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32A-178 (3)
File 4 MP-2017-0065 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS/PHONE 16 AMORY STREET PROPERTY LOCATION 82 BRIDGE ST MAP 32A PARCEL 178 001 ZONE URC(100)/ THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: ZPA-RENOVATE HISTORICAL RESTORATION OF MAIN HOUSE, DEMOLIS BACK ADDITION AND GARAGES,BUILD NEW ADDITION.END USE WILL BE AFFORDABLE ' ' TAL HOUSING,31 ENHANCED SRO UNITS New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Foisting Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owned Statement or License 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: Approved /Additional permits required(see below) ���,�,,.....p,4.,�,.rr��t� PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: §SMIT 350`zo Intermediate Project Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan Major Project: ;„/ Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit with Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding, Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed _Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management . .. . 6/16117 Signature of Building Official Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A.Contact the Office of Planning&Development for more information. re File No. yet/ 7- ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION(Dio.2) Please type or print all information and return this form to the Building Inspector's Office with the $3 0 filing fee (check or money order)payable to the /� City of Northampton 1. Name of Applicant: V�IICN. IDWiw\uvul4 ,. C/C� /��p'.r`P-n� f ovV�orcC{l,at— Address: �3C fr rICti- S+ . iVoi-A144 ,p+e , OA )/f3-5Yee-S?STS r/,<h /DD 2. Owner of Property: -Tvtdj.e. +cch LLC (LLCs whe)ly,,opivted H Vc tIe1 CDC) Address: d o Vfa\ktt CDL 3o t w-kt S+. , N/ t1 hey' -t6t one: 1//g-52, -S?SS 3. Status of Applicant: Owner ✓ Contract Purchaser Lessee Other(explain) 4. Job Location: &GR. 13 on �\. cc'1—) N:;r' at..p 43A , /e 0 Parcel Id: Zoning Magi* ,_adA Parcel# /787 District(s): In Elm Street District In Central Business District (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property: Affarc\a(a\c re.*&). koasj 0 I 5j— y-oovrn '}yadr-he.od S, IL tor., 00u.1-NM (SKO> IOW UtS.q LA-4111 shout( G}ck ix and 3 s14.arec& 12 `0'r"S' 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation:: (Use additional sheets if necessary): -Tzr`„„j4-e- /Wshc,c vc54vcd1c-I ww.h knus-c 5 clty.-ol.}ti buck ctddrh o., sr.cE rats ; bwld vvew a,idrh'w._. 644 use_ usi ll be a ifu.retaWit re-vid.l kews"5 e 31 enhanced SRD LLr; s Mach koMrty5 AIC;irhenekte (u cl btik � ) (oarea-5 and eleo.a-or; Sec r,(5o aid is eel '}'wfe-lk -p<sci.c44. . 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan ),/ Engineered/Surveyed Plans 5vv 1 - 4..y-;5+.6/ (�.wlYfi 0+.S ✓ 5eb.ai,,4‘e-Des 8. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site, Ned( ``alfine 5/rm'fca-ho++J or V p(a.0 evA (a5/r iyv re NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# 9.Does the sae contain a brook, body of water or wetlands' NO ✓ DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (Form Continues On Other Side) W:\DocumenHFORMS\original\Building-Inspector\]onmg-Permit-Application-passive doe 8/4/2004 t• 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES V NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: SeGnrt l Slyns 4'H tcke -to 4kc 6,4-1 \ . No 4ze - s-&nv,cLro 5, 9nr. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: 11. Will the construction activity disturb (clearing, grading, excavation, or filling) ovey 1 acre or is it part of a common plan of development that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO V IF YES, then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. 12. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION This column reserved for use by the Building Department EXISTING PROPOSED REQUIRED BY ZONING Lot Size , `18" , / p Frontage /CO. 5 0 /00- 5 Setbacks Front 2 3 t 2 3 1 Side L: 35 r R: /81 L: 321 R: /O / L: R: Rear /0 rj l 6/ 51 Building Height 321 -k-h'P 9 9aa4 351 At. eA+N.dor Building Square Footage 5- sgalSf 'von /4,Pats, rusS (cycl. rein Cue Me.+\ h Open Space: (lot area minus building & paved (a 9 w 37 % parking #of Parking Spaces p ' 7 #of Loading Docks 0 a o Fill: (volume& location) W/P /4/A 13. Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: 6 /7/7 Applicant's Signature /7 NOTE:Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Historic and Architectural Boards,Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. W:IDocumenu\FORMSbriginel\Building-InspectorSoning-Permit-A pplicationy,azs,ve Jac 8/4/2004 lbOva lleyode. coo (/Lain_ Galt, 0 V`` c;e> t I. Sergeant House Renovation and Expansion Background/Brief Description: Valley CDC proposes to undertake the renovation and expansion of a property located at 82 Bridge Street. This residence, constructed in 1820 and known as the George Sergeant House, has been owned by Valley CDC since 1990,with modest capital improvements taking place in 1990 and in 2000. Since its purchase by Valley CDC, the building has served as a traditional 15- room Single Room Occupancy (SRO) building, having one common kitchen and four common bathrooms_ There are 8 project-based Section 8s in place, and 7 market rate units. Current tenants generally have very low incomes-67%of residents have incomes below 30%of the area median income; several current tenants transitioned from homelessness to this property. Project Goals: 1) Address current capital needs and correct safety concerns 2) Achieve handicapped access to all building levels; create at least 2 fully handicapped accessible units 3) Eliminate undersized rooms (currently some rooms< 120 sf) 4) Add a kitchenette and bathroom to each unit 5) Enlarge the size and increase the function of common areas 6) Add an office for on-site property management(part-time)and service delivery 7) increase the number of total units from 15 to 31 8) Undertake historic restoration of the building facade 9) Reserve up to 25% of total units for homeless applicants (include supportive services); potentially collaborate with DMH for a few client units 10)Serve tenants at a range of income levels, with an emphasis on low income tenants Potential Funding Sources: o Department of Housing&Community Development sources, which may include AHTF, HSP, HIP, HTF, HOME, FCF,CBH, LIHTC o MassHousing's Workforce Housing Program o Northampton Community Preservation Act Funds (community housing& historic preservation) o Northampton CDBG funds o Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Affordable Housing Program & CDA Extra Program o Smith College o Massachusetts Historic Tax Credit Program Project Process: The planned expansion will be permitted under a recently established 40-R overlay district. Best case for funding is to have all sources committed by summer 2018. Earliest construction start is fall 2018. All tenants will need to be temporarily relocated for 6-12 months as part of this project. OWNERril VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 16 ARMORY ST. NORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 ARCHITECT DIETZ&COMPANY ARCHITECTS, INC. EET HAMPSHIRE HOUSE 7HAMELD, MA 1103 SPRINGFIELD, MA 01103 NEW CONSTRUCTION / RENOVATIONCIVIL ENGINEER THE BERKSHIRE DESIGN GROUP 82 BRIDGE STREET, NORTHAMPTON, MA 010604 ALLEN PLACE NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER BARRY ENGINEERS &CONSTRUCTORS, INC 176 CHURCHILL STREET PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 do. SCHEMATIC DESIGN - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MEP & FP ENGINEER 07/01/2016 CREATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 120 MAPLE STREET SPRINGFIELD, MA 01103 n' . .ir ally t. i of ., '!R a LOCUS MAP ' I lig "' r------ 1,.I Iii ill Ilii rill' 1. k i: ' : I� L Irui 11 I e♦ u.... 9 l , I _7 ;1 BIZ Ill s T+ i" ~poi I Ill or u I �� II III 5 i a iii II lii w __... II III W n I I L I I t /1✓ C CITY OF NORTHAMPTON LecENDoll"C BRIDGE STREET SCHOOL BOUND SET UTILITY POLE o a yd 1 y IRON PIPE FOUND LIGHT POLE O ADC Yy" if IRON ROD FOUND HYDRANT ZX 2 rrx¢NN, N50:26"23"E— _ ; ,t L IRON PIPE SET WATER GATE to!103.13' . 27 r ma C CATCH BASIN GAS GATE W• m / \ 4� In An t.. DRAINAGE MANHOLE GAS METER ID -(D \ _ �rv¢ SANITARY MANHOLE ELECTRIC METER p VI \ e aELECTRIC MANHOLE ROOF GRAIN • m11 1 412;c, T \ w NNE AUTO SPRINKLER se DOWN SPOUT • C /""0.� I SHRUB 0 CONTOUR 140 / MAILBOX p SPOT GRADE "0 12 Iq ni • 0 % ` c I GAS UNE WATER LINE v W — IMRE I ^%� I /�gc.M.Wf. FENS FENCEOVERHEAD WIRES ow 1 "�11I1F I " STORM WATER DRAIN -I\ /� S 1.14 SANITARY SEWER s s • um, / BURIED ELECTRIC UEL UNIQUE LODGING. LLC 'I j „ Op, I'm MARY JANE FLAHIVE & TELEPHONE . r — BOOK 8761 PAGE 286 / I- ' GREGORY R. HAAS I -0 "a ,9,y- BOOK 5125 PAGE 198 PLAN BOOK 101 PAGE 29 I ,o TIM Nin ,Ft / PARCEL 1 1p ay +�Rr:W,a AREA= „ - o IIS' ___2, 20,823± s.f. "' n.��l CO ___ a ,F 1 "MP a1 u9``i GARAGE „� m t ran me lel 1 `1 arWE � IrrDEG ' 6'11E11001 FENCE �w�. �GeW I 5 ' �a.= nom,. NONOCK • aPAW° m... i. - Ili 1a"EH NOTES: HOUSE 0B2A HOLM I. FOR REFERENCE TO ENCLOSED PERIMETER SEE BOOK 5969 PAGE I47. V THEE IIIII i2-1/2 STORY _ WOOD FRAME 2. ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON THE 1988 NA.V 0. SYSTEM.. V N o YAK ""h 3. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON \ Mi ll' r�1 SURFACE FEATURES AS LOCATED BY SURVEY AND AVAILABLE RECORD DATA. \\ ru 1 �5 AND ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL LOCATIONS SHOUT 0 HF VERIFIED WITH \ p" I" I THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AND/OR MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT PRIOR i Fe„i' TSTO FINAL DESIGN AND/OR CONSTRUCTION. M: I Mos1l i la ,m, ,„. lb SPIKE IN POLE _ ELEY=I40JY i� ti 4)e'�sx Na.Mp. WWI ' � u� '� - ' u.. ate. I V I ,- , GI °QAII PLAN OF LAND IN = '° 499.49 NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS ` . mm —550'1591''W SURVEYED FOR a, Ma D —� __'_atr " �°` w.—a VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. 9 a— '. -® SCALE: i” = 20' to SNIP-133 u iss No Munas rwxM I ` ° — __ ° • — DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 BRIDGE STREET HERITAGE SURVEYS, INC. PUBLIC REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS _- ® COLLEGEPOSTHO�FICC BOXRR STREET I SOUTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS I (413) 527-3600 'I6, J22 . 7528-160812 low , 7528cdc1 IMAPi 7528-160923 The — Berkshire Ie Design tt Group,Inc. 2)0005°-rn00 Inannme 5513151377000 • 2 7025 5°55.1.w.°n.wNesq(Os,a wen wpm.....enweaew,.. v I INE STRIPING ON TURNAROUND ��^rr�Atwigs",�_ KEP TURNAROUND q II.WPARKING 1005 CIES arm AREA (V` 1COVERED OVMPSIER.PAD -- \` � / ® a I'YiM1""H• l ������1. OPEN GREEN r..p m CATCH BASIN 1 V���A. ' Po is �a on Nos '211 1# Ike*\v, �` SVBSVRF::E NFIlTMT1ON Q MU a Hampshire House 13 FTWIDE BT 11YARD DRAiry Site Plan ASPHALT WAUGVAY I, .�� Northampton,MA � lil 424.1111 1 15 PARKING SPACES Il .,„>-:/1 � I�F ; Y PAVER EN@ \ al�ANCE j r iaisl ACCESSIBLE SPACES ING �I1 _ YII�r, ELEVATED II INI! 'mpg" ODDEEN n DROP OF/ 01.- / nit SCREEN ti: PUNTING all jlpi WF/31 GRA II I EFT SE11219C _ . WH/TE LIFT HT • a�� �=_.li re� 1 Schematic ._ ._._ .. . 9f�L� IC A 1 — Design f ��` V — —‘ Plan e m BRIDGE STREET PURI c oins / IR31.V Changes to loOrPnni 0 r !_ I 1 - s,a 1,� L_ 1 DIETZ KEYNOTE SCHEDULE FOUNDATION WALLS CO 4 -STEEL PIPE COLUMN Architects iNmRFORA TD SPRINGFIELD MA DI ED f 1 :A c O W o r CO D > F O 0z z J __ e 2 W � z CC O o p r g GE 22ir. oCoHo fl a ! 2 o OO 3 A Q 2 z O£ ]®— Oa Oa r-0 — 1— t I ''''LE . ,�., " I. , CHOW MS } . i2 O BASEMENT EXISTING MEET,, .. na is EXISTING - BASEMENT PLAN 3 R. I I I EX100 1 I a I 1 I 2 I I DIETZ SKEYNOTE CHEDULE �� I 2 MASONRY CHIMNEY 9 MOD FIRE ESCAPE c0 II "°°°"SS Architects INCORPORATED O o ll IWlPOmv SPRINGFIELD ooa eiv nuns mcarecr 4 . . a ANT ° a a r I �Iu. ilig111 �� _I Inn -I' i LEU 0) o 11.iip, AI � �' gym' — II . o =IT NAM--II -al I 11 � W o ; 2 8 laiiliPiiI aco = g . gi z SII _-- _.1 L,....,,,_, is 1 , ._ law WWRsu4ijUi UP /11 Level 01 EXISTING 550.A22A5 2111 211112 511511215 MA V111 AL PA 5FAM 11 M9 A /10014 40200.0 EXISTING LEVEL 01 FLOOR PLAN 3 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I1 EX101 2I DIETZ SCHEDULEKEYNOTE I Co Architects INCORPORATED SPGNSFinn MX 01103 013/133-090 F 1111111k =nom= LL,µ, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r FA . iw o � II Da is 1 ! , , ' 11 ao 3 'I i E = Z II [ E1HI ELZMLE aM SEWER ¢LEDDLL sc. ______J______JLEVEL 02 EXISTING ' IIC ms EXISTING-LEVEL 02 FLOOR PLAN EX102 5 F F 3 2 F t DIETZ KEYNOTE aCxEaLE IIS NRTCHIMxEY 1Rfl F CO Architects INCORPORATED I/HAMPDEN ST sPuNcilian aFnn1+f*� 1111111111111 J . F hhh 1111 IllIlllllllllllll __ I ATTIC g - (____111111 -_-. W L 'o ? 2 s Lilo = � ll - w O .: 2U Q z it- _ 0 I - CD LEVEL 03 EXISTING J PRNE.TPC 21611 WWI BY AC PO A EXISTING - LEVEL 03 FLOOR PLAN EX1O3 • ' 1 0 . 2 DIETZ ALA STONE RUBBLE AND BR CR FOUNDAT ON WILLS � CO II I I !I I 000 PORCH Architects II it s INCORPORATED D —Ting u e=wnoeoT I1000POSTS�o�= (413)mane `az a B .e.,.<. FL mg,H _WIfflie _ Levi,,, = I- _ 1 la ��_� - �-, �I�_� IIT -- --- =_ �iarsneirmasasera rGp D LE &EAST EXISTING a - O i 8 C.0 } aQo = 7zZ IIIIIIII uS --- O_ — Zia LET T Is; h MII -. O - I =f_ Ill c o nee=r Z 11 � - .®— E= 11A = —ISI - EXISTINGLE - - - o'-o1 O EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS X IIa BCai +JatE_ -_ - - -7S WEST EXISTING 0- EX200 E 41 3 12 I DIETZ ammo a+ sgi. O xnxoTe 1 0 ISM ER OA RAND BR DA AL C41 65 I OTNIJ A NZ!MN SC ND C Architects s Lop Rm INCORPORATED ® � ® I , Expo RD sµ AOBF asurEcnantor an" 373a4ne 11=1 lII -� �BE ,ES 44 uo — - - - +111111 - — - -_ _ . — . -_- BEV;0:3 s 111111NI 0 Uig 1'w 11 n .... U II - 1 Ev, p ei -- --_-- _-- - --- IlIIilii - I� III 1 ' ili��� i� _ - lk 1 oo 111111 ,I gillb E� w _ GRO2 ' 6) 0 (29 NORTH EXISTING OOO 0 w x � Uses • Z 9 W O f 0 8 = e1 • d A co Z G Q i Q 3 s — ®I EI F -[ O III III IL III L —L Don co cc 'Il i _ A. A _ � 1 �[ � 11 �_� r iflifl . ... [ ' [ ]-L 1 «_ L 1 [ - STING _i _ it Illlllunihli = �' — — loin&] ____ - ELEVATIONS 1 IC ] _ �L l i [ I = - - max- . FiOR 2 SOUTH EXISTING _.._ _— — EX201 ` I a I 3 I 2 I 1 DIETZ GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES -+ ff 1112111.1111612111312221121213511121,212112221I2113211 me nw.m EEwaw.ovcuvuvm,o1.E..TE I C0 SCHEDULE Architects E' oErnasH BACK WING OF HOUSE INCORPORATED 0 EOLNoancx wuLS. roan SI AB 0 S o BLOW FOR NEW STAIR 01 3 .w . em msn I Wo ss CO a D 'o r o L � � s _ n . ED1- s I B 1 jrF ,[ . O o ca o , 0 L U b Q W h j 1 0 0 ! 2 Z a L`=L E ❑ o o a rii L TT----1r A F . BASEMENT li BASEMENT DEMOLITION DEMOLITION 3 va -vo 1 3 1 2 I1 AD100 3 1 2 1 1 DIETZ KEYNOTE • 5[xFWLE DEMOLISHDBACK WOG HOUSEi .._. I G CN SLAB 03 DEMOLISH WCOO FIRE SCAPE& PIERS CO DaNEW WORK AS ShOON FOR Architects E: DEMOLISH CHIMNEYS DOWN,E INCORPORATED 0 BASEMENT LEVEL DE DEMOLISH WOOD STAIRS AND J II KAMPDEN sr DECKING S'J AEON. Di OFIAOUSH PORCH 01 05 RE MOVE E MOMS 741 7314790 Ancxmcq 4m as C a r:' - , 1z f, o-, Fr- ;—o U)i _ IS L APT] = O li) -ae-� =-e==_ I1 IZ ci °' D _ z , I pSNEx • r14k- o t L-- -- � r . -- sHEo, SHED moo, .r., ��� � 1k-- , ��--� P-1 r---1 F_ ---- - tr rJjli L_ �, Lli —11 ' 7 7 b ...,"�;;.... LEVEL 0, LEVEL 01 DEMOLITION DEMOLITION3 FLAN AD101 5 I 4 3 I 2 I I DIETZ KEYNOTE SDI[ JL[ - Dl DEMO_I SH BACK W NC OF HOUSE INCLUDING FOJNDATI OJ WALLS& SLAB p5 ESCAPE ,PPESFaIDIDD51°D PIERS C 0 04 DEMOLISH VDUS TO ALLOW NEW WORK 5'5 511"55 FOR Architects DS aw+To INCORPORATED BASEMENT LEVEL 0 SPRINGFIELD TIFI inn ENani onsanv II, : : IIII : : : 1 : 1 1 : : : F ,„_ -1, LLJ o = o izzb Ana Ow [r ' - O I __ ? 2rc r - �� F r. - Q-- -Ili' 4,._, s 2 �'�� a�■ o� z - - _ . � o 2 z F TL J u— -- I st I-. n J, nvicy <>il = N L__ -- 4 R - 1 / iL�II -- t-11 - - II—CI - OLr== k AUT.__ LiiS ___ I AFT O f___' ® APT-1" Prn I ® _ �n-0 �€o ...,-. IrTLI O LEVEL` 02 DEMOLEVEL 02 DEMOLITION PLAN ON I1E1 al a. AD102 3 I4 I 3 / 2 II DIETZ KEYNOTE SCDlaw3E DINGBACK NTNG OF DATION fousz __4_; _ _ ALLS SLAB D3 CEMOLISP+!AOC D FIRE ESCAPE,FOUNDATIONPIERS C 0 Nen wopx as&dem FOR Architects OS CEMouSp cHNNEys Dem TO wCORPORnnn 0os FEMD3 FX vnxoowus cN sl AMAIGAria 103MIA �� 1 IPAXIECT —lrrrlrrrl fflT —1I 1-1r1rf IITf IlTII PM 13 PTi] W O r - r� �/ �� � 0 co ir 0 ATTIC i AL J __ I W Ws Z z N O o 0 I-11 M 1111 II tr Q 4 1 '! 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EL 9J -L -__ JU 2_414.4z,_ � —� EXTER▪IOR Ira II L . w' _ 4 L„,,-,---,--d-Til I �� —_ DEMOLITION I I I r sl A L r -III I,-.r L t1 mmmmmuau n n e _ ,QOQO:�. -- - - - a^A ass L4_ -. Ill_< F I1 `Call 11a "I t'1.T;u�� _ '+5: ti -r ELEVATIONS a i it I SYN 1..r a �YE �Ir a --r' . r. _Cs _, ,_ r.. 2 SOi.UTI H DDEMO _-. -.. – O __—_._ O_ © _ _... - .. -_ C� AD202 4 I I = ' 3 2 ' DIETZ la NEW 4CACIRETE 50 153175. Architects wcnRPORAmD 13 44394 n Dnm.M/ 013)nurw sitcHat yr 1/ ❑ • ❑ o ir D 'o 0 .!._ice, _ E weg 1g1 g • LL . a cn 0— Z Z Ito 55.4513.43354432544 110349 AND�xarwwe 33.23 O BASEMENT PLAN BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN A100 I . ._ I I T ---_-- DIETZ Aiii# I a- \ G , Architects �� - INCORPORATED 6 p i ,.,,. - __ _ __ 1w�oas TI' ,°47,,,,,,. „ MA I I ® rn "� . ii r J r ■ HOB ' rte_ 14 33, • F Cr Iii .� �'®' a�h:1� ic w o ®111114. . n ■ ._... �It - ` o =g = w L PI (iiL '--ID �� • , 9, . 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