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11A-027 (2)
18 CHESTNUT AVE BP-2018-1006 GIs#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MV.Block: I IA-027 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Cateaor : SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2018-1006 Project# JS-2018-001824 Est.Cost: $40959.00 Fee:$75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor., License: Use Group: PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS 111266 Lot Size(sp.ft.): 22041.36 Owner: KLEIN ALISA F&AMY D STAMM Zoning:URAH00)/ Applicant. PIONEER VALLEY PHOTOVOLTAICS AT: 18 CHESTNUT AVE Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 311 WELLS ST - SUITE B (413) 772-8788 Workers Compensation GREEN FIELDMA01301 ISSUED ON.•4/612018 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR, 24 PANELS 8.64 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeTyoe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 4/6/2018 0:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner lr \ Eola. r l' \ �p ..5 Department use only W City of Northampton Status of Pemtil: Building Department Curb CuVDdveway Penna 212 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availabliy ° ^ Room 100 WatedWell Availability Northampton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Structural Plans phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 PlWsae Plans Omer Spacify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE ORTWOFAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION •� p �� 1.1 Property Address: This section to be completed by office 18 Chestnut Ave, Leeds, MA 01053 Map ((./C Zona Overlay District Elm St Diturict CB Disbid SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner o1 Record: Airy D Stamm and Alisa F Klein 18 Chesmul Ave, Leeds,MA 01053 Namephnt) Cunene Mailing Address- (413) 586-9123 _e aCCsc^meat (P.) Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: Pioneer Valley Phot.%cdtain Cooperative, LLC 311 Wells Street,Suite B,Greenfleld,MA, 01301 Name(Print) Cunent Mailing Addrase 413-772-8788 Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Oficial Use Only completed bpermit applicant 1. Building $16,384 (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical 24,575 (b)Estimated Total Cost of Constn ion from 6 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee -/'y1 4. Mechanical(HVAC) I' - Jc, 5. Fire Protection 6. Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) $40,959 Check Number This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued: r gnator . Building Com - opepini of Briton, Data Section 4. ZONING Au Information roust M completed.Permit Can fie oemed Due To incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning His column to bu filld in by Budilm,Rpanmrn, Lot Size Frontage Setbacks From Side L R: L. R. Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage Open Space Footage Hut area minae bldg&paved taking) #of Parking S aces Fill: (column&location A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO 0 DONT KNOW CO) YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW O YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO Q IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or addi tions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO O IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing,gtadim,excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it pan of a common plan Mat will disturb over 1 arse? YES O NO O IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House ❑ Addition ❑ Replacement Windows Alterations) ❑ Roofing ❑ Or Doors D Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition ❑ New Signs [p] Decks [E:] Siding[p[ Other[p[ Brief Description of Proposed Work: Inallali not mo[mounleo Amo vollair mnumin ssrein faz lar aoels n .N soft se sn l� lei t J Fide of M1 C Alteration of existing bedroom_—_--Yes X No Adding new bedroom Yes x No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Ves s No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet Be.If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following Use of building.One Family Two Family Other o Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? it Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? 1. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attachetl? h. Type of construction Is construction within 1008.of wetlands' Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade Is. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. SepticTark Cit,Sewer Private well City water Supply SEC11ON7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT An, D Stamm _and Alisa P olein as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize Philipp= k_gollaud to act on my behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. attach- nt .- Signature of Owner Dale Pri: pc ,asOwner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. PHILIPPE RIGOLLAI Pnnt Name 3/26/2018 Signature of t Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor. Not Applicable ❑ Name of ueense Holder,Daniel Gomez Gonzalez CS-111266 License Number 43 Hatfield Street , Northampton MA 01060 03/14/2021 Address ( Frei Data 413-772-8788 Signature Telephone 9.Registered Home ImtNovemerd Contractor: Not Applicable L Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative LLC _ 140077 Company Name Registration Number 311 Wells Street Suite B Greenfield MA 013C1 09/1512019 Address Expiral Date Telephone 413-772-8788 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application.Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. _ Signed Affidavit Attached Yes....... El No...... ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption For"homeowners"was extenled to include Owner-occupied Dwellings of one(1) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that the owner acts as�ervisor.CMR 780. Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner Person(s)who own a puce)of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwellingamuched or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures.A person who constructs more than on t home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner'shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Oficial,that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construddon Supervisor your presence c n the job site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for i Junes not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you mev be liable for persons) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner'certifies and nasal rdarousbility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Hpmeowner Signature _ ATTACHMENTA JAN 2 6 201 AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AND SERVE AS AUTHORIZED AGENT I herebyagree tp the Pr,zo assetOatabove,and I agree to pay the contract price according to the Terms of Payment, I further agree to the Terms and Conditions attached hereto as a part of this Proposal and Agreement 1 hereby aurhorrze Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooparati'oe to proceed with the above-referenced Project in accordance with this Agreement.I further authorize Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative,or its designated representative,to obtain inquired permits for this pro)ecc on behalf of the Owner. I will allow any photographs or videos of this project to be used Uy Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltai¢Cooperative for marketing purposes A check for the First Payment is enclosed and I am�returning this Agreement within 21 tlays of the Proposal date. Printed N ne Dale Signature Title (�SaK�Gn or a3Jol8 Printed Name Date - - --- -- sgnature Title ni.uK .m �, 9tE Cmm�ron wealth of Ma558rhtj%eltS Divisrnn of Professional L,CeDSUre Board of Brnldmq Regolahons and Standards �5-1152@5 cKoues 03i',4:2021 DANIEL GOMEZ-GONZALEZ 43 HATFIELD STREET NORTHAMPTON MA 011060 n �r ;ommsso'e, Ufa+ acoRd CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND.EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S).AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATVE OR PRODUCER.AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT Ifthe certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED.mepolicyt.a)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or ae endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder fin lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODu LiMa Elo'— _ Mme E �. lacxot ^v-6131 XEXisI>ifoxolxG covExnvE IXsu xmC a �cE3 r'A [ - ulUvel Gclzrs - e13 INSURED URER I, x1r, �denc_�� avvc - e�Fi rlt. c COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: I;.asaEll 2xeuRER REVISION NUMBER= _-- ES— 11 11 SE' 1i5J -1 11-1A. 151.c= -_ .:4E]J Su ticC fL.0 -+nE v, __ �.KS • ti G _ -IS --1 1' ICL'11111 .11,11.1 LTI IMM 1 IMN UU VYnI 11.11s❑ WVo - - C. X o f ojz_ A TOWOm IAR! Xj 1.1.111e I .,e., .... SCwer.oNor DPERATIDxs IeCATaNS VENierES lACoRDml ...ae..,ml CERTIFICATE HOLDERCANCELLATIONSHOULD ANY OF 19 ABOVE OE SCRIBE.POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF.NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN .,fPozua ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. iNORIZEDRECRESEXIPIIVE e1988-2015ACORDCORPORATION. All rights reserved ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD The Commonwealth efMassachusetts ji Department of lndustrialAccidents 1 Congress Street,Suite 100 Boston,MA 02114-2017(' wwwmass.Kov/dia ` \Norkers Compensation Insurance AllidariL Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. '10 BE FILED WI r II'H E PERNIPPTIN'G AUTHORITY. Armlicant Information Please Print Leedi Name(Rasinae(htgani.mina ndi.idaeb:Pioneer Valley PhotoVollaics Cooperative Inc.DBA PV Squared Solar Address:311 Wells Street. Suae6 C ityi Statc,Zjp:Greenfield MA 01301 Phone H:413 772 8788 sn.nu��.mvly.«•meek n..appropemm bmc Type of project(required): ..D i e—ai k)), , 48tainted u l ao e ow . 7. ❑New�onsmlanae a❑l�m,,,-icFminia...ai Dvniterthivaita na`e av emnmyee,wodlvg roan.in g_ ❑ Remodeling .ray lo kept nee, 9 dj -E]lamahmn. wudfna all work i—elf arkers aamtP. n. n, eyuirntl, 9. ❑Dldingon 10❑Boldt gdduon {❑I' rho 1 .III M1cotitraci,)rstoc(,ndicidlll('Tkpropol, Ldll ,. . rein: u,t tn. r .rkar total ,ant,..r 2.me IL❑Gly t 'col repmra or addnons ,hip-o ,, his no,myeex 12,F]Plumbi ng repairs or additions 1.771an,aune'i.vmesmr and i 11...hoed he zub-coareat lined on me answeadshat_ 13�ROOfrepal[s Ibe,,non b' l dh do _ p. ante; n.❑w.ar.a co ma- r and to . :t k b yI r ,nava Per mer r_ 14.0Other Solar PV lsa slon.aaa,.<ha.envemelr�ree.Ira„.�ne�.,aaPm.aanm mdvbmd `AaraPPbnmtthis,checks on, l dr,,[,e fill on, be—owe belay shh—,thdr-taker coppril ionPolicy intoeoved), tfr ro .uM1 di I1, liWm 1 g the,tax dog all work and thenM1 "oc 'ubninare, hd indvvungsiuh LVisor Auk 11 se, -ra hadneed ad additional M1 M1 an Plhenun, ftbcaub c,n, d st.,whether M1.: n .necr sae 'rn,[ ec. Itad'ab-en,raomm have colt'idee.tbo mustPm.ide tbeir worked camp_nali,number_ I am an entplever that is providing workers'compensation insurance for Pmv employees. Below is the policy aM job site befornmlion. Insurance Cumpeny Name HDI Global Insurance Co/Energi_ Policy n or Sclt in, l.c. EWGCR0002412118 Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Job Site Add.... 18 Chestnut Ave (:ity/Smtv'Zm Leeds, MA 01053 Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date). Falure to secure coverage as required under MGL e 152 p25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine units,SI 500.00 and/ar one-year imprisonment,ke oll as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine ofup to S2S0.00 a day against the violator A'e"of this statement may be fonvri chat to the OtHed of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. Ido hereby'certify under the pains and penalties olperimb that the information provided above is true and coned. Shantou, � � Data 3/22/18 Phoace 413-772-8788 Ojjcial use only% Do not write in thio area,to be completed by cirt or town o fichd City or T urn: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1.Board of Health 2.Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk 4.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: STAMM_KLEIN, 18 CHESTNUT AVE,LEEDS, MA 01053 HOUSE SOUTH IR GABLE SUB-ARRAY SOIAR ARRAY LAYOUT SHED SUB-ARMY Owner: AMY STAMM and ALISA KLEIN Address: 18 CHESTNUT AVE,LEEDS,MA 01053 Phone: 413.586.9123 e-mail: stammad@yahoo.com; alisaklein@vahoo.com System Size: 8.64 kW-DC - PVA: SunPower X22-360(24 total) \;tA ' . House South Gable Roof-East Side: 1 row of 3 modules on top with one single module on bottom,all in portrait(4) • House South Gable Roof-Wert Side: 1 row of 3 modules on top with HOUSE SOUTH GABLE one single module on bottom,all in portrait(4) . Shed Roof-East Side:2 rows of 4 modules in landscape(8( • Shed Roof-West Side:2 rows of 4 modules in landscape(8) Mounting: • House South Gable Roof:Iron Ridge XR100 racking on quikroot bases Vk` • Shed Roof:Iron Ridge XR100 racking on Corruslide bases Roof Structure: • House South Gable Roof:2x6&2x4 full rafters @24"oc • Shed Roof:Reinforced 2x4 full rafters @24"oc with 2x4 full rafter ties @48"oc;See PE letter with SK-1 drawing attached. s'a Roofing Material: j SHED . House South Gable Roof:slate • Shed Roof:26-gauge corrugated metal New England Construction Engineering, PLC 436 Campbell Street (NECE)Structural Construction Solutions White River Junction,Vi 05001 Jonathan Rugg, P.E. 603-903-9798 j.ruggporsEiglandConstmction Engineering.corn March 9, 2018 Ms.Jeannine Haendiges Pioneer Valley Photovoltaics Cooperative,Inc. 311 Wells Street,Suite 8 Greenfield,MA 01301 Re:Stamm&Mining Residence,Leeds, MA PV Squared Project No. 11973 NIECE Project No.18-001 T-88 Dear Ms. Haendiges, At your request New England Construction Engineering, PLC(NECE)has reviewed the information that Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative, Inc.(PV Squared)provided on the roof and supporting structure of the of the house and outbuilding at the Stamm&Klein residence,at 18 Chestnut Ave. in Leeds(Village of Northampton),MA.The purpose of this review was to provide an opinion as to the structures'ability to support a proposed rooftop mounted photovoltaic(PV)array.The information that you provided is attached to this letter for reference. You are proposing to erect solar panels the house and outbuilding.The house is a two-story wood framed residence with intersecting gable roofs.The area of house roof where you are proposing to mount the array measures approximately 12'x13'and includes the intersecting valley.The roof has a 43- degree pitch.The roof is supported by full sawn 2x4 and 2x6 rafters at 24"O.C.The valley rafters are full sawn 20.The rafters span approximately 6.25'on the horizontal.We assume based on age and appearance,that the walls are balloon framed.There is a ceiling joist above the top of wall. The roof has solid board sheathing and slate shingles. From the photographs that you provided,the house roof and framing appear straight,with no signs of overt deflations or distress. The outbuilding measures approximately 12'x21'.The outbuilding has a gable roof.The outbuilding has a 33-degree pitch and is symmetric about the centerline.The roof is supported by full sawn 2x4 rafters at 24"O.C.The roof has 2x4 rafter ties at 48"O.C.(every-other-rafter pair)near the bottom of the rafters. The building elevation photograph that you provided suggests a dip in the peak of the roof.The peak of the roof is lower in the middle than at the gable ends.The middle of the roof peak appears lower than the peak at the gable ends.This suggests that the top of walls have moved out in the middle of the building,causing the roof peak to move downward.The roof has solid board sheathing and ribbed metal roofing.To better restrain the walls from the outward end reaction of the rafters,we recommend installing additional rafter ties at the top of wall. Recommendations: In order for the shed roof to resist the controlling design gravity forces(snow load and dead load) additional rafter ties should be installed at the top of wall on each rafter pair that does not already have New England Construction Engineering PLC PV Squared—Stamm&Klein Residence Jonathan Rugg, P.E. Leeds, MA Page 2 of 2 a rafter tie. These rafter ties should be 2x6.The attached Outbuilding Roof Tie Installation Detail,SK-1 provides details for installation of the required additional rafter ties,including a fastening schedule.It is important to note that installation of additionarafter ties is intended to better restrain the walls from the outward end reaction of the rafters.This is a stabilization effort,and installation will not correct or reduce the existing deflections visible along the peak. Conclusion: Based on the information that you provided,wa conclude that,the house roof will support the additional dead load of the proposed array.We further conclude that,once the required additional rafter ties are installed to stabilize the outbuilding roof system,the outbuilding roof will adequately support the additional dead load of the PV array and design snow loads.We base this opinion on the following assumptions.We further assume that that the PV panels will be installed parallel to the roof, eliminating any additional wind load.The ground snow load(Pg)for Northampton is 40 psf.According to information that you have provided,the proposed PN panels weigh approximately 2.6 psf. In summary,once the additional rafter ties are retailed and each of the outbuilding rafter pairs has rafter ties,the roofs will support the design sncw load and the additional dead load of the proposed roof mounted PV array. Thank you for the opportunity to assist with this project.If we can be of further assistance,please contact Jonathan Rugg at NECE. ;3�stN Of R's, ` Sincerely, JOKATRM a m o RUOO ,/�/J' / N.. 51982 ,mnatha`n Rugg P.Y - " Lam/ "�mEtt New England Construction/rrnglneering,PLC. Attachments: -Outbuilding Roof Tie Installation Detail,SK-1 -Building information FXEIING RA- -RS INSTALL 2:6 RNl[R IiES AT TOP OF WALL, EACH WF1ER 1111 THAT DOES NOT ALREADY HAVE A RAFTER TE. EXISTING lv4 i1:0 B<ft' EACH RAFTER PAIR SHALL HAVE A RA'TER TIE. 0 G SEE RILFASTENING srHFouLE BE-Ow FASTENING L1HN VSE= I. CONNECT 2x6 RAFTER TE TO RAFTERS WITH (10) 104 (0.146"c3') COMMON NAILS. OR 95X21" STRUCTURAL AGOG SCREWS EACH RAFTER SK-1 DAT L/e/Rme PREPARED FOR. PV SQUARED #119]3-STAMM B KLEIN RESIDENCE, sca.e. vonE 18 CHESTNUT AVE.,LEEDS,MAow. 'ROT 4lAm1�I PREPARED BY. OUTBUILDING ROOF TIE INSTALLATION DETAIL NEW ENGLAND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING,PLC W .NEWENGI NDCONSTRUCTIONENGINEERING.DOM PROJECT INFORMATION: IN • Owner: Amy Stamm r Alisa Klein • Address: 18 Chestnut Ave Leeds, MA 01053 • Phone: 413-586-9123 av sgwred smar 311 WON Street Sul[eB Greenfield MA 01301 • Email: stammad@yahoo.com aeeagnpp,5quared.coop E allsakleln@yahocom aisnzwee • System Size: 8.64 kW JOS' Stamm&Klein • Modules: Sun Power%22-360 House Array Srie18 Cneswt Ave • Rail: Ironridge XR100 Leer ,MAm D53 • Bases: Quikfoot&Corruslide PEV610N5'. • Snow Load: 40 los • Wind Speed: 117 mph ROOF STRUCTURE: • House:43°2x6 full sawn rafters @ 24"O.C. Site Plan • Shed:33°2x4 full sawn rafters @ 24"O.C. 1^B"=llo" ROOF MATERIAL: Shed Array • House:Slate • Shed: 26 gauge corrugated metal PROJECT NOTES: 1. Framing location to be verified on site. 2. Slide rail assembly as needed to avoid interfering with splices or bases. BILL OF MATERIALS ime Site Plan 3. Unless otherwise noted bases are staggered and spaced at 48" O.C. CST PART MAKE MODEL 4. Additional or alternative bases may be used 20 Base EcoFasten Quikfoot vENa'. 11973 to meet actual roof conditions. BY. w 56 Base EcoFasten Corruslide Erie. 3/26/2019 22 Rail Ironridge 11'%R100 BLK SCALE AS Si 4 Rail Splice Ironridge XR100 size es .*1^ 32 Midclamp Ironridge XR100 32 Endclamp Ironridge %R700 A-01 24 Module SunPower X22-360 lmete 1 trr31 g°11ga 2" x 4^ full sawn rafters @ Eastern array to be -24" O.C. in hip region. symmetrical with Western array. PV 5qumetl Solar - ----- -- 31 I Well Grouneld Mel 501(31 afset y�pR cre3oeem,mA 01301 L-Feet ABOVE rail Nvp�. _ _ ... aFtN� aPS alaa72 e7ee at eaves of array. J06. Stamm& Klein _. _.._ -... sre 18 Chestnut AV, Leeds,MA 01053 Re ... REVISIONS'. O O m N m S OR NO .. wM K N �O Q — / N Y Gable 19Yz" Gable 12"to array -,�-- 42" —�� 42" 17a/q"to attachment -k- — Array 1223/4" 8" -} Roof 155" 2"x 6"full sawn rafters @ TITLE: House Layout Eastern array to be 8" -24"O.C. in dormer region. from drip edge and 12"from gable edge. BY 11973IN ev. 1c .IF: 3/26/2018 SCALE ill•=1'.0• SIZE: 8.5""1 Clamp Torque: 80 in-lbs L-Foot Torque: 250 in-lbs /� '] Max Span: 62" A-02 Max Cantilever: 20" Module Size: 61-5/16"x 41-3/16"x 1-13/16"(46mm) 15henn 2orm SOU4em z� ¢L-Fee[ABOVE raileaves of array. Western array centered in roof plane&symmetrical ev S,Lsred sola, 26 gauge corrugated with Eastern arra 311 wells Street Sulm E metal with ribs @ 9" O.C. y' c,eenseld,MA D1301 Drip Edge aeslshft,,,aed T., 413 772 toe: Stamm & Klein !' i SITE. 18 chestnut Ave ! ! Le,dIr 1A 01053 0+ REVISIONS. I m I 11 32"c1) 11 XR 10011 IX R 00 2Y4 'i A IF � W ry Mr ry I ,. SII W III! a O 1p K 1 TITLE: Shed Layout T 7 On P p Ed8 e �� J EONx! 11 SSE 4 BY j6 -k Roof 290" Dare. 3rz612016 21%' ' ' Array 246Y4" 21a/q" sure 1.=10 Eastern array centered in SIZE. s.5".11 Clamp Torque: 80 in-lbs roof plane&symmetrical L-Foot Torque: 250 in-lbs with Western array. /� Max Span: 62" A-03 Max Cantilever: 20" Module Size: 61-5/16"x 41-3/16"x 1-13/16"(46mm) ohee13°11 Q More t,ian F` Inency gr ne. .ance & c, ent lar •: i.ty Os �V`axT l:*1 F'e'fo Tla nCF SERIES - -=ruler f echoo'.og, o,sl ar Generate more energy per sGoare foo[ ® rir, L_� u; '. o r ldrH v ' odo-ce no eene +ry pe �a[ed watt �,,rns.r d i,,ny oesr , 'red c. ? ace cf f,=nd 21% :e�igned `or D,.ran 1 ty M '-",dNns ■ eleQ leawegaavN Pp uOppuoD u0 ` sU092ayiL2J.WV515d4 eleQ leaifpal3 dw,s R]ueideM vdpmd Putl damOd.paaiq 71sae aq L.s�ag0 iamodun5 09£-ZZX slauui ,JOS luljuapisDd saiaaS-x I odunS IRONRIDGE XR100 Rail Rad Section Properties Properly _ Value _ Total Cross-Sect on,l Area 7 0582 in .66 Section Modulus Lxaxe) 6.297 in' 66 M onlent of Inerfla X-axis) 0390 in' Motnent of Inertlo )Y-axle) 0-0851n' Torsionol Constant 0.214 in Polar MorPent of Inertia 0.126 in' 1.99 APPROVED MATERIALS: 6005-T6,6005A-T61,6105-15,6N01-T6 2j (34,000 PSI YIELD STRENGTH MINIMUM) 1 I ::IearParf BIOCRPort Deenpt"an/Length Material Weight Number Li XR 100.132A XR 106134/31 XRIGG. Roil 132 111 Feet) 7.501te IP 106168A T FR -061685 %t W. Ral. .ai In Fee!] 1 6OX 5-1ie' 9 11 l XR-1062G4A XR-1062048 XR1X, Raif 204 I17Feetl AWninum I1.601bs. vi1 IRONRIDGE XR100 Bonded Splice e XR-100 RAIL Izo �f � 7 XR-100-SPLC-BD KIT, XR100 BONDED SPLICE l� 2 1) Splice, XR100, Mill 12" long 2) Screw, Sell Drilling 24 1 63 1.93 3 O 42 * J5 .93 #12-14 TYPE"B"THREAD PropeAy Value Property Value Material 6000 Series Aluminum Material 300 Series Stainless Steel Finish Mill Finish Clear 00 Quik Foot — Product t;uld(s won one B. base place is 6oUd sedos aluminum A WCRHmQu0c5 °. Sots It nxoacnues hien spm+ficatlpns hard TypePr9A?r Smd 18.6 S8. ° II f. Quiemot bare plate attattmcnt bracket that 6. Subrat so,hisonalsort'ut sheets. Inshore d' ctlyrothe roof ded:. C. SebmT installation nstructf ons- C Fasteners to be compa[ible wipe chosen roof 2. lo speaD,.,aae tuatket I'd fAValtrs p. Submit product Speclfic lead test cardssbowing 3GPkcIltan and Deet boomed all out values V Por the roof system. -It more and allowable load values spedflc to as show-In load testdata ,r.} a aeLAr`yD SECTIONS ;Ye roof,,fact,stressed mr the protea- 0. Counter trashing,, 232 gaug Ae aluminum em- i section D7600.standnga and Metal bossed to accept shape o""""nes septi base err TTTT"'' I ,e,t,.n 07500 Roofing q t 1, r plate t i D1,,alt Afo s nvea o edural Inshow nobe espronen ed nIhe estralarieD of I ' aequements specife d roofing material to r no less t no It 5 years in 1 .1r r tr 40 .lo 7Trmctio alandM stueProten the area ofthe project. = i B Beaconisng-Bre r dlt3nl rkdi ' P:�. = rfl11a 8 Base flashing 191a k kynar plated I. A COMPONENTS Inspect material upor delrvey,Notify manufacturer nialksoot system cousec;of aluminum oddih callhoar',of any missing or dobeknNe nems_ �l .. bracket and base plate with(1)stainless steel Keep material dry,covered arid offthe ground until jt sod,(I)stainless steel li(1)E"PM washer installed .lt ands bonded steunlesS Reel and EPDN1 A Substrate inspect sn'uctu2 on wh ubackt^tis washer IAIl I ,A +CIS are to be Installer and vent,thancwllwth 2 EaStenerS 'muef A i a beofrnetalcampanMewsh Qe,k-DOC 11 a 1 Ye any additional loadwgthat may bentufmd. bracket EcoFasten Solar® .. ! SFee[ ners should be selected for contat 299Norreltree- Morrisllle VT 05661 8 Nti;J+Gnera oel Contrmiarof any de6uent E 1ti Aty wit the roof deck been 11 nstalllbg EcoFasten Solar brackets. C Fastener strength should exceed or be (877)B59394"7 www. cofaseensolar.cominstalled j rt t equal to that of fps allowable lead of tare v 4eriy that touYrng;6amM1"•I has been hareell u System.See test data at ` 1 c,merdy prior to ashingsolar artaChment www emfakte,ed by torn brackets 3 sealant cesf oohedlar root`manti(atmre) A Atta h^ten-Brac.ket Send Series Atvininum iCOoose one) a to be rood Imanufacturer approved 4Alumnum counter flashing , t.CF SQ lotted A Co1 m ve',fit . urangl"oaca'wd Pnmo fe et SAUmnuro tachment drakes 2F11 -P ehgerwAs aprousor 3P 3 CSK 'yStem Complf with ManafaRuref's wnaen in 6- DESIGN REQh(REMENS. 4SCL-101-3 sraRadonInstrucao's for installation and layout. I. Bra kat sjl)a9ng m be recommended be 5 L 102"3` object engineer. 6.L 102.6' 2 monall a minim um of two ni,el-:re per 7.Z-101 _ rose plate. 8.Camp Slide ?' 3. It is Important to design new structures or 8.Custom assess Busting 5Mu4ures to make sura that they Or wi irksome fetal me of loads. ar b ) :3941 Lcornese 5IAf PII r rpOroCled Ul tl ,lmn Allr9 56 Isle 1 1 ,_3t q l,L•[ n s.,, n 1 � Vo._omI t i @ nu ..e r,ctn + , aa1.11, ll9. e t.. e i1,,- 14 'ItHII G9 alar a/n ar 13. QulkFoot— Product Guide _ , i� 46 SERRATIONS i + uz ' DFAlSCALEA NSbasn EcuF t ' !,lerAua-t p tact,a*o p,,'t Alingm NI1 ,14 Quikfoot— Product Cwde I ! 1 k,3;i n i )Zll 2,00m l � ® Qw'ITlln ! 4 Vl �(( 3C!4 80r-irrl Wi o sUf)ln II 1 d° u,UJii1 2711 �nr� 17 1647 4 r In S11I, 41 1 1 u111 411 9F 10;-J1 qulkFoot— Product Guide - l 7: _, dr i I O I Ov vi ,xi 3/8"-16 Stud AA AA V [ i �1 8i 859 1947 FcoPoStE,Sll al .: m4 true: All n9M16 i. c t /00114 n z- -" S"1. '11-1_--V -' IV1-11— J : fv"e.lydll =! ! e ,(OL,[ ebl v0"III 14J:H2O2i 14EC3"Ifd u_LSSAfR I ; I 4 i = QuikFoot—Product Guide tapk z ,I Materials Needed for Assembly I Item No. Description of Material/Part Quantity + i i � t QucFoot ease Plate 1 a 1 6 2 Fastener(Length to be determined) 2 i ' �I QuikFoot Flashing t 5 4 EPDM Washer 1 © 5 L-1023"Bracket*(other options available) 1 ` 4 6 5/16"EPDM Bonded 18.8 SS Washer 1 t'i _ 3/8,Stainless Steel 4ex Nut 1 3 X11/ b Required Tools 17 1u(394] FmF aSrs, AllraIt ,,,hr.Allfight-, sC"'r LI t t,11 boul 11 d,d I"Is'ty I r. i1, f 14,.2192E 4 i 111644 , f Z QuikFOOt PRODUCT GUIDE CL CL L CL. T W W1 L— "A'EcoFasten Solar V"1 ,.J r- COrrUSIlde PRODUCTGUIDE c Exploded Product View/BOM.-1 Installation InstrUCLIOnS-2 Cut Sheet-3 Specifications-4 Test Data-5 OWN �iir � lr r.I r EcoFasten Solar CorruSlide- Product Gr:ide Exploded Product View,Bill of Materials -I Materials Needed for Assembly I° s ,y ITEMINO. -- � C DESCRIPTION �lY WSyyf �_ 2 CorruSllorrui Sl de de Popper 1 r ^+b \ 3_- CorruShde Slot Bracket t ' 4 Prelnsfalled Gasket Tape 2 © `� 5. Self-Tapping &sealing ghee(-Metal Screws 5 iz : ,�. •.. � \ � Required Tools _ k �O 1 � i 0]/86' d94] CMraQuiSsi6r All contort pmscled arae pY-9h� A�l nghlsrzstvve6.713112014 V y tcol snHlrrp11,sllr,irvV,eG. rollory GAS. 'n Us9 RL]Y1V]Ilfi2flF1 3S&O2BJE6IIJ tl1 14 tJllLfi 4n162454V L9tlIll P4PID 225117Od CorruSlide - Product Guide Installation Instructions h ( i n v « r �1.,E` III � ' 1 .. ���� ,'�� z13.- y i4b 4c 5 fi *Note-It is recommended that the installer assemble and check one complete Corn-Slide assembly on the roof panel for fit prior to removing release paper or installing screws.This will provide an indication of approximate Fit* 1. Clean roof area thatwillcome In contact with CorruSlide cracker.Remove release paper from tape on the CorruSlide-Flipper(hinged component with three Fastener holes). 2. Install screws through the CorruSlide-Flipper into the roof panel. 3. Tilt the CorruSlide-Slide("T'Slotted component) upward and slide into place over the Corruslide-Flipper that was installed in step 2. 4. a. Slide the CorruSlide-Slot Bracket(this part has a long rectangular hole and two fastener hales)over the serrated leg of the CorruSlide-Slide from step 3. b. It is important to adjust the CorruShde-Slot Bracket such that the CornuSlide-Slide of step 3 is level and locked in place.Note that depending upon the roof profile it may be necessary to skip a ridge/valley.Remove release paper. C. Install Screws in CorruSlide-Slot Bracket component. S Slide the S/16'diameter halt(provided with each CorruS(ide)Into the CorinuSlide-Slide. 6, Attach the desired rail attachment bracket(may be provided by other manufacturer). 1541 I1Fa tei 'I 411111"1 't"tr., in " t HII ills Ie I ?J11 Z 1.F "I fitl.tls e ,I I'll ebur_ 62 rr(S'I _e 1, 1141 1l aiv 41'2o t nn 1 1r, n.. .1161 fR i �f f J Uit shCCr Corru$lide- rodu�t GL u7� I it r r '' j1r jig f ; lit 4 t 1 OJIn Y�' ' LJ �rOt11111 �� Illyyy+++���FFF rrr -T-Slot for 5/16' Hex Head Cap Screw 731n '. 18.G2nxn i 1 YQ 3.00In #1 76.20mm Adju,r*u21oI Most I?idge ✓vl Jh/Angles 577-5593942 EcoF a Ste. gold, All cul'Tcriz 0' = UeA underth igM.All rights re r rietl 3112014 3 I'LL�4_�Soli'diShc re'Ar tllly is tolls t a! 11111 1 111 B2 it'51"In 11111 VI I I L, Ill. '11 H21i14:499 32P LO')J4As h 8454.4 fI I 11 1a Bell.225Lie N4 r Co rruSlide - Product Guide Spec lficat]ons v PART] -GENERAL PART i-PRODUCTS PART3 -EXECUTION ' IA SUMMARY 21 MANUFACTURER 31 EXAMINATION A. WORKINCLUDES EcoFasten Solar' A. Substrate:Inspect structure on which brackets ® 1. EcoFasten Solar Corru5lide Bracket that 289 Harrel Street,Morrisville,VT 05661 are to be installed and verify that it will ' attaches to the corrugated panel ridge (8]])859-3942 withstand any additional loading that may be using provided sheet metal fasteners and www.ecofastensolarcom incurred, watertight seal. L25YSTEM DESCRIPTION 2.2 MATERIALS 8. Notify General Contractor ofany deficiencies ` A. COMPONENTS: A. Corr6000 Sllde5l Slide,Flipper,and Slot Bracket- before installing EcoFasten Solar brackets. 6/16 Seri es Alumin um Corrudlide Bracket consists ofthe following B. 5/ifi'-18x1.5"Fully Threaded Hex Bolt -18.8 C correctly riofio i material has been installed - (1)Slide Bracket SS correctly prlortoinsfalling solar attachment (1)Flipper Bracket C. 5/16"-18 Serrated Flange Nut-18.8 SS brackets. - (1)Slot Bracket D. 414x3/4"Self Tapping Sheet Metal Screws- � . - (5)#14x3/4"Self Tapping Sheet Metal Screws 188SS 32 INSTAL ATION (1)5/16"-18 Hex Head Fully Threaded Bolt 188 A. Comply with archltectu ral drawings and SS 23 FINISH project engineer's recommendations for (1)5/16"-18 Serrated Hex Flange Nut 18.8 SS A. Mill Finish location of system.Comply with Manufacturer's written installation Instructions for installation CI B. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: and layout. t. Bracket spacing to be recommended by project engineer. 1.3 SUBMITIAI A. Submit manufacturer's written specifications. e. Submit standard product cut sheets. C Submit Installation instructions. 14 QUAD TY ASSURANCE Ay Installer to be experienced in the installation of IV specified roofing material for no less than 5 years in " .Gj ,�{De the area of the project. ,04 1.5 DELIVERY/STORAGE/HANDLING Inspect material upon delivery,Notify manufacturer within 24 hours of any missing or defective items. Keep material dry,covered,and off the ground until installed. il r4T EcoFan ,i1 i All int.' Lcr ler In rhtA,rghl, 1 I;^la 4 ....I &.d „ nv11, t11 1 , I , ,. . ,: � , , Ir 41 r_12, 114n, ...11 1 I11„_..-rrr-z I , e Corru5lide- Product Guide lest Data d 1f ! t �J) t f . COMPANY to r EcoFasten Solar It PART NUMBER DATE CorruSlide 7-25-2014 tt DESCRIPTION Uplift on 28Ga.Steel with 1/4"-14 X 7/8" Blazer Flange VAT Screws }� PRODUCT MATERIAL SUBSTRATE *� Assembly ..' TEST TYPE I � X UPLIFT ❑ SHEAR ❑ LEAK TEST ❑ CLAMP TO SEAM TEST i ' I NUMBER LOAD(lb) REASON For FAILURE � .. 1 836 Bracket Failure 2 741 Bracket Failure 3 816 Bracket Failure Average 797 COMMENTS: Images available Upon request. aAb' Internal test data provided at the request and direction of Brian Stearns. `4 v ar7 6,h 3y4t EcoFasten Eros : Srhar Almin t protected nd, woven: an nems rese,eo. r131n014 5 5_ c r,..- soi.r4.ow mr oo-as. w i�, ss vm=, 6 151 522[328.15s M:1328 lrl es1+21iie 11sr4 ;1,e282^mar4t292484= n212211118a +, Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative POLICY DOCUMENT#9 Current version adopted by the Board of Directors on April 28, 2011 INSTALLATION CREW OPERATING POLICY This policy applies to all PV Squared employees in Massachusetts, but is particularly directed at those involved in the installation of solar electric and other renewable energy systems (licensed electrician, learner/apprentice electrician, licensed constructor supervisor, supervised carpenter and laborer). When engaged in this work as an employee of PV Squared on a PV Squared project site, activities of PV Squared employees are covered under the General Liability Insurance maintained by the Cooperative. It is the intent of this policy to provide clarity to installation situations where the applicable codes and regulations are unclear, ambiguous, or silent. It is possible that a municipal building or electrical inspector could interpret the codes and regulations in a manner that differs from what appears here. But this policy sets out, in writing, how the cooperative interprets legal work requirements and unclear details. It is an internal consensus working model, intended to be revised and improved from time to time. As a general matter, a city's or town's Building Commissioner is charged with enforcing the State Building Code, Plumbing and Gas Code, Electrical Code and Architectural Access Code. The commissioner addresses concerns about the safety, accessibility and security of construction of homes and businesses. The commissioner also enforces zoning bylaws. In accordance with Massachusetts General Law, employees of the cooperative who perform electrical tasks and activities must hold a Massachusetts journeymen's electrician license or be under the direct supervision of such licensed personnel. These tasks and activities include installing electrical wiring, conduits, apparatus, devices, fixtures or other appliances for carrying or using the electricity associated with Renewable Energy Generators (electrically active solar photovoltaic modules, wind turbine-generators, hydroelectric generators, etc.). In no circumstances shall the Massachusetts licensed journeymen have more than one learner or apprentice working with him/her or under his/her supervision. Mounting structures come in a variety of configurations and have differing functional and physical characteristics. A structural component or assembly becomes associated with electrical work as the Renewable Energy Generator is electrically bonded to the mounting structure. Unless otherwise noted in M.G.L. c143 §§3 through 5560 inclusive, all structural work defined as follows shall not be required to be performed by a Massachusetts licensed journeymen electrician: • Structural improvements • Elements of a Renewable Energy Generator's support structure that fall under a building permit (e.g., assembly of top-of-pole mounting structure on steel pole with concrete foundation prior to execution of any required electrical bonding of the support structure and associated renewable energy generator (solar electric module) to the support structure Policy #9 Installation Crew Operating Policy Pioneer Valley PhotoVoltaics Cooperative POLICY DOCUMI_NT#9 Current version adopted by the Board of Directors on April 28, 2011 • Roof-top mounting support structures including but not limited to posts, stand-offs, flashings, feet, and mounting rails • Operation of heavy equipment involved in moving, hoisting, digging and other tasks • Earth work, excavation and concrete work • Manual labor involved in moving loading and unloading of equipment • Moving, hoisting, and attaching an electrically bonded panel assembly (defined as one or more assembled and electrically bolded solar electric modules) to an existing structural support designed to host the panel assembly. Note however that construction of a panel assembly is an electrical task due to the required electrical bonding activities. Repair and Servicing of Installed Equipment Repair or replacement of an electrically bonded and/or energized renewable energy generator (e.g., installed solar electric panel) will be performed by a licensed electrician or properly supervised learner or apprentice working with the licensed electrician. Replacement of an installed inverter must be performed by a licensed electrician or properly supervised learner or apprentice working with the licensed electrician, if the work requires removal of AC and/or DC conduit and associated wiring that originates outside of the installed inverter (e.g., removal of external AC conduit and wiring between the inverter and point of interconnection with the on-;ite electrical service). Note that this activity may require a wiring permit in some local jurisdictions. This requirement also applies to the servicing of an installed inverter thzt involves replacement or repair of components and wiring internal to the pre-manufacturer inverter (i.e., factory installed components that were originally shipped with .he inverter) even though such activity may not require a wiring permit. Replacement of an installed inverter may also be performed by a qualified technician who may or may not be a licensed electrician or properly supervised learner or apprentice working with a licensed electrician if the inverter is of a "plug and play' design. Such a qualified technician can also performed other tasks that include installation and servicing inverter-based performance monitoring systems (e.g., replacing internal communication cards, making "plug and play" ethernet connections, etc.), assuming these activities do not require creation of a new AC power source circuit to operate the communication system(s). Policy#9 Installation Crew Operating Policy Non Electrical Work at atypical PV Squared installation: • All Material Handling tasks o Module prep and moving o Ladder lift set up o Ladder set up Trash/recycling removal and sorting • Structural Improvements o All carpentry work • Roof Mount Array o Fall protection anchorsetup and removal o Layout and mounting bases o Racking up to but not including"bonding/grounding related activities" o Leveling of racking Sealing seams/patching roofing/additional flashing • Ground mount array o Site work,earth moving o Trenching/digging o Construction of racking up to but not including "bonding/grounding related activities" • Conduit run o Making holes in structure o Fire blocking,sealing penetrations Stickers • Power Board o Build wall, hang plywood o Stickers • Interconnection o Stickers • Monitoring o Wif options o Any"plug and play"devices o Programming of monitoring devices o Computer based activities • Installation completion o Final building inspections o Install pictures-See checklist o Update one line and roof drawings to reflect as built o Completion checklist o Notes for others o COC left onsite • Mist o Truck Organizing o Material List,ordering o Daily check-in o Customer interaction and training activities SQU4 J NF Q PV Squared Solar(iyww pvsquared.coop Phone:413-772-87881 Fox r 413-772-8668 p 311 Wells St,Ste.8 I Greenfield.MA 01301 MA Elec Lic A13764/MA HIC 140077 Dear Town Inspections Officials, Please see our enclosed applications to permit a Solar Photovoltaic System in your jurisdiction. As you are likely aware, PV Squared is a worker-owned-cooperative B-Corp, employing 40+ people in Greenfield. We have installed thousands of PV Systems out of our Greenfield, MA Headquarters since 2002. PV Squared is committed to complying with all Commonwealth laws and regulations. Our worksite guidelines are created with the intention of exceeding all safety, electrical, and building requirements as defined by their respective jurisdictional entities. This includes the work of people from multiple disciplines, including electrical engineering, structural engineering, civil engineering, electricians, construction supervisors, roofers, and their associated helpers. We are a company that values training and education. We make certain that every individual is qualified for the roles and responsibilities that they assume. It is our policy to pay for the employees travel and training time and cost of the education, including CSL and Journeyman and Master Electrician classes. As an electrical contractor we are furthermore guided bythe January 30, 2009 Massachusetts Board of State Examiners of Electricians (BSEE)judgements, and rulings that have followed.We pay strict adherence to these mandates and all electrical work is conducted by an electrician and an electrician's apprentice in a 1:1 ratio. We also understand that non-electrical tasks associated with a Solar installation can be completed by non-electrical workers, such as CSLs and others. I have attached our installation policy for your review, as well as a list of example non-electrical tasks. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or delineation of work, please let us know. We are a learning organization that is always trying to improve on what we do. Respectfully, Adam Thurrell Operations Manager