to close the Inappropriate Fuel: Do not bum coal; kiln dried ash grate now so that ashes don't fall out once the lumber, wax logs, or anything other than natural ash pan is removed. Remove the ashes by pulling cordwood. (Please refer to the Caution under the handle on the ash pan and carefully sliding it out. 'Choosing Firewood" on page 34 for more inappropriate fuels.) Dump the ashes into a metal container with a tight fitfing lid. Reserve this container for only ashes—do Human Error. Make sure all the gaskets are in good not place any other Items or trash into the metal condition; replace worn out or compressed gaskets. container. Replace the lid onto the container and Ensure the ash pan is light and pushed all the allow the ashes to cool. Make sure the ash container way in; make sure the ash grate is closed and the sits on a noncombustible surface. Do not place the front door is closed. ash container on a combustible surface or vinyl The best way to determine if your stove is over-firing flooring,as the container may be hotl is by monitoring its temperature. Results of over- Re-insert the ash pan by pushing it, finely, all the firing can include: warped or burned out internal way into the stove. Make sure the ash grate is parts, cracked stones, discolored or warped external closed. parts,and damaged enamel. If you suspect that your stove is over-firing, contact your dealer immediately. You can also remove the ashes with a shovel Damage done by over-firing is not covered by your through the front door, and dumping them directly warranty. into the metal ash container. Never put ashes in wooden or plastic containers, or Removing and Disposing of Ashes in paper or plastic bags—storing hot ashes in this manner could cause a fire. No matter how long your Ashes should be removed when the stove is cold. stove's fire has been out, coals within a bed of Use protective fireplace gloves when the pan is ashes can remain hot for several days even after warm. Exercise extreme caution when handling, they have been removed from the firebox. storing,or disposing of ashes. While you are filling your metal ash container, place b WARNING:THE STOVE'S ASH PAN AND HANDLE the closed container on a noncombustible floor or on ARE EXTREMELY HOT WHILE A FIRE BURNS.DO the ground, well away from all Combustible NOT TOUGH THEM UNTIL YOUR STOVE COOLS materials. Retain the ashes in the closed container DOWNI until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. To remove ashes from the firebox, spin the ash grate open so that the slots in the grate line up with 39 HeeMrffione(7uelrty Home HeaNg Products,Iric.s Homestead Models N857OF and p8570H Maintenance & Cleaning Stove's Interior If a creosote residue greater that W (6 mm) has accumulated, remove it to reduce the risk of a chimney fire. Use a cleaning brush specifically Monitoring Your Stove's Temperature designed for your type of chimney. Strongly consider Monitor your stove's temperature to make sure that hiring a certified chimney sweep to dean your our fire is chimney. Contact your dealer for the name of a y giving off the proper amount of heat. certified chimney sweep in your area (your dealer Place a stove thermometer (available from your may even be a certified sweepl). dealer) on the top center stone of the stove. The thermometer could read between 300° to 400° Before each heating season, the entire system— Fahrenheit(149°to 204"Celsius)on a low bum,and stove, stovepipes, connections, and chimney— as high as 600' Fahrenheit(316° Celsius)on a high should be professionally inspected, cleaned, and bum. Do not exceed the high bum rate repaired as necessary. temperature; overiring your stove will result In voiding the warranty. Gaskets Cleaning Your Stove and Removing Depending on how often you use your stove, replace Creosote the door and glass gaskets every two to three seasons. If the door seal is loose, a new gasket Slow burning wood produces tar and other organic assures a tight seal and improves the performance vapors, which combine with expelled moisture to of your stove. Contact your dealer for a gasket kit, form creosote.These creosote vapors condense and which includes instructions, and gaskets for your accumulate in the relatively cool chimney flue of a stove. slow-buming fire. When ignited, this creosote makes an extremely hot fire, which can damage the To replace door gaskets: chimney or even destroy the house. 1. Remove the old gaskets with a utility or putty To prevent the buildup of creosote: knife. 1. Bum the stove's fire at a high bum rate(with the 2. Clean all gasket channels with a wire brush. primary air control fully open)for 30 minutes 3. Appy gasket cement to the channels daily. This intense fire bums out creosote deposits from within the stove and the venting 4. Push the new gasket into place without stretching system. the gasket material. 2. After reloading your stove with wood,again bum 5. Shut the door immediately to fully press the the stove's fire at a high bum rate for 20 to 30 gasket into place and assure a positive seal.Use minutes. the following gaskets on the various parts of your Homestead. Burning at a high bum rate engages the secondary combustion system, which minimizes the buildup of Glass:60'(1524 mm)long;W(19 mm)wide; creosote in the chimney. As a result, you need to adhesive backed black tape.(Please refer to the clean your chimney less often. next section for instructions on replacing gaskets on Inspect your stovepipe connector and chimney at the glass.) least once a month during the heating season to Door. 60"(1524 mm)long;31s'(9.5 mm)diameter, determine t creosote has built-up in the chimneys low-density black tube. lining. Pay particular attention to the stovea connections and the chimney hop. Gooier surfaces Ash Pm:40'(1016 mm)long; /e(9.5 mm) d tend to build vemae deposits quicker, so it is diameter:medium density, black rope. hnpertadto clerk the,chimney Mahe hop(wive it is Revors"fink 32'(1016 mm)long;W(9.5 mm) males[)as wet as from the botom near the shove. diameter;low density,black 40 Hearthstw Qualify Home Heating PiaCacls,Inc. Hmnesheatl MotleLs W8570F and 4185701-1 rope You can dean most deposits by following the instructions provided with the cleaner. To dean YES heavier deposits, first remove the door from the stove. Open the door and lift fl straight up and off the stove (take care to save hinge pins and washers). / Lay the door face down on a workbench a table. (By laying the door flat, it will allow the cleaner to penetrate rather than running off the surface of the N� glass.)Apply the cleaner to the glass and allow it to set for a few minutes. Wipe the cleaner off with a soft cloth. 4. IMPORTANT: SCRATCHING OR ETCHING THE Figure 3—Glass Gasketing GLASS WILL WEAKEN THE INTEGRITY OF THE Every two or three years,check the glass gasket.To GLASS. DO NOT USE A RAZOR BLADE, STEEL replace the Ia55 and lass gasket: WOOL,OR ANY OTHER ABRASIVE MATERIAL TO P 9 9 9 CLEAN THE GLASS. USE LOW ALKALINE 1. Remove the door by lifting it straight up off the CONTENT CLEANERS ONLY. hinges;leave the hinge pins in the door. The front door glass is a ceramic IR coated, shock- 2. Place the door face down on a flat,smooth resistant glass made specifically for use in wood stoves. Use only ceramic glass manufactured for surface. use in this wood stove. Replacement glass, together 3. Apply penetrafing oil to the screws in the with instructions and everything needed for retention frame. Remove the window frame installation, is available through your local dealer. Do screws to separate the window frame from the not use any other type of replacement glass. door. Do not abuse the stove's door by striking or 4. Carefully lift the damaged glass from the door slamming it; the glass could crack or break. Do not and discard. use your stove with a broken door glass; replace broken glass immediately. If you replace the glass 5. Peel the paper backing from the tape gasket. yourself,wear work gloves and safety glasses. Apply the new gasket to the new glass(as illustrated)with the IR coating on the outside. (The IR coating will appear to have a soapy film Soapstone on the surface.) You only need to occasionally dean your stove's fi. Place the gasketed glass onto the door polished soapstone finish to maintain its natural beauty. Clean the soapstone with water, any non- 7. Screw the window frame back on the door. abrasive cleaner, and a soft cloth. Wipe dust from 8. Install the door.Check for a fight fit. the stone with a clean doth. Do not use chemical agents to wash the stone; do not use waxes or any polishing agents on the stone. Stove's Exterior Take care not to scratch or chip the stone. Do not set items on top of your stove that can scratch or Your entire stove needs cleaning from time to time: chip the stone,or its enamel finish. the glass, the soapstone, and the cast iron. Over time,and with use, subtle earth tones of brown, red, and yellow appear on the soapstone. This is a Glass natural reaction in the soapstone and enhances its The stove's door glass allows you to see the fire. beauty. With normal use, hairline or surface cracks Occasionally, you Will need to dean the glass; use a might appear on the stone. Such cracks he not law t co inneldel stove gi�deaher, after tine,integrity a operation of the stove; there is (whiavailable from your local dealer). Belvue no need to replace them. ch is cleaning the gds, allow the glass to cool. Never dean the glass while the fire is burning or the glass is hoL 41 Heedhatare Oualdy Harte Heating ProduUs,4ic.• Homestead M Jels p85loF and"570H Cast Iron clean. Be sure to dry the cast iron thoroughly to The exterior cast iron parts of your stove are either prevent rusting. painted with black, high-temperature stove paint or You can clean the enamel castings with a standard covered with an enamel finish in various colors that glass cleaner. With time and use, a very fine, subtle creates a porcelain finish. network of crazed lines may appear seemingly If necessary, use black, high-temperature stove beneath the surface of the enamel. Crazing is a paint (such as satin black by S[ovebright) to touch natural predictable process and does not represent up and maintain the original inal a ppearence of painted a flaw. cast iron. Use a damp sponge to wipe the cast iron 42 HmN&.Ouel»y Ibnre H gProEucrs,ImC.° Homes M W 48570F aM 88570H Troubleshooting Your Heating Needs home. Outfitting your stove with the optional outside air supply adapter, connected to an air duct leading Nearly everyone who uses a woodstove experiences to the outside of your home, should correct this basic common problems at one time or another.You problem. can correct most, usually with only a minor adjustment to the stove, installation, or operating Tall Trees or Buildings. These obstructions, when technique. When weather conditions dramatically located dose to the top of the chimney, can cause affect stove performance, the problems are typically chronic or occasional downdrafts. When selecting a temporary and solve themselves once the weather site for a new chimney, take care to consider the changes. placement of other objects in the vicinity of the proposed chimney location. If you think your stove is not producing adequate heat, troubleshoot the problem by monitoring the Wind Velocity. Generally,the stronger and steadier a temperature of the stovepipe. A 400° Fahrenheit wind, the stronger (and better) the draft. However, (204° Celsius) stovepipe confinns the stove is 'gusty' wind conditions may cause erratic supplying sufficient heat. Keep in mind that your downdrafts. house itself will regulate room and house Barometric Pressure. Chimney drafts are typically temperatures through a number of factors: how well sluggish on balmy, wet or muggy days. This is a the walls, floors, and ceilings are insulated; the weather-related phenomenon, which generally is number and size of glass windows; the tightness of self-correcting as the weather changes. outside doors; and the construction or style of your house (vaulted ceilings or other open spaces which Briskness of the Fire. The hotter your stove's fire, collect large percentages of heal). the hotter your chimney, and thus the stronger the Your stove's performance is also dependent on its draft. installation. One common cause of poor Breaks in the Venting System. An unsealed clean- perfonnance is an oversized chimney flue. out door at the bottom of the chimney, leaky Oversized chimney flues result in decreased stovepipe joints, a poor stovepipo-to-thimble pressure, which prevents the smoke from rising out connection, or a leaky chimney can all cause an the chimney. Oversized flues are also more difficult inadequate draft. to heat effectively, especially when burning a high efficiency stove. Cool flue temperatures inhibit the Seasonal Factors. Early fall and late spring are establishment of a strong draft (and encourage the generally difficult seasons in which to establish accumulation of creosote). The lack of a strong draft proper drafts. The colder the outside air (relative to will cause the fire to die down and may even force room temperatures),the stronger the draft. the smoke to pour into the room. A properly sized chimney not easily establishing a strong draft is simply not cold enough. Again, hot Operating the Stove chimneys promote stronger drafts. Other guidelines for producing a strong draft include the following: Them are days when a draft is not easily established. As outlined above, seasonal factors or An 'AidlghP House. If your home is well insulated or a cold chimney may be the cause. Try starting the especially well sealed, the infiltration air supply to fire by using small kindling and wood to obtain a the interior of the house may be inadequate. This quick, hot fire. Tend the fire frequently with small phenomenon of air starvation can be exacerbated it wood until the chimney is hot and the draft is well exhaust fans (such as clothes dryers, bathroom established. fans, or cook stove exhaust fans) are used in your 43 FlearNNsforia Ouemy Homo Hee6)g Products,Inc° Homeslead Models M57OF aiM M70H Troubleshooting Guide Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action Your stove smokes Operating technique Fully open the primary air control one minute before opening the doors. Cold chimney Preheat the chimney when first starting a fire. Blocked chimney Examine the chimney and stovepipe for blockage or creosote accumulations. Oversized chimney Reline the chimney to the appmpdate diameter. Undersized chimney Install a draft inducer or replace the chimney. Chimney too short Lengthen the chimney. Air infiltration into the Seal the chimney connections and openings in the clean-out doors. chimney More than one applF Disconnect all other appliances and seal the openings. once conn..ted to the flue Back-puffing or gas Operating technique Fully open the primary air control one minute before opening the door explosions and keep it fully open for a few minutes after reloading. Extra law bum rate Bum the stove at a higher bum rate. Chimney downdraft Install a chimney cep. Excessive ash build-up Empty the ash pan more frequengy. Uncontrolled or short Unsealed or open door Close the door tightly or replace the gaskets. bum Open ash grate Spin the ash grate to its dosed position. Excessive draft Check the installation.Operate at low bum.Install a stovepipe damper. Deteriorated cement Reseal the stove with furnace cement seals Extra long chimney Shorten the chimney.Install a stovepipe damper. Oversized chimney Reline the chimney to the proper diameter. High winds or hilltop Install a chimney cap. location Excessive draft Draft in excess of 0.1 we should be corrected with a stovepipe damper. Insufficient heat Poor quality or green Use only airddad wood,preferably dried at least one year. wood Low bum rate Operate the stove at a higher bum mte. Air insulated chimney Replace with a prrefiabdceted insulated chimney system or a properly sized masonry chimney. Cdtl exterior chimney Reline or insulate the chimney. Leaky stovepipe or Check the installation. chimney Too much heat loss Caulk the windows and seal any openings in your home. from house Blistering of enamel Operating technique Do not over-fire the stove.Monitor store temperatures.Use only casting seasoned wootl. Excessive draft Check the draft(see'Excessive DmT on pegs 38).A dernper may be mglmed Operate the stove al a low bum. 44 Hearthstone Due#ty Home Hoeft PmOuds,Inc.° Homestead Models M570F and#8570H General Information Parts and Accessories Replacement Part Castings 5570-121 Secondary Air Tube#1 Part Number Desenp#on 5570-122 Secondary Air Tube#2 2510-730 Ash Grate 5570-123 Secondary Air Tube#3 2510-72D Ash Grate Frame 5570-150 Top Heat Shield 25xx-740' Ash Lip Miscellaneous 25xx-710' Bottom Port Number Description 2510-770 Flue Collar 3900-177 Blade Wooden Handle 20ta500" Front Door 3120-920 Ceramic Baffle Board 20m-602' Front Door Frame 2010-550 Glees Retention Frame Kits 2510-750 Rear Panel Part Number Descapbon 25xx-700' Short Foot(4'leg) 9552700. Hearth Mount Conversion Kit 25xx-705' Long Foot(6'leg) 95-50700m Freestanding Conversion Kit 25xx-760' Side Leg 90-57005 Glass Replacement Ka 25xx-780' Top 9558700 Gasket K8 StonalRefractory 95-547DO Ash Pan Assembly Part Number Description 90.73112 Front door latch Assembly 1141-253 Front Corner Soapstone 2 19132'x 9 1/2' 95-52710 Compact Oval-to-Round Adapter(standard 1541-780 Top Soapstone 8'x 101/2' on model#8570H) 1541-730 Side Soapstone 8 7/8"x 9 318- 9552705 Extended Oval-to-Round Adapter(standard 1141-252 Front Bottom Soapstone 3 3/4'x 9 1/2" on model#8570F) 1141-251 Front Top Soapstone 2 314'x 9 1/2" 95-83700 Firebrick 8 3/32"x 9%"x 1147 1-0500-700 Refractory Soapstone 1 V x 9 e/.- 1-0500701 Refractory Soapstone 5 V x 11 W Steel Set 'xx=color code: 10=Macre,20=Brown,30=Almond, 50=Black,66=Navy,80=Green. Pert Number Description (Not all colors may be available) 5570130 Air Tube Lock Bracket 5570-010 Ash Pan Box 5570140 From Baffle Support 5570-030 Label Cable 557D 040 Primary Air Control Sider 5570-050 Pmwy Air Handle 55/0.080 Primary Air Raman 5570110 Semldary,Ai Raman 5570070 Secondary Air Riser Tube 45 Hearthstone Quality Home Heating Rotlucu,mc.° Homestead Models# 70F and# 701-1 Optional Accessories Part Number Dascrlpeon Pkium Explanation 90-57000 BMwver Fan Kit Not for use in an i n tailed(such R a fireplace S ior e alcove).Must be installed with the Rear Heat Shield Kit. For freestanding installations only. 95-50700xx• Freestanding Ships with a bottom heal shield and long(6')legs in matching colors.For Conversion Kit installation on a UL listed floor protector or a site buift pmteclor with an R-value of 2.5 and minimum dimensions of 41"x 41'.This conversion kit can also be used in a fireplace installation.(See color code designations on the previous page.) 95-52700W Hearth Mount Ships with short(4')legs in matching colors.For installation on a noncombustible Conversion Kit floor,such as a slab,cement,slone hearth or a floor protector whh an R-value of 6.6 or more and minimum dimensions of 41'x 41'.This conversion kit can also be used in a fireplace installation.(See color code designations on previous page.) 95-52705 Freestanding Cvati A stainless oval-to-round adapter that fits best in to-Round Adapter large fireplaces or freestanding configurations. Kit 95-52710 Compact Oval to- `.�. A stainless mal-to-round adapter that fits best in a Round adapter Kit '�, hearth mounting configurations. Lj 9553700 Outside Air Kit J Allows for a 3"ducted inlet For use where required by code or in well insulated homes.Three-poshlon inlet for versatile installation. 9556700 Rear Heal Shield Kt Reduces rear,comer,and side clearances.Typically SS for freestanding installations. I 95-59710 Surround Kit A matte black,sheet metal,surround set for fireplace installations with short or tall legs.It "hangs'on brackets mounted to the rear of the stove.The depth(distance from the rear of the stove)is adjustable.This surround also soft as a heat shield,reducing the mantle and side trim clearances. •xx=color code: 10=Matte,20=Brown,50=Black. 46 Health n paabry Home Heabn9 P,oducts,Inc Homestead Models pa570F and aa570H Safety Label I I cox,acr roua lxu mwma ort,oals 4eour e,�,Nc„Dlo lDn weruunob aePacna w row aPEw ens lJNadPabHv,BaIkPUNTVM1a •ra aaM W Y br bobY Has»Yq Puablrt b(Nlpl-FNIU W c m 4HearthStone• I q..b,baw®a... . kaaN nM1nb: las ease 9ts'abnaN Ova ,a,�,cnD�aro� Twletlta WlNa,LLCesar re.lbnr vrospt wan�be e1bYBRMAIl PREB =Jaw m °a^'l°.snam. �anbw:bw 'www�a�rlen.ar.11rmm IIS c1lmlDlt 6aookmtlrauw NlwpnJp W... aaW bWry .ft W. NYuen tluvglluuMaalYm il/v blmN Gull as a ap Dead NlfArycvuwlb Naasaa oavnd MOWbu ally lM1lo nnM vaM1vuooanaa N a.«M1Nw las lbluua 7YYaD dos InO.. labalea.yaMlnm CTYYCPvILOCIBiaY aeav rvaoa DNv aIN� Ma1M,dlawaExoagMo-rurw W b Plallba GYIpIL XeINI a" wulNlm.0.NbW Ib9 taf awllbaNbll aatl W umxxwM aNb unM1 b b uM. Nra�a�Mrk flY�eM�.e.�eaww�a.M1�r bdepl..'aYi°.e.a`w.l. .arae�balslaw`a `•mblaaaaell. lw�nD,aFwPuwe ro maaausne�e k�IEA W 9' PPEE srumo,D assauwnoba lluPn,D,sruu„Dxa • as s-a• r c-a• D E--1.'rbau bB6NM NNall6 COREN NnuNn mkacl 11DlE:Fwuiugv,blalNplue bWbaull Y °r��' a.laD�v iE lb0 ppy !M1a IIMbp etu.l swl IM .Mlllwl Nal axlnsl�7vwavxxrrlU Ibbs nauMaaaY Ylaal k tlw OnlvY WnuN. ar�N+nw.NlbaM rlalra®u�PbaYNbsNvau �1 1 ba a.nn NaJ almvE nrnneaxca ro rn,lbunnEa oPrbxal.IvabEor®vra: x..wwwilMwwmOrl.•baar wr Hbt Balk wassarm b NgNba a.ns`wnbsWY newlna IlbN141G Paal W PaeubnNry D,aaN saweq.enl a•bal a Mane Mo,aHDlla mmrrbwa.tbaovwwvlvlrren o- n IDIabBaNbP aabNlsMbMaaa4bnaM.M1 al• PqaaaNaalIyypIM1 b1aE�a� Inlbw bwaod vaaaesibrbaevYq Canvolml2M1 buxa sal MYbaaan mlOa4aYM caPat M.tllO1a ppelvblaalablWNWta'btllo pryuNuunyaIm�aasvb Maki aoptlWlNYNb,wlbYa FLDOR PNOIEC,011B� OIYIIIeI.�alMk MafaiLe6 aNMIYIIaN yaMaD) •RNwbbYIRlaNlal YYUW baaJYVINNuswbWalYs4 awkkl Mudlwa vk OpvaataYWlbabla OwCMb" M OTEC . MwCab. Obaaf aa,abeab son am: ams .rl Pvb r AWab as ++ ay 4 aN ,ry Das ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Em WIIDFIalDYEa,DOYe111a61Aa8 1MDENIIaa 19ma,a 47 HeaMe Qualify Hoare Heating Products,Inc. Hort dead Models N670F and n570H WARRANTY REGISTRATION The Original Purchaser may complete their registration online on our website(www.hearthstonestoves com),or send a completed and signed Warranty Registration Form,which is enclosed in the Stove Owners Packet,to the following address: Hearthstone Quality Home Heating Products, Inc. Warranty Department 317 Stafford Avenue Morrisville,VT 05661 inquiry@hearthstonestoves.com J. NOTE: SENDING IN THE SIGNED WARRANTY REGISTRATION FORM IS NOT A CONDITION OF WARRANTY COVERAGE OR HEARTHSTONE'S PERFORMANCE. 48