Warburton Way NOI Comments
Bucky Sparkle, PE
378 Main Street, #2
Easthampton MA, 01027
August 11, 2017
Re: NOI Application, Prospect Woods Pavement Rehabilitation
Dear Bucky:
Staff have reviewed the application for the above-referenced project and have additional comments on the materials provided.
The application indicates that 'no potential vernal pools were observed within the wetland, though a certified vernal pool is mapped on the parcel to the north.” The vernal pool in
the vicinity is within the subject wetland; MassGIS and NHESP had mapped it incorrectly, but their databases have since been corrected. The Commission will treat the area as a vernal
pool in this instance. The work proposed therefore includes work within the vernal pool resource area (100 feet), but not in the pool itself. This does not include any existing landscaped
or developed areas. While this definition extends to much of the site, the proposed new dumpsterpad area is currently vegetated, and new impervious surface in this area would not be
allowed under the Ordinance. Due to the proposed location’s proximity to the drainage outfall that flows directly into this area, it could potentially contribute nutrients and contaminants
to the wetland that could constitute an additional alteration.
Prospect Woods is located within the Urban Residential B zone, and has a reduced Protected Zone, as noted in the application. Disturbance within this area would not ordinarily be allowed,
but staff agrees that restoration of the wetland is proposed in an appropriate location.
The application indicates that ‘the existing surface runoff outfall has degraded the downgradient area by depositing sand, salt and debris from decades of winter road maintenance.’
Please provide information regarding proposed future roadway maintenance to prevent additional alteration.
Please let me know if you would like to discuss any of these points.
Thank you,
Sarah LaValley