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35-295 (7)
85 WOODLAND DR BP-2018-1223 GIS s: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 35-295 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category, SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit BP-2018-1223 Project JS-2018-002184 Est.Cost:$37735.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: VALLEY SOLAR LLC 077279 Lot Size(sp. ft.): 38942.64 Owner: JORDAN PETER A&SUSAN J zonine, Applicant: VALLEY SOLAR LLC AT: 85 WOODLAND DR ApplicantAddress: Phone: Insurance: PO BOX 60627 (413) 584-8844 WC FLORENCEMA01062 ISSUED ON:5/21/2018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR -29 PANELS 9.715 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeTyoe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 521/20180:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner ,So /a,r Department use only g City Of Northampton Status of Permit: Building Department Curb CuHDnvevvay Permit r t, 212 Main Street Sevverseptic Availability 1 } Room 100 Water/Well Availability Northampton, MA 01060 Tvro Sets of Structural Plans phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Site Plans - IN., APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOATE R DEMOLISH A ONE O TWO FAMILY DWELLING 8106 g aft e, SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION This section to co tpleted by office t.1 Property Address: Q 7 ^ 13^ d'� Wo-o r,Lp-D � /�, 7' \ J Unit jc o&O �otoea5 - was i Zone Overlay District Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: PCVXaga SIISQl110man 6�WOf��a�P��;Florert�e,mr�otacz Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: u r��z21 - 63G5� Telephone "' Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: Valley Solar LLC PO Box 60627, Florence, MA 01062 Name(Print) Cu-rent Mailing : 413-584-884-8844 Signature ' Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by dermil applicant 1. Building (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee #76 4. Mechanical (HVAC) YY��'- 5. Fire Protection 6. Total=(1 +2+ 3+4+5) S 7 Check Number 7 This Section For Official Use Only Date Building Permit Numb Issued' Signa re: �B Building L-1--1 ssionerllnspeclor of Buildings Date Ihasbrouck @ northamptonma.gov infEMAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED; COMACITOR)lar.solar Section 4. ZONING All Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This aalumn m be fillM in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L:f; R: I,: R: Rear Building height Bldg.Square Footage % Open Space Footage % (1_ot area minus bid,d pav d El s A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES 0 IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E, Wil the construction activity disturb(Gearing, grading, excavation,or filling)over t acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over t acre? YES O NO O IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION S-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alterations) ❑ Roofing ❑ Or Doors 0 Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [Ell Decks [p Siding J01 Other IX solar Wo k esng=ia�C05e of agnel�Anrpv PaX3f M6uNT Clrrat� syr 9 `li s Alteration of existing bedroom_Yes_No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Rall -Sheet Ga. If New house and or addRJon to existing housing,complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c, Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction Dirriensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands?_Yes _No. Is construction within 100 yr. Floodplain_Yes_No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No . I. Septic Tank_ City Sewer_ Private well_ City water Supply_ SECTION Ta-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETEDWHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Shas Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Valley Solar LLC to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. eZ IW11 % Signature of Owner Date Valley Solar LLC as caaar/Authodzed Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. I q tt- U Print Name sI1Wl1x Signature of OwnerlAgentl Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable D Name of License Holds License Number S->=eyen � S(Wei marl cam -o�l, a�G Address Expiration Date a2C �rYle� �� ut�tGm rn)R �,I, P-OkS Signatu ne p 413_5,;,5o�S(11 9.Rmleterild Home lf�biwl effirent C Not Applicable D Company Name Registration Number Valley Solar LLC 186338 Address Expiration Date PO Box 60627, Florence, MA 01062 Telephone 413-584$844 10/27/18 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152,§26C(6() Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit vnll result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes ...-V No...... D The Commonwealth of Massachu.setts Department of lndustrral Accidents " 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Berstein, MA 02 114-2 01 7 nnvw.rnass.gov/dirt \lockers'Cumpo.'etio,Iastn'ance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHOR ITN. Applicant Information Please Print Leeibly Name (Ruxhwssroraanaetimdlndlviduall:Valley Solar LLC Address:340 Riverside Dr.,PC Box 60627 City/State/Zip:Florence, MA 01062 Phonc 4:413-584-8844 Ireyou an empluyar'. Check rhe panprlarelone Type n(project(regoiretl}. I LD Im aae"Ire". el,6 anPln...; rail'aare,'a,i ell i. ❑Nea'constroetion 3❑Ion solamvnnaorm Amh rsop and have uh cnrpinve,,ahe,,- I., hem X. ❑ Rc...odeling .a,rp ♦ N p : - q - dl 1.0)anal' aro,e ao.rs an„ere ps.u:Inr,,ako, rLi .. a, a ar ,mood.) 9- El Demolition 4.❑I. a laornacomael aad Fhb da,ill k 1 10❑ Buddir,addition enterera II I is an a.,hl. II Llett,)cal rcpau o-addiGuns p1 . 'la 12.�P l um b ingrepail eu'4dditions S�I am' a let a I cerih acel AidII I ed the I t the hoachedthca uee,c- I amidl k 1.5.�R t,7 repahS n ,a❑ p a - / I n - xlca 14. DOth,l S01sr I'-11 duJ,ve oc 11 nca hr nnk '1 .... it A:bx- '-I: ill me.dms. but, 1 , kttYcoml . I , v 'H c. I srLnr .r.aYd -I rd err 'v her cda 4:Il wuM Wtl< I '� tr d.eo ubleiral.ce11,rkYr W - Lich. 2 srPo -k hsL' ¢droJ odd ronlac�rl „ �I�nmc ha srbnr aides a¢alcha oro hpw.a . aec emidt—r'� Irihouhcnulraelnrs haat pnplu)eea.dey moa tat me Ihmr x'hrkc, wmp.n de. hmnbcr l am mr employer thatisproviding rearkera''tompenamiah raw roncefor an,earployees BCJ,,rot/repa1e,.ndjobeite infnrmadnn. lu'rh ance Company Nam..Berkley Insurance P. cy 4 o Sci F-Ins-Gcy.._MAA�RP301229 Expvatun Dole. 2/1/2019 ILib Sire Addt,h, Ci yStare/Zip.ELPew f I�3 C)l OlEa Attach a copy of the aorkeri compensation policy declmvtiun page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Folio,to secure c overage as required under blGL c. 152. �25,A i s a.Ymrinal ro[a(iva punishable by a File up to S1,500.00 end/or ona-year unp....nmenl,as well as civil p,m,E,es in the form.ft, STOP WORK ORDER and a fine et up co 8250.00 a day again..The s iolhto, A copy'of this sta2mrnl may be forwarded to the Office of r,,,ti_mions of the DIA for i',mmrce '.'rouge va i(icatioa _ Ido hereby certify ander a his a...I[m allies'of!erl the infmaarttinn provided abmr is vne mrd aorr 'e tShau . e., Duce ( Phune# 413-584-t844 r — — Offrclal use mdlr. Do rent recite in this area,m be c.mrileted br to car rotor offci.1 City or Toew Pei miULicense q Lsoung Authority(circle one): I. Board of Health 2.Building Depar threat 3.City/Toam Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Yersun: Phone a: City of Northampton ' Massachusetts w ~k x DEPdETHENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS Ma 212 in Sicipal Huiltling >' Notreet •Munrthamplan, M.l 01060 y r YN^C Debris Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris from construction work being performed at: $ , W00301 1d drIVC, (Please print house number and street name) Is to be disposed of at: Valley Recycling. (235 Easthampton Rd, MA 01060) (Please print name and location of facility) Or will be disposed of in a dumpster onsite rented or leased from: Valley Solar. (POB 60627, MA 01062) (Company Name and Address) �u11 � SignatureoTPermit Applicant or Owner Date If, for any reason, the debris will not be disposed of as indicated, the Applicant or Owner shall notify the Building Department as to the location where the debris will be disposed. s Pro ect Comoonents: 5 RacHng Snap N Rack Saries 100 n Panels.(29)LG335N1C-A5 i9 Power Optimizers:(29)SolarEdge P370 1 A x g z-Internal wan of building (19)SOLAR PV PANELS(N) a a Main electrical Panel it Revenue Grade Production Meter ( )SOLAREDGE 76OOH-US(N) < 3.External wall of builtling. AC DISCONNECT SWITCH(N) AC disconnect switch € (1)SolarEdge 7600H-US TILITY METER(E) - w 3 Utility meter -� 6 (E)EXISTING - > Ng NEW £a 3n Z )�€ PRODUCTION METER(N) d- Utility Client m r Peter Jordan MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL(E) '^ 05 Woodland Cuve (10)SOLAR PANELS(N) a Florence MA 01062 ;s 2y POOL E€ J J z+� g t,s ley lar � aP a �D O os O � C w � rx o m o � b_ O W O I O uj Valley Solar, LLC. E x"x _ � a PLOT LINES WITH onFss�— A� Fe �Fxa,mampm",MA oi"sz SETBACKS q L. fibre dl]50lBBMI 3.Ns.00t" SYSTEM SQE 9]15 kW OC].BkWAC Yr SIe� 4 ` M 6 I6 TaiFem Otfty „� Motlulesl _ ^enm+ e OplimSars a kWh N -SttinB 10 °® Meter. GORY B 14 ^_. . kWh 6 e Mr-arl ® over: Optlmii 5 3 D RGMin m38„ r stung 4 9 SPI i B 4 H °€ Conrad 8 Conductor ScM1edule � 1 2 h�� 6 i 1.(1)#6 CU RACK BOND GEC.IN FREE-AIR. O in Lmj ¢i 2.(2)#10 CU PV WIRE IN FREE-AIR. Eoulomant SCM1adule ¢¢ #SE 3.(4)#10 CU THHN-2.(2)#10 EGC.IN 1/2"EMT Labeling Schedule ❑ 100so O d between J-Boxes then 1"EMT 1 PV ARRAY(Series ) .6 4.(2)#10 CU THAN!2.(1)#6 EGG. IN 112"EMT Snap N Rack 100 Series j P. 5.(3)1 AL SER.(1)#6 EGC.IN 1/2"EMT 1.CAUTI0N!DG VOLTAGE 2 SOI-AR PV M0DULE(LG335N1C-A5) ¢ €L 6.(3)4I0 AL XHHW-2. 2.WARNING:PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE (29)LG335W Panels.41.OVoc 10.49sc.Max System Size 1000V w t° ].MAIN HOUSE GEC 3.PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM OC DISCONNECT SWITCH 3 POWER OPTIMIZERS(SolarEtlge P3I0) r 3 Maximum System Voltage:500 VDC Short Circuit Current 45 (29)SolarEtlge P370 Max Output 60vdG1Soon t•w 4.PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID 4.JUNCTION BOX(242-01104) OCPO Calculatlem: SnapNRti Rail Mounted J Box with triple lugs(on root isSHUTDOWN 5.OC COMBINERLDISCONNECT(SE7600H-US) 8 ge Breakers sized according to cont. 5.SOLAR PV PC PRODUCTION METER nuous Built in to base of inverter £e ' fi output current x 125(NEC 210.19(A)(1)(a)), .PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT Rated AC fi DC/AC INVERTER(SEI60OH-US) p Output Current 32 Aac Nominal OperatingVoltage:240Vac $ p@[ BE]600H-US Inverter Max Output=32Ax ].CAUTION!AC VOLTAGE g Sola Input4OVdc/Mbuilt'C RGM C) P� 125=40A Max GENERATION ET ISGE1-21Max Output]600Vad32Aac B.WARNING ID AND IS ENERGIZED FROM 25OURCES: ] GENERATION METERn Meter 0+) UTILITY GRID AND PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Revenue Grade ECT Dtion Meter dT $e 9.WARNING!INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT B.AC DISCONNECT(DU222RB) 0 RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE 60A 240VAC(adjacent to invader in ham) N � ' de alley 10.S0LAR PV 9 AC DISC0NNECT(DIJ222RB) TJ a J 11.PHOTOVOLTAIC POINT OF INTERCONNECTION Rated AC 60A 240VAC(adjacent to utility meter at house) C r Output Current 32 Ann Nominal Operating Voltage:240Vac 0 MAIN SERVICE PANEL(LC240PC) m o 2 @ �J . lal�. 12.WARNING!UTILITY METER ENERGIZED BY 2 SOURCES 200A MAIN,200A BUS,40A Inverter 0CPD 7s� 1, 11 UTILITY METER(05034442) }a 120/240V,1PH,3W ® LG Innovation for Life's Good Better LG NeON 2 MZM I G's new module,I G NeON©2,adopts Cella technology. lI Cella technology replaces a busbars with 12 thin wires r�jry\va _ 60 cell to usenhancepowet effort so increase ty,LGNe0N a2 bVE ISM demonstrates LG'seffortses enhance garrar is value[ beyond efficiency It features enhanced warraney,durability, Inlertek performance under real environment,and aesthetic design suitable for roofs. Enhanced Performance Warranty �� High Power Output ������..��■■�RpRpaRpR���Ippyppyppyggqqp��p��p,�Iy11pI■n LG Ni 2 has an enhanced performance warranty. Compared with previous models,the LG NeON" 2 VIYGIWV The annual degradation has fallen from-0.loss,to has been designed msignificantly enhanceits rom, 055%/yr Even after 25 years,the cell guarantees t Z%p efficiency,thereby making it effioerit even in Omited space more metier than the previous LG eleON"2 ,.dcles. Aesthetic Roof ® Outstanding Durability N. L(iNeOls"2 has Peen broccoli wrthrenin""'m'in it With Its newly confuted flame deslg4 l C,has eurended thinner wires that appear all black at a distance the warranty of the LG NeON"2 for an additional The product may help Increase the value of 2 years.Addiunnalle LG NPON""2 can endure a front a property with its modern design. j load up to 5000 Par and a rear load u p to 5400 Pa. ,- Better Performance on a Sunny Day Double-Sided Ceti Structure LGN,(dm2now performs Letter on sunny days thanks forecasters ceilusedm LS fur 2wd1 mnvlbu2 to to its improved temperature coefficiency generation,just Oke the hand the Ilght heam reflexed from the rear of the module Is reabsorbed to generate a great amount of additional power About LG Electronics v'0as s..e'lelpluyrr 1,11,1r.O..n eryamh9 L. 11,basr am Av hu. is ie. `9r rih en9'TM' iN=remGa mlareu�oYs R'omryuaio -,a,'"sanctifyheGo pi dere iLL,acn4ry dnrcre, st, at ln/re ...I Th,fi rz.Mau aIle le,11,11'211.wh, , r I m32 uunme it,tiow r32µ elacer 1, O.1 - NON V'eo,slyvn rnas Mr.o%"N10ch vu, hora,,rAw r mooned LL bthe lac x.orn.r hi✓r. LG NeON` 2 MWIM Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties(STC") Cells _-6 a 10 _ Module _ LG335N1C-A5 Callimunder L6 __- M Power(Pmax) 335 Celli Mo II /Na _ rp e Y� MPPV ¢age_(VmPP) 341 Cell Dl onz 1617 151 7mm/6m.M1es MPP Current(Impel 993 of Busbar 12(Multi Wlra 9usber] Open Cosmic Voltage(Voc) A11) Dimensions lLx WxH) 1596 A 1016x4C mm SheorrChrituitCurrent(Isc) -- -1049 5639 x 40 x 15Tmcb M d I Effiuency 196 Front Lead 6pOpPa _ Dp ting Temperature -40 CYC Rem Loaf 540OPa Maximum Syrian Voltage 1 110 Weigh 19 k9 M m5erresF Rating ConneRar Type MC4 Power Tolerance(%) 0-�3 1 i n B _ 103IP6n,39ypass Diodes . eame�a loop mmx3aa "�..rn_..r. -_— na:hiA,I I-Mr. wamowrin ,LLnw,.a.pox Glass HIgbT .on Temp ed GUs Frame Anodized Aluuninun Electrical Properties(NOCTe) Certifications and Warranty Module __ _ LG335N1C-q5 _ Certfications IFC 61215,IEC 61]30=/-2 _ Mineurnmen Power(Pmav) 247 UL 1 703 MPP Voltage(Vml 3'S IEC 51101(51 tcor es!) MPPC rrent(ImPP) ]83 IEC 6271 b(A cnia_o te°[) Open Circuit V_oIG_ge(PoQ 391 1509001 Short Circuit Curren[(Isc) 944 Module Fire Pe+fomrance(USA) Tons rMm...Lu.. ;olit an z ...rt.,.r' +w L w -..:: Fire Rating(CANADA) pasC Nil/OPD C1703) i utt W ranty '. Output y Output W rorty of Pmax Llne i Dimensions(mm/In) Temperature Characteristics NOCT _ 453°C Pmpp -0 3]hFC Vies Isc 003%PC 'II' Characteristic Curves C - M LGa .e. Tan b nga. Lnnoe, �] ru AI o � r6e opo Eg 'mnc nwo e3T y� C t@EQI/L6EI _. pnefnmmaervtq. IFr--.mora Bo1-Lh Cont 9g cm 0 !Jl] w wl9 ❑. � r solar - • • = • Single Phase Inverters for North America SE30(10H-US / SE3800H-US ; SE900011-USr cLFO00H JS / SF 760011-US SEI0000H-US a solar ..hD n IIIIIII, w e • ew • e e e a • e optimized installation with HD-Wave technology Specifically designed to work with power optimizers w Record-breaking efficiency a Fixed voltage Inverter for longer strings - Integrated arc fault protection and rapid shutdown for NEC 2014 and 2017, per article 690.11 and 690.12 a U11741 SA certified,for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance Extremely small - High reliability without any electrolytic capacitors — Built-in module-level monitoring - Outdoor and indoor installation waves Optional: Revenue grade data,ANSI C12.20 Class 05 (0-5%accuracy) solar " • • Single Phase Inverters for North America -- ,;�IEII SE3000H-US SF3800H US SESOOOH-US SE6000H-US SE7600H US SE10000H-US OUTPUT allot AC. ."loot"( 3000 1100 alto 7naC IIOOo VA Max. 61 iwur Output 9p00 3400 SIUn t 100 J9;nf l:.'.PU v" AC Outpu:Valtaye Mm.-Nom.- V V V Va ,am .1211-240-2661 ACFmquev, Noot,"I ...0 11 C0$" Ib Masse om CanOnuouz Output r-101240V 1L5 16 cFI;l h'u6ald Putty Manlbrirg Islnntlmg Pmt"Ri d, Country Canhgurabla y"� NreeM1olds INPUT Mawmwn DC Pow et 4650 y901] AS^ J30C 11900 1Sf10 `A' Vamlarmer-les,Ungmuntled yey MaNiclunu n put V011aff 400 V1 Nmmnai X tonin V.1t 111 xgp 401) Vdr Naxirwm 1,put C11n"ntL2410V 8.S 1J5 11.5 IES u.1 27 A Nat.Input Short GrceitLwrem 45 A ryw — PIoarity Pro:tcoon G�—nd F-11I I,Ic n pehcimn 5ry1v.3t ra,pyty Man n vertorIff-oncy ll 991 r CEc weShtea Lorca,ncy 99 NIP1tbnm P I—Cp„sumpenn _ ev ADDITIONAL FEATURES Supt tlC nlcatlan q85 iNeroel 2 8r-clapdoiml) C II 1 r'. rde to Fos, 11 G 1,1,Oat,,ANS C1220 OplionaP' Fapid SM1uldown-NLC2U34 and 2pll690"2 A v,"'Ra] I— r)nAC I-II( p'I STANDARD COMPLIANCE Sa1Pty JL1741, I ?41 l J_L59°F ( 4 2,Ca-don 1;0- fnit0 LL.1107 cod Corrn"aon 5130J,,A, It 1s0,uu"21.Nun,I fH I "Isz,,m FCC Pan u.(aty 9 INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS AC Uutput CCndw1 a—/AWG P, III,/2t14AW6 R-,, Oa"'L' d Itsae/4Y5'rn,, 1 /4' n aJ, /IIN6R g.: 1,1' nmur;l2 r.os/146AWb /l I46AWC Diitluuinnv w11,Satety SwIm 21 1 x 11 6 x H'st"u) 17 111,1 S -150.a70 1 m4 771/r4o.a7o ,145 Welpnm t,uh Sn leq Swa22/lc 2s.1/110 2L.2 111 38y 1, e m/Iy, N— 2F auI as e Namra.CLmc¢.on Nawraar,nrton oPe 1, .1 r.- ana . .` o r,ta_ 4, F t Prot aanng NEMA-911 T ryCuale�lyswtIh) /-e solar - e • _ ■ SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On For North America P300 / P320 / P370 / P400 / P405 ■ • ■ PV power optimization at the module-level — Up to 25%more energy — Superior efflciency(99,5%) — Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses,from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading Flexible system design for maximum space utilization - Fast installation with a single bolt — Next generation maintenance with module-level monitoring - Module-level voltage shutdown for installer and firefighter safety solar ' • • z SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On for North America F+e0 Pa20/ P370 11a00 1 uaos P300 P320 P370 P400P405 (for SoCellmod For higbpower (for h,gber power (for R&96-all (for[bin film mepl 6o-roll,,Deal¢:l CO Cre Jaren nraauleg maaolc: moem ,l INPUT Ralid lnpul UC Power100 21 37G Ie0 %OF ., Absolute MxAmUm InMI Voltage Ivoc z,=owen mrrr pFralum 4b bL o.. 1�. 11,MPi Oil, ,Range 8 Is ., oc o 1b �_i J( Vet Max muni STm¢C¢wt C,,r,,,1(111) 10 a. i01 nu Mavlmum CC ,,1 Cu,,o _2.x 1lT, ori A. Masvnuri FtfioenY 1,11 ,. e,'",CUee Nlicrnry 38ft8 TI C,e C1eage Category II OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER( ManCCU,Oulpul Grrmnl 15 Id, MCI,,urn OwpuL Voltage 60 OUTPUT DURING STANDBY(POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM 50CAREDGE INVERTER OR SOLAREDGE INVERTER OFF) SaIe1,3.1 if Voltage per Power 1 OnM1mher I _r STANDARD COMPLIANCE 5MC I CC P,U!I CI.—B.ICC6t IXYJ621£C61000 G3 Safety rtCE21091(dein sCHt,1 UL1741 Cols Yaa INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Maxlrwm AI'enveb Syslemr Voltage VITT Vdt Grnpatihle Invert,,, All SclarCege S'.nglo Pbau antl Tbree P^ase C.,non pimaaseti Cin L I HI 128x1S2x P.5/5 xe'7x10R 28x1 ,xo 124 C ",,'.C,I I sxSAxa7 1x571L'It W(,[11 (m Weng Mblesl 630/14 750/1 / 845/1.9 3r/Ib I rput Connector MC4Co,,-,UiU, m-4/ MC4 Cort oaM1ble AmNrenol ANT IJouplo nsvaR V. 0411 Clit JJ`_TYVe/Con rvrtor Darhle lr sable¢ 1140 parable M.A/ o.:Llcbuu t 1 M.:4 Cera Calibe Ar»p^enol nen OrrtpN VVPI 11,,11 0s5/'_o 1.2/se t%y Operating Temperature Range -40 185/-40-+185 Pro,tion Ranrg IP68/N5MA6P Relaoo( Himmlty 0 1B0 .. PV SYSTEM DESIGN USING SINGLE PHASE A SOLAREDGE INVERTER' HD-WAVE SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE 208V THREE PHASE 480V Mlnlmum String Lenptll IPowar UpOmlJe T) 8 "t 18 Maim PJ;S'.pnM LenyIM1 _ rI(1 ( rover q;un•izer, _• Max i Ann, 5707( U09 meb 5CF0 mfr pc, P \ )! )H USI CC, 12 7S,-, .. el S,'irga of UU'r-,L,,n,lh, o R . fier..r,La.nv..Mr is _ o,.. J r=oo r.rns SNAPNRACK SERIES 100 RACKING SYSTEM TYPICAL ROOF LAYOUT REVISION NOTES: —_ -STANDARD LAG BOLT SPEC ASSUMES 5/16" LAG BOLTS WITH 25" _. EMBEDMENT IN ROOF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS/RAFTERS -TORQUE ALL�"HARDWARE TO THE FOLLOWING: ROOF RAFTERS OR -SILVER S.S. 10-16 FTLESSTRUCTURAL MEMBERS - BLACK S.S. 7-9 FT-LBS RAIL CAN MOUNT TO EITHER SIDE OF POST(UPSLOPE vs DOWNSLOPE) - FOR UNEVEN ROOF SURFACES, USE SNAPNRACK MODULE UP TO TWO LEVELING SPACERS PER L MID CLAMPS MODULE OVERHANG FOOT OR STANDOFF. SEE DRAWING (NOT TO EXCEED 30 "STANDARD RAIL LEVELING" FOR _ �� OR MANUFACTURER'S DETAILS AND LIMITATIONS ��. "�v, RECOMMENDATIONS) " � 0 MODULE OVERHANG I � STANDOFFS ARE BOLTED INTO ROOF RAFTERS OR � STRUCTURAL MEMBER "RAIL SPAN" DISTANCE BETWEEN ROOF ATTACHMENTS "RAIL END OVERHANG"(NOT TO EKCEED 34%OF ACCEPTABLE RAIL SPAN) MAINSTREAM ENERGY CGRPNo...las SCALE. DNS PART NVMBER. DESCRNTICIN NEV DRAPTER. DRY- -- S100 D05 SERIES 100 TYPICAL LAYOUT F 6�BA®an _ _... _ .. APPROVED BY. DALE 120113 _ - FUSION 52 S. Broad Lansdale, PA 1944646 (21 5)361-8040 May 16, 2018 Valley Solar 340 Riverside Or Northampton, MA 01062 RE: Jordan Residence 8S Woodland Dr, Florence, MA 01062 Client Project#:4856JOR PFE Project*: 182305 On behalf of Valley Solar, Penn Fusion Engineering LLC(PFE) performed a structural analysis of the roof at the above referenced location. The purpose of our analysis was to determine if the existing roof system is structurally sufficient to support the new photovoltaic moudles in addition to the code required design loads.Our analysis is based on the information provided by Valley Solar and is isolated only to the areas where the modules are intended to be placed. System Specifications: Total System Size972 kW/DC Panel Specs: (29) LG Solar- LG335N1 C-AS Inverter Specs (1)Solar Edgge-SE760OH-US Racking System: SnapNRack -Series 1 OD UL The modules are to be located on the following roof planes'. Mounting Rafter Rafter Horizontal Collar Collar Tie Sheathing Shingle Number of Ceiling Plane Size Spacing Span Ties Spacing Type Shingle Layers Profile 1 2x13 16" 13R. din. N/A 0" COX 1/2' Asphalt 1 Flat Shingles 2 2x8 16" 13@. Oin. N/A 0" COX 1/2" Shingles 1 Flat The .of design has been analyzed in accordance with the 2015 International Residential Code and Massachusettes Amendments 9th Edition with design loads as follows Ground Snow(Pg)'. 40 psf Wind Speed(V): 117 mph Mounting Plane 1 The calculations for these structural members are attached. It has been determined by this office that the roof structure is adequate to support the new PV modules in addition to the code required design loading. Attach the module rail brackets to the roof with 5/16"lag bolts at 48 on center maximum. Provide a minimum of 2" of penetration into the woad members. Mounting Plane 2 The calculations for these structural members are attached. It has been determined byy this office that the roof structure is adequate to support the new PV modules in addition to the code required design load'mg. Attach the module rail brackets to the roof with 5/16"lag bolts at 48 on center maximum. Provide a minimum of 2"of penetration into the wood members. This office has determined that the installation of the PV System as specified above will meet the structural requirements of the 2015 International Residential Code with Massachusettes Amendments 9th Edition and ASCE7-10 when installed in accordance with the manufacture's instructions. Ifyou have any questions regarding this analysis, please feel free to contact us. t„or r,,,5„ Sy Best Regards, :� cy Penn Fusion Engineering LLC o YVtvl ,n tk0.2 NO 9fi;. Andrew D. Leone, P.E. L � Principal rS rE �rOM1Ac Etz'' FUSION 152 S. Broad Lansdale,PB 1944646 (26])640-2]58 Client Name: Valley Solar PEE Project Number: 182305 Client Project Number. 4856JOR Project Jordan Residence Address. 85 Woodland Dr Florence, MA 01062 Description: Mounting Plane I Calculations By: ADL Date: May 16, 2018 Roof Construction 2x8 Rafters at 16' on center A= 10.88 int Ix- 47.63 in° Sx= 13.14 ina Wood Species- Doug-Fir Larch k2 Fib- 900 psi Fv= 180 psi E= 1.6e i 06 psi Roof Slope= 34 ' Rafter Span= 13.02 it Ceiling Attached to Rafters?. No Design Criteria Ground Snow(Pel: 40 psf Design Wind Speed. 117 mph Live Load'. 20 psf Dead Load: 5.33 psf PV Modules: 3.62 psf Wind Calculations Directionality Factor(Kd), 0.85 Topographic Factor(K„): 1 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient (K 0.7 �) Importance Factor(p: 1 Velocity Pressure (q,): 20.85 psf Tributary Square Footage on 10.83 fe Component Component Roof Pressures: 22.45 ! -28.63 psf Snow Load Calculations Exposure Factor(Cd: 1 Thermal Factor (C): 1 Importance Factor(b: 1 Flat Roof Snow Loads (P,): 28 psf Roof Slope Factor(CJ: 0,9 Sloped Snow Loads EJ: 25.2 psf Unbalanced Snow Load: 40 psi Member Calculations Bending Ma: 1382 in-lb is 1262.04 psi Load Duration Factor(Cd): 1.15 Stability Factor(Q)'. 1 Wet Service Factor(CaT 1 Temperature Factor(CT) 1 Size Factor Cl) 1.2 Flat Use Factor(C[„t 1 Incising Factor(Q. 1 Repetitive Member Factor(Cd 1.15 Fb 900 psi F'y: 1428.3 psi 1262.04<=1428.3 OK in Bending Shear Vd: 424.71 Ib , 58.58 psi Load Duration Factor(Cd) 1.15 Wet Service Factor(CM). 1 Temperature Factor(CT)- I Size Factor(CF) 1.2 Flat Use Factor(Cw). I Incising Factor(CI), 1 Fv: I80 psi F'v): 207 psi 58.58,=207 OK In Shear Deflection Live Load Deflection(4c)'. 0.45 in L/346 OK in Live Load Deflection Total Load Deflection(AT): 0.55 in L/282 OK in Total Load Deflection Uplift Calculation Tributary Square Footage on 10.83 ft' Component: Uplift Pressure: -28.63 psf Uplift per Lag: -310.1 5 His Lag Screw Diameter: 5/16 in Allowable Withdrawal per Inch: 490.99 lbs/in Minimal Screw Penetration: 0.63 in Install 5/16"diameter lag screws @ 48 on center with minimum penetration of 2"into rafter. 3 FUSION sz s. Lansdale, PAA19446 (267)640-2758 Client Name: Valley Solar PFE Project Number: 182305 Client Project Number: 4856JOR Project Jordan Residence Address: 85 Woodland Dr Florence, MA 01062 Description: Mounting Plane 2 Calculations By: ADL Date: May 16,2018 Roof Construction 2x8 Rafters at 16"on center A- 10.88 int Ix= 47.63 in° Sx- 13.14 ina Wood Species- Doug-Fir Larch#2 Fb- 900 psi Fv= 180 psi E= 1.6e+06 psi Roof Slope= 34 ' Rafter Span= 13.02 R Ceiling Attached to Rafters?: No Design Criteria Ground Snow(P.) 40 psf Design Wind Speed'. 117 mph Live Load: 20 psf Dead Load: 5.33 psf PV Modules: 3.62 psf Wind Calculations Directionality Factor(Ka): 0.85 Topographic Factor(K„): 1 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient (K,)'. 0.7 Importance Factor(1) 1 Velocity Pressure(q,). 20.85 psf Tributary Square Footage on 10 83 f[� Component: Component Roof Pressures: 22.45 ! -28.63 psf Snow Load Calculations Exposure Factor(C,) 1 Thermal Factor(C): 1 Importance Factor(1): 1 Flat Roof Snow Loads (Pit 28 psf Roof Slope Factor(C). 0.9 Sloped Snow Loads (Pu: 25.2 psf Unbalanced Snow Load. 40 psf Member Calculations Bending Md: 1382 in-lb f,,: 1262.04 pzi Load Duration Factor(Ca)'. 1 15 Stability Factor(CT 1 Wet Service Factor(CM): 1 Temperature Factor (Cr)'. 1 Size Factor CF): 1.2 Flat Use Factor(Q")'. 1 Incising Factor(C,)'. 1 Repetitive Member Factor(Cr}. 1.1 5 Fe: 900 psi F'y: 1428.3 psi 1262.04<=1428.3 OR in Bending Shear Vd 424.71 in % 58.58 psi Load Duration Factor(Cd)'. 1.15 Wet Service Factor(CM). I Temperature Factor(Cr): I Size Factor 1.2 Flat Use Factor(Cn,)'. 1 Incising Factor(C). 1 Fi,: 180 psi F'v): 207 psi 561 OK In Shear Deflection Live Load Deflection (At): 0.45 in 1-/346 OK In Live Load Deflection Total Load Deflection(A7)'. 0.55 in 1-/282 OK in Total Load Deflection Uplift Calculation Tributary Square Footage on 10.83 kt Component. Uplift Pressure: -28.63 pzf Uplift per Lag'. -310.15 lbs Lag Screw Diameter: 5/16 in Allowable Withdrawal per Inch'. 490.99 lbs/in Minimal Screw Penetration'. 0.63 in Install 5/16' diameter lag screws @ 48 on center with minimum penetration of 2" into rafter. acoA CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE oATE tMwnD , owo22o1e THIS CERTIFICATE 15 ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(8),AuTHORRED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: It the coodficate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)most have ADDITIONAL INSURED proVisiors or be endorsed. N SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject In the terms and conditions of the policy,certain polkles may require an endorsement. A statement on this Initilicme doa8not Met.,righb to the Oeltlflfale holder IO Ilell Of a. erdersenunK.). PRODUCER =s. R.,URE Orynkiewicz Webber a Grinnell jgg_me Em, (413)Ranhilluc.xo, (4111116801 e NOON Kin,Street IA-Xraa; bBYnhlewiTz®webherentl,dpneA.com INEUP pINGGOV[MGE NPK6 NwElemplDn MA 01000 pgEq A: WaatAmerlraNLDeryLiOery INSURED INSURERS Am2ngn RfeBCSGGSIry/Llhel{y (:oeatlud Aesociatea,Inc, IxSUEEFII ChIDCEeualro xdy AIM:Kim Gelremnnt INSURERD NHEmPloyera/A.I.M 13093 36 Sarrlce Center Road IuSURSEE: N°rmempron MA 01060 ualraRF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE N UMBER: Evp 3/1119 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THPTTHE POLICIES OF INaLRD NCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO TUE INSURED NPMEOABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTAITHSTANOING MY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONUMON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECTTO WHICH THIS C5RTIFICATEMAYRESSUEDORMAYPERTAN,THE INSUW OE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HUREIN IS SUUJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, IXQLTUONS AND CONDSHONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED BY PAD CLAIMS, LTRMan TYPE OP IN.—SeE D pollcrxuxaEq- UNTO. 6 Llmrte X CO M.E.A.G—r 'HP UYIY EgCX GGCURRENCE a I.CUp.000 CWm6vlAE �G000R PREMISES Ea o¢umnu s 1pDOpp 4E0 Eva wrvaae w.m a 15.000 A SKM5 3E4877 OW01/2018 col"anIs vERsoquatWI,uuav s 1,000000 G Itt AGGREGMELInn GP USPER GFNER9LMDflE WIE a 2.0,0,000 POLICY �X PRO ❑L� PRODUCTS-CGPROPAGG s 2.000,000' OUTEE *RM�11— nE4491ury E U.Do&NGLEHMR a TOM. ro gopar MJURr(P..nemaN s , UU HLr X puj...l-ED SAP58354s]] 03 1% 018 DMI1201R 50Dhy INJURT(Per e¢aen0 e S OXLY X wi ONLY vgoPER a MEDleel payments a s,poG E—LI. X Deenq CXaauRREnGE a t,,OD.DoO sa LUB c'.NNangpE USO583645]] 03/O1hO18 03101/2019 AGGREGATE y 1,W0,00p X RMI 11 n a 10.000 b COMPENWnON OV[[IE'WeILITv X STATUTERIe"UPTNER/EYECUTNE Y'N EpCXgccIOENT y 500.000 EmeER EXcILEED, N/A ECCepp4000T00201TA WNL201T 07R11=1eE.NH1 E.L.D19EPl£ S'ENPLOYEE b 600,000 Ilyen Eevete,Mo, $00.00J SMUQRIITFR Or OPERATIone exew E,L,o.l.E-PoLI6YLIMn b OEaGRATONOF OPERP110xa,LOCP}IIM181VEHpLEa IAeeaD 101.gOCanpa RemaMe Sd,etluE,mey Eeemmee dome Poee IampWrtCl CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELISTION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DFACESSED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE OELNERED IN ^For lnSUMrc¢Inh lMly ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRE6EN— /lt--.7 0 19885015 ACORD CORPORATION. All dghte renamed. ACORD 25 DD16103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marle,of ACORD A�Rte` CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED"A MATTER MIN FORRIATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLpER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND."TEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE IBBUFIG INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER- IMPORTANT: IfthecenfifiI nowerls an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcygeld must have AD01TI0NAL INSUREOpMVISI0IW or beendorsod. It SUBROGATION]$WAIVED,Bubjoetta,the terms and Condition$afthe policy,Carwin policies may require an endmaement. A smu mant on NON Padtlicate dens not wMer bto Ne comficiI holder In lieu Ofsuch endomemenge). INe0uc0a R°RTn¢ Farm.GrynWewi¢ ARE. WNESSOIGunnell - ° end (Mr s)seBTm w,rvo (a13)BaeAael 6 N¢rth lona SIMGN! -' gg; o9lynkiawlaWwebYrtrambrinrrell com a GFFLROINGCOVBN<E N.91OMPlnn MA 01060 IXOIURERa: west Ammedcan/-Warty Naaam INSURER B: ALM.MuW.I SAm an Rosa SVI ALtn:Klm ClNnemom I"UPAR0: _ 38 SQnONS,Ci m@,rPaJ W WRER E: N.Womplon MA 01060 NWRER F' COVERAGES CERTIFICATENUM6ER: Ex Nll19 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO OERPLYTHAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED HOOVER ABOVE FORTHE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTIMTHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONI OR OTHER DOCUMENTPdTH RESPECT TO VMICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE ELUDES DESCRIBED MERLIN ISSUNFCT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.COSTS SHORN MAY HAVE SEEN REDUCED BY PAID CWNB. LM TYPEOFINSUMSORk. POOcY NUMBER PERR lyppIYYYY NMFgYYYY X LONMFACNLGErvEPALlWl4TY FV,CH OCCVRRfNCE �a 1,000,000 NE-FwoF O=C ft PREmleee Eaow.evve y 100.030 wE.On' E 15,000 A BKMSU71793 03!012018 OBN112o16 PrtaacHA"Aom lNJ1al r 1.0001000 6ENl AGGREWTELIMRAMPOCNPNN. GgNEFRLMaFEanic g ?OCO.Cm) PoLiCT�jELi �WC PROWCTe-L E1,0m0,oma OTHER: AUTOM¢NRE LmaLnY i OMBINEOdinl¢LE LIMIT y ANT AUTO aIURY IPwpnoOl i AUTOS ONY p-OEgULFD _ aT 1peracoAr,ry S OYILY iRau HIRED VWF NMP¢ PROPERTY aM"" r ONLY AUIOSONLT 9 eaaLA LINE c°a oawR+.4NLE 5 MON. OLOw.a.LwOE ecaHE¢ATE r o=o RETENTIDM a ! VIMaIRRSCOMPEMENTSO M.�-VAII BR ANG PLOVERS'UNISLOY EL PNYPROPRIET1 THHOON LVr"f Y❑ aIA WMZBOOBOO9Eafi201 TA OTI0120b 07!01(1018 A 500'000 B IM-ORgnNEmI F%LWOF➢i 900,000 y pLMEE ! CFSCRIPTIOY pF OPERAT.Sa- Y ON I BOOOad °FSCRW110N OF OMCNAg NB I LOCN1mm IVEXICLE6 P..f01..0..Rwn —On"@.-1N O amelreG F mmn awce le nqulroJl CE 7FICATE HOLDER C NCELIATON SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES RE CANCELLED REFORE THE EXPIRATON RATE THEREOF,NOTICE VALL BE DELIVERED IN "F¢r IIH1. 000 11.Only— ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PRON913N9. AVTHOaNE°RPPREBfNTATIVE rl',L--,) T,- 019083019ACCORD CORPORATION. All ngtars m nar ad. ADDED 25 CHI ISM Tho ACORD name and logo are re0iaten d mar"Of ACORD aco�i2c� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °" DE.Enois THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUND AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER,THUS. CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMAAVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEN10,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the Cedlfio-rfe holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the poliey(es)meet have ADOITIGNAL INSURED pno iaion9 or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,sub)eetto the Terms and conditions of Me policy,certain Policies may MgUIN an endegemem. A statement on this COMMeate Mone netcolderrights tothecerdflcata holder in lieu arena eredoesemext(p). IGGG.ER NAME: B.nm.Q,rneeK Webber d GMnnell (4ra)680-0111 crve, (413)580.6981 8 Nonh NuU Street 10ORETT: CgrynkKxiCzDeemennd"n—H cxm wRFarlhbe OPOIvo mvgegaE NPC/ NaMY,amptM MA ME.. R3UPERA, WPSI Ar(IEfilSnlllbelry WSURIG eunaf.; AI M Mu ual R°Ixn`M(GET INSUReRC: MG'.Ism ClfilmmOnt 30 service Center Noah w6an.. N°nl®mplon MA01050 MNREAP: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 01011115 REVISION NUMBER: THIS 15 TO CERTIFY THAT THE POI$IES OF INSURANCE USTEO BELOW HAVE BEEN ISNEO TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWTHSTANDIND MY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 155 UBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, IXOLU6IONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE PEEN REDUCED BY PAID CUGM5, LTR TYPEOFINSUWWGE INTO GN nu..B Mans., E Mxryryvvm U. X COMNERY-LG-E-L-.OJT1 EACX OCCURRENCE j LOD0,000 CUIMSSuw 19.GGB E6 M—Hew j 1OB U00 _ MEO EVP :gem s ts,00D A SNM8 8253 0310112018 0310tMlO ILIGGIALIAGNIBE-Y s 1000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMO APPLIES PfP. GENERALAGGMUATE F 2,000.000 P 0.:CY�'PELi CLOL PRODUCiO�COMP,OP naa g2,W0,ODO MOB0. 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