Lot 2 &3 Septic Plan 1987 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH No CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Ffe'IS--- -41:17' y- ... ... Etrigugal,itanrkr1 gg,mikurtinit.rrtzit Permission is ereby granted rklenA Akeireci. .>-Gtit to Construct or Repair ( ),gnravicin2ewage Dia."i System at No. .,,I.. 3 pe 1/14-44 r • Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No 1 Dated 7 er DATE :----1)A6AA.C. 4. 13 Health FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC.. PUBLISHERS Na••••....._... • Flue „ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS �,,`,tt`1't OF'l q,",, BOARD OF HEALTH ,••• �4"- f ��'",-- 1 TY OF NO R.r}{. PTQ : `' niff.; ,' y Apl'u fiIItt fur Disposal Works Tonstrurtion tirrn R.S. 688 • Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct (V) or Repair ( ) an Individual S wa Disposal S at: , ^ ,.I tion•AA7ddprevs 4 t- p�� p Cor Lot NAo( ^r^*� .......e.QKDAN.-`�1 D .EA..-�5W .» ..0.4._..-XSI�C1IKEL.f1...S. A�drn`AAK,-N.8f...A�.1 ..... Owner 1 --..«.-.-..._..»..»..«.........� Iaataller ......«......._.........._ .._»_..«..« ..«...««....» Address �...«_.. Type of Building Size Lot. S 13,_3.4.5.._..Sq. feet Dwelling- No. of Bedrooms...........«. 3-.... Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) 14 Other—Type of Building ... No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow_.5 ....1.5.0 . G0..gallons per person per day. Total daily flow isql ..6. i.......gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity_ 5C ?.gallons Length._LC' ' Width... Diameter Depth 5 4 Disposal Trench.a No. ._....... Width 2' Total Length.-. ..i-0' Total leaching area.... 0 sq. ft.(5'nLs a• Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. i; Other Distribution box (X) Dosing tank ( ) t M Percolation Test Results Performed by F..A,....F 11-10 Date //! V 7 y Test Pit No. 1.2,0•!../..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit...Q.'.(.0" Depth to ground water...tic.1Y£ z4 Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit LQ' Depth to ground water Ala/4C. D Description of Soil E.11)LL.Q t ....._.. 4 zl V Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code—The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed. «. Date Application Approved By Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons: ........ ................»..._.....«..»..................__...._ _._r—=Date Permit No............._......._ Issued....._.-_....-. ......-........ ..._ Dace THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Irrtif ratr of (IIIm rliattrr . THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage pisposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) by....... ...»_..._.._..«......».. _._.... ............ Inataller at..._.... ._..»._» .._ - - ........»._..» ............».........._.. has been installed in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of The State Sanitary Code as described in The application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE...._.._...».. »..._._..»..«.............. ...... Inspector..«._..__.._..»......»..».......»......«...__».:»..........._.» OEEP SOIL LOGS • OWNER , EN LA VE R, (> LEE DATE M Ay 7, i 7 d 6 LOCATION ORTN F"ARN1 ,S ROAD OBSERVER FA J ( L I NORTHAMPTON-tMA� of P L ' IN • 0 _ 12" TOPSOIL 1.71'- 24'' SU BSO I L (SANDY) Tl LL. WITH coo" 24-9110 CO B BT 5 -� STONES F1 RM O COMPACT •GROUND WATER VJATFfA (NON E)OX1 DFS ;ROUND 'WATER AVE. t— T2' 0 — 12 " I TOP SOIL /2"--24'' SU BSO I L (SA N DI) LOAMY COM P/KT Z4 /0 TILL_ SOME tOBT3lES. t� F STONE S • GROUND WATER tits/A TER (NONE) GROUND WATER OX D ES PROMINENT P� ti' OF '^fr t/ „Riblk it( PERCOLATION RATE AT 4�,: w (F!',1 os R.S. 20.1- nein./inch PLAN SHOWING 5EWA GE DISPOSAL P ' e S 53,1 bblan aop^n.,417-71 `_1 7 ,` 0 a , of the :ort . ..,:;;ori ••.rd of i lth�, 0 kre' p 0,1. 34 Ill ! e subjtign ' ine rmust i e� �� .,� 50 ,ARfA os COMBINED LOTS: and verify id' riling t;.:::; the sewage dis sal sfs'r:', q o'�' 59, 2/5 SQ. FT. • was installed �° ad,: NOTE : NO OTHER WeC.LS with these appy vcd -�: . • 0 We// WlrNrN 2oo' of CI Gt / / LEACH AKEA. // ' i ,' / ci - o M HOUSE /IsFPric Q. TANS I ' j o r ft, ,eox • 4___'io'—. D , ,_ � .. .-:j • w / HI i , o t o / PRC r • l• ., , . 1 . z l 1 ( 'LT#.9 e 6.rn. NAIL ,N .0 (1) 2.' rAaPLE ' jib 61 !a'1l , • :li I �'� A PPRO k/MATE FILO. LI NE 11 I rT 1 ► I Z8' �4 q� 9y' 92.'90' 86' 0 0 0 tri N 3 LEACH TIRENCHES t"Hro 70' x 2' X 3.5' • gili ., O• RESERVE OETw[EN TRENCHES PoSt' j0D° C6.\i'. Fri" " �� FFOR: GORDON wlit NDRCA Swifr BV : FREDERICK FtLIOS .- citti...;..3.. -a. R S. j 89 WARNER ST SEPTEMBER IS, 19860 6Es / NORTKAMPTON, MA oro&0 SCALE: (I. = 110' R.W.S. SrTE: LOTS 2+3 No. rRRms RD. """"',,,, NORTHPMPTONI MASS. CROSS— SECTION OF SEPT(C SYSTEM FOR: GORDON + ANDREA SWIFT BY: FREDERICK FlLb S SEPTEMBER I(o, 1980 SCALE : HoRIZ. 1" = 10' SITE: NoRTH FARMS RD., NORTHAMPTON VERT i" 3' Plan approv ,. .j 3 17 :c,/ o g a & I of the North_ ,pt.illirsard Health J sabjcct to th- following c:,nditions: too' ELEVATIO /`+ Lesign E gineer must inspect and verify in writin tha the sewn-e disposal sgteA.LA C.H TRENCHES was inst, lied in accordaniA with these approved plans!`' x 2 3.5' LEVEL bRvNO . � GI.AD�r� - • /AIN._ _- , 2y '1 I1 10.30' rlt i 2441 > F. I FIS., I I � L)LSTANCE CALCC)LATIONS ?y' s f I L J O ISTANCL = SLC Pt y 150 1 i � SL.or6 = 6.47/4° = o.11o :._.._.,--->--------------- 1 I I - o.1 ,xISO= 211 I I 88.100 fJISTANCE- i L1 • 87.05' LJ •,,,�, ,?),,,: (t1 0. S� AT `,' 'f ' , e'l A 4i" •, •. IQ SES - I 1 . r:.s. • r. v 4° .ilP s1C •