22B-043 (25) 296 NONOTUCK ST BP-2017-1016 GIs 8: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Mao:Block:22B-043 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category:renovation BUILDING PERMIT Permit p BP-2017-1016 Prolect9 JS-2017-001576 Est.Cost:$12000.0 Fee: $100.x0 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const, Class: Contractor: License: UseGrouo: DAVIDVREELAND_ 46317 Lot size(so. tt_l: 130650.00 Owner.- NONOTUCK MIT.].Li r Zoning: SIO I0)/WP(73)/URA(2)/ Applicant: DAVID VREELAND AT: 296 NONOTUCK ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 116 RIVER RD (413) 624-0126 LEYDENMA01337 ISSUED ON.312212 01 7 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK.•CONSTRUCT INTERIOR PARXO WOODEN PLATFORM, INSULATION AND CEILING FINISH � �J/JVIrYr ��� POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET ( i-/07� Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector (!!{ S Undergrounds.-/" r �J . Service -)- Meter: 0/'(,[/ ✓ O7L Footings: Rough: Rough: Driveway House# Foundation: Driveway Final: `�- Ay-1 Final: 14,O/,p Final: ,l )ZP— Peq,Q(I)a,lt Ok 5-3-0eK-- Rougb Frame: RPw 0-l7� �6p r rl Qv Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/ himnec: Rough: Oil: Insulation:(�� Final: Smoke: ( l y l l "'A✓ Final: Gk�/' THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Of OccuDanC�����Signature: I'eeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Paid: Amount: Building 3/22/20170:00:00 5100.00 212 Main Strec[ Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner Ra. r 4(e<f u�a6n W I 11cQ1 S /(gyp o 0 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT T PERFORM PLUMIBIING W/O�RtK� 1 CITY /yor ff MA. DATE 65 -0,2-/7 PERMIT# JOBSITE ADDRESS2& NOy7C�T 56f er OWNER'SNAMENgj� POWNERADDRESS Htri'lJ+ej7�W�" 5e. pr-4rel TEL r//3 Z/o 9* FAX TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE: COMMERCIAL rrr EDUCATIONAL ❑ RESIDENTIAL❑ CLEARLY FIXTURES 1 FLOOR-- BSMT t 2 3 4 5 6 7 BATHTUB _...�. r� p p'p 2 ry CROSS CONNECTION DEVICE r�r�l L--. 1� is Q V L� 11 ,1 DEDICA7E0 SPECIAL WASTE SYS ' I I 'I DEDICATED GAS+OIUSAND SYS :,i 1 I IUI DEDICATED GREASESYS SAY 3 r7 DEDICATO GRAY WATER SYS I" DEDICATED WATER RECYCLE SYS DRINKING FOUNTAIN ae.momgR Des hspxtione DISHWASHER _.�.,;�,.MA o12ac FOOD DISPOSER FLOOR!AREA DRAIN INTERCEPTOR INTERIOR) KITCHEN SINK LAVATORY ROOF DRAIN SHOWER STALL SERVICE 7 MOP SINK TOILET PLUMBING&GAS INSPECTOR URINAL - N HAMPTON WASHING MACHINE CONNECTION A R NOTAPPROVED WATER HEATER ALL TYPES WATER PIPING OTHER INSURANCE COVERAGE: �.,/ I have a current liabilityinsurance Paltry or ifs substantial equivalent which,meets the requirements of MGL Ch.142. YesgNo❑ IF YOU CHECKED YES, PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY OTHER TYPE OF INDEMNITY ❑ BOND ❑ OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: 1 am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature an this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE BOX ONLY: OWNER ❑ AGENT ❑ Sicnature of Owner or Owner's Agent I hereby certify that all of the details and information I have submitted(or entered) regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my Knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit issued for this application will be in compliance with all Pertinent provision of the Massachusetts Stale Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws. // � -3f PLUMBER NAME /1/�n../I'1/�i �fi/mc�t SIGNATURE UC# G!' MP Lq JP❑ CORPORATION 0# PARTNERSHIP 0# LLC 0# COMPANYYINAME (JfiiwGY/G P �4,�/�.... ��// ADDRESS: /7 1;;7,;h L5-/ CITY C Oh/va STATE^W ZIPI':>/l EMAIL BuiYnG/ 401 . Ceti TEL '//3 CELL�//3- y��� FAX i/i lr A-Z ze'n tior�� '37l 2 MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FITTING WORK CITY f�'�p/fL,� {,„ �.,e n_.,a. MA DATE jI i �/✓�PERMIT# JOBSITE ADDRESS�1�on�?'i,�.(� ,Sf IOWNER'S NAME 1'J� ff GOWNER ADDRESS !s Nisi fn�i k/ So_ Qtc ��TE /0-989 FAX�i TYPE OR OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCWLY EDUCATIONAL PRINTRESIDENTIALQ CLEARLY NEW:D RENOVATION:, REPLACEME',- Pl(iN� 'l1�dIIT E�,'YF F N0' APPLIANCES71 FLOORS, BSM t 2 1 BOILER e '" BOOSTER —CONVERSION—BURNER -- COOK STOVE - DIRECTVENTHEATER - -- - DRYER FIREPLACE FRYOLATOR FURNACE GENERATOR - -- GRILLEINFRARED HEATER LABORATORY COCKS _. . _. _._. _..... MAKEUP AIR UNIT - - - _--- -- OVEN POOL HEATER ROOM I SPACE HEATER ROOF TOP UNIT - TEST UNIT HEATER UNVENTED ROOM HEATER _ WATER HEATER OTHER INSURANCE COVERAGE ,/ I have a current liabilityinsurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Ch.142 YES ONOj I IF YOU CHECKED YES,PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY, OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY L.-] BOND Ll OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER:I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY: OWNER � AGENT ❑ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT I hereby cenfy that all of the details and information I have submitted or entered regarding this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that all plumbing work and installations performed under the permit issued for this application will be in compliance with all Pertinent provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of me General Laws. '�j AA i LICENSE 7GD SIGNATURE PLUMBER-GASFITTER NAME eoATJ MP% MGF::j JP EJ JGF❑ LPGI® CORPORATION Q# PARTNERSHIP❑#=LLC .# COMPANY NAME:IOaI`nerVr_ �_� t. .}��t ADDRESS CINman rc.�,r STATE'/v/ ZIP 39/ TEL FAX�CELL --o EMAIL 0 z o ' F a z a a z '❑ z 0 W ;❑ � � w o w O a O � Z W m a U � a � U F a Q u F oz W z � a � � M � N � MASSACHUSETTS UNIFORM APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO PERFORM GAS FIT i ING J'URK P CITY �U�[/'qq�C�- p DATE , JOB ITEADD ESS,o 'gb ID/w''{Z IC/1 WNERANAME �J:(r GLtjd rL�/s Io bum tiP��� � OW AD REAS 5��j - -D Lryyl M(liJn Kj'� iEL Cll7 `l�C/y''2 II�FAX TYPE OR �� �C,(, -Ll raLul , DIC/17 PRINT OCCUPANCY TYPE COMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL RESIDENTIAL ' l ll CLEARLY NEW. ✓ RENOVATION: REPLACEMENT. PLANS SUBMITTED'. YES NO APPLIANCES 7 FLOORS— BSw 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 1 10 1 +.I 1 12 13 14 BOILER BOOSTER CONVERSION BURNER ' COK STOVE DIROECT VENT HEATER DRYER FIREPLACE FRYOLATOR _ FURNACE GENERATOR GRILLE _ INFRARED HEATER LABORATORY COCKSJ 6 MAKEUP AIR UNIT I OVEN c .I.. POOL HEATER t '. ROOM/SPACE HEATER i ROOF TOPUNIT TEST ~ UNIT HEATER ING GAS I SPE TOR —_.—_ .__ — ET UATER HEATER HEATER _ NOT WPM 7t ___ I WATER HEATER R ' OTHER �Y(,IL1� INSURANCE COVERAGE J I have a current liability insurance policy or its substantial equivalent which meets the requirements of MGL.Ch.142 YES NO I IF YOU CHECKED YES.PLEASE INDICATE THE TYPE OF COVERAGE BY CHECKING THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY OTHER TYPE INDEMNITY BOND I OWNER'S INSURANCE WAIVER: I am aware that the licensee does not have the insurance coverage required by Chapter 142 of the Massachusetts General Laws,and that my signature on this permit application Waives this requirement. CHECK ONE ONLY. OWNLR ADEM -TriSIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT _rehy ced&y that alloka d a is and m±o etole'Jnos eredoe aJ c,F sap�,l .eloi, et ryao I toVadl c[ Ila b e Ports 51dea and p e rth 'h p t [ .,I w � ren tl al re. arz f b� la fa�ssacn sets State PlumbingCotl..antl CFaae ate_ Ihr,Een a I.. �/ ✓ wr,rEn �rcTERNAIe ALFRED;.GEGRGE _.SE- r,T _ IXP MGF R IGF LPGI CCR. OR_TION l301- paplN SAH-F 4 Lv. COMPANY NAME GEORGE PROPANE. INCi . ADDRESC 3 BERKSPIRE RA ETT ' -0I CITY SOSHEN STATE IJA DP T-032� ;2 --. 26 ` FAX 41 i 268-0206 CEL aiAl= n P I ekge0XeMuoaLe ra I �� �� z '� I; � ��� � _ f, ,:?o;sem._/�"Of`''� '�� Vreeland Design Associates An integrative approach to design engineering and site planning Date: December 26. 2017 To: Charles Kilb, Board Counsel Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure Board of State Examiners of Plumbers & Gas Finers 1000 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118 From: David Vreeland,P.E. Vreeland Design Associates Re: Variance DAGV 248-Yup Coffee Roasters, Inc. —296 Nonotuck St,Northampton, MA: Field Evaluation Final Test Report. Dear Mr.Kilb, The following are the results of my field evaluation and testing of the Joper BSR 15 Coffee Roaster and the Inproheat Smoke Dog Stainless SD-Refurbished Afierbumer, conducted 12/7117: Feld Evaluation Final Test Report Location of installed equipment Yup Cot-fce Roasters, Inc., 296 Nonotuck St., Northampton, MA. Field Evaluation and testing conducted by:David Vreeland, PE, 116 River Rd, Leyden.MA, License No. 46317, Ph: 413-624-0126 Date of evaluation and testing: 12/7/2017 Codes—Standards: MA State 248 CMR 7:00 Description of equipment: -� W IMPROI-4EL1T SOLUTIONS IN COMBUSTION —. �. vAxcpuve2 ec..CANADA FE4_ ( 1 zeA.wel wp{rmwv Y # FA%:. (4V11 PS1'E3PT I�ERNEF. rYww.ingdn�[.cwn DESIGN ALTrIum ctWO FT SYSTEM AFTERBURNER INARONEAT3'NWEGT Np. CI?WS IA`W tIfER REF.NO. YL COFFEE { OY FUEL Pr ANE Fu¢SUPPiv nRe"'M yU tFgC,iYN yiLyE M0.141MUMXWT FPUT. 110.004 Y1YWNIC $YOSP.M POW@R {SOY/tM4.µ.YMNp Joper Coffee Roaster BSR-15,40.945 Btu/hr. Inproheat Smoke Dog Stainless SD-Refurbished Afterburner, 760,000 Btu/hr. 116 River Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: (413) 624-0126 Email: dvreeland@verizon.net Fax: (413) 624.3282 The roaster exhaust venting is by a 341 efm fan t hat is ducted to a vertical 6" diameter steel flue pipe secured to a section of 6"Metalbestos stain'.ess steel insulated flue pipe through the roof assembly. Another length of 6" diameter exhaust flue pipe is attached to the Metalbestos pipe and to the afterburner. The afterburner is vented to the atmosphere. Sequence of testing and standard operation: 1. Checked gas piping from the 320 gallon tropane tank to the Roaster and Afterburner. 2. Turned on electric power to roaster; tumid on roaster drum motor and roaster drum fan— this sequence is required to allow the gas igniter to operate. 3. Turned on the main gas valve, adjust secondary pressure regulator at master to 8"water column, turned on igniter switch and lite gas pilot. 4. Turned on main gas burner, adjust flame as necessary and heated the roaster drum to 400 F°. During normal operations the green coffee beans would be added to the dmm at this point. The burner and roaster exhaust far are adjusted so the roaster drum does not exceed 400 F°. 5. Turned on afterburner at the burner control panel—the afterburner goes through a one minute purge cycle and then the forced draft burner ignites. The control panel has a digital readout of the afterburner temperature. I he 350 F°f exhaust air from the roaster drum fan is ducted to the afterburner where the smoke, bean particulates,and odors from the roasting process is incinerated. The afterburner automatically shuts off at 1250 F°which occurs within a minute or two after the standard 15-20 minute roasting/cooling cycle has been completed. The afterburner can be shuto T manually at any time if necessary. Summary of testing:The master and afterbumet fired properly and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The afterburner shutdown at the 1250 F° set point.No gas odors or leaks were detected. Combustion air supply: The roaster fan forced exhaust is listed at 341 cf n. The 248 CMR 7.02: General Provisions- (2)(a)2b: air openings— 12 efnt per 1000 Btu input. Based on the name plate listed Btu,hr. rating of 40,945, the air supply needed is 491 cfm. The interior dimensions of the older brick building that the roaster is installed is: 30'-9" x 43'-9"— 1,345 f 2 with a ceiling height of approximately 13'-6"= 18,158 ft'. From an I T.S. Dept. of Energy report titled"Infiltration Modeling Guidelines for Commercial Building Energy Analysis", dated September 2009,the typical infiltration rate was found to be 1.8 cfin per square foot of floor area. Based on this assumed infiltration rate with the existing floor area of 1345 hl x 1.8 efm/sq=2421 of n which is adequate for the required air supply of 491 cfm. Combustion clearances: The rear of the roaster s 36"from the exterior brick wall and there is the required 2"of clearance between the Metalbestos insulated 6" flue pipe and the edge of the hole through the wood roof assembly. See attached items: A: Diagram of the gas regulation system to feet! the Roaster and Afterburner burners. B: Exploded view of the toper 15 KG Roaster C: Joper Coffee Roaster BSR 15 Electrical and gas set-up D: Photos of installed gas piping 2 Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, zHOF W A ss� pAVIQ A- V EELAND RCIVIL .-VRCIVIL David Vreeland,PE No 4017 Vreeland Design Associates 3 I . z4as plpp In AXBNumnl 13$OW FlIu9a�re _�� 2 ,t c rt: 3Pyne{e?e fp R�nstef/ ' NUt lnsfallntf I —� JAPER amu sx 15=1 GINP BPR � _ . . 1 : - - � : « � _-- .��� a � : x _ � — . 0 19 62 DOPER COFFEE ROASTER BSR 15 (Electrical and gas set-up) `:..`:... ELECTRICAL AND GAS SET-UP 5 COFFEE ROASTER BSR 15 i �I . v III 1. After receiving the new equipment COFFEE ROASTER BSR 15, place d on its final location. It is advisable to put it on a firm and level base. 2. Place the coffee roaster close to the local electrical and gas feeding spots. i Electric plug Gas inlet of the roaster connection N]W1h ER Rm.16 DaYb'.RGOR019 N,116 ELECTRICAL AND GAS SET-DP 3. Check if the local power voVtage is the same as the features plate of the machine information. Name t ,s plate 4. Match the electric plug 5. Open the roaster door and check if the drum is rotating according to the connection to the local power connector indicating arrow. 03]DD/JOVF0. R� 0 DMe.PG0/3014 cage S(6 ELECTRICAL AND GAS SET-0P 5. Afterwards, make the connection of the gas pipe line to link the machine to the local gas installation supply. Check if the local gas installation has the necessary manometers, safety valves and regulators. The necessary inlet pressure to properly feed the machine is about 20mbar. SAMPLE OF A LOCAL GAS INSTALLATION The gas pipe that links the machine to the local gas installation can be a rigid or flexible pipe. Roaster r gas inlet pvalve az;oa�a uN.:a tmn-.acvpmw vay.ua ...s ELECTRICAL AND GAS SETUP 6. Place the extremity of the gas pipe line mato 1:he roaster gas valve and fasten it with a proper key tool. NI Key tool 7. Open the respective gas valve of the local gas installation yln r� r I`t tr Outlet gas valve of *. `£ the local installation. j 3 037.00/]OPER R 1:0 Dae A 0/3019 Page 116 ELECTRICAL AND GAS SET-UP ` 8. Open the gas inlet valve of the roaster. rvk4 3 �� ryd 'k p. Inlet gas valve of the roaster. Finally, after following all these steps. you are ready to turn on the main switch of the roaster and start working with the JOPER coffee roaster eSR 1. Main switch of the - roaster. .. 037COJ%Aik flM:O Wtv A(-0lYUtf Fage 6)6 v Sa > a a ' Ag +- a F.. 4 w ry Nt AIVE va kK � r- s^ •_ w a r Gas Pipe entering building 3/." Gas Pipe along exterior wall to Roaster It- as Pipe and connection to Roaster Roaster control panel cax+'e tG. AFTERBU NER CWRM MNEI im�rea `�'v an;m p` :r�Sawa#nint Afterburner control panel CHARLES D. BAKER JOHN C.CHAPMAN covE m Commonwealth of Massachusetts NEMER`P FAIR Aa KARYN E. pOLiTO .uSNCSSREGQLsMM LeUTENANT WVM%0s Division of Professional Licensure ton Street - Boston . Massachusetts • 02118 CHAReORSTEL JAY ASH 1000 Washington HMtSLES ORST L SECRETARY OF W QSWO'AMO FFOESSNbAi tK Oft ECOvOAOC pEVEGOF�ENr January 9,2018 Matthew R. Bousquet 5B Heritage Way South Deerfield, MA, 01373 Unlisted Equipment Re: Variance DAGV 248—Yup Coffee 7Zoasters,Inc.—296 Nonotuek Street—Northampton Dear Mr.Bousquei; The Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters grants your request for a variance from,248CMR 3.04 (1),regarding the submitted field evaluation report dated 1226117, from Vreeland Design Associates. the Board bereby authorizes Full Operation of a doper BSR 15 Coffee Roaster and an afterburner,subject to the approval of the Local Plumbing&: Gas Inspector. The granting of this request is applicable to this end user and this location only.All other plumbing and gas fitting work if applicable shall comply with 248 CMR. 3.00 through 10.00 and all other applicable statutes and Codes. Your attendance at a Board meeting is not required. This Variance is in effect upon receipt. Sincerely, Charles Kilb Board Counsel Board of State Examiners of Plumbers&Gas Fitters !�Mq TELEPHONE: (617)727-3074 FAX: (617)727-2197 TTYrrm): (6171727.2099 httpa/w .mass.9ov1dp1