844 2005 septic plan letter HUNTL1 Y HUNTLEY ASSOCIATES, P.C. SURVEYORS•ENGINEERS•LICENSED SITE PROFESSIONALS November 9,2005 nn ECEIEF Northampton Board of Health ' � p .) 212 Main Street ��( NOV 28 2005 Northampton, MA 01060 Attn: Mr. Ernie Mathieu, Health Agent _ DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS RE: 844 North King Street, Proposed Residential Dwelling NOR'HA"PION,MA 01C€ Huntley Project No. 04-113 MAP g Lot 6`d Dear Mr. Mathieu: A P 7 L o T On behalf of our client, Mr. Kenneth Patel, Huntley Associates, P.C. (HAPC) is pleased to present the revised On-Site Sanitary Sewage Design for 844 North King Street. The percolation tests and revised Sanitary Sewage Plan have been completed and designed in accordance with 310 CMR 15.00, Title V requirements. As we discussed on site, we are requesting a variance from the 75-foot setback for leachfield to wetlands, as the site constraints provide only a 50-foot setback or greater at the nearest point. As we have already provided the applicable review / processing fee, please find enclosed the revised plan entitled On-Site Sanitary Sewage Plan located at 844 North King Street, Northampton, MA. Our client would like to obtain your approval as soon as possible. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, HUNTLEY ASSOCIATES P.C. APP2R./rEi / E:tit��S'R J. 'CI u Eli, {;.5., M.S , C.H.O. GiitE.0 uR hE ALTh Mark McClusky, '.E. DATE: 7140-1/ Senior Engineer cc. Ken Patel, Property Owner �/ , �v Tris Metcalfe, Architect Av'itrih R.S., MS., C.H.O. UNMOOR OF MUTH W:'04-1:3PATEL\:.DPC \coaREsr\LeTTE'S\)413eoa3.Doc 30 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE EAST•NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 •(413) 584-7444 .FAX(413) 586-9159 1885 STATE STREET•SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12304 .(518) 393-4767 •FAx(518) 393-3510 • 16-18 REYNOLDS AVENUE.ONEONTA, NEW YORK 13820•(607) 432-3300.FAx(607) 432-8313