397 Septic Plan 1981 744c- 1,--i r-ea• '7 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HE • LTH No..J/ 1.6. -1"--- OF ... A / / , I FEE /S) Disposal orks Totts)r:ttiiatt 11 ratit Permission is hereby granted JLIQ to Construct (1---YIn ivi Sewa ttll kir at No lz. Repair Repair ) an fb49/7 Street Aid) as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit N ..P..7.7/...c: Date CAI/FY ;it/t? DATE 6/4,1 4/F 7 Board of Health FORM 1255 HOBBS & WARREN. INC., PUBLISHERS -+ FEE No .......... ,•�". THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS e .4\ BOARD OF HEALTH • " , \ ! ijo,- ib)? City OF .Northampton , licppliratitiu for fli��n at L1rk .nm trurtitttt Permit ,,,„ x tcation is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal : •stema : ..._ --___N..th...E.arms...Roaid. Loti�cation-Address 1-0.)----1�dazc1S---RAs3.d.. dYdenvi 11 Q yMa-., Richazd- &-.�InP►nn..Picard Address Owner Address Type of Building [ostaller Size Lot 47A 733 Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms 3 Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (x ) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures (3 3 0 x ] . 5) 495 gallons. Design Flow 5.5 gallons per personper day. Total dailyflow. lle th Septic Tan — _iquid capacity gallons Length Width Diameter �t ._. Width 20 ' Total Length 30 Total leaching area 600 sq. ft. Disposal 7� --No. ....� - Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box (X ) DosingRPB–Hu Huntley Associates Date 6/] 4/77 ) Percolation Test Results Performed byI-0" $ I-0" Test Pit No. 1...3... ..._..minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 9 I–0" Depth to ground water Test Pit No. 2 per per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of Soil 6" OTS -- j '-0" Silt -- 2 '-6" Sand & Gravel 5 '-0" Silty Compact Sand & Gravel Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescrihed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of:IT'LL=SIT L-- 5 of the State Sanitary Code — The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Date Application Approved By nate Application Disapproved for the following reasons: Date Issued_ Permit No Issued. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH - OF TPrtiftratr of Tinit tliatia Repaired ( )p" or Re a THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) by Installer at T�^'.�. of The State Sanitary Code as described in the has been installed in accordance with the provisions ofdated. for Disposal Works Construction Permit No THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. ren TT7 Inspector Io+4!N. ,. PERc S/tE �~ 4 12.•,t r- --1 7 ,-------:-.7----1-------- Z i II 600 I R�ERVE Z 600 5F. I �f ��A EA L EACl,I FIELD 1 l I . I T A/STR/BUTION I -■ Box /500 GALLON70 SEPTIC TANK ______-7,____,_-1 - -r PD-,EO 4c, NOTE' ?RO ' 6 LOT LINES By OT1-WER5 -NOT > Till" RESUL?s 0f A SURVEY - By 7 /s OFFICE. `, ,o m VN LOT- 47, 733 S.F m N 1 1 i /so ,. V k i.3 • Np,TTy j 08 ---- FgR/'95 -- ROAD PLAN OF PROPO5ru SEWA&f i6POSAL SYSTEM NORTH/ EARNS ROAD, NOKU/AMP7ON • PREPe KI—:i7 FOR - RJC//ATT , JoANN PICA RO • , A NOTE: a - i r ALMER HUNT LEY,JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. ALL WORK TO BE REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS 9 CIVIL ENGINEERS DONE IN T ORD- 125 PLEASANT STREET �.• ANCE WITH THE .�„trk '� NORTHAMPTON , MASS. s ,C ALE: I = 4o ENVIRONMENTAL 3 DRAWN: DJ7%A CODE - TITLE 5 DAT E:6-27-Bi . . fY v ' Sf=.W1=R PIPE - SIZE AS NOTED ON PTI C TANK { 7 PLAN - ALL_ JOINTS TO BE DISTRINUTIOK 80X- WATER-1161-4T - Si-.OIDF '/S'/FT. MIND. NUME!)E2 OF CR:I-LETS NYDER �rPr=S FROM V 1 fZEr_ _ ■ D�STk I BUT IOIJ BOX TO 1 Bff NOLl -t pFoIZATED AND LAID LEVEL t AT -. t8' MI61-0/- _-". I LEAST ONE 1.ENG-n-1 OF 31-01/MAA 0.c. L/M/T5 =,F i LEA'CA-i .ziefA 3-1 I LJ WI DT4.1 -----------,,,i ( NUMBER OF PIPES VARiIES WFT14 wIDT1.4 ) ! PLAN VIEW 1 I , � F1N,S1-1 &2ALE . 4 EXIS _jIG 4----- — _ • GROUUD 4" PERFORATED PICS— F /Ioe1 , .,V / ` . Vi ,//1/rorEt f5E �fjH � J \ S 1 DE VIEW } _11-1 m1N 1.k—fp' o,c.-- NOTES'. LOAM & 3EEO44-- ALL )RK TO 8E DOOE IN ACCORDANCE ITN STATE .SANITARY CODE- TITLE .3r1/8" T , p // ,r/' % COVER'1.7 i 10 "MIN w o U./A514ED STDNE ;,, ;pr-2‘ MIN. J 0 J o,21' M I' "' 314"To l'h ,, b o v I ---4'r—PERF. JaSuFDJTONE 6 ° pt, PPC r1 .° n q - X— SECTION i ALMER N JNTLE.'Y, JR. el A s RE'.r+!sTcR[D LAND S'�RVEYcRS ti <...Lift E�YSSrdFEEtS l 125 1'L EA ,ANT STPEET i N O R T H A M P T c:.N , NIA!" S . 1____.� ' PAGE 2 of 2 - OBSERVATION PITS ' - REQUESTED BY: Al Borawl;ki -- LOCATION: No. Farms Rd. NORTHAMPLON.,_.BASS-__1110£i.Il-._ MAILING ADDRESS: — 6/1 DATE: 4/77 OBSERVER: RPB — LOT #3 Tii *3 _ ----' -OTS 6" S I LT 1 ' 0" SAND AND 9 ' 0" GRAVEL 2' 6" SILTY COMPACT SAND 6 GRAVEL Groundwater B ' 0" — Groundwat.Mr Perc Rat.' 2.0 & 3. 6 MIN/IN Perc Rats r_ II I Groundwater —_, Groundwater ._, Pere Pate Pet c Rat e * ov(,rniyht Tort ALI\1ER HUNTLI Y, JR., & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS • I-NGINEFRS • PLANNERS