43-065 (7) f'A DEPT. OF !WILDING INSPECTIONS Main StreetBUILDING �o -`- Northampton,pton, MA 01060 PERMIT a" 43 - 65 VALIDATION C DATE May 26, 19 PORMIT NO. F2 APPLICANT Eric W. Smith ADDRESS 56 and py Dr. Owner (NO.) USAEETI ICONTR•s LiCRN•EI Deck NUMBER OF PERMIT TO Addition ( I STORY DWELLING UNITS IYVNE OF IMPROVCMENTI O. IRROROMC0 USE/ AT ILOCATIONI 56 Dunphy Dr. .—__—.m CASTS CT SRR INO.1 IRtRLETI BETWEEN ANO loon STREEn mNUS STBEETI LOT SUBOIVISION LOT BLOCK SIIE BUILDING IS TO SE FT. WIDE BY FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ITTFEI REMARKS: permit for a 10' X 16' deck 2' high off of ground VOOLUOR MEE 1Fn tq ft ESTIMATED COST $ 303 )0 PERM 10.00 CU•Ic SQU A(ran r ✓ _ OWNER Samc ac Applicant BUIL• NC DEPT. ADDRESS SAITO A App1 hint's BY WHITE - FILE COPY • GREEN - FIELD COPY • CANARY - APPLICANT COPY • PINK - ASSESSORS COPY PSR " -1.-fir:/- CITY OF NORTHAMPTON x}'^ ”. e MASSACHUSETTS (PttiiL ' :,; etOFFICE of the INSPECTOR ofBUILDINGS � Pa a Plot 11AJ APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT AND INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT z IMPORTANT — Applicant to complete all items in sections: I, II, III, IV, and IX. o nZONING AT (LOCATION) �l/' I t np4t1L— r, t/la. DISTRICT LOCATION INC./ fsreenl e l OF BETWEEN ANO BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CROSS STREET) LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SIZE an II. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING — All applicants complete Parts A — D -i A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - Far"Wrecking" most recent use m m -1 1 I New building Residential Nonresidential 2 IlAddition(1/residential, enter number 121 One family IB El Amusement, recreational o/new housing units added, if any. 13 Two or more family - [me. 19 Church, other religious in Part U, 13) s number of units---- y 201_I Industrial 3 ❑ Alteration (See 2 above) 141 I Transient hotel, motel, 21 4 Li Repair, replacement ar dormitory - Enter number C� Parkin 9 garage 5 I I Wrecking (II multifamily residential, of units --------y 22 L 1 Service station, repair garage enter number m of units building in 15 i Garage 23 LI lHospital, institutional Part D, 13) 6 Moving relocation) 16 j Carport 24 r-1 Office, bank, professional 7 I Foundation only 17 Q Other - Specify er k 25 i_i Public utility 1 26 I-I School, library, other educational B. OWNERSHIP Pr Y. I10 27I I Stores, mercantile 28 0 Private (individual, corporation, / / Li Tanks, overs I, nonprofit institution, etc.) • .1 _,,,d �s .0.i., L.. . 29 j I Omer ,Specify 9 I I Public (Federal, State. or / local government) C. COST (Omit cents) Nonresidential - Describe in detail proposed useof buildings, e.g., food �q processing plant, machine shops, laundry building at hospital, elementary 10. Cost of improvement $ /�`/eZ� school, secondary school, college, parochial school, parking garagekr ' departments rental office building, office building atindustrial plant. To be installed but not included If use of existing building is being changed, enter proposed use. in the aboveCost a. Electrica b. Plumbing c. Heating, air conditioning d. Other (sterol' , t .) _ Ii. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT b 2 60 III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING - For new buildings and additions, complete Ports E - L; for wrecking, complete only Part J, for all others skip to V. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1. DIMENSIONS 30 Li Masonry(wall bearing) 40 L l Public or private company 48. Number of smiles 31 Wood frame 41 IL Private (septic tank, etc.) 49. Total square feet of floor rea, exterior all floors, based on 321 I Structural steel dimensions i 66 3311 Reinforced concrete H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 341 I Other - S pec is 42 I I Public or private ca am 50. Total land area, sq. ft 43 n Private(well, cistern) K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES F. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL S. Enclosed 35 I Gas Will there be central air 52 Outdoors 36 Oil conditioning' L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 371 I Electricity 44 [I Yes 45 Ne 53. Number of bedrooms 301 i Coal 39 pi Other-Specify Will *ere be an elevator' { ELM 54. Number of -'--' 46 _l Yes 47, I No hothrooms Partial , IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by all applicants Name Mailing address — Number, street, ray. and Starr ZIP code Tel. No. Er1 e. (s�. SAL:tk �L,�, I. or �r� .� a(ge s Lessee tlL� _..J, 1. V LiBcense No. Contractor ]. Engineer I rtify that the work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make t ' //////ggqqqq'''���pppppppli c 'on . on • agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. Si ature ofli nt -� Address IC ��hP L - Application rive DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Date Plans By Date Plans By Notes Fee Started Approved BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Date D Permit or Approval Check Obtained Number By Permit or Approval Check Obttate ed Number By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER VII. VALIDATION Building FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number 15a Building Use Group Permit issued \ &COI 19gEE Building �y�//�� Fire Grading Permit Fee $ I BTW Live Loading Certificate of Occupancy $ Occupancy Load $ Approved by: // Drain Tile ��, Plan Review Fee $ u La NOTES and Data — (For department use) VIII. ZONING PLAN EXAMINERS NOTES DISTRICT pSef }� ,,�jt `l USE ea., , ,,k52/ „�yn / ( 4 `a_ FRONT YARD G,,."I / SIDE YARD ft tel SIDE YARD I.0 2 REAR YARD (gni NOTES IX. SITE OR PLOT PLAN — For Applicant Use sEe as.............................. s..:««»». »« : r ss r.. ,s..« ran . =IC y ss ss : ..»,xi -• as:s.t....«: : i. «r,FE s.t S Sa i . .st' 5:7:3'•• r 4: a•• '11ase - s :a 1a9E i12s:g:r29 rile. 1111 dal sy:II : . 111:::1•172 iii ass n L ym«,... ::.. ers s»... ii32•S:021.%111.1:11:101:•°» :sag: als. • : : • s:?»s9iee y aa:.:».a.e:SE««..: iir. . ei . . 2 ::m.•»'s ss eesh ?rem..:.memet:.s:s.»,..0 .._. ?Le.... :•x:42»:....»»xi!::.......2 €:«:::� ?....., i "::..:29. t`H msaersr «y:«:e.ress:xic:.. tem» :n n xssaai tai : i i»»St:iieis E es iiE?ie : :. i ....f E:s : Pu a se :s.sse es::: P.: r.�rllingieumeriton .. .fill mireneinepti€.::«.«..;zer.»..>"� �M? z33?e 4 9:7 :es4i s :r.:: y:•�9p^itrai ami i, : r SS g'»•sr a.« ” a 42:::: ,... eraiitLF::a:'•.»e ar».?:sR ds:ii«..........................................«....:a.: . . . . : II::..........t.«....»...»:..»». Si$'•••as s: :e:9i2?2? a°D:MID:DID En?E alien s:Fsi x.11 «e::::::s1114 . . . DU sa : ;.. ;§igga . s:.e i . •- ;ygga-e::: xis::....»»y sa...s..».».«.....�...DU �#6 as:xi.,�'•''w:„ssFg...a' .�:.ugm ?E.».»»,»...»_. as »» is s'ss 5;it. Hua iin..t gifi3p.::s»:aght.»_....y.»».»»is;N: un::..:s»; IIi r..... »... eis 2a g :e::?FF .. 'ae' se .................... ..s »» : II gam... Is:ei'•y».a.�•9 hu=rl i?:s:::.au9i'a:zSsaE6s..m ::La:F' » zii........»....3.i iai:4 as?y III }g s ym ».sloin • suns-«gs 2Sg s„ F ea... «.. aig9F:iEi «...yy °g:tss :i 3..: :le Di as te a5:a ¢ , iii .....»«. ss:ssr»:§«xi.....„ •a€2.».»»....??FF...«.,....alum :•iiL.aas-7@3i:Mieei2-E#aiin sa_a_Se,, 'Q� :raa:a9g .......................... g @E?vn: »» g?.gg9..a?EFF:et alum tse,eS,S F p '6.? �ii9:i9t7 a62'a'e .'CSs22iFEEE::9:i::as'4. p ripe y a mem ie:seiisii ii a'i=' aaae sq¢ 32i:s a�eita 2::34.4:::..... 6......7. »......«» ase SE a: Sixii illiallIFFPE: ai11:22F? M4e:e:yyyy2 '11:•• ra"1sp 'a' INTO aess •..F iii.••SSs:::04.:sss:s?2. sss s11i s'ssa?tsal9::ntililti ?E :-F:: �•essn:iF —leittee ':ii4. �ss$4a=�i.....isaa's'.. .....«.i..» siis:s ss;=B°&a. ....{ }AFF « ;fig.»».s 2 ' eis » i.Ni..:9i:i»gF.M:As=afEimbue :..stu"23 Eiajiss:s :a; me. : :::s nes as :a: ei sss= £{�ai 'i �ii��ii ji_aF??:iaa a4 :xi s '» e: rsu t:«i:• ..e9axi:exi itgge$eaaaay»..:s:ta: ::21::11: ee tiiN sIL IM xieil......... ................„ a.»ee.. : a3 a gs4sr.::s i:eu s: ::rrsie” ie4 a«»? • se:w- •s s e s ae sss .iEin�ses ea4iii' �ysi 9??iiiiki,i,i�qg isnecar.S2sssF:• .sa LIPE. 9 » »» tn.-nit—Pm., PAPie?i#f l iii Eaili ie°iiii:iieii li 1ea 119::..... ii!€ i =a"'aeeegeei« 6tpSs..suris�e I:ill Ly:la 7.••.«r.:F 49 e• es eei :s : «i�, i'aFFie2 EE •3Fs—e setuteneus�y i. F. e 6 " ' � yxi iir Fii ixi:::•d r �S is E 9ei$ eiss2 a6ixi.�ssstsgs pe3stsu ¢F[�''er„- tsi $i' 2;. t:ie L '�.' j ••g•�s`•! . 3 E =iii;iitEgYi 62a451.=S�Sii�grelgt:i7ae: ii :7L gig, ;iif' .I Yftrf I i t#i NEE Ei3i Iiisaaum ,e6ii4i Ee9FFe 116..: imi9: : MI :{-*.+ . ` E a 2 si9:Fs 9i1eEn�ts... 9i ts?;ga3 ?iese; ' - - -sy ... s r. ..«.».esntF tom' . -1st! .7. cavo-\ d ♦- a. �e (�iif�r ofazfllttul}rfn1T • i 4vY e•- �i1B ygxeexdlneelle _ OIO_ DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS € INSPECTOR 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building c t� s_' = Northampton, Mass. 01060 AS A HOMEOWNER I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A BUILDING PERMIT FOR A HOME OR ADDITION I INTEND TO LIVE IN. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON. BEING AHOMEOWNER AND NOT A PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR IN NO WAY ABSOLVES ME OF ANY RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THAT ALL FACETS OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE COMPLIED WITH. / /c ft Lbu0-pLy 'Ori v�, s a ` ! 3a` [.. i - rti FxA-r^gyp „ 'Set ` . ?roposefl cie ` koa` 1