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43-095 (5)
55 WHITTIER ST BP-2017-1270 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:43-095 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Categorv: REPLACEMENT WINDOWS/DOORS BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2017-1270 Project# JS-2017-002120 Est. Cost:$24640.00 Fee: $40.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const. Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: PELLA PRODUCTS, INC 096558 Lot Size(se. ft.): 64904.40 Owner: CARLSON PAUL R&JEAN S AKA JEAN E SIMMONS Zoning: Applicant: PELLA PRODUCTS, INC AT:: 55 WHITTIER ST Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 155 MAIN ST (413) 772-0153 WC G R E E N F I E L D MA01301 ISSUED ON:5/5/2017 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:REPLACE 15 WINDOWS AND 1 DOOR UNIT- NO STRUCTUAL CHANGES POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas:- Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 5/5/2017 0:00:00 $40.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner Department use only City of Northampton Status of Permit: ��p /�\�k \ Building Department Curb Cut/Driveway Permit PVA .. A v r 212 Main Street Sewer/Septic Availability - Room 100 Water/Well Availability \ r,` Northampton, MA 01060 Two Seta of Structural Plana phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Ske Plans Otter Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR, RENOVATE OR// DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING CJ SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 0- / 7 - 4.1'ZU 1.1 Property Address. This section to be opl completed by office 65 wLa4-4Ier .---3- Map ti Lot (/ /� Unit r ion-no, r-wa 01(yea Zone Overlay District Elm St Disinct CB District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: 9ULCa0_5ow �aeia E S-,nmm?s 55 !i )hiker Sr >7oreaco 0, o✓64/2-- Na (Print) Cu n ilin ss C y W3"e . X177 yll'Y�'✓�—' Telephone Signature ✓/ 2.2 Authorized Anent: /� -t�efic_ cc' (ucfS � u'aSrrnK�in Si- (;�-Ccni�c%d hlh 0I36/ Na Current Mailing Address: Chi - 17a '0t53 Signa a Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building n� 65v0 (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical a' (b) Estimated Total Cost of Construction from(6) 3. Plumbing — Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection //� ,�/ — 6. Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) `RE], 694/0.` Check Number 0— This Section For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued: Signature: �� =.��� v Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date Section 4. ZONING All information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be tilled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg. Square Footage °a Open Space Footage (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume&Location) A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO 0 DON'T KNOW Q YES O IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO O DONT KNOW 0 YES O IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document it B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO O DONT KNOW cy YES O IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES O NO 0 IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES O NO 0' IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. WII the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation, or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES O NO 0- IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House n Addition ❑ Replacement RWindows Alteration(s) ❑ Roofing n Or Doors L' Accessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition E New Signs [0] Decks [p Siding[0] Other[p] Brief Description of Proposed Work: K-0lcc in5 IS khrtc/(L r. .+ 1 da Ii - US ins erpz4n5 rlmniny, I",t-A i-k3CkAnS"c''c% Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No //'' Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No U rAci "S th, 064, Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 0,-O4..t-.Celv+1 sa. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building :One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I, P4 Ara L f Df., Utt/] t - c,i»/no9s ,as Owner of the subject property (.> I ';�rW'.'v Ct .--.3.71\C to yIon my be in��ii!matteers reelative to wo uthorized by this building permit application. Lila Signature of Owner ` Date 1, �L\\C----C---- CCA 00 H3 —LC , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and informati on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. -Tnn r3r0Thsr Print am ' h- VI 7 ign re of Owner/Agent G/���j�./ Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable 0 Name of License Holder 71-ie y(Y YO SS C 0,9 CD Ssi License Number l G Oxer \-Nr lel yx a O 2 •i 01 /of/a Address itf Expiration Date . � i3 ' 7 7 a • 0)57 aign we Telephone 9.Registered Home Improvement Connector Not Applicable 0 Thr TIC- �rxo� ��C / aa�9 Company Name /� Registration Number 5 rig rr;n S� Ct eenheLe hh 'g 01 r31ac//j? Address Expiration Date Telephone 4 '3 77a-0s SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.GI.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes No C 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occupied Dwellings of one(I) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that the owner acts as supervisor.CMR 780. Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person(s)who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is.or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances, State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature City of Northampton 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Solid Waste Disposal Affidavit In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, I acknowledge that as a condition of the building permit all debris resulting from the construction activity governed by this Building Permit shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111 , S 150A. Address of the work: 55 w k, L l ;c.- ST The debris will be transported by: ?rcioi u c The debris will be received by: I SS nrn j n Sj Lr._47.4../ Building permit number: Name of Permit Applicant Date Signature of Permit Applicant The l;ommonwea1 h ofMamacha setts aceta ._t Department ofImtvairia1Aeatrs Aerations t. — = I Congress Street.Sake WO 'i Boaron.MAO2114-2817 ".4a.1-1' tpwMtlrarsgov/dia Workers'C.mpeusa tion Insurance Affidavit:fkulders/ContraetorefriectriciassiPhinibers. TO RE HUED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORTt7'. APPlieam'Moms/ion Please Print LegRalr Name dlosinenakkanizationandivianly Paha Pfmucts.ktc. Addresss: 155 Main greet - CitytStatee2ip: Greenfield.MA 01301 Phone#: 413-772-0153 An Raw a employer?Cant thempmpahb rat typ./!Hole%(required): IClft"ea$07crlab 48 main eeffrdmLm'Fwaomret 7. 0 New construction CIi am ateepownwe<paaaabpmd bremonpkym weans arms. S. EJR y,ling ml=pe ty.ft riders"comp.mase mrv.dl 4J Clem a tomositerdai. .A cot mdmif fNo ata CM,�M eI cdi' 9. ID Demolition IO Q Building addition CQiwaho®ama tad salt tehaiap warztss m cad.x a9 rat m ray peay. taxa epmeasoaaicoeocaseibmloae.mtns'caagmeem®arsmacro* ti. ]Electrical repairs or aellimet trom+ems.id wosmpvrm 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions 5.01 son gmnat.vammm ata I Aare tied the abtaoumms Bored m lie=abed shore Tltba. .:mtamphora wheal al haheal comp.Sulam: i3.❑Rooftepa'ats m mweoe 6.0 We at a[repo net d E oBansiawatteat1 tlarswtaofmamtnS pr WM.t- 14.00ther 152 plti),aadst b+e oaapianrn€hoantis?Wrap.®nocc eemeK1 'Ary motion Sada:Ma Om ft met eta NO net thr satin below aia.og tow vicaketecoop®us porky tdamaiim tlanameas at Mika SS cnida ti.aatie day at dear as watt red Oa lure icer omrum met waxer a nv admit mag ss.te `katraaamthat check Wnboa met aaarhdm adding— sem tlm.ag the az oftc snba.oaaa sebum"Mahar acat Mose eakim bete rmptrocc lit sd.aerana In amoiprm.they panicle its make&a peaky amber_ tear as adapt that s'nada waken'nmrpas es caweaacefor aey eadada Rd...iv the p.ócy sad3.4 sae h.formetros_ Inaoaoce Company same: Federal Insurance Company Policy a or Self-ins.bei 71745016 Eanonana cote, 01-01-2018 Job Site Address__..` s.7 a Is.: .h)i a-- a .City'suit/4x L An-nee rx4....C/O6Z. Attack a copy of the worms'coopeasatiaa policy dee mstins page(sbowlegdie polity umber ad expiration este). Fame m secure covemee asrequired mdex MCI c. 152,§25A is a aEirtroal violation pamicintate by a fine up to 54500.00 andel'or one-year imprea man,as wc0 as evil peratbes in the form ofa STOP WORK ORDER and a firm of up to S.'SOAo a day against the siotror.A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Insvesugauons of the DIA for insnntct cavelike verification. Ido kneby cen(fy an a rIe pains sadpmrp ades ofpay Ida the fafwtaapmapat(saw is bate sad enact Simatrne- ,-� ���G�' ice: "77.:7 2/217 Phone#'. Y ?,,Csvt ' .. — Officfafase day' Derat'at be ._._. e etas area,te be coated by a or ant ef/icid City or Town:-- PermniUtieease 0 ...... _ Nsahrg Authority(circle out 1.Board of Health 2 Bmddt Department 3.Cityfrown Clerk 4.Electrical1atpeeefor S.Plumbing Inspector b.timer Contact Person: Phone 4: PELLA PRODUCTS INC. 155 MAIN STREET `� GREENFIELD, MA. 01301 Date: ala 0 ' To: Tun ()✓ence Subject: Disposal of Debris The purpose of this letter is to certify that all debris from any project undertaken by Pella Products, Inc. in your town will be transported to a dumpster at our main facility; 155 Main Street, Greenfield, MA. Pella Products, Inc. is under contract with Waste Management of Massachusetts For the disposal of the contents of this dumpster. Very truly yours, PELLA PRODUCTS, INC. John P. Benjamin Accounting Manager Pella Products, Inc. 155 Main Street Greenfield, MA 01301 Office:413-772-0253 Cell:413-834-8799 To:Building inspector From:Trevor Bross—Installation Manager Date: February 223 2017 Subject: Building Permit Applications&Designees Pella Products Incorporated is in the business of replacing windows and doors for our customers. Our process includes providing a building permit for each and every project. i am a licensed Construction Supervisor. Building Permits will be applied for using my CSL#CS-096558 and my HICK 142279. Please find a copy of my licenses below. MSSskcneNpts .. ^" " " �ConmudWn ruaerrisor ---► eokni of BuOWq +"" Restricted io: Unrestrid®tl- dedutpa of pu_tgnse ono cams leenptr s r,." lesstlud SpeOe cubic h6t lR8i pwDio�7F)d ConaN4enOS :Y enclosed 4PSCe aREElKiLtlp �f_ � Commissioner t$N� e.......,.....Id. Ina or Gasper A@ink Sweep RegssmoS {IGpRtN Each Installation will be staffed by our installers who are all licensed in accordance with current building codes. Below listed are our installers and their license numbers.Please accept these Individuals as my designees. Willard Brown CS106010 Vladimir Shevchuk CSSL099209 Aaron Torres C5108472 Scott Bowdish CSSL100232 Bill Leger CS89338 David Ruffner CS57308 Brian Thompson CS67121 Ilya Katykhin CSFA106240 Igor Kravchuk C5094911 Ac rzo o® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE M"TG"Yy"" `---- 12/30/2016 _ THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the tens and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not Confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Robin Sargent Berkshire Insurance Group, Inc, sime,,t,i, n�. {413)773-9913 iF �y(4131+x1-3872 117 Main Street -tem- rsargentgberkshireinaurancegroup.cos INSUREMM AFFORDING COVERAGE HAIGX Greenfield MA 01301 INSURER A Great Northern Insurance Co. 20303 AAAA.... AAAA.... ............._ INSURED INSURER 13 Federal insurance Co. 20281 Pella Products, Inc, INSURER C[ 155 Main Street INSURER 0: I INSURERE: Greenfield MA 01301 INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:17GL,AL,WC REVISION NUMBER: THS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSRBR - FppLJEFE'F POU CY Lm TYPE OF INSURANCE MSC App POLICY NUMBER IMINUOMYYI IMM'ONVYMYI UMITO I X COMMERCIAL GENERAL UA8IUN'.TY EACH OCCURREP 1,000,000 A I CIAIMSMADE R,J OCCUR IvRE 1,000,000_ ■ I 36043410 11/1/207 1/1/2018 MED EAR(Any one Person) 5,000 III' PERSONAL AADV INJURY 1,000.000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER. GENERAL AGGREGATE 2,000,000 PODGY %!,RENT X LOC I PRODUCTS.COMP/OP AGO 2,000,000 OTHER. AUTOMOBILE uApu1Y LAMBINED SINGLE Limn 1,000,000 (Ea ac dell AAAA.. A ALL OWNED SCHEDULED PP2LYI INJURY FaDm) X BODILY INJURY AUTOS SOS n3696d1N 1(1/2012 1/1/1018 B00LYINJUf' (Per acoCmp HIRED AUTOS �AUTOS O IPe mq ALE 8,000 ' UMBRELLA DAB I OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE F EXCESS LMB f CLAIMS-MADE 'AGGREGATE E U D RETENTIONS $ WORKERS COMPENSATEGNPEA OTFi- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABRIIY `t STATUTE , EER NY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE YlN !EL.EACH ACCIDENT E 500,000 M OFFICERPMBER EXCLUDED N N IAS 8 (Mandatory M NH) 7174601/ 1/1/207 1/1/2010 E.L.DISEASE.EA EMPLOYE E 500,000 .Iy olb deee under 'DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONSbeIpw I EL DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT IE 500,000 1 ' DESCRIPTION OF OPERATORS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101 Adiomel Remarks schedule,maybe attached Ifmore space Is nmulreM Operations usual to the sale a installation of doors & windows. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town Of Florence (Northampton) THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Building Commis slonerra Office, ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 212 Main St Northampton, MA 01060 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE C)1988-2814 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD INSO2Sontinn Contract - Detailed Pella Window and Door Showroom of Greenfield Sales Rep Name: Lukomski,Adam 240 Mohawk Trail Sales Rep Phone: (413) 335-3237 Greenfield, MA 01301-3209 Sales Rep Fax: 413-774-6348 Phone: (413) 774-7231 Fax: (413) 774-6348 Sales Rep E-Mail: alukomski©184.pellapdsn.com Customer Information Project/Dellvery Address Order Information Paul Carlson Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA01062 Quote Name: Architect Series Windows and Patio Door 55 Whittier Street 55 Whittier Street Order Number: 739Q2EL131 FLORENCE,MA 01062 Lot# Quote Number: 8833118 Primary Phone:(413)588-1477 FLORENCE,MA 01062 Order Type: Installed Sales Mobile Phone: County: Payment Temp: C.O.D. • • Fax Number: Tax Code: MASS E-Mall: Quoted Date: 4/3/2017 Great Plains It: 52H5841006 Customer Number: 1002385322 Customer Account: 1000335820 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website atwww.pella.com Customer: Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number. 739Q2EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 • Line# Location: Attributes 6 Pre-Finish Discliamer Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $0.00 1 $0.00 Customer Notes: Stained and paint color samples are produced as accurately as possible:however,actual colors may vary from batch. Because wood is a natural product,each window or door will display its own personality with regards to variation in color,texture and grain pattern. Natural wood variations include distinctive grain patterns or unusual shadings in color. Due to the nature of using natural products, Pella Windows and Doors cannot be responsible for the actual degree of variation that may occur in your purchase. Line# Location: Attributes 10 Living Room Architect, Double Hung, 33.5 X 47, Brick Red • nem Price Qty Ext'd Price $1,813.01 2 $3,626.02 I NE 1:Non-Standard SizeNon-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal PK# Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 47 4 1982 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" IIExterior Color/Finish:iih: n Painted,ishStandard Enduraclad,Brick Red ■Y. Interior Color/Finish:Ogee, Standard, Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lack,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard,InView'" Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 028,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137-00001,Performance Class CW, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied, No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",77/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=161". Frame Size:33.5"X 47" EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Customer:Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number 739Q2EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 FF4-Full Frame Tear Out Installation up to 90 UI Qty 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 Line# Location: - Attributes 15 Main Level 2nd Room Architect, Double Hung, 33.5 X 47, Brick Red Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $1,813.01 1 $1,813.01 u1:Non-Standard SizeNanStandard Size Double Hung,Equal mit PK q Frame Size: 331/2X47 1982 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" • ��m Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad, Brick Red I MSS Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior _ Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs - Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InView's Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/1r,7 7/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=161". Frame Size:33.5"X47" EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) Qty 1 FF4-Full Frame Tear Out Installation up to 90 UI Qty 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed nn d/9A9n1] r,........w n......i^w ^ -_ Customer: Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number: 739Q2EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 Line ft Location: Attributes 25 Main Level 2nd Room Architect, 2-Wide Double Hung,67 X 47, Brick Red Item Price Qty Ext'd Price $3,116.59 1 $3,116.59 I :ERN ■PI. 1:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal r- 111111• ■s■ PK ft Frame Size: 3312X47 SPIN •PI■ 1982 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" ■Y■ ■Y■ Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior 33.%733.5• Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard,InViewN Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137-00001,Performance Class CW, PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 1: Fenton/Mull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C 2:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 47 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad, Brick Red Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne, No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InViewTM Performance information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-re,Mull Design Pressure-2C Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins, Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=228". Frame Size:67"X 47" EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(spares 2 x 3) Qty 1 FF-7-Full Frame Tear Out Installation between 91-120 UI Qty 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Prinrod nn nl97n917 r........... n.....n..a -- 7 .- Customer Paul Carlson Project Name. Cadson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number, 739Q2EL131 Quote Number.8833118 Line 4 Location: Attributes 30 Bathroom Architect, Double Hung,25.5 X 47, Brick Red Item Price Qty Ext'd Price f $1,809.53 1 $1,809.53 1:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal n �! PI(// Frame Size: 25 1/2 X 47 �. 1982 Exterior Coloneral r!Finish:ation: Standard, d,Standard aEndu adad,Brick Red I Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs • Glass: Insulated Dual Tempered Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitudr Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InViewm Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPO PEL-N-179-01141-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirement[ Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(2W2H/2W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=145". Frame Size:25.5"X 47" EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould OW 2 EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) Qty 1 FF-4-Full Frame Tear Out Installation up to 90 UI Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Printed nn d19719M7 n^.a....a Customer:Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number: 739Q2EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 Line X Location: Attributes 35 Bed 1 Architect, 3-Wide Double Hung, 1003 X 47, Brick Red Item Price Qty Extd Price $4,30268 1 $4,30288 WPM UP U •PM 1:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal r' W• trSrr flu PK a Frame Size: 331/2X47 ••• •n• ••• General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" nue •wie ans• 1882 Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red a3- '533 3 Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InViewlx Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.53,VLT 0.80,CPD PEL-N-179-01113-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirement: Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C 2:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 47 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",3 11/16" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard,InViewiv Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.53,VLT 0.60,CPD PEL-N-179.01113-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirement: Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H).Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 2: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C 3:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 47 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InView1° Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.53,VLT 0.60,CPD PEL-N-179-01113-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirement: Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=295". Frame Size:100.5"X 47" EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 FF-9-Full Frame Tear Out Installation between 121-150 UI Qty 1 EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www pella.com Printed nn A19715M7 r...a....n n.a- -A __ .,. Customer: Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St. Florence MA 01062 Order Number: 73902E031 Quote Number: 8833118 • Line# Location: Attributes 40 Office Architect, 3-Wide Double Hung, 100.5 X 47, Brick Red Item Price my Extd Price $4,302.88 1 $4,302.88 111,1111 UNPIN _,,I. 1:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal •r• •W1 Un PP(11 Frame Size: 331/2X47 •AE sr• •r• General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" owe no nil 1982 Exterior Color/Finish: Painted.Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red a-31€15T3 Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard Entluraclad,Brick Red,Standard, InViewnl Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.53,VLT 0.60,CPD PEL-N-179-01113-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111, Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W21-1),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C 2:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 47 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Entluraclad,Brick Red Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InViewm, Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.53,VLT 0.60,CPD PEL-N-179-01113-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W21-1),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 2: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C 3:Non-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal Frame Size: 33 1/2 X 47 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311116" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InView"' Performance Information: U-Factor 0.30,SHGC 0.53,VLT 0.60,CPD PEL-N-179-01113-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Vertical Mull 1: FactoryMull,Standard Joining Mullion,Frame To Frame Width-0",Mull Design Pressure-2C Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16',77/8", Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length-295". Frame Size:100.5"X 47" EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) Qty 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 FF-9-Full Frame Tear Out Installation between 121-150 UI Qty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pellet/website at www.pella.com Printed nn d/97/9017 n.,..,..,.., n..,-;I..4 Customer:Paul Carlson Project Name: Carison Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number: 739Q2EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 Line N Location: Attributes 45 Office Architect, Double Hung,33.5 X 47, Brick Red item Price Qty Ext'd Price $1,813.01 1 $1,813.01 I :MR 1:Non-Standard SizeNonStandard Size Double Hung,Equal ill, PIG/ Frame Size: 331/2X47 �S NNE; 1982 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red ■S, Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior _J Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs - Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad, Brick Red,Standard,InViewm Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied, No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=161". Frame Size:33.5"X 47" EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) Qty 1 FF4-Full Frame Tear Out Installation up to 90 Ul Qry 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 Line# Location: Attributes 50 Bedroom 2 Architect,Double Hung,33.5 X 47,Brick Red Item Price Qty Extd Price $1,813.01 1 $1,813.01 IIMMU 1:Non-Standard SizeNon-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal A •SU PKp Frame Size: 331/2X4] tr 1982 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" A Exterior Color I Finish: Painted,Standard Enduracad,Brick Red NNE Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InView19 Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137-00001,Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirements Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied, No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Prep For Stool Three Sided Jamb Extension, Factory Applied, Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=161". Frame Size:33.5"X 47" EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) Qty 1 FF4-Full Frame Tear Out Installation up to 90 Ul Qty 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmould Qty 2 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance,service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at www.pella.com Drinfod nn 1197191117 n •• -_ Customer: Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittier St.Florence MA 01062 Order Number: 739822EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 Line# Location: Attributes 55 Basement Architect, Double Hung,33.75 X 42, Brick Red Item Price Qty Ext'd Price r $1,771.05 1 $1,77105 U Pm 1:Non-Standard SizeNon-Standard Size Double Hung,Equal min PK# Frame Size: 333/4X42 ■w, 1982 General Information: Standard,Style,Clad,Pine,5",311/16" Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red NNE Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard,No Sash Lugs • Glass: Insulated Dual Low-E Advanced Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Cam-Action Lock,Champagne,No Limited Opening Hardware,No Sash Lift Screen: Full Screen,Standard EnduraClad,Brick Red,Standard, InViewm Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.28,VLT 0.53,CPD PEL-N-179-01137.00001, Performance Class CW,PG 50,Calculated Positive DP Rating 50,Calculated Negative DP Rating 50,Year Rated 08111,Egress Does Not Meet Requirement: Grille: RMB,No Custom Grille,3/4",Traditional(3W2H/3W2H),Unfinished Wood,Unfinished Wood,Shipped In Unit Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Prep ForStool Three Sided Janb Extension, Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance,Perimeter Length=152". Frame Size:33.75"X 4? EXTSTYLE2-Exterior style-PVC historic sill(approx 2 x 3) OW 1 FF-4-Full Frame Tear Out Installation up to 90 UI Qty 1 EXTTRIM7-New exterior trim 2 inch PVC brickmouid Qty 2 Line# Location: Attributes 60 None Assigned Architect, Double Inswing Door, French, Passive I Active,71.25 X 81.5, Brick Red Item Price Qty Ext'd Price f $7,463.80 1 $7,463.80 111 g!11 1:7282 Passive/Active Double Inswing Door PSI '11 PKp Frame Size: 711/4X811/2 •III OIL General Information: Standard,Clad,Pine,7 718",6 9/16",Standard Sill,Bronze Finish Sill,Oak Threshold • l„ „% 1982 Exterior Color/Finish: Painted,Standard Enduraclad,Brick Red UIN PdI Interior Color/Finish: Unfinished Interior • Sash/Panel: Ogee,Ogee,Standard Glass: Insulated Dual Tempered Low-E NaturalSun Low-E Insulating Glass Argon Non High Altitude Viewed From Exterior Hardware Options: Standard, Bright Brass,Order Handle Set,Multipoint Lock Screen: No Screen Performance Information: U-Factor 0.29,SHGC 0.34,VLT 0.38,CPD PEL-N-218-04167-00001,Performance Class LC,PG 55,Calculated Positive DP Rating 55,Calculated Negative DP RALng 70,Year Rated OE Grille: ILT,No Custom Grille,7/8",Traditional(3W5H/3W5H),Ogee,Ogee Wrapping Information: Foldout Fins,Factory Applied,No Exterior Trim,No Interior Trim,6 9/16",7 7/8",Factory Applied,Pella Recommended Clearance, Perimeter Length=306". Frame Size:71.25"X 81.5" PD-1 -Patio Door install up to OFT in width Oty 1 For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at wwwpella.com Prinlnd nn AI97/91117 4_ - Customer: Paul Carlson Project Name: Carlson Paul 55 Whittler St Florence MA 01062 Order Number. 73902EL131 Quote Number: 8833118 &Project Checklist has been reviewed "" d�NuL(.anitaN j-4) Slimr,t AJc i Li it,w,c/9i tali k .atai ' I ' f tomer , . : _ (Please pnml Pella Sales Rep Name �wmse print) axable Subtotal $14,441.76 p L S( I7> ,P--- ��- ` 71..„47 Sales Tax© 8.25% $902.61 Customer Signature / Pella ales Rep Signature Non-taxable Subtotal $9,295.81 /,k 7/ dei7 7 LH ; 7/17 Total $24,840.00 Date Date eposit Received $12,000.00 mount Due $12,640.00 Credit Card Approval Signature For more information regarding the finishing, maintenance, service and warranty of all Pella®products,visit the Pella®website at wenn pella.com