38B-073 (11) 4 `„1), City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 14. lit, 1 . Footings and Walls F > BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2 . Structural Components in Place 3 . Complete Building No. 76 Office of the Building Inspector Date Feb. 13, 19 90 BUILDING PERMIT THIS MAY CERTIFY THAT John Zietnlnski tnsp. un Site — Foundations has permission to do interior alterations to existins space Insp. of Plumbing — Rough -- situated on 227 South Streat Insp. of Plumbing — Finish __ provided that the person accepting this permit shall,in every re- Insp. of Wiring — Rough spect conform to the terms of the application on (dein this office, and to the provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating Insp. of Wiring — Finish to the Construction, Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in Insp. of Health (Septic Tanks) the City of Northampton, Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation of this permit. Expires six Building Insp. — Rough a months from date, Building Insp. — Finish Note: A certificate of occupancy will he issued by this office upon return of this card signed by the Plumbing, Wiring and Building Smoke Detectors (Fire Dept.) Inspectors. Gas Inspection THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONSPICUOUS PLAC N THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupancy rBuilding Inspector U.` /. .. CITY OP NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS t*.44i=d' ^''l OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS 'c, 'e -.^v Page tQ0) Plot –1c APPLICATION FOR n ZONING PERMIT AND INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT – Applicant to complete all items in sections: I, II, III, IV, and IX. P G�� 0N1AG N• t2utoxl 22� 5c4.4 (7 1t I4 EST- •.... mSTRIC.- LOCATION INo.i 5114EET, OF 6ETWEEN #T to U 1=- `.L..+Tn €-&7 . ANO _... BUILDING ICRoSs crecET1 ICROie STREETJ LOT SueDIVIStON........ LOT BLOCK SIZE us II. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING – Ail applicants complete Parts A – D z A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT 0. PROPOSED USE - For"WreeMnq" most recent use m m 1 New but kiln -Is Resfdom;a! Monreeldemloi 2II Adarbent if remtientiat, titer camber 12+ I One family 181_ I Amusement,tecrtationc of nem Imustng toms added, If art y. 13 j` Twoe famlb - (Ira 19I - j Church other mf gcm in Par[D, t3) ar more r , 31-�Ynllerol�on (See 2aGovel number a/units--- -n-.i 20; Ilndusmal 14 I I Transient ho,el, motel, 21 ' Parking garage 4 Reparr, replacemeot ord (^117 111"1(77 5(—: elrecAng Ill wh/1114 dr rt tzttenttat, ttf Tee t.. - _ 22; 15 r.ree Vahan rep*r gotoge n.her or nnwe f lkk I um? bI 1 l Garage 23i Hvseuoi, insbtur onsl f 15 1 I 161_ _ Cowart 2l+ l Office, bank, grnfesxumwl 6 Mor lvrg [relocerion) 19 I Other - Sl+r'ct/S 25 I Public utility hub Foundation o yI —T 26 School, ',bray,other educer lorol B. OWNERSHIP 27 Stares_7e14471be 1 Pe. ndividual, corporationtel__ Tankx. towers8 m< (I -_ nonprnilr nisi tuber), etc. .._...... 29 Other - SOerz/r__, 9 PAIN (Federal, Satre, or oech government/ C. COST "'"r ' + Nmr + - Describe betaiI prcpased use....of building; e ra:.. food � processing a!F shop, laundry i go baso 1, entw s m 10 Gott of impeent $ 1 (q '///.n-2 + secondary s college para h choal, garbing garage for 1. deartm rental office building office buiild.ng at ndua l plan.. Jo be, ttttalle rat not int-ha:co If use of ecu ng building is being chat ged, enter proposed use. 1 in the abet 0.1 c, tlecrncal l t DEI C> r b, Plumb- g D-6116 c, Hesse, air conditioning ��.. .'....— _ d.other (elevator. etc , q ........... 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT 0-0 / 2"o III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING – For new buildings end additions, complete Parts E - L, for wrecking, complete only Part J, far all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1. DIMENSIONS 3C ,:Masa . all bearing, 40 P.bi:c o rate no o �. Number of stories _._ 31 1 Wend (tame tt i Prvwre"re sev in ro , etc.r 49. Total 'sq a fee of flocarea ad flours based on exterior 32 7 Srruorural steal _ dimensions 33 Re,nfotced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY -- SC 34 Other upec iL _.. 42— P-.blor pr:.ate rampant _ io.at in. v se- {r - . -:c 43 P.i.me L.ell. Drew K.K. PARKER DF OFF STREET PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL SI. Enclosed 35 Gas '4,II there be central ad 52- G rdoon 36 I OJ 13737"17'39( i—_ _ _ L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 Electricity 44 yes 49 No _ 53. Number of bedroom 38 Cao- 39Other _ (Br,71__ . _ e, r there he an eletororc F,11 1yr Ler _f l 46 47 _ I No b e toms \ Partial 4 IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants e Nome Moiling address - Number. street. env, and gray ZIP code Tet. No. Owner or Fus s +JO Art ... _. "), 7 . Soa7i... Sr. 65/C6o _S8 Lorne G305 , D/{1-, +m Pant At4 rr/64-A .2. ,_. Rn. n Liters. No. S£Y t omronor g C>R77,4yin 073..0 .vw 0/0 e,0 3. 412889 Yaoz ....... Architect or ...._ �.. Engineer I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable lows of this iuri sdiction. Signature of applicant Address ,! Apphcatian date PiL,oe. 67 react, firi(_L_ C/1. nJoKPbirr.p I 274,3/SO. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plana Review Required Check y Plan Review Dote Plans BDote Plans Nolex Fee Started Approved BUILDING $ Ill ....... PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Date Date Permit or Approval Check Ob o ned Number By Permit or Approval Check Obta ned Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD w � FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER VII. VALIDATION Building itFOR DEPARTMENT USD ONLY Permit number �` Building .. 2 (1i h use Grow, —.. Permit issued -"PkkZ I 19 ) Building $ Fire Grading Qpyy�� �y Permit FeeOn l4) • Live Loading ..._ Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Load Approved by: 1-77 " Drain Tile $ -77 Plan Review Fee $ -----/-2/./ cJ ✓ TITLE NOT ES and Data — (For department ase) VIII. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES DISTRICT USE FRONT YARD SIDE YARD SIDE YARD REAR YARD NOTES IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN - For Applicant Use li:s s.Y :::s....s: :s:s is:weir0.1......: '"..«..aisk_i3liu alias e s ;;;iFu...«. nu:=.ewu��e•.a: :: s «n::ue• •s.re se•E•ernU • e.Enif. ilMillt ursae .« . �n.�'•i a illrnlElsl iii ! e::siasiinju nes:u••••••«.«....«................a.«.. .,.al . �riein.«:'i s !e REi� l=s.7 1.ifulu::n::i:u....«.«.. ss KIMEM •s"• «.:• ee iEE BiliniSSPE #�" :.n i•rsna...«ussru:•ne•1•••:•i .............. um�uns:rnanaaEfef •a n:as:LY Cinu Ya�«"«fii " umuaiu:ieEE ; : : : . . . :. :. aa..«.a es ;�E �� : 1 ' 1ti�is1!U ..:si in n: iisisisss= •««•! !� : :i _ uu: nnaun_7:nns:nus: in:s«•• :en• : sus Blom: 4 s• l___11 ._w s•a•E nsasu•sensaaP.r«:u ,.ulae . 11i ...i .fa naiii..s s ««..« 'I EE•Ee3i pm I e:nnunMPr.n.•:r• n .1S'a" l:-•••••&:si1474di « :=:11=1 1. liulJG! gsuufE• :. slisns::snu:.Y e`�~"«'::�E«ee : : :aus is iii« •' tee... !!�g E::C• :"r.«"'•.. . . . . i EEe�� :ef: a i�� lns: �ssi siee«...ut I s ��� � = 3; 1'E ..=:assl iie ue:sls iiru: : s OrdIFmaw=asm p nsY�eeuii5nsuie�li« :sats ya': :f ififir ..«:..•... « �1.. 1i.;...«.«._.: ':an . «:fie:. Yn PP' s inseSOu u iiGel "!i li3EEi:e's'r.� «.......«nse..nasi s up. .Er s r ..«.�«•.nsn.ita:".. i•n••esanil::2n::: :Sn .e i:::: • nim.' ss C7! reC,g"':EEeiieelY sus::mi'r..ufaa:l::::sli:'e" : s ; : s «.« «n..... is R :s.«i.:Snn"ns:"..e:ne$ s:s 1 Plan lli •i KEeE i?el:. 1911lii 1 • nsn" irli.«. l •«• •n •... u1rGs:enu:e: I. ssss:::n111:11•14: ei 'tts1181111171‘111165911111liiia «......i t .s s. . : e yi EEpuigunuslu' iK:. Y1: : uu:!2minut sae1 •u« i 4 « � Y «au90. •unuu: d. .s is..e: sns1thU331113:311•31191u . . s: :: sei • •.. . .. st« IJS1 . :.a11MHBe . LInfag# •y. :n ..mflnan0« =a «castna.. _......_li:11--s: n i x �lnlra iemn =.n:i :ninnsiiun: uianiiim r7" "• ilC•••••••••••••••••"i:i�9 � ia na ellliEila:...desllf :nEli:Lnlmuls : f•" 1 -h1,1;11 r; ! 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