Partial List of accessbility improvementsPartial List Accessibility Improvements since 1995 This list is simply a representative sample with far more city actions over the past two decades. Buildings City Hal l elevator City Hall automated door opener Memorial Hall elevator Municipal office building door opener Senior Center (accessible replacement of poorly accessible space) Police Station (accessible replacement of poor accessible space) Recreation, Parks, and Conservation Areas Pulaski Park—rehabilitation of park that had only stair access on its southerly gateway, now ramped access. Florence Fields- new accessible recreation area with accessible pavilion/restrooms and trail around outside of fields Connecticut River Greenway riverfront park- new accessible trail to river and accessible docks (last dock under construction 2017) MassCentral Rail Trail- new accessible rail trail Look Park to Leeds New Haven & Northampton Rail Trail- new accessible rail trail north side of downtown to Easthampton MassCentral/Norwottuck Rail Trail- accessible tunnel connecting state rail trails with city rail trail (under construction) and accessible trail from Damon Road to railroad tracks. Broad Brook-Fitzgerald Lake Conservation Area- rehabilitation and expansion of boardwalk to lake and bridge across bog Barrett Street Marsh- rehabilitation and restoration of boardwalk into marsh Regular (every seven years) accessibility assessment of all parks, recreation areas, conservation areas, and multiuse trails Streetscape Improvements Curb Cuts/Tactile Wheel Chair Ramps- dozens of new accessible ramps all over the city Pleasant Street- Pedestrian and accessibility improvements, including widened sidewalks, raised crosswalks and replacement of pavement not navigable by those with many mobility improvements Elm Street, North Street, and many other streets- new sidewalks replacing unpassable or non-existent sidewalks all with accessibility provisions Information Systems City website that is largely accessible