35-270 (17) 27B WEST FARMS RD BP-2017-1497 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:35 -270 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -000 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: REPAIR BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2017-1497 Project# JS-2017-002493 Est.Cost:$9000.00 Fee: $65.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: VALLEY HOME IMPROVEMENT INC 077279 Lot Size(sq. ft): Owner: Nancy Bak Zoning: Applicant: VALLEY HOME IMPROVEMENT INC AT: 27B WEST FARMS RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: P O BOX 60627 (413) 584-7522 Workers Compensation FLORENCEMA01062 ISSUED ON:6/23/2017 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:REPLACE VINYL FLOORING AND CARPETING POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: OI: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/23/2017 0:00:00 $65.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner o:=p_ r, r<-,ee only .1 1 City of Northampton (Status of Pnnl.`: Building Department ;Curb Cur/DrivewayPermit 212 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availability Room 100 IWaterNJen Availability _ Northampton, MA 01080 Two:Sets.of Structural Plans - phote 413-537-1243 Fay,413-587-1272 PIOJSite Piens I APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,ReP'AIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO PALMY SMELLING rSECTION 1•UTE 1NFORI�tiTIOP1 �,9- t7-ctio7 - Is section to be corn l_ted h office.._. 1.1 P`oa_tvAda+_ . _ _. . ____. _._ /': p`/•� y a? t5 Wes} ctza'm {' od Map 36 Lot ol70 Ur t N o.'ea.c-c Zone._..._ Overlay District __ Ebm St.rattrict .^.'E bt_+hlet I Iy SECTI3ii 2.PROPERTY OFhfJESSRIP/AUTHORIZED AGM' $.5 Owner of Recor4: \.1 1 ._,, 71V-. 2l$W& c ins(ca\ `-thiert_c_ O1.A \Ob2 Norse( run ConantMailing°ddr-_s 4132- 588- (0-137 4skTelephone jiant“Signature Z2 Auhorzed Acent: - - i ,` - Ilk Lte V u.. a = /Yr./ e o £zckeoctai FtcYerux°- N.A l V Nan' erica) .' ���7 rnl NilingAddr3ss: — ._... � � lH/ !111!1 � kl 584 `1t3a 'LSlgntm_ Teteottann i sit r tU se I _rripial Use Only ! ciAmmeeaci by pe,m lit canlicant t 1. Einilding d,(�3-6 - (a)Building Pea a c hi¢i I -. I p a r, -- DCO I Con Itotioir Bi - I Irl nT r._o 'ff _- --.._ ral,r. 4, Mechanical(f'+lA } SFire Protection o, Tom! (t : 3Td=5) Vi Check Number '304'7.2 I C/3" ) 'TIs Pnotinn FOC'Ca-Slcial Use,Gnla 1 at de rove „ �I fcEnOrL 4. oNu G All;n o matim MU.17. Comp(et .Permit Can Se Denied Do.To lnomp_mss ls'"or,-ctinn Existing Proposed 1 Rcqued by toning - This not=robe n➢:d in'by EuiiSgD-rye ent Lot Sizc Frontage Setback; Frau. Side L _: R. - L Pa..__ • Rear Budding Height ^A— ---.-- Bldg.Square Fooiag , _ / I /Y Open Sparc rootage _ ( cu ro .. (Lma�enublc;@vs-d 1 f rafPa' d ng -naeeb. .. (vols GLo¢rcnl A. Has a Special Fermst/Variance/Finding ever been Ns -d for/on the site? ND Q DONT KNOW 0 IH VES, date issued: IF YES'. Was the p „F.recorded at the?egistry ci reeds? Y. B. Does the site contain a brook, body of wate• or.wettands? NO 0 DONT KNOW 0 YES 0 YES.. _:uf" .7bnined from the Conservanan Com, iasfyin? n -5 `_ d is p.;stefGCOeA. C. Do any signs e dst bn the property YES 0 ND 0 IF YES, describe size, type a,.. Location: - ry&FE _tL InPC r trk pct - -H 1 - _. i desti 1.0CC±or9 _ _-.iv p ..,Swim tiictriter I4_I_oerne r C,ii the r•DIA Listiccitit_ { .E h C 3-3ESCRIPTiON OF F. C O$E6 ihORK r. .. dl ego itttSi t ,New House AddPlnn r— 1 Replacement Windouws ,Atere5on(_) — Roofing E Or Doors ❑ Rucea€gry Bldy. J 6em•,lidon New Signs (fl — Decks i'D Siding(pJ OfErsr7 iso. •NJb grief Description of Proposed I Alteration of existingbedroom es No A Lngunfinished b � �!(�,�Ily . ND o )x) '.+� 70 �RJ i( d(a m Yes` ' No X00 `STPT K1Tk i Coif ,n z Attached Narr=gve Rnov=' basement �Ye No _ _ _._ Piano Aftached Roll aheo, S.Cr P.ew house and or addreoc to sois.6rc houshrsh cure t;Eo`tto the btOntinkoll a. Use of budging:One FamilyTwo Family_ Other / b. Number of roams in %oh family unit.. ___ number of Bathreems_ a is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction_ Diman :ons e. Nummb%r of stories? f. Method of heating? .. P regia• -fir Woodstoves _, Number of path—__ g. Energy Conservation Compliance. i sscheck Energy Compliance fttrn attached?_ h. Type of%nemczon_ L - Is construction within IODR. otwetands? YeS Mo_ Is construction within floe yr. iloodpl=_in: Yes __No - 7. Depth of basement Or natio floor below finished grade_— R Willbuilding 00] arm io the'Studding and Zoning r gul lo. ? .,,_. :'es... _..Pin t u a=CM:MGR ALETHC RLFT R=TO.SE COMPa_ETE?S ::p=_3 7 OWNE«,S AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLES FOR&U6t OIHs P!F!.rt'l t ( i I Hereby t oa _ S1.Llcl`ConlA.i. {1- ito oottea my t„hal` it all matte=naive to work suthred by this building permit application. ii _ 6'16 t0 _. signature of Owner - f D&Se t—St1 _L .Y1 fill__._ / // ' 647 $cC71Lsln S S.CONSTRUCTION UERF`t'•CE`a. ._..—� LI Licensed Cen ttturron Supervisor: I Not.Applicable 0 y� Nam=_naLicense Potter t Skc:,:_rn fit V'(WirrdLr tai )A ,(") \L/ License Number L,`f'„ i G l s'r':= hi p^!t ';i rt.'11 e ("_1 ICS. CAL. i 0 4 G-1 \ !C?. Addrem / t Epratien Cats .11 I f',(/� i &A y14 CH,2frk41d='^ Signature Telephone 9Bedste'ad Home tmbrovemen Cant-nctx. Not:.aplrcebls 0 I r Cpmoanv News Registration Number .Address -._.- Kept-anon Date _ ... i"jeic'.P�,',r'e _ b}Ir UiII) I Nit Telephone"l&IL\-�();3- + H ?2CTION 16-WORKERS'COMPENSATION PfuSUmnANCE AFFSDAYSY KCl.c,952,9'25C(6)) < Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and whetted with this application, Failure to ie amide-this affidavit will result I L in the denial of the issuance of the building permit — ISigned Amdsvit Attached Yes Na....., U 11. - f Uffie Owner itifremIS't,a.€En IS=ek5_v r r li 'l„t:.mn ao tTorahawwet Person(a)who own ammo!of land on which h /-he resides or intends to side, on which there is,or is intended to he,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached stuctures accessory to such use and/or iamb- structures A nerves whe caustrwris mere limp erre home in a nainverg Alas Mt 11¢.tthe e .¢ rrd a tOirasrvi.m. Stash`e _Alinatt it il s alpilaus: .n a:..epunt to the 3L dir C0AAPsylatut be The _. FSa _c Paton Demi Penerepea year LA-cense on the job cite wig be required lionany SO Sillt](rn o. reon af the work for h1:i Astuatt `-'so be advised taM with reference to Chanter 152(Workers'Co._npewation) sad Chapter 15 (L:, ,illy of Entloyers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,von Man he N hiefor persou(s) you hire to perform work for yea under ibis permit. The wadereimed'homer mer"certifies and assumes respoosihuryh for compliance with the Sime Buil`g pods,City of NoriMampton Ca Emmen_Stars twg Looz s Tags mil Ram orWassail-mews bncral 1 Assa amemestst, City of Northampton 71P Main Street, Nonha;ton, ."1\1.A. 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54; I acknowledge teat as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting fromthe construction --- activity governed byt-iiis Buildingrermitshall be disposed ofina properly.___ licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. Address of the work: a—, ', s C6 The debris w ll be transported by: \Ir t i + (1) The debris will be reoeived by! \to, ,, ,/ Building permit.rwmber. Name of Permit Appiicanr rAfiy2cyi74-- Add or; _ _:.n -i , `;ro, 300000,N,A 02111 a o-2c.s&gov/iiia Workers' r'"C},,..De'..35ttde Tt Tinderedece 's :I av1 v.ddee:../CCsn'uen3a ' r' a r�2fio1 ambeirs Atunrocamt Trfor 7atio'i ?tease PrInt Le u_v sC;ergareaddazandduad.. du,ll+r arhi 'ciP+}tiC. 'i1.`1G!'i= r 3,k-1C_.. City/State/Zip:_. Y \Q cf(t c`i Clfyhone0: LA— .tae ®n oe e �1®y ex' Check the zpoprcrr TMlz¢e Qoos T ¢mf tcoyF<cd(nseganfivea➢): 1. aim e. ,.Ioye with °. ® I a I ar and! Iil Y✓y (Pall dadpr e I hided t s.l. ou actors � G. F New construction 2 e prr ro, -oS .n the attathed eat. 7 I d ship d have roemployees These ub con lac.or have 8. 0li„m itr-don. owl for ty. employees and have workers' 0 LI Biding adli ou [Po workers comp. su - e comp. ¢ ura c requindl 5. 0 We a corpoiation d ft 7 10.0 Electrical repairs or additions 3,0 T homterxrder doing all work officers have exercised their 11.0 PlOrnbir,2.ep adds ior;s I myself. [No workers' comp. right of exemption per MOL III 1 *_ t. 110 Roofre_is insurance reddi e d.]; c. L2, F:t".),and we have no ex'aployees. [No workers' 131 Other camp.cisur]mee required.) *Fay applicant that civets'Dot d1 madd ales fill we the sectien below showing their wm±rers'cadvmxsation inlicy in;bnnafica t 3omeiumers who nbmll tide sifiidnvitindicadng An are fl work and Then hire ontide contractors must delimit a new aMdavir indicating such -Conn'etodd that dealt tai box must meth d a addidoral Sbeet sheddiue nave of the shb-codshrters and stale whether or nuttat-7Se al-,cos have employees if the subcontractors have employees,they must provide their wonder-s'comp.policy number. _ Qrz . ra_r Thai.]., n ,uz, leer, .. erre _ _ C` _ c%icy r . C,X> r c ! s -a ca Date: a I i 12..0 16 .—. ss: _, A(' 6 JAW lawn f --I-- P'(c v 1a- OiO I0Ze - .7 _ ,._ :1 .- .�_y .._•-_ - ...KvID rt�g >.t,ts'SS$+ciL r �sr-r .en _ :_, �< uw Rn2 .ni S« .rilec. 1.tfl C_;_lead t the 14oe .1d-1 -_a,,_a circ up to y. :O.3.59 addlor`'n_ yea. ._1'c - n- well as civil iin the, _C ORnER drd4n_ of up to 5250.00 a day agraist the violator. &advised that a copy of This statement may be forwarded to the Office of Inver d, cf theL r Marts: age g . xzuif .. __ y .- .41. _ . ELL. w t c ort, __ 2.0r;.rile blteth7 --.. __ __ .=:T5 - Ius22:C s in/rt_ Y as2.2.c222, an2 Ster212rds 2cence: CS-077279 tigrAets § k i15gV 'Z A+f'{ M 258 Ch1 z ROAD y:._ "'^;z''. '. , SOUTHA ONft D17„r Soiimss_<uner 05/2112013 14 • is`LF£ OfficePConsumer Ailil_ *I b 5.., SRenzi'r2Li.'.20 05 it PSIT Plaza Suite 70 Boson, Massachusetts 02116 Home inaoxo1ernent Co or Reins-Talon - _ 7y22.2 friiyam Co-227-:i2•1 .r i n 721712012 TrS- snarl !ALLY rl�_'_Y4_ I� m t,_; 1 , — — _ tp—ca‘e.i.fl2t_ '..._..2.s-222..:222:za.;22 for._;.mE'-. z rat ..:. .. .�. _. . _ = rt ss s: .. F. . _ 7 bf c n - 172 2';'.2.21I2;;;..2.12 � VP'LEI dna f!t'r, •