182 Complaint 2017 OA 4 &4 .,:elnntti 4IGeo Trac ;tea #: 'p l EnteredBy C-- l� Date Entered: (34 ii BODYART FOOD FOOD ILLNESS HOUSING NA1 SALONS NUISANCE ODOR PESTS POOLS SEPTIC r!SMOKE WATER/SEWER HOARDING OTHER COIL_ Ti1NTANTi' INFORMATION: Call Taker Initials: `E.Y Date of CoTnplaint: 7 /Ick / (1 Complainant's Name: I InO flp, on Telephone# (I 934,x7 7 7 OccuDznt's NP ne: Telephone# ( ) -_ Complaint Location: 12 0_ MAL() azza, P Animals: Y/N Child Under 6: Y/N NATURE OF INA tAcy . QP.A13t /arze37 L.t' 1Db/•K^/\ . tti- -- W6- 361 trvi- aN4A-At ---- kr\c, 1,AA/2.0._c_eLet_4 .e,ciagli 1-\ov) 4dL± .+D cactiti a O ER'S r �-�ORMA. ION: Yyw A' . Owner's Name: 0 • / $ 1 ',10 :'' Telephone# ( ) - Property Mg./ Land Lord: Address: Alternate# (, ) - Inspection Scheduled on: Complaint Unfounded: Conditions Found: etF0-64- ACTION'I'A .N: Sof to) 0 (410 c e C ._____41111110 41010 P a ! `� Ii (/ r ? � ate/Time of Inspection Signature of Inspecting s ,1 D p .City of iyof Northampton Mail - Fwd: Rental with mold issues Page 1 of 1 14 MN of Melissa Roberts-Cote<mrobertscote@northamptonma.gov> Fwd: Rental with mold issues 1 message Merridith O'Leary<moleary@northamptonma.gov> Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 10:05 PM To: Melissa Robert-Cote <mrobertscote@northamptonma.gov> Write up and ask both Daniel n chris to set up a appt to do tandem inspection. Ty ------- Forwarded message ------- From: Larry Thompson <It28082@gmail.com> Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 Subject: Rental with mold issues To: healthdept@northamptonma.gov Hello, I rent a small house in Leeds that increasingly seems to have mold issues that may be negativity effecting my health, How can I get an inspection from a housing department? Thank You, Larry Thompson Merridith A. O'Leary., R.S. Public Health Director City of Northampton ph (413) 587-1214 fax (413) 587-1221 f Like us on Facehook for Health!)epartn ent Updates https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ui=2&ik=ce054c7d9f&j suer=XXOXeNfgB Wg.en.&vie... 7/13/2017