43-164 58 GREENLEAF DR BP-2017-1144 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 43 - 164 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2017-1144 Project# JS-2017-001940 Est.Cost: S33000.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: SOLARCITY CORP 110253 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 77101.20 Owner: OSEPOWICZ EDWARD C&SUSAN Zoning: Applicant: SOLARCITY CORP AT: 58 GREENLEAF DR Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 604 SILVER ST (978)215-2369 O Workers Compensation AGAWAM MA01001 ISSUED ON:4/12/2017 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALL 25 SOLAR PANELS TO ROOF - 7.5KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: Housed Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 412/2017 0:00:00 $75.00 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240, Fax:(413)587-1272 Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner File#BP-2017-1144 ADDRESS PHO E 604 PERSON SOLARCITYW (9P Ua(u- ADDRESS/PHONE 604 SILVER ST AGAWAM (978)215-2369 Q /K PROPERTY LOCATION 58 GREENLEAF DR 12P MAP 43 PARCEL 164 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid T .eof Construction: INSTALL 25 SOLAR PANELS TO R•OF-7.5KW New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existin_ Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 110253 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: ij..---1Cpproved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR _ Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management - ID-so . toa tee- `! '1' 77277 Signa 7-of Bwl.ing I ficial Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40k Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. Department use Only.. --- City of Northampton Status of Permit Building Department CwDGt'Dilveway.Perd>wt 212 Main Street Severer/SepfCAvatlahitity Room 100 Water/Well Availability Northampton, MA 01060 Two Sets ofstructuralPlans phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413-587-1272 Plot/Site Plans Other sp8ci(y ---APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 Property Address: This section to be competed by office 58 Greenleaf Drive Map I % Lot Ill Unit Zone Overlay District Elm St District CS District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Edward Osepowicz 58 Greenlcad Dr,Northampton, MA 01062 Name(Print)������ ^81`,,y/,z Current Mailing Address. 413-586-8426 ` JIJ - Telephone gnature 2.2 Authorized Agent: SolarCity Corp/Daniel Rubin 604 Silver St Agawam MA 01001 Name(Print) /') Current 47-g Address: f/'///// 978-847-7170 Signature Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED TRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit applicant 1. Building 4,000 (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical 7,000 (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from(6) 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) 5. Fire Protection 6. Total =(1 +2+3+4 +5) 0 Check Number 72 (p(!Ud /I his ction For Official Use Only Building Permit Number: Date Issued'. Signature: Building Commissioner/Inspector of Buildings Date Section 4. ZONING AU Information Must Be Completed, Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning lhis mlmnn to be filial in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage Open Space Footage lot area minus bldg&paved parking) of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume&Locaiinnl _ ......._ A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? t 'i , \ baSs NO DONT KNOW YES ^) IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size,type and Location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and Location: E. vaII the construction activity disturb(clearing,grading,excavation,or tilling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House Addition Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing Or Doors Accessory Bldg. Demolition New Signs [ ] Decks [ ] Siding[ ] OtherBr Description o l or Prcpospd d t/5 Work: Install solar electric panels to roof of existing home to be interconnected with homes electrical system. ZS Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No $�eo Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet sa. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building: One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft. of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Edward Osepowicz as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize SOLARCITY to act on my behalf in all mailers relative to work authorized by this building permit application. ,^1,1 ( n\-ky t4 4/11/17 Signature of Owner Date 1, SOLARCITY CORP/Daniel Rubin as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate,to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. SOLARCITY CORP/Daniel Rubin Print Name 4/11/17 Signature of Owner/Agent ,re Date • SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder:SOLARCITY/Dan Kelley 110253 License Number 604 SILVER ST AGAWAM MA 01001 12/01/19 Address Expiration Date 774-364-3145 SignalurTelephone 9,Reaistered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ SOLARCITY CORP/Daniel Rubin 168572 Company Name Registration Number 604 SILVER ST AGAWAM MA 01001 03/08/2017 Address ( / Expiration Date Telephone 978-847-7170 SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(KGS.c.152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes 0 No ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occupied Dwellings of one(I) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license,provided that the owner acts as supervisor.CMR 780. Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner:Person(s)who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and/or farm structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature C \\ \ \7‘. F it"MI Mira pilt "PO v apadmr Popp wd'P_mimetic]mag ala Y 11Jara nlpA/sa,'i Ia0aa0daQ`dalNw4 z mass palm't *me N3444hIgay r°lewl aaaavremsaM acgta Lie mwW vena MO pµapdnsr+rw W q.sy EMa'tm AsQ 1)110 wrpm{Ta anad humph"MCropy/nal r+'SfsSgnsdpn WJ ro Ir •oapopta aI'Janaa mmnwnr WI$140 sauln°pue Jo aawo WI w phasic sq pa Ioomrnagno Ado PaMI w am 'JwgO A 0411321100 warosa al alta way a pa uacra mitt dais 7.59 omp Kph srd ud pho mpw•,a1nnaasydm Jpa<-wlo npm$4nC It al OA MO (JO Maki tont impxi.4 ow al NInaai '+ lj$C fl sopasaPtaraga=a aammJm mm wn4rad (app aapayda[Pa alma t od ala3411144a%d awash,Aad Pouamdroa.taynw hpsosasa a gamy -WvwalsAaa >mmw a is hr L L02ILIB mid aeratfk3 LO"4LOZB LOOM -41"Win n d 101141 AuedWoO 20ue)neut uecgraury furl-[ awn rep kicutrai nutOPoeira to asi r +•'A°JdapmJWwroJnitimPo mdvo.+JaZJw Ziiwjdq q.fl* as gal Wrall Age IMO tplintil ma tag Maid=ray ari'IRIPZ• 10•40iINa Fta 'N°�•• 4I -ISI.-PPM relitg imp Rmn4^J. wilainsci1WM%low IRY,—answ iar RlAa Ve io trip am A.i.4441•1'Mar 99I5,4bR mammon) lsrpousim Aspsa-. 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EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTHUTE A CONTRACT HET WEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED • REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER a+-,TANTE N ibec.d E Me tmlSt 6 an ADDITIONAL AIRED,the pongee}most be endwseii. N SUBROGATION IS WAOVELL sailers to the tern andcondilionn Of the Pc'TN.g.nine EVIW9a may Maine=sann t%4L A SWMAenl on tMH magnate done n t Gantt anis le Me Cer1NkWB Rektor In BOY 4f SU[Nendon.nlen1(s. , raCoaRea :MARSH RSK&pSLRAkOF SERVICES XASCAUFWall45HISFT.SUIF en I M.Erla (aK.uvk CLATO6lMoe NBF TO Barn e MANFRInxi%A.CA 9 - - AINEREENIScSlCRSU LSNfiags{Att�Sm CaOMAAOE OW A 99M21-3111`GAVME-161711 Immon A,2vN,AmO,isdn Warne cowl/ .15,15 INSeR Saniibnee 0e IN9WK6:NM . . WA WI(TERME/WaY *MIMMI o:NU WA eennerA*NU *sump_ eneti n Zorn MsteteDeRI 4E42 ' wewms, COVERAPES GER-REIGATE NUMBER: SEM10..109v19e2 REVISION NUMBER.Sf. . 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NOTWITHSTANDING NW RECOMMEND./ERIN OR CONDITION DF ANT C,NIIIACT OR OTHER DOCl1MINT MAD:RESPECT TD WHICH TENS CERTIFICATE NAV BE MSSUes OR MAY PERTAW.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE MIMES DESCRIES)HEREIN IS SIHJLT:T TO ML THE TERM6, E(C&Ms ONSAND COADRIONS CfSRIM P(HICES LIMITS SHOWN MkYYAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PMD MAIMS. ilio" rise 0E36111tAM@ AIIRLIWEIRI pen,Irain, PO4MrTNoeEn .0EIHmm NESTER mINERT M; MEE AX' MN COL Ct LOV4Sn.neater ' GLUDIBAIM)l D€ .00.01/1011Al2MB %.00.01/1011EACHGCWTIesE S TREI.M . 1 G TO RENTED I Wa9JAwE :X •OCCUR - .FxElu Sob W°a' ^m:el :@ WIN T BCR:9aomO IIEDEm1Ae,N.piney '3 50M mann 4. fly IS %IIXtELO a NI AGGREGATE pUN.M,APHIREPER OOGnA4.1GGRESaSE , i(DB % POIRT ,anj Lot .PRO[XTtS:wafOP.A S Y P I2.WQLV n A APTORIOoaaI.IM0.1N ••� OnPMES11TAll meIG11e MUViell •• v'• WORN T F 1.0(0000 ' ,IEE aty J - C ANY AVM nWllv%WRY mar Fsmry S -AtLWMp X ;`"GLEATEW WAY ipaattNEN=ENNI3 AIME X' IIPEbAU1OS 'X I AVM AEO ( ' :Lorisa NMrA9E y R OWELA LIAR 1 IXCun :mem OCCURRENCE i}' ' EXCaS<lPe CLAt6 �. • ,AGGIiit h iE =OPO: •ESTAN*fa13 I , �+A T4 D wauERS mwEYeATWN TCBIBNHAtiAC51 tants% ,(>max . x:'.aAt Ni . ,o,„. AW NUCITUR511Aw TEE YIN D HYPMMMeT4RrvMTNEnD?EcmW[ W."OIE22O184INN o93M11JM G 3112L11 !EI.L EAcnnu ap.T '.n Lman30 A laImaearne PTn ranwaw �N �,Nra ENS OMMIBN °WIFE°- ILe4Di Nm1 PI wvrmwl Iry EL EACHAMena-EA EN0.Ov3G 9 nine ii bsti,mrcwuA.*masane, liMmypy evmecr3zDASIwcA E aLOOM)6[A$E•POLILYLIWf:F C2SW111W OF WFImtNHA 11=fr6tlIS1F6XCLE3:MMD WI.A04UwS Ruud.SeliNNIE,MN ER am lmN IEEE II num le' ttj — — FICATEHOLDER GERRCANCELLATION SPINOTTERNEIm SHOE=AMY OF THE ANDER DESCROW°POLICES SEC"CELTED SWORE 3955CEamwWai TIE sealRATION DATE THEREOF, NONCE HHLL. BE OLINERED IN • CIN Make CA 91102 AOCOFDAVCEWRHTHEPI LICYnWIS!ONS. • ' 0111e0REOAEPnE3lNM11Fe I NroNw4 .110..4.41.amYlms S• Menne name e11n1.2014 ACpi0 CORPORATION. All rights Ipso/Rad, ACORD 25 12054101) TN,AGGRO pan and Ingo are registered marks a1ACORD / y • (J t r///e ti.(.Ilt//lt'/N/r(Y(��/ (r'l!(f.i.i(fPilLielli / lc t Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 10 Part Plaza-Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Type: Corporation SOLAR CITY CORPORATION - Registration; tt 2 Expiration: 1685720Y9 24 St Martin Street Bld 2Unit 11 Marlborough, MA 01752 UpdeN Address and[Mum card. Mark reason far abs fi Addhsa 0 Renewal U Employment C1 Lost Office el Consumer Affairs&Business Regaxfon HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR Reglanonon valid for Individual use only TYPE.Coeporagm before the evpinBon dela. If feurld return to: aggig aaan Fatt®L40 Office of Consumer mains and Busmen Regulation t EP2 LTtJAt9 to Park Plaza-SultetM70 9aebry MA{giYB SOLAR CtTYCOFPORAT�N //,J DANIEL RUBIN 3055 Cviaw Way 6144- // / tea San Mateo,CA 94402 "� ` Undersecretary /, .t valid Without signature Jf/ alb Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registrallon: 168572 Type: Supplement Card SOLAR CITY CORPORATION Expiration: 3/8/2011 DANIEL KELLEY - 24 ST MARTIN STREET BLD 2UNIT 11 - - --MARLBOROUGH, MA 01752 Update Address and return card-Mark reason for change. Address Renewal Employment j...I Lost Card ` @/peea&Consumer Antos&Ba,cnesReguistien License or registration valid forindividul use only 04lPME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to. ',. Office elConsumer Affairs and Business Regulation s -Registration: 168572 Type: 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 ExPiratlon: 31812017 Supplement Cl Id Boston,MA 02116 SOLAR CIN CORPORATCI4 DANIEL KELLEY 3659 GLEAM/FEW WAY ,.•_._,.__ '� . SAN MATED,CA 94402 Undersecretary Not vili4without signature ® Massachusetts Department of Pubhc Safety Board of Building Regulations and Standards License CS-110253 :..onsiracnon Supen,sm DANIEL KELLEY +nA 11 ROLUNGWO0DS ROAD HUBBAROSTON MA D1452- - MIM A� iv plration Commrssoner 12/01/2019 DocuSign Envelope ID:398036C6-E86D-4A77-AFAF-432B4716F69C SolarCity Purchase Customer Information Installation Location Date Edward Osepowicz 58 Greenleaf Drive 4/3/2017 Northampton,MA 01062 58 Greenleaf Drive Northampton,MA 01062 Name on Utility Pill 4135868426 Edward Osepowicz Here are the terms of your Solar Home Improvement Agreement 7 . 5 kW DC 2Oyr System Size System Warranty The SolarCity Promise •We provide a money-back energy performance guarantee. os •We warrant all of our roofing work. 0- • •We warrant and repair the System _.. ___ Initial here •We fix or pay for any damage we may cause to your property. •We provide 24/7 web-enabled monitoring at no additional cost. •The pricing in this Agreement is valid for 30 days after 4/3/201.7. _ Your SolarCity Purchase Agreement Details Coi,tractpake $32,100.00 REC Value(Estimate) -$7,050.00 Rebate Value(Estimate) -$0.00 Amount Due $25,050.00 Est.Srstyear production 6,989 kWh 3055 Clearview Way,San Mateo,CA 94402 1888.765.2489 I solarcity.com 2534270 Solar one Improvement Agreement(Soiartoan),version 412,February 24,2017 SolarCity Corporation oBA Tesla Energy Contractors license MA HIC 168a72/EL-1136MR Document generated on 4/3/2o1 /Copyright 2008-20132013 rcity Corporation, All rights Reservednrly DocuSign Envelope ID:398D36C6-E86D-4A77-AFAF-43234716F69C SolarCity 3053 Clearvlew Way,San Mateo,CA 94402 t (882) SOL CITY F(650) 638-1029 SOLARCITY.COM SOLAR HOME IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT—RESIDENTIAL Date of Execution: 4/3/2017 Customer Name and Address Selem[omn ns ntocation Cenrracter.,cense Edward Osepowicz Margaret Blair 58 Greenleaf Drive MA HIC 168572/EL-1136MR Northampton,MA 01062 58 Greenleaf Drive P.egisnano n/Licorsc Number. Northampton,MA 01062 604 Silver St, Agawam,MA 01001 This Solar Home Improvement Agreement(this"Agreement")is between SolarCity Corporation DBA Tesla Energy("SolarCity","we" or"Contractor)and you("Customer")for the sale and installation of the solar system described below(the"Project"or the "System")at your home(the"Property"or your"Home"). We look forward to helping you produce clean,renewable solar energy at your Home. The Parties agree as follows: KEY TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGNIFICANT MATERIALS TO BE USED AND EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED. Sale and installation of a 7.5 kW DC photovoltaic system consisting of PV modules,corresponding inverter(s)and a mounting system designed for installation and operation at your Home. 2. CONTRACT PRICE. The Contract Price for the Project is$32,100.00. The Contract Price is subject to any change orders agreed to in writing by both parties. 3. INSTALLATION TIMELINE. SolarCity will install the System within a reasonable amount of time after we sign this Agreement but no later than twelve(12)months from the date of this Agreement,which shall he of the essence. We will schedule your System installation at a mutually convenient date and time.When SolarCity completes installation of the solar panels and the inverters(s),then substantial completion of the work to be performed under this Agreement shall have occurred: Approximate Start Date: 60-120 days from the date of this Agreement Approximate Completion Date: 60-120 days from the date of this Agreement This performance timeline is an estimate and may be adjusted as provided in this Agreement,including delays due to late payments or unforeseen conditions. Solar some Improvement Agreement(SolarLoan),version n 22 February 24,2017 2634270 DocuSign Envelope ID:398D36C6-E86D-4A77-AFAF 432B4716F69C 4. SCHEDULE OF PROGRESS PAYMENTS. PAYMENT TIMING AMOUNT NOTES Due at Contract $0.00 Deposit Signing Payment 1 Due When Installation $20,040.00 Begins Payment 2 Due Upon Completion $5,010.00 of Install Final REC Value $7,050.00 Payment Final Rebate Value $0.00 Payment Total System $32,100.00 (includes any applicable sales tax) Cost Total Amount $25,050.00 *If you are financing your System Paid by through one of our financing partners, Customer the timing and amount of your payments (and any applicable interest accrued)will be subject to the terms and conditions of your agreement with your financier.If your financier fails to make payment on your behalf,or you terminate your financing,you will remain obligated to make payment under the terms of this Agreement. I acknowledge I have reaSe>:[jpn 4. (CUSTOMER'S INITIALS) 5. The pricing in this Agreement is valid for 30 days after 4/3/2017. If you don't sign this Agreement and return it to us on or prior to 30 days after 4/3/2017,SolarCity reserves the right to reject this Agreement unless you agree to our then current pricing. Solar Home Improvement Agreement(SolarLoan),version 4.2 2,February 24,2017 ❑ 2634270 �r ❑ a# DocuSign Envelope ID:398D36C6-E8613-4A77-AFAF-432B4716F69C You are entitled to a completely filled in copy of this Agreement, signed by both you and the Contractor, before any work may be started. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS You acknowledge that the System equipment and THIS AGREEMENT SUPERSEDES ALL PRIOR EXISTING materials we will furnish and install are subject to cost increases. We will hold the Contract Price for six(6) CONTRACTS BETWEEN YOU AND 50LARCITY THAT PERTAIN months after the date of this Agreement. After six(6) TO THE"SYSTEM" DEFINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. months,if the cost of any System equipment or material 1. CHANGES, PERMITS, REBATES, INCENTIVES rises by any unusual amount because of circumstances beyond SolarCiNs control,including but not limited to Both parties will have the right to terminate this market price fluctuation or a site audit that reveals the Agreement,without penalty or fee,if SolarCity determines need for additional materials or labor,then SolarCity shall after the engineering site audit of your Home that it has have the right to present you with a change order for the misestimated by more than ten percent(10%)any of(i)the System equipment with a new price.You will have the right System size,(ii)the System's total cost or(iii)the System's to accept or reject this new price and get your deposit,if annual production. Such termination right will expire at any,back.If you do not accept the new price,SolarCity the earlier of 0)one(1)week prior to your scheduled shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and issue System installation date and(ii)sixty(60)days after we you a full refund, upon which the parties shall have no inform you in writing of the revised size,cost or production further obligations to one another. estimate. If you do not terminate this Agreement or return the written amendment to this Agreement described SolarCity will obtain any necessary permits,at SolarCity's below within this time period,then this Agreement will cost.SolarCity shall not be responsible for delays in work automatically terminate and we will charge you a$250 due to the actions of any permitting and regulatory cancellation fee. Any changes to the System will be agencies or their employees.You will pay SolarCity for any documented in a written amendment to this Agreement taxes or assessments required by federal,state or local signed by both you and SolarCity. You authorize SolarCity governments or related regulatory agencies or utilities. to make corrections to the utility and incentive paperwork to conform to this Agreement or any amendments to this The rebate and incentive calculations SolarCity provides to Agreement we both sign. Customer are estimates. These estimates are based on certain assumptions that may not be applicable based on If you are financing your System,SolarCity's obligation to the circumstances specific to the Project. However,actual install the System is conditioned on SolarCity's rebates and incentives are variable as eligibility confirmation that you have obtained financing for the requirements,funding availability,and rates may change. System. SolarCity may terminate this Agreement without You acknowledge that you may not be financing the full liability and charge you a$250 cancellation fee if,in its Contract Price because you are expecting to receive reasonable judgment,this condition will not be satisfied rebates or incentives that you will use to pay a portion of and you are not able to pay for the System by other the Contract Price. SolarCity will use good faith means. reasonable efforts to help Customer secure applicable rebates and incentives, but SolarCity shall have no financial obligation to Customer regarding actual rebate and incentive amounts received. Customer agrees to pay the Contract Price in full regardless of the actual amount of rebates and/or incentives received. Solar Home Improvement Agreement(Sola rioan),vms,on 4 2.2,February 24,201) 0 2634270 CroceSign Envelope ID:398D36C6iE860AA77-APAP-432B4716F69C If you enter into the Renewable Energy Credit Agreement will have on the schedule of progress payments or the attached as Schedule B(the"REC Agreement"),SolarCity completion date.Notwithstanding this provision,the will purchase all of the environmental attributes associated Contractor shall have the right to substitute System with your System. SolarCity will set off the price we equipment without Customer's agreement,so long as that separately pay you for your environmental attributes("REC substitution adds no extra cost to the project and does not Credit")pursuant to the REC Agreement against the materially affect the System's performance. The Contract Price. The REC Credit is considered income and Contractor's failure to comply with the requirements of we will send you a Form 1099. SolarCity may sell the this paragraph does not preclude the recovery of environmental attributes to a third party. You recognize compensation for work performed based on legal or that you will not own the environmental attributes to sell, equitable remedies designed to prevent unjust use or claim,and a third party may have the right to claim enrichment clean,green or renewable energy based on its purchase of 3. PROPERTY CONDITIONS environmental attributes from your System. If you do not enter into the REC Agreement,you retain all rights and title You will be responsible for the structural integrity of the in any environmental attributes from the System and you location where the System is installed,including structural will not receive the REC Credit. In that case,you are or electrical modifications necessary to prepare your responsible for registration and sale of the environmental Property for the System.You agree that SolarCity is not attributes from your System. SolarCity has no obligation to responsible for any known or unknown Property assist you in the registration or sale of the environmental conditions. attributes assocated with your System.If you are financing the System or you are entering into the REC Agreement, 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS you agree to maintain and make available,at your cost,a SolarCity is not responsible and bears no liability forthe functioning indoor Internet connection with the malfunctioning of existing electrical equipment at the understanding that an intermittent Internet connection Property,including but not limited to the main electrical {which shall include but is not limited to temporary service panel,any major electrical devices,or any other wireless hotspots)will not satisfy this obligation. fuses or similar devices. 2. SCHEDULE OF PROGRESS PAYMENTS S. COST OR DELAY DUE TO UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS The schedule of progress payments(see Key SolarCity is not responsible for failures,delays or expenses Terms and Conditions cover sheet)must related to unanticipated,unusual,or unforeseen specifically describe each phase of work, conditions at the Property arising out of conditions beyond including the type and amount of work or SolarCiry's reasonable control(all of which shall be services scheduled to be supplied in each phase, considered"Force Majeure Events").Performance times under this Agreement will be considered extended for a along with the amount of each proposed period of time equivalent to the time lost due to such progress payment. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW FOR conditions. If SolarCity discovers unforeseen conditions A CONTRACTOR TO COLLECT PAYMENT FOR requiring additional cost,then SolarCity shall present such WORK NOT YET COMPLETED,OR FOR costs to you and get your written approval before MATERIALS NOT YET DELIVERED. HOWEVER, A beginning or continuing performance. Failure to provide such approval may result in SolarCity exercising its CONTRACTOR MAY REQUIRE A termination rights pursuant to Section 8 of this DOWNPAYMENT. Customer may,at its discretion, Agreement. issue payment to Contractor via joint check with any of Contractor's subcontractors or suppliers. 6. PROPERTY ACCESS You grant to SolarCity and its employees,agents and Note about Extra Work and Change Orders. Extra Work contractors the right to reasonably access all of the and Change Orders become part of the contract once the Property as necessary for the purposes of(A}installing, order is prepared in writing and signed by the parties prior constructing,operating,repairing,removing and replacing to commencement of any work covered by the new the System or making any additions to the System;(B) change order. The order must describe(i)the scope of installing,using and maintaining electric lines and inverters the extra work or change,(ii)the Cori to be added or and meters,necessary to interconnect the System to your subtracted from the contract;and(iii)the effect the order electric system Property at the a mjjor to the utility's Solar:-erne Improvement Agreement(SolarLoarI,vermon 4.2 6 aebruary 24,2017 9 0 2634279 1 nag DaceSign Envelope ID:398D36C6-E86D-4A77-AFAF-432B4716F69C electric distribution system;or(C)taking any other action Upon satisfactory payment for any portion of the work reasonably necessary in connection with the construction, performed,SolarCity shall,prior to any further payment, installation,operation,maintenance,removal or repair of furnish to Customer a full and unconditional release from the System. any claim or mechanics'lien pursuant to applicable law for that portion of the work for which payment has been 7. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS made. Please see Exhibit 3 for applicable lien notices and Title to the Project shall transfer to you when we complete warnings required by law. installation of the Project.After delivery of the System 11. SOLARCITY'S INSURANCE equipment and materials to your Property,other than damage directly resulting from SolarCity's actions,you SolarCity carries the following insurances applicable to the bear risk of loss to the System. SolarCity retains all work being performed under this Agreement: SolarCity-owned intellectual property rights on any of the equipment installed in your System including,but not a. Commercial General Liability Insurance(CGL). limited to,patents,copyrights and trademarks and any SolarCity carries commercial general liability insurance data generated by SolarCity's monitoring system. with coverage amounts that meet or exceed those required by law. 8. TERMINATION AND DEFAULT SolarCity may terminate this Agreement,upon seven(7) b. Workers'Compensation Insurance. days written notice,for any material or non-material SolarCity carries workers'compensation insurance for breach,for any failure of Customer to agree to an all employees in compliance with law. appropriate change order,for any failure of Customer to 12. INDEMNIFICATION pay SolarCity any amount due,for any bankruptcy or financial distress of Customer,or for any hindrance to Both parties shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless the SolarCity in the performance process. other and its employees,officers,directors,agents and assigns from any and all third party claims,actions,costs, 9. REMEDIES UPON CUSTOMER'S BREACH expenses(including reasonable attorneys'fees and Without limiting any of SolarCity's other rights and expenses),damages,liabilities,penalties,losses, remedies,upon any breach by Customer,including any obligations,demands and liens of any kind arising out of or failure of Customer to pay SolarCity any amount due,or if relating to its failure to perform its obligations under this you cancel this Agreement after we commence Agreement.Neither party shall be required to indemnify construction(i.e.,any work for the System)at your home, the other for its own negligence,willful misconduct or SolarCity shall have the right to:(i)pursue a stop work fraud. order at the Property;(ii)prevent any more work from 13. GOVERNING LAW being done at the Property until the breach is cured and a bond is posted by the Customer for any amounts payable The laws of the state where your Home is located shall under this Agreement;(iii)recover all amounts due under govern this Agreement without giving effect to conflict of this Agreement for services provided through the date of laws principles. termination including interest(prime+2%or such amount as allowed by law);(iv)remove any Project materials or 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT equipment from the Property;and(v)any other legal This Agreement contains the parties'entire agreement remedies including but not limited to mechanics liens or regarding the Project. There are no other agreements similar remedies.If you are financing the System,you regarding this Agreement,either written or spoken. Any specifically agree that SolarCity may disable the System change to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by upon request from your financier if you are in default both parties.Only an authorized officer of SolarCity may under your agreement with your financier. execute any change to this Agreement on behalf of SolarCity. If any portion of this Agreement is determined to I acknowledge I hay re this Section 9. be unenforceable or invalid,the remaining provisions shall Customer's initials: ��//ff be enforced in accordance with their terms or shall be interpreted or re-written so as to make them enforceable. 10. MECHANICS'LIEN RELEASES Provisions that should reasonably be considered to survive termination of this Agreement shall survive.SolarCiry may Solar Home Improvemeor Agreement(solartoanl,vers.on 4.22,February 24,7017 Mit O 7634270 7 ~ DocuSign Envelope ID:398036C6-E66D-4A77.AFAF-432B4716F69C assign or subcontract any of its rights or obligations under The arbitration,including the selecting of the arbitrator, this Agreement to any successor,partner or purchaser. will be administered by JAMS,under its Streamlined Arbitration Rules(the"Rules")by a single neutral 15. WAIVER arbitrator agreed on by the parties within thirty(30)days Any delay or failure of a party to enforce any of the of the commencement of the arbitration. The arbitration provisions of this Agreement,including but not limited to will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act(Title 9 of any remedies listed in this Agreement,or to require the U.S.Code).Either party may Initiate the arbitration performance by the other party of any of the provisions of process by filing the necessary forms with JAMS.To learn this Agreement,shall not be construed to(i)be a waiver of more about arbitration,you can call any JAMS office or such provisions or a party's right to enforce that provision; review the materials at www.jamsadr.com.The arbitration or(ii)affect the validity of this Agreement. shall be held in the location that is most convenient to your Home.If a JAMS office does not exist in the county 16. SELLING YOUR HOME where you live,then we will use another accredited If you sell your Home you can transfer this Agreement.All arbitration provider with offices close to your Home. of your rights and obligations under this Agreement can be If you initiate the arbitration,you will be required to pay assigned to the purchaser of your home pursuant to the first$125 of any filing fee. We will pay any filing fees Section 9 of the Performance Guarantee and Limited in excess of$125 and we will pay all of the arbitration fees Warranty. and costs. If we initiate the arbitration,we will pay all of the filing fees and all of the arbitration fees and costs. We 17. PRIVACY/PUBLICITY will each bear all of our own attorney's fees and costs except that you are entitled to recover your attorney's fees You grant SolarCity the right to publicly use,display,share, and costs if you prevail in the arbitration and the award and advertise the photographic images,Project details, you receive from the arbitrator is higher than SolarCity's price and any other non-personally identifying information last written settlement offer. When determining whether of your Project.You may opt-out of these publicity rights your award is higher than SofarCity's last written by giving us written notice and mailing it to:SolarCity settlement offer your attorney's fees and costs will not be Corporation,Attention:Publicity Opt Out,3055 Clearview included. Way,San Mateo,CA 94402. SolarCity shall not share your personally identifiable information or any data associating Only Disputes involving you and Solarcity may be you with the Project location without your consent. If you addressed in the arbitration. Disputes must be brought in are financing your System,you consent to(1)SolarCity the name of an individual person or entity and must providing your financier with this Agreement,the proceed on an individual(non-class,non-representative) interconnection agreement and other documents from basis.The arbitrator will not award relief for or against your utility,copies of permits,System energy production anyone who is not a party.If either of us arbitrates a data and any other data or documents related to your Dispute,neither of us,nor any other person,may pursue System requested by your financier,and(2)your financier the Dispute in arbitration as a class action,class providing SolarCity with your loan status and payment arbitration,private attorney general action or other history associated with your financing of the System. representative action,nor may any such Dispute be pursued on your or our behalf in any litigation in any court. 18. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES Claims regarding any Dispute and remedies sought as part PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY.ARBITRATION of a class action,class arbitration,private attorney general REPLACES THE RIGHT TO GO TO COURT,INCLUDING THE or other representative action are subject to arbitration on RIGHT TO A JURY AND THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN A an individual(non-class,non-representative)basis,and the CLASS ACTION OR SIMILAR PROCEEDING. IN ARBITRATION, arbitrator may award relief only on an individual(non- class,DISPUTE IS RESOLVED BY AN ARBITRATOR INSTEAD OF A lass,non-representative)basis.This means that the JUDGE OR JURY. arbitration may not address disputes involving other persons with disputes similar to the Disputes between you The laws of the state where your Home is located shall and Solarcity. govern this Agreement without giving effect to conflict of laws principles.We agree that any dispute,claim or The arbitrator shall have the authority to award any legal disagreement between us(a"Dispute")shall be resolved or equitable remedy or relief that a court could order or exclusively by arbitration. grant under this agreement.The arbitrator,however,is not authorized to change or alter the terms of this agreement Solar Home imumvement Agreement(Solxrloeet.version 4.2.2,February 24,2017 2634270 ry❑ DowSign Envelope ID:398D36C6-EB6D-4A77-AFAF-432B4716F69C or to make any award that would extend to any INDIRECT DAMAGES.FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SECTION transaction other than yours.All statutes of limitations 20,YOU AGREE THAT ANY REMEDIES SPECIFICALLY that are applicable to any dispute shall apply to any PROVIDED FOR IN THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTE arbitration between us. The Arbitrator will issue a decision DIRECT,ACTUAL DAMAGES. or award in writing,briefly stating the essential findings of b. Actual Neither Damages. a fact and conclusions of law. 6 party's liability to the other will exceed$2,000,000,including without limitation, BECAUSE YOU AND WE HAVE AGREED TO ARBITRATE ALL damages to your Home or Property during the DISPUTES,NEITHER OF US WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO performance of the Project or resulting from the LITIGATE THAT DISPUTE IN COURT,OR TO HAVE A JURY Project. TRIAL ON THAT DISPUTE,OR ENGAGE IN DISCOVERY EXCEPTING THE OTHER PROVISIONS UNDER THIS EXCEPT AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE RULES.FURTHER,YOU HEADING,SOLARCITY DISCLAIMS AND CUSTOMER WAIVES WILL NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF ANY CLASS PERTAINING (WITHOUT LIMITATION)ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TO ANY DISPUTE.THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR FINAL AND BINDING ON THE PARTIES AND MAY BE PURPOSE.SOLARCITY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER ENTERED AND ENFORCED IN ANY COURT HAVING UNDER THIS WARRANTY IF AN ALLEGED DEFECT IN ANY JURISDICTION,EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT IT IS SUBJECT TO WORK OR EQUIPMENT WAS CAUSED BY CUSTOMER'S OR REVIEW IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW ANY THIRD PERSON'S(FOR WHOM SOLARCITY IS NOT GOVERNING ARBITRATION AWARDS.OTHER RIGHTS THAT RESPONSIBLE AS PROVIDED HEREIN)MISUSE,NEGLECT, YOU OR WE WOULD HAVE IN COURT MAY ALSO NOT BE UNAUTHORIZED ATTEMPTS TO REPAIR,OR ANY OTHER AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. CAUSE BEYOND THE RANGE OF THE INTENDED USE,OR BY 19. LIMITED WARRANTY ACCIDENT,FIRE,LIGHTNING OR OTHER HAZARD. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT OUR WORK IS WARRANTIED 21. NOTICE REGARDING PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT UNDER THE TERMS OF EXHIBIT 2,AND THAT THERE ARE BONDS NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES,EXPRESS The owner or tenant in a home improvement contract has OR IMPLIED,AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR the right to require the contractor to have a performance ANY PURPOSE,CONDITION,DESIGN,CAPACITY, and payment bond. SUITABILITY OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PROJECT OR ITS INSTALLATION.UPON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT IN FULL OF 22. LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE THE CONTRACT PRICE,ALL WARRANTIES THAT ARE CONTRACT. PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURERS OF EQUIPMENT USED IN THE PROJECT("MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTIES")WILL BE • Exhibit 1: TRANSFERRED DIRECTLY TO YOU. YOU UNDERSTAND Notice of Cancellation(10 Day Right to Cancel) THAT SOLARCITY HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY WITH RESPECT • Exhibit 2: TO SUCH WARRANTIES OTHER THAN TO TRANSFER THEM Performance Guarantee and Limited Warranty TO YOU. • Exhibit 3: State Specific Provisions 20. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. • Schedule A(Purchase Order) a. No Consequential Damages. EACH PARTY'S LIABILITY • Schedule B(Renewable Energy Credit Agreement TO THE OTHER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE (if applicable)) LIMITED TO DIRECT,ACTUAL DAMAGES ONLY. WE • Change Order Form BOTH AGREE THAT IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY • Solar Operation and Maintenance Guide BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL,PUNITIVE,EXEMPLARY,SPECIAL OR Solar'erne Improve Wept Agreement lsolarLoani,version a.22 Febraary 24,2D17 ;YAW 2634220 } DaceSgn Envelope ID:398D36C6-E860<A77-AFAF-432B4716F69C 23. RIGHTS TO TERMINATE;CANCELLATION FEE. IN ADDITION TO THE RIGHT YOU HAVE UNDER SECTION 24,YOU MAY TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT AT NO COST PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE TENTH BUSINESS DAY AFTER YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. AFTER THAT DATE BUT PRIOR TO OUR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON YOUR HOME,YOU MAY ALSO TERMINATE AND WE WILL CHARGE YOU A CANCELLATION FEE OF$250 UNLESS YOU ARE TERMINATING UNDER: • THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1 OF THESE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS(FOR CHANGES TO SIZE,COST OR PRODUCTION ESTIMATES). WE WILL ALSO CHARGE YOU A CANCELLATION FEE OF$25O IF: • WE TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT UNDER THE SECOND PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1 OF THESE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS(FOR YOUR FAILURE TO PROCURE FINANCING),OR • THIS AGREEMENT AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATES PURSUANT TO THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION 1 OF THESE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS(BECAUSE YOU DID NOT SIGN THE AMENDMENT OR TERMINATE THIS AGREEMENT IN A TIMELY MANNER). 24. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL. YOU MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE YOU SIGN THIS AGREEMENT. SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT 1 FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. Solar Home Improvement Agreement(Sola rLoan),version 42,February 24,2017 pap 7634270 0 ; • DocoSgn Envelope ID:398D36C6-E86D-4A77-AFAF-432B4716F69C By signing below,I agree that SolarCity can contact me for telemarketing and informational purposes via call or text using automated technology and/or pre-recorded messages using the phone number(s)I provided that are listed on the first page of this contract.I understand that consent is not a condition of purchase. You may opt-out of this authorization at any time by calling us at: 888-765-2489 or sending us written notice and mailing it to:SolarCity Corporation,Attention:Phone Authorization Opt-Out,3055 Clearview Way,San Mateo,CA 94402. Customer's Name:Edward Osepowicz Solar Home Improvement Agreement Ue[u94m4 by: Signature: EatiartPewIvy 0173C3Fr12194Er . SolarCity Date: 4/3/2017 approved Customer's Name: Signature: �s1� Signature: Lyndon Rive, CEO Date: Date: 4/3/2017 Solar Home Improvement Agreement(Solaraoan),version 4.2.2,February 24,2017 ❑ 2634270 It t:. Version#66.3-TBD v :SOlarClty Ate April 6, 2017 ��- 'HOS RE: CERTIFICATION LETTER fri ! MARCUS Project/Job#0102675 8 HAM't co Project Address: Osepowi¢Residence , No.2%1p 58 Greenleaf Dr `;\: WE: Northampton, MA 01062 i ' � TE AHJ Northampton SC Office Springfield �5 A. Design Criteria: -Applicable Codes = MA Res.Code, 8th Edition,ASCE 7-05,and 2005 NDS -Risk Category= II -Wind Speed = 90 mph, Exposure Category C, Partially/Fully Enclosed Method -Ground Snow Load =40 psf -MP2: 2x10 @ 16"OC, Roof DL= 14 psf, Roof LL/SL= 26.72 psf(Non-PV), Roof LL/SL= 14.52 psf(PV) Note: Per IBC 1613.1; Seismic check is not required because Ss = 0.22424 < 0.49 and Seismic Design Category(SDC) = B< D To Whom It May Concern, A jobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was performed by a site survey team from SolarCity. Structural evaluation was based on site observations and the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluation, I certify that the existing structure directly supporting the PV system is adequate to withstand all loading indicated in the design criteria above based on the requirements of the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally, I certify that the PV module assembly including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the referenced codes for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans/docs submitted for approval. Sincerely, Marcus Hann, P.E. Professional Engineer Marcus Hann„,{�^„= „-- -• T: 888.765.2489 email: mhann@solarclty.com Version#66.3-TBD tiiSolarCity HARDWARE DESIGN AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY TABLES Landscape Hardware-landscape Modules'Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever 7 Configuration Uplift OCR MP2 64" _ 24" 39" NA Staggered 39.3% • Portrait Hardware-Portrait Modules'Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MP2 48" 20" 65" NA Staggered 49.1% • Structure Mounting Plane Framing Qualification Results type Spacing Pitch Member Evaluation Results MP2 Finished Attic 16"O.C. 39° Member Impact Check OK Refer to the submitted drawings for details of information collected during a site survey. All member analysis and/or evaluation is based on framing information gathered on site.The existing gravity and lateral load carrying members were evaluated in accordance with the IBC and the IEBC. STRUCTURE ANALYSIS - LOADING SUMMARY AND MEMBER CHECK- MP2 Member Properties Summafy MP2 HorizontalMenthes Spars Rafter Pnopenties Overhang 0.82 ft Actual W 1.50" Roof System Properties Span 1 14.15 ft Actual D 9.25" , Number of Spans(w/o Overhang) 1 Span 2 Nominal Yes Roofing Material amp Roof Span 3 A(hnA2) 13.88 Re-Roof No Span 4 Sx(in.A3) 21.39 Plywood Sheathing Yes Span 5 Ix(InA4) 98.93 Board Sheathing None Total Rake Span 19.26 ft TL Def'n Limit 120 Vaulted Ceiling Yes PV 1 Start 1.25 ft Wood Spedes SPF Ceiling Finish 1/2"Gypsum Board PV 1 End 14.25 ft Wood Grade #2 Rafter Slope 39° PV 2 Start Fb(psi) 875 Rafter Spacing 16"O.C. PV 2 End Fv(psi) 135 Top Lat Bracing Ful PV 3 Start E(psi) 1,400,000 Bot Lat Bracing Full PV 3 End E-min(psi) 510,000 Member Loading Summary Roof Pitch 10/12 Initial:. Pitch Adjust Non-PV Areas PV Areas Roof Dead Load DL 14.0 psf x 1.29 18.0 psf 18.0 psf PV Dead Load PV-DL 3.0 psf x 1.29 3.9 psf Roof Live Load RLL 20.0 psf x 0.73 14.5 psf Live/Snow Load LL/SLia 40.0 psf x 0.67 I x 0.36 26.7 psf 14.5 psf Total Load(Governing LC) TL 44.7 psf 36.4 psf Notes: 1. ps=Cs'pf;Cs-roof,Cs-pv per ASCE 7[Fgure 7-2] 2. pf=0.7(Ce)(CO(Is)p,; Cs=0.9,4=1.1,I:==1.0 Member Analysis Results.Summary Governing Analysis Pre-PV Load(psf) Post-PV. I Net Impact Result , Gravity Loading Check 44.7 36.4 I -19% Pass ZEP HARDWARE DESIGN CALCULATIONS- MP2 Mounting Plane Information Roofing Material Comp Roof Roof Slope 39° Rafter Spacing _ 16"O.C. Framing Type/Direction Y-Y Rafters PV System Type Solaray SleekMount" Zep System Type ZS Comp Standoff(Attachment Hardware) Como Mount TyDe C Spanning Vents No Wind Design Criteria Wind Design Code IBC 2009 ASCE 7-05 Wind Design Method Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Basic Wind SpeedV 90 mph Fig.6-1 Exposure Category C Section Roof Style Gable Roof Fig.6-11B/C/D-14A/B Mean Roof Height h 25 ft Section 6.2 Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure K, 0.95 I Table 6-3 Topographic Factor Ka 1.00 Section 6.5.7 Wind Directionality Factor IQ 0.85 Table 6-4 Importance Factor I 1.0 Table 6-1 Velocity Pressure qh qh= 0.00256(1(z)(Kit)(Kd)(VA 2)(I) Equation 6-15 16.7 psi Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coefficient(Up) GCp(Up) _._. -0.95 Fig.6-118/C/D-14A/B Ext.Pressure Coefficient(Down) GCp(Down) 0.88 Fig.6-11B/C/D-14A/B Design Wind Pressure p p =qh(GCp) Equation 6-22 Wind Pressure Up P0.e1 -15.8 psi Wind Pressure Down Psowm 14.6 psi ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X-Direction I V-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 64" 39" Max Allowable Cantilever Landscape 24" NA Standoff Configuration Landscape _ Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -250 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 637 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 39.3% X-Direction V-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" 65" Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 20" NA Standoff Configuration _ Portrait Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 22 sf P7 Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -313 His Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 637 Its Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 49.1% ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL—LISTED POWER—CONDITIONING INVERTER. BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. CONC CONCRETE 3. A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL UST ALL EQUIPMENT IN EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET—BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GND GROUND MULTI'WRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. I CURRENT 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL {, Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(6). These plans have been reviewed Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR And approvedt kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). !.-� MIN MINIMUM 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN 1]' _7' _/ / (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY Date � / NEUT NEUTRAL UL LISTING. /'/��� NTS NOT TO SCALE 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OC ON CENTER UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING Signature P01 POINT OF INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER VICINITY MAP INDEX Vac VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINKGHT PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN • PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS LICENSE GENERAL NOTESat neets THREAE LIINE DIAGRAM GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH EDITION ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. • 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR AHJ: Northampton REV N%B�%Y%� DATE COMMENTS I�I1(IIY1�DATE COMMENTS ®firill .� UTIUTY: National Grid USA (Massachusetts Electric) _.(Google • ... CCIMENDAL- ME INFORMATION HERBY XN Na J8-0102675 00 """g OMERa OSEPOWICZ 0 Wa6N. ,��,, coNTMNED SHALL NOT USED FOR THE EDWARD Edward Osepowicz RESIDENCE IHSAN Cankaya SolarCity BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOVRCITY INC., NCNTNc S sIEN. r.,d Nm SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN %MOLE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Metal—Flashing 58 GREENLEAF DR 7.5 KW PV ARRAY i" PART TO OTHERS WTSDE THE RECIPIENT'S NWIREa NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 N E SAZABON, EXCEPT w CONNECTION PATH 24 St YHF phe,Buick"z Una II THE SALE AND USE or THE RESPECT* (25) Hanwha Q—Cells # Q.PEAK—G4.1/SC300 PAGE NAe SHEET: RN DAM Ne[awg„MA 01)03 m1A90tt EW1'YFNT,wMWi 1HE NRImN NVpI1ER T: (650)638-1030 F: (650)536-1039 PERMISSION a sawarY Na Delta i Solivia 6.6 1L COVER SHEET PV 1 4/6/2017 (606)-SOL-OTO(785-3419) www.mmMtyccm ® © PITCH:39 ARRAY PITCH:39 MP2 AZIMUTH:271 ARRAY AZIMUTH:271 MATERIAL:Comp Shingle STORY: 2 Stories 6 o (E)DRIVEWAY N 0 co in O a on LEGEND w . 1 ® (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL e. ® INTEGRATEDINVERTER IN/ DC DISCO .a. & WARNING LABELSDC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS - ;Dlii '� AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS ®� Marcus Ds�ly,9"ea�yA,a,°,Hann F� DN'.cn=Marta:Han,,, an-"'"'"nerm"cuY<om, Oa DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS Front Of House a=ADOBE(r AATL c=US, n=SOlsrClry Corporation .n ON Hann Date:2017.04 os 17:0058 0 DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS oae NEM • Q LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS STAMPED & SIGNED FOR O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER STRUCTURAL ONLY BRAPID SHUTDOWN O STANDOFF LOCATIONS ., �,r+Df Aid Ir s - CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR Li, CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE ��� /,( MAFiCU6�m HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED L���1 � MAF1N w ,'1 INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED No 29910 ..0, c/sTEp`�° SITE PLAN 'SSfoNAL Lt-' Scale: 3/32" = 1' `j w E f/ I i / c t : st , 4 t .L it O 1' 10' 21' I - 5 CONFIDENTIAL- THE wratiAAnaN HEREIN JCR NUMBERJ 3-0102675 00 PREMISE OMER (ESAGIa DESIGN:DE9 . CONTAINED SRNL NOT BE USED FOR THE EDWARD OSEPOWICZ Edward Osepowicz RESIDENCE IHSAN Cankaya ?_Ete BENEFIT a ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCIrY INC. MaN1wt SmILM: - -- i "°SoiarCity. NOR 91A11 IT BE DISCLOSED IN MOLE OR w ZS Comp V4 w Metal-Flashing 58 GREENLEAF DR 7.5 KW PV ARRAY hA PATI TO OTHERS OUTSIDE NE CONNECTION RAT MmDas NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 THE SNIZATCN,EXCEPT IN E RESPEIICH MM 14 St North Drive,WICsy Z WN II ME SALE AND USE T,ME UT THE (25) Hanwha Q-Cells Q.PEAK-G4.1/SC3D0 SHEET: REV: DAR Matorou4A.MA 01752 sMRatt EQUIPMENT, M1HaT 129E XRIrIEN RAMER: PAGE x29[ T: (650)6Jo-loza F: (850)6X-1029 PERMISSION a SCIIFtltt mu Delta # Solivio 6.6 TL SITE PLAN PV 2 4/6/2017 (666}set-arr(7855-2860) .....Mmmy.arn PV MODULE (E) COLLAR TIE 5/16" BOLT WITH INSTALLATION ORDER (E) KNEE WALL FENDER WASHERS LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE ZEP LEVELING FOOT (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (6) � HOLE. /Ail. (4) (z) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH ZEP COMP MOUNT C POLYURETHANE SEALANT. . A'►Vii/i'/MIFFF iMMi:, •:��yFFFFF i ZEP FLASHING C _tytn W (3) INSERT FLASHING. —1•.—fa V.- ALM- _ E) ((E COMP. SHINGLE TAM (4) PLACE MOUNT. ® (E) AOF DECKING (5) INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH 5/16" DIA STAINLESS (5) SEALING WASHER. STEEL LAG BOLT LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES INSTALL LEVELING FOOT WITH WITH SEALING WASHER (6) BOLT & WASHERS. 9 (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER 4" / STANDOFF - i Si + 1 i 14'-2° ii / Scale: 11/2" = 1' (E) LBW 1 (E) LBW CB) SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS MP2 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING Y-CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 64" 24" 39" 0" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 48" 20" 65" 0" ROOF AZI PITCH 39 RAFTER 2x10 @ 16" OC ARRRAAYAZI 271 PITCH 39 STORIES: 2 STAMPED & SIGNED FOR C.J. 2x10 @16" OC Comp Shingle STRUCTURAL ONLY X ANDY ARE ALWAYS RELATIVE TO THE STRUCTURE FRAMING THAT SUPPORTS THE PV. X IS ACROSS RAFTERS AND Y IS ALONG RAFTERS. C HANN Ea. IC1 No.Ty/ ��AO 9FGt3 .ssSIQN 2_. L L 1 CONFIDCNTAI- TME INFORMATION WREN SO NEMER JB-0102675 00 PREMISE GONER DESOXPTDII DESIGN: \.N ca ITAxm 911LL NOT BE USED FOR ME --a.t. BENEFIT OF ANYNEERCFPT SIXARa1Y INC.. NMMTNOMikk EDWARD 0 Edward Osepowicz RESIDENCE IHSAN caTkOyo COIar�I}" NOR SHALL n BE DISCLOSED IN MOLE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Metal—Flashing 58 GREENLEAF DR 7.5 KW PV ARRAY ��i� `�/ PART TO omasarsDE mE RECIPIENT'S MOLES: NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 aiWN]Anay D(CEPT N CCMHECNON MTI 24 SL Note Rhe,&AW,y 1.Una II NE SALE AND USE a TIE RESPECTt£ (25) Hanwha Q—Cells # Q.PEAK—G4.1/SC300 9AAACIIY EQUIPMENT,MTIWT WE WRITTEN PAGE Pt. SNFC MY DAM Nal[awgA.MA 01752 PERNSSgHasOUAarY Na Delta q Sollvia 6.6 TL STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV 3 4/6/2017 ow-sat-am PO) (7665-24) ...`.�atr`Po,,, UPLIFT CALCULATIONS SEE SEPARATE PACKET FOR STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. JB-0102675 00 �xER: DESCRIPTOR: DOM wUUANEDAS.SHALL TME T6€UAD F RENE ` ;SolarCity. OENEFIT O ANONE E BE U3➢FOR ME EDWARD OSEPOW CZ Edward Osepowicz RESIDENCE IHSAN Cankaya BENEFIT Of ANYONE EXCEPT IN SMARMY INC. YZS CC VON: •••i1 PAR SHALLO a BE RS DJS .O 1 IN An&E aR w ZS Comp V4 w Metal—Flashing 58 CREENL AFON DR 7.5 KW PV ARRAY PART TO OTHERS OUP/DE 1HE RE0Re11T5 MODULES: NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 TIE Afl , USEEXCEPTOF IN P'INEcnax VIM 24 St!Mx Ale,&fang 2,Unn II ME SALE AND USE T,THE RESPECT* (25) Hanwha Q—Cells # O.PEAK—G4.1/SC300 Nm raw DAR Marlboro*MA 01752 5(MMcm EGUFMFNT, WlxaT 1HE MFlrrnliftrER, PAGE NAME: T: (650) 63Y1026 F: (650)COB-1029 PERMISSION of an ARO1Y INC. PV 4 4/6/2017ma)-sa-an P05-24139)) ....wartiq..� Delta # Solivia 6.6 TL UPLIFT CALCULATIONS ( GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE • BOND (N) /6 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND Panel Number:LC240PC Inv I: DC Ungrounded INV I -(1)Delta M Solivia 6.6 IL LABEL: A -(25)Hanwha Q-Cells I Q.PEAK-G41 SC300 GEN /168572 RODS AT PANEL \MIH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number:098625848 Inverter:6600W, 240V, 97.5%, Zigbee, PLC, RGM PV Module; 300W,274.5PTC, 40MM, Black Frame, MC4, ZEP, 1000V ELEC 1136 MR Underground Service Entrance INV 2 Voc: 39.76 Vpmax: 32.41 INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER E 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL MULTI-CONTACT E 200A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Delta (E) WRING Inverter 1 IND Branch Socket CUTLER-HAMMER A co B 200A/2P Disconnect Q Della L. p _-- oc. /---I Salvia 6.6 TL ' pc. MP 2: 1x11 'y h (E) LOADS C L EGG / ar nal v A.1 DC- 40 J arvo c6c T" w• TIJI ( ■ _ V. MP2: 2x7 �� -tip a"D 1 EGO 4-1 ' _ 6 1 f°c rR " L(I l Conduit Kit; 3/4"EMT I I GEC TO 120/240V SINGLE PHASE UTILITY SERMOE -- PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED MATH RAPID SHUTDOWN Voc = MAX VOC ATiippMIN TEMP POI-(I)CUTLER -HNIMj2PI BR24 Spaces Disconnect; BACKFEED BREAKER C -(')CUTLER-HAAMFR /0G222URB /I( B -(3)°V dIu A -(1)MUL -WNTACT PV-AB DC Disconnect; 60A. 240Vac.Non-Fusible,NEMA X AC _ Sm RSS Ropld Shutdown,600V, 20A, NOM 41L MC4 Band SMeI;(1C4 U-bnt Cannata. Female Female Male Ooh Rod -(I)WTl£R-tlALMER OGOONB -(1)MULT-CGITACT PV-AZS4 2 5/8gd xW. Copper III Rwnd/Nwtrd v,1; 60-IIIOA,General Duty(OG) : Branch Plug; 1104 11-Joint Connector,Mole Mole Female Ondh(1)AWG 15, Solid Bare Capps -(1) (N) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOW: PER EXCEPTION N0. 2, ADDITIONAL ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF (E) ELECTRODE ©rT(1)ANG p, IHYM-P, gad �T(4)AMG#ID PV'Mrs, 600V,Black Voc* =324.3 VX Isc =19.54 ADC IE'�(2)AWG IlO PV Wee,6WV, Bad Voc* =509.61 VDC Isc'Sc =9.77 ADC bF(1)AWG , 'HMT-2, Red 3 (1)AWG 46 Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =226.8IVOC Imp=18.52 ADC OIoI-(1)AWG p Soli Bore Copps EGG Vmp =356.51 VDC Imp=9,26 ADC LLLLLL II (I)AMG/10. MWR-2. While NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp 27.5 MC L��TlL(1 Cmdut Kit; 3/f ETR �BTTII (1)Cmdut Kit 3/f EMT -(I)AWG/Q NW-2, Greet EGC/LRC-(I)CmYlt KR; 3/f DAT I�TT(2)AWG 110, PV Wire, 600V,Bbd Voc* =324.3 VDC Isc =19.54 ADC [�'�F(4 MC 110 PV Ore, 6CaV,oath Voc* =324.3 VDC Isc =9.77 ADC ®I'oF(I)ANG/6, SdM Bore Copps ECC comp =226.B7VDC Imp-18.52 ADC O VAI (1)AWG p,SdM Bare Copper EGC Vmp =226.87VDC Imp=9.26 ADC Lill(I)Conduit Kit; 3/4'EMT (1 Condult) Kit 3/f EMT 6E(R AM;/10, PV Wira 600V,own* Vac' =509.61 VDC Isc =9J7 AX 5 (')ANC 56, 6did Bre Capps ECL Vmp =356.51 VDC ImP-9.26 AX I c PPPPPPII (I)Candult Kit 3/f EMT I EMMENPk- ME INFMUNATNIN IIBRN TOB"Mat J B-01 02675 OO NOISE OIAFR l : CONTAMm SHALL NOT BE USD FOR THE EDWARD OSEPOWICZ Edward Ose owicz RESIDENCE IHSAN Cankaya 3k1R•-• i it , BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT m1AFCIW INC., MOMMG f311M: P ` `�/ NOR SHAT,_IT BE DISCLOSED IN MOLE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Metal-Flashing 58 GREENLEAF DR 7.5 KW PV ARRAY rii1 PART REOTH,RS SWEPT DIEON ECTION MIS HOWLER NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 THE AME AND USEEOF THE RE ECT' H1H 24 SI Ma1F bhe,Building 2 Unit II SHE SME AND USE T, THE RESPEEP1E (25) Hanwha D-Cells # Q.PEAK-G4.1/SC300 saLARgtt EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT PE WITIFH IDERTBE PAGE AMIE SIM aEY. -AIG c (650)028 A(850)e3B-1029 PERMISSION aSWIRgtt INC. Delta / Solivia 6.6 TL THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 5 4/6/2017 (B&BSOL-CITY(ns-2MP) .rr.mmdty.ca CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 58 Greenleaf Dr INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT LJ I_ UTILITY r r SERVICE AC DISCONNECT F SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY(S) PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK—FID CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V JB-0102675-00 CMF1OEHRAE— 11"INPCNMRC41 HERE" jCe Nowa: J B-0102675 00 PREMISE a»Ek DESORPTION oEml. CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FC THE EDWARD OSEPOWICZ Edward Osepowicz RESIDENCE IHSAN Cankaya ���h BENEFIT a ANYONE EXCEPT sawan INC. MOONING SISTER P S�la���t\/ NUI 91ALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN wnac OUR w 58 GREENLEAF DR �i'i J� PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ZS Comp V4 w Metal-Flashing 7.5 KW PV ARRAY ORGANIZATION.EXCEPT IN DNINECTON 1m — NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 CIE SALE AND USE a THE RESPECTIVE (25) Hanwha Q—Cells # Q.PEAK—G4.1/SC300 24 St Manor Mn,Building 2 umI II SaARtltt EQUIPMENT. MIHCUT THE MARTENPACE NNE: SHEET: REV: DATE MUMaagh MA 01752 NM sC10RCl1Y INC. RTN'Dr: (650)638-1028 E: (650)638-1029 PERM Delta J Solivia 6.6 7L SITE PLAN PLACARD PV 6 4/6/2017 (666)-mE-m.(T65-74a) wnsdaaxran et'4RNING.PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE Label Location: Label Location: Label Location: (C)(CB) WARNING (AC)(POI) WARNING (DC)(INV) Per Code: Per Code: Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NEC 690.17.E ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NEC 690.35 E DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS ( ) Label Location: TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE TO BE USED WHEN PHOTOVOLTAIC DC (DC)(INV) LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZEDUNG ROUNDED AND INVERTER IS IN THE OPEN POSITION MAY BE ENERGIZED DISCONNECT Per Code: UNGROUNDED NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: Label Location: PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM (INV) MAXIMUM POWER—A (DC) (INV) EQUIPPED WITH RAPID Per Code: POINT CURRENT{Imp) Per Code: SHUTDOWN CEC 690.56(C) MAXIMUM POWER- POINT VOLTAGE(Vnip) NEC 690.53 MAXIMUM SYSTE VOLTAGE i VoM V SHORT-CIRCUIT...A CURRENT nec) Label Location: WARNING (P01) Per Code: INVERTER au OUTPUT CONNECTION NEC 690.64.8.7 Label Location: DO NOT RELOCATE WARNING (DC) (INV) THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE Per Code: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD II NEC 690.5D A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED ( ) NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY HE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED Label Location: CAUTION (D)(POI) PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Per Code: CIRCUIT IS BACKFED NEC 690.64.8.4 Label Location: WARNING (DC)(CB) ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Per Code: DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED CAUTION (P01) IN THE OPEN POSITION DUAL POWER SOURCE Per Code: DC VOLTAGE IS SECOND SOURCE IS NEC 690.64.8.4 ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED 10 SUNLIGHT Label Location: PHOTOVOLTAIC POINT OF (P01) Label Location: INTERCONNECTION Per Code: PHOTOVOLTAIC AC (AC) (P01) WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK NEC 690.17.4; NEC 690.54 (AC):AC Disconnect Per Code: HAZARD. DO NOT TOUCH (C): Conduit DISCONNECT TERMINALS TERMINALS ON NEC 690.14.C.2 BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDE (CB): Combiner Box MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN (D): Distribution Panel POSITION. FOR SERVICE (DC): DC Disconnect DE-ENERGIZE BOTH SOURCE AND MAIN BREAKER. (IC): Interior Run Conduit Label Location: PV POWER SOURCE (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect mIAxINIUM Ac _ (AC)(POI) MAXIMUM AC _ A (LC): Load Center OPERATING CURRENT OPERATING CURRENT Per Code: UtilityMeter NAkIAIUW AC MAXIMUM AC (M): OPERATING VOL TAGF _ v NEC 69054 OPERATING VOLTAGE V (POI): Point of Interconnection CMn0EN1Ik- NE wrgNATOI HEREIN CWTNInI SHALL NOT BE USED FOR =l;4 THE I#NEAT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLPROT NYC,NOR SHALL IT BE olsClOffO .._. San Mateo, Way 4102 IN THOLE OR N PMT TO OTHERS WTSOE THE REOPENTs ORCMIZIRW, caw M'• Sana-IO2 6384079 EXCEPT IN CCNNECTON MIH TN SALE MO USE R NE RESPECRNE Label Set �I, ` Of/\N _I (BRBIISOOL{ (7s651b�;)www solamiy.com SCWitltt EWWYENT, MIHWT 1W WRITTEN PERI 4 OF SUARptt NC. J Q, ■{/_ n + ' Model RSS-600 4-2 Connection Diagram TA RAPID SHUTDOWN BON tea f° &trX DELTA ROOF WITHIN ID OF PV 9 ®. Shi n • 4 t .P"j`_ Y'_ RSS DCw.II I.._ ?fit Ac Ac }''° i GRID A One roBPEANER for all wiringidng Technical ficanons ...x. • u., Input Ratings ;..v .d q `t coy` , r,,.Fvm'.� r4T `•! Max.System voltage 600VOC 60 V DC mom Max.Number of npvl Circuit 1 4 =1.1111111.1 20A 10A / \')..- M ®1BLM y WA 15A output Ratings Max.Number or Output Circuit 1 2 Rated Output Current Per Circuli 20A 20A 4 \ - Maximum Current Controlled Conductor 25A 25A Output Terminal Wire Sae 1OAWO 12-S AWG Output Conduit Srze N/A 314"(two hobs) Control Signal Method PLC Signal 5V Signal Wire 5V Signal Wire Voltage Rating WA 600V - - 5V Signal Wire Size Range WA 24-I4AWG General DataRapid Shutdown Device EndoSure Size In intoes rxwxU(ern 7.87x5.91x2.09(200x 150x53) 12Kx10.04x2.18(316x255x55) CEMINIIMOI 2.661be(1.3kg) 6.61be(3.0101 for Delta 3a0nJ7 .6 TL Inverters inure Conne°em MC-4 PV Connector DrAmpaenot FM PV Connector MC-4 PV Connect orAmphenol R4 PV Connector Output Connectors MC-4 PV Connector pNnpasnol 1-14 PV Connector Screw Terminal Blocks Operating Temperature 40-158°F(40-7 C) -40-158°F(-40-/0°C) Deltas Rapid Shutdown Devices provide an automatic disconnect of 600VDC Storage Temperature -40-165°F(40-65°C) 40-165°F(-40-65°C) residential or small commericial PV array system, fully compliant with the Rapid o-10096 0-105e Shutdown requirements of NEC 2014 article 69012-It is compatible with Deltas Max.Operating Altitude 2000n above sea level SOWN above sea level single-phase residential inverters. IMnIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 10 wars 10 years Standard Compliance KEY FEATURES Enclosure Protection Rating NEMA4X NEMA4X •NEMA 4X Protection safety UL 1741,CSA 222107-1 UL 1741.CSA222 107-1 •Compact and Lightweight NEC Codo NEC 2014 Ane 690.12 NEC 2014Artide 690,12 •Rack Mount Installation Delta Products remtCorporation,Inc. •Fast Connect with PV Connectors 46101remt,CA 9t Blvd. •Compliant with NEC 2014 article 690.12 Fremont,CA 94538 Sales Email: Inverter Sales@delta-corp.com •PLC Communication(Model RSS-600 1-1 only) Support Email: Inverter Support@delta-corp.com Sales Hotline: 1-877-440-5851 or S` +1-526-369-8021 H Support Hotline' +1-877-442-4832 A Support(Intl) 1-626-369-8019 A C US 0 AELTII M°ndaytom r eammspm PST pungore newsier AELTA www.delta-americas com/solarinverters 61 Delta Solar Inverters Datasheet for SolarCity z"y^c.4.8'f&5 ';"Y:3(7)(15478,(3563 5,36• 6))?i INPUT MC) 111.11.11 e4)0V Milli .l. 3110V IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMMM Bs-550V IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIMII w0.m0v re o. mo. 2oone.5lw%WC% e 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 - 4200W 5000W www a.. SdaKlty @. 110111111111 m4„-% 24. �u`r Cli INIMINIONSIIIII OMONINIMMINiiiiiiiiiil UTPUTl �w w �SEww 1 ww ww V/ t�7000W v. ® MiNiMMINEMIN a. wmiwy rb. w1 WOO W®�wre. W5200%4W204 1% ®�o� rr. 1 I 220v600ovr 211 m .e6G m'mevr 5p®emvr 0pm� pmmevr Tm®m4vr 1 mxb. 6 4°000 24" 6110 m=w. r ®x.oV i 1111111111111111111111101111111111111111 ,i.5 w 1111111111111111•=111111111111111111111 ,‘3% <wmlN V% 0110 0 II/ II IIMIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 o O'szsxo w I I A, 11111111111111111111111=11111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINI 11111S11111111111 .i3-1511%%25-70LC)00484041Move 122%(WC) S0 0-100% 111.1111 ewon,eo<.W w« t5 MECt ICLLDENLn lase 15 8 0e5m{4952401 2 eismm) 03 m 15 Ina 0.0204 401421e mml 40047000 040 0.07blb00 = . NewrIC40200440 5w.0 terminal,in bac - AWG 12-AWG 6Cwow I Www4042 to NEC 15) xra+a+mremimiMn in...cam to. 111111.111 AWG 12-Awe 8 Copp&Wwwl,07%NEC woo MMIIIMIIMI waist 111111111111111101.1 Oiwr Numivm DIRECTIVES Solar Inverters UL 174N1W 11k1071_01 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIa UL 1990 Transformerless (TL.): 3.8 kW, 5 2 kW, 6.6 kW, 7 6 kW illilltinlin1.11 NEC 080 W UL 1141 CPU 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IEEE 15.7 mc E 1017 1 FCC un wS Wide Operating Voltage Range'.00-550V MMININI1111111 00%99FILY270 II,PEcawn 111111111 uL 1747 CROFNI0S9 NEC 090 12 Wth SMART 7400) Wide Operating Temperature Range-13- I 58 F(-25-)0°C) cax..yl unm.nu.21 RECO wmlwrt IEEE rvr Nigh CFC Itficiency. 5% WARRANTY Integrated AFC](Are Fault Circuit Inter' ptione lawn NEMA 4X plus Salt Mist Corrosion Protection mme 40101 7,00,04024 Natural Convection Cooling paws MAW 0000 Ema woe!Asieswewwww Dual MPPT(52kW/66kW/76kW) wamiswi nusiiiimsmwwwwk Compact and Lightweight Sigyart Flak.PI 377 442AV} a Q AE�TtI DL 1741/IEEE 1547/IEEE 1547.1 /GEC a. U/ AELT11 Mmrmrvwm..�.n.+.ne.,.nos.r•m�r�.a�m.r Listed JUL 16990(Type 1)/NEC 690.11 ��ii%% //]] 3S-'421 "'tSolarCity Zep Satar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology ^SoiarCity I Z pSotar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology Components . ZS Comp for composition shingle roofs is I . lip .44,4® :. ate,„. �4444r� - _...... ,` �`444q�p 4.4, Mounting Block Array Skirt Interlock bd b ����lefieaifiet Pad No.850-1633 Part No 850-1608 or 500-0113 Pad No.850-1388 or 850-1613 �41 '�46�'�4�•�'1 446•14r Listed to UL 2103 and UL 2582 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 a , a 44gP" s�a''�i t LLL sY i,�4�a z44q % tote 40®�Y�e40® Flashing Accessory Grip Ground ZepV2 4. 4`��� Part No.850-1634 Part No.850-1606 or 8601421 Part No.850-1511 le Listed to UL 2703 and UL 2582 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 yep Description I 41 v I' • PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs . • Works with all Zep Compatible Modules • Auto bonding UL-Ilsted hardware creates structural and electrical bond • ZS Camp has a UL 1703 Class"A"Fire Rating when installed using modules from any manufacturer certified as Type V'or'Type 2' Captured Washer Lag End Cap DC Wire Clip OUSTED Part No.850-1631-001 Part Na. Part No.850-1509 Specifications 8521631-003 (LI 850-1586 or 850.1460 Listed to UL 1565 (RI858-1588 or850-1467 Designed for pitched roofs Installs in portrait and landscape orientations ZS Comp supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 2703 Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards ZS Comp grounding products UL listed to UL 2703 and UL 467 ,, j� ZS Comp bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 ›" .r Engineered for spans up to 72 and cantilevers up to 24" /,L r/ Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices , `e/}— Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain 1 we Leveling Foot Part No.850-1397 zepsolarcom zepsotar corn Listed to UL 2703 This documente not deal anynexpress ants by zapsw aboutits product zap so solenatty is cm written product warranty tor This document doe notcreateexpress warranty Zep Seer alien Ls produc evma-Zap soar sol warranty is contained nen product ann for each The end-user aau p with ZeSoe'srprods specificationreferred the product y is mlel naudocumentation with Zep Solar omaspecificationsI a product t is solely resp nsible forverifying he aulabAry of Zep Solars products breach use.Specifications are subject to chancwahout nosee.Patents andApps:inns Com responsi de for ven fyi rig the suitability oepSdars products for each use 6poolremns are subject to change without notice.Patents and Apps xaparS.wm. Document#800-1890-001 Rev C Catalpa(expected May 2420164:51 PM Downrent 4 800.1890001 Rev C pate laze exported'. May 24,70.116 451 PM pOWeledw GT.ANTUM W 9'9 S 4394 .r.41.4.1....04.4& 4^...' " Haan t P c ) .. .. ''" *v.& 091 i ) &1 1,% ? - rM.O 013 3 lMr .i 8 Ih J .WY IJ 1 IMO Cave f . til I1 1 .... 1 P 8i M M .m:. m,v� x , Zeal' 6 offfiraframoff re.0ANTOML RA I, r 1 l , 44114:40,190e 490404 dna 51 M 4 f.450 ( 8 ')4ll) ) 15-1 f 'Oq 1 /Willi pi C....cs { n \ \ t_ C pb 4 Ok 1 129. (1290 1.I l' U2J6mn �� C d0 N... tM0 .IPh. P K G . I C` 29 -3 a MASS .:��� 1, MIflWMVEPf0PMMSEA)8)9N9Ap0 TEST COINIi0N5,Sit'{PONE9101 ANCS.SW:Opt r. S Paw uWPW i.,.. /WI my .aw 'US Q.ANTUM ULTRA SOLAR MODULE %.,,,..",,..m. 1, ,A1 "° ¢e4 I 84antlutitYWapV' Va tat 3SRE 3A'6 n¢p5 g Omnmm MP➢' Sas. {Al 9.I> 3'. V„, iatlaHeal kPP' Vy;, WI 39,19 3241 i.2 02 The new high-performance module L',Pt Ak f t 'Se is the ideal solution iamb I {%I %;;i .;„;) 161 for all applications thanks to its innovative cell technology G Orr i ;IA MIWMVM P{RFPRM&Nr1 A,NORMM OPCAmmt MIAOWN3,Net WT+A and a black.2u ''ana)3a ..+1frame design for improved aesthetics. ?noel xPAPP P„, (WI us.I 22L8 4.,., easy installation and increased safety, The world-record cell design was ▪ 8°""""`""`"' 'e `"L 2a2 zee '';d developed to achieve the best performance under real conditions—even - ' t 41444"44.41°°"°t`' V. m a€9Y x,,9 ae.e S C41e4/1NMP.* 5,w W l.o »i '.a5 with low radiation intensity and on clear, hot summer days. _ i Vdw,tMpr V.,. WI se.m xr,.49 ,,, , i• S eats far MUMMYWARYANte 5110¢11MMtt AT TAW tRWItYKE .OW£ ECRIgTYGENERAfinN COSTS i I t g ,. f{/ `moi Ngher yield per surface area and lower HOS costs thanks to i eY oolfum fa bray fraffram fraorarara.lOgd.r., w .--- toghef.power:.toss and an eIiIciency'rate bf up to 18.6°£. g c 2n € Tr b.f P INNOVA1Nt ALi;WEAIt U ncHNOLOnY os ' rc m"'^'°'" „1 Optimal Y eid',wF4 s be,IN.weather with excellent low_Ilght a m„°,,,„w„ and temperature behaatnr, ' 9w J a '&141{11111'tm St o.w .m...m.x . +.- .- E 01”1,1511W1 le Sr.,"9 ws J4'OOfW YI. ittcENOUNNG NIGH PERFORMANdE W� Long-term yle d secmny with Ann PIO)ecnnelogol, Gate Ta, n ate CE elhownts Nat-Sprit r^retcet ani Traceable QueMtyiya.C1IM, r m c Saw er, MAO "0J morxamroeWuewav> @ IXn; ono x Q iMeym G Nleiery iP... y 1ZfKi -039 NmWySep rewpex"rc 1kCC `"/I !is:54(4513'0 t Y A RfLiRRL6{NYE INVESTMENT M Sp YY>m Vm RI 1(430 AO(I(aa WO eNeb gaea l linearIncIoV8 12-year productmrwarranty and a'N'}'earlir loamosoan=toe Rating IAlt, 20 In iii@ C Ifni,TYLE I UU r lineae performance guarantee'. Ikv@n A0 WO,Vax0.MY ItpWft t5l3LCn P 'W tdemmtleblwe (- Cl at pd5'4 BgMPAl> AMMn 6uty 40 Wm.55"il N amp MaRAWLY Ma,: 5511t269, c a vel Xun,xual w mbar"ilii %110,04. mob" WJAUFGARIONS PM G£RGFIGATFS McKaGete INFORMAGON NPP W. na3:cI-YYYMYYY. Wither M*4o yen MW. 2 0. IF:.b)tlStFa..e 44 W7304EavraMev-„ n n (14,5 n /M1 %WOW a PNSr h teSfer SMawn4 42 AK; ), 14 .L 6 1t )4400V C E a' Nom*M',gimpy(40 Camenm 26 >VaiyYt EmslCee rtb co Nddw ,t, Pallet yMe sig (tww FA 5 .e,1m t i 43mn.x(14o x1llG,nfa fl tial fwereC mM t 544aceL5"C, TME IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: leen Pa149'MO .Irv.rsav5I5 ®rz,.xn" ,.m Yee I .n alio Earn ,a..: pore az m tvt oo,on xtrw:a .,n,.,"b� tewn C i 1 C 394 Syms Cease Oi,t.5,50. 50 rvre A 09yld n L A9 4 74139 4 r.MNI,4,,yW.9 v" eeM1,e,,,. Engineered in Germany Q CELLS