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38B-210 (7)
ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE 1THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERRED G NIVD VIA A 3gb., f S AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL-LISTED POWER-CONDITIONING INVERTER. l/Jl BLDG BUILDING 2. A NATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED TESTING CONC CONCRETE LABORATORY SHALL UST ALL EQUIPMENT IN DC DIRECT CURRENT COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. EGG EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 3. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING (E) EXISTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE FSB FIRE SET-BACK HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GALV GALVANIZED 4. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY GND GROUND PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. CITY Try NORTHAMPTON HOG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 5. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL CI f OF I CURRENT COMPLY WITH ART. 250.91, 250.92(B). BUILDING R p{/'+ imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER 6. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING DEPARTMENT isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCES58LE DC {, {, kW KILOWATT DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). These plans have been reviewed LBW LOAD BEARING WALL 7. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN F` MIN MINIMUM RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY And approved. (N) NEW UL LISTING. NEUT NEUTRAL 8. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THENTS OC ONTTO CENTERALE UL-LISTED MANUFACTURERATION USING�ULL LISTED GROUNDING ED BY THE Date 3-F-l7 PL PROPERTY UNE HARDWARE. �1-,/n. ax POi POINT OF INTERCONNECTION 9. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE 7/// PV PHOTOVOLTAIC BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. SCH SCHEDULE Signature � S STAINLESS STEEL �'�" STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TAP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER VICINITY MAP INDEX Vac VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 4' PVI COVER SHEET 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT 4 • PV2 SITE PLAN 9 PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 THREE LINE DIAGRAM LICENSE GENERAL NOTES • Cutsheets Attached GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8TH EDITION ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. ,om 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH .. THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING • MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. • MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR r -I AHd: Northampton .. • REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV A MG 12/13/16 CHANGED MOD PER CUSTOMER REQUEST REV 0 M.Baba 3/2/17 Battery added UTILITY: National Grid USA (Massachusetts Electric) G'ooglQ. CCONTINNRAL- MET BE USED SION DFOR THE .rR xmaR J3-0102531 00 ROSE R. ALAN HOFF R Alan Hoff RESIDENCE Baba itISolarCity. CONTAINED SHALL NOT EXCEPT t MEMORY Pqn THE _ ' ,A NOR SHT qE AIT BE EDI CLOSET IN*OL INC.. wow C smSw 57 FORT ST NOR SHALL a BE DISCLOSED in*OLE OR IN ZS Comp V4 w Metal-FlRshing 6.93 KW PV ARRAY + hA PART TO oncns COMM ME REOVOirs 13 5 KWH BATTERY BACK—UP 1W sAuaON.FSCEETM OONxc 991E ,roans NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 X THE SALE AND USE OF Tis PEWECH`£ (22) LC # LG315N1C-14 �. 24 so Axvfn aa., 11*01)Z2 Unit H S.AIAROTY E MPLENT,IAUHOUT THE ARMEN PAGE MANE: MEET kV. DAM xorooro,q„MA bJ52 PEanssrox OF mna°tt INC. SoollarrCity // Delta H6 COVER SHEET PV 1 b 3/2/2017 ONO-(SQ.-CM(765-2489)6�w:..Sdortiix PITCH: 37 ARRAY PITCH:37 MP1 AZIMUTH:210 ARRAY AZIMUTH:21.0 MATERIAL: Metal Seam STORY: 1. Story PITCH: 35 ARRAY PITCH:35 MP2 AZIMUTH:210 ARRAY AZIMUTH:210 MATERIAL:Comp Shingle STORY: 2+ Stories PITCH: 35 ARRAY PITCH:35 MP3 AZIMUTH: 120 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 120 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 2+ Stories PITCH: 37 ARRAY PITCH:37 MP4 AZIMUTH:30 ARRAY AZIMUTH:30 MATERIAL: Metal Seam STORY: 1 Story AC ram► ® ® RBLC):' D ) L__i LEGEND Q (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL ® INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO Front Of House & WARNING LABELS F�-1 DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS ' AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS ®®®® MIMI. ^0 BATTERY PACK Il' 31 . ®:N.�= Li'� DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS • 0 BACK UP LOAD CENTER cn T O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER gir 0 a.. m xsD RAPID SHUTDOWN STANDOFF LOCATIONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR --- CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR — GATE/FENCE 0 HEAT PRODUDNG VENTS ARE RED • INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED SITE PLAN - Scale: 3/32" = 1' .: 0 1' 10' 21' 4 r cp amnoExnu- INFORMATION xoom Jae NUMBER JB-0102531 0 0 PREII¢ "` DESCRIPTOR �M BENFITBD sxNLNOT�uSlFOR ARCITYTHE R. ALAN HOFF R. Alan Hoff RESIDENCE Mike Baba .,,SoiarCity. NORBEN91 Of IXaPD N.%HOLY INC.. MZS SYSTEM: 57 FORT ST 6.93 KW PV ARRAY + PAR 91,38.IT Be DISCLOSED IN wtaLE TS N ZS Comp V4 w Metal–Flashing , M PART TO OILERS WISI ME REaORfNrs MONIES NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 MES ORGANIZATION. EXCEPT 11 ECONNECTOR mtx 13.5 KWH BATTERY BACK—UP Sr Sr.Mann Dm.,w,mns Z Unit n NNE SALE MID 385E 02 THE RE3BCP1f (22) LG # LG315N1C–Z4 sanRary BwiRMExr,m>xwr THE marrzx PAGE x38[: vrn: RBv Dn>E Malborough, MEM: : (MO) a-08 10)638-1029. PERMISSION a 69.9.02,1 INC. SolarCity // Delta H6 SITE PLAN PV 2 b 3/2/2017 (688)-s9.-an pe5-1480 .,a.sdarcxyoa„ • PV MODULE 5/16" BOLT WITH INSTALLATION ORDER FENDER WASHERS .. ..Y lb l LOCATE RAFTER, MARX HOLE 0 ZEP LEVELING FOOT �(1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PLOT ` ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (6) �..� HOLE. (4) (2) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH +* -- ZEP COMP MOUNT C POLYIRETHANE SEALANT. 4" 0 ZEP FLASHING C e ir� eti (3) INSERT PLASHING. lag �` (E) COMP. SHINGLE 1'-sij (E) LBW (I) _ (4) PLACE MOUNT. (E) ROOF DECKING �( (2) ` INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH r SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS 5/16" DIA STAINLESS (5) {5) SEALING WASHER. B STEEL LAG BOLT LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULESINSTALL LEVELING FOOT MI WITH SEALING WASHER (i) MTh BOLT & WASHERS. MP2 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER V-SPACING Y-CANTILEVERI NOTES (2-lit EMBED, MIN) LANDSCAPE 72" 24" 39" 0" STAGGERED (E) RAFTER rS^1 STANDOFF PORTRAIT 48" 20" 65" 0" RAFTER 2x6 0 24" OC ROOF AZI 210 PITCH 35 S(ORIES:2+ �J Scale: 1 Sj2" = V ARRAY AZI 210 PITCH 35 Ci. 2x6 024"OC Comp Shingle CONFIDENT.- ME Bsaxnna MERIN ,ce wAx1R ,JQ-0) 02553) 00 I ALA:N HUFF CCSWPnox ole 4`i ....t CONTAINED SN- r 16 iUSEDSO FOR THE R. Alan Hoff RESIDENCE Mike Babe SoiarCity. BENEFIT a WOW EXCEPT sanxan NC, WOOD S S1& 57 FORT ST ""` Non 91NA IT BE orsaoffo x*1°F an IN ZS Comp V4 w Metal-Floshinq 6.93 KW PV ARRAY + N` PAST TO WHIRS OJTAIE NE RECIPIENT'S axBaNuacx,EXCEPT x awsraRN WM "uEs NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 BATTERY SO R EO PUSEME a TE€ rAs'Ecmc (22) LG LG316N1G-Z4 13.5 KWH BACK—UP 24 a n Drive.NII q2,Nal II PERMISSION ECf SOLAR TY SC THE MIEN PAM NMC: SHEET ICY DAM M38-lo2B un 01752 650 PEnwsaa°P S010Rq"11p SdmCit DSta H6 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV 3 b 3/2/2017 ' (650)839-Ia2N ` (60„;.638-10'8 y (868)-SCE-am(765-2418) .womnr.am GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND (N) #8 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND Ponel Number:TDA2020CCU Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 -(I)SolorCity # Delta He LABEL: A -(22)LG M LG315NIC-Z4 GEN #168572 RODS AT PANEL YAW IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number:82631737 Hybrid Inverter with PLC; 6kw. 240V, ROM, 97R,Tesla Compatible PV Module; 315W, 292.7 PTC, 40mm, Blk Ern, Mt Back Sheet, MC4, ZE , Mono ELEC 1136 MR Overhead Service Entrance INV 2 Voc: 40.6 VpmOK: }}2 INV 3 Ise AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC SWINGS IDENTIFIER E 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL Delta (E) 200A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Inverter 1 IND (E) WIRING E(I)Cmmn KIC 3/C EMT A CUTLER-HAMMER 0 / Disconnect SalarCity a. 200A 2P 0 Delta H6 - I Doc; MP 2: 1x11 rnn (E) LOADS G1 nn _ ecc { \e C rP:crC1 .�" Da I N 40A/2P D _ c a DI © 2 �____1�/—_ GEC 1 o°� oC. MP2: lx11 Ili Fj IDI " N F�� cc /.'"'� �� N W N I I © G I-1 5 °C B TESLA waaEc 1 ___ 1 EGG e ___ I� ocz BATTERY i b�- - 64c PACK V L TO RELOCATED LOADS -- 1 1 1 • 9E ---4 TO 120/240V SINGLE PHASE HRLITY SERWCE III _i_1 PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED YAW RAPID SHUTDOWN Voc* - MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP ,4 POI—(1)(E I 1XIX2140 PV BACNi2E0 BREAKER —(I)ULER-H WAER DG222UNm-Fusible.NEMA 3R —(2)Delto NC Rapid Shutdown, 600V, 20A NEMA 9%, MC4 nd (I)AWG 0, Solid Bore Copper DC Breaker; 40A/2P.2 Scaces CAC A -(2)CrW d Rootl - -(I)CURER-IryIAMMEq DGI00N6 5/84 a 6, Caper Ground/Nears Md�h 60-I00A,General Duty(DG) B (')TDC P6MERWAIL5atW (N) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO. 2, ADDITIONAL D (I) Load Cente,6I 25*, 120/240v,NEMA 3R ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF (E) ELECTRODE -(1)EATON I)Bocklee/d BrMer, 35A, 22 MAIC, 120/240 Hold-Down -(I)Hold- Hold-dorm reewSKit; 2 and 3 pale, Tpe BR circuit breakers (2)AWfi A6,IHXN-2, Mack (2)AWC/10 PV Wire.600V, Black VOP =519.13 VDC lc =1002 ADC T(2)AWC gin.PV#re 600V, Math Voc* 519.13 VDC 'Sc 10.02 ADC ©�(R1ANa/&1HNH-2 Red O R-(I)AWG A6, Edid Bore Capper EGC VmP =3e5.2 VDC imp=Rs PDC O feF(1)ANC p, Sdid Bore Copper EGG Vmp 3652 VDC Imp=95 ADC (2)AMG p, MNN-2 (Mite NENRAL -(1 -24p VAC Imp-25 MC mar( )AM9#1 Sol'# re, buoy,B EGC Vmp =365.2 VDC Imp=9.5 ADC Cl(2,AiG 1 Kit;P 3/re Fedi - _ (IJCmdul Nl 3/4'FYT (2 Con n0, /4 BOON, Mod Voc* =519.13 VOC Isc -10.02 ADC (2)AMG�, MNN-2 Gem __ EGC/QC-(1)ConWII IM; 3/C EMT ® (i)A 16. id Bo EMT V,BIad Voc* =519.13 VX Imp=19.5 2 ADC I O IT(I)AMG/6 SolM B t CapperEGC Vmp =365.2 VDC Imp=9.5 ADC O N VL L(1)Condo%Kit 3/C DAT I IF Factory Supplied Communication Cable 04 1 een (i)AAWWGG 912f12. THMN-2,BMedd -(I)CondutzKitN3/C EMT JB-0102531 00 PREMISE OWNER: I RaN; MON: _ V CONNDEED SHALL- THE 1 BERUSED F R T IE .f8 xUCER Y/el -w- - rC't j' caNTAT O ANYONE E CE I (l FaT mE R. ALAN HOFF R. Alan Hoff RESIDENCE Mike Baba mMEm LL IFFo EXCEPT I J1MaE INC.. ZS SYST ✓',d NOR STOLLRRE OUNCE INMOLEOR IN ZS Comp V4 w Metal-Flashing 57 FORT ST 6.93 KW PV ARRAY + PART TO TION,OTTERSE CEPT IN THE REGROWS umum NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 ME.SAIlN , USE INE RESPEn1Nx9Tn 13.5 KWH BATTERY BACK—UP 24 SI Morax a,1w.Bolding 2, Unita THE SN£ AND u3E T. INT RES MEW (22) LG LG315N1C-74 PAGE NNE B SHEM RD: DAM \ Maltaro4i,MA 01752 S AROW EQUIPMENT. MTXWT THE NAITTFN 11111312R: r: (650)636-1026 F: (6W)638-1029 PERMISSION OF IDLARaty INC. SolarCity II Delta H6 THREE LINE DIAGRAM / / PV 4 3 2 2017 j 8067-5a-aTr(765-24ee) w...mamltxmm • CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 57 Fort St INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT li i -- --I II `---"1-' UTILITY SERVICE It AC DISCONNECT BATTERY SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY(S) PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V JB-0102531-00 CONTlaEDIN1 RECRMNOT BE ,03 HMO: JB-0102531 00 PREYR.gALAN HOFF ROMR . Alan Hoff RESIDENCE Mike Baba \Mit, 0�8f��t�/. CONTAINED O MALL CE ASEo FOR ME MEM a ANYONE EXCEPT SaARa1y INC, YpINMC S751E1k 1. i Nm SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN mac OR w ZS Comp V4 w Metal—Flashing 57 FORT ST 6.93 KW PV ARRAY + �� PANT To OMENS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 aacuazanm, EXCEPT w CmNEWTNw VAN 13.5 KWH BATTERY BACK—UP THE SALE AND USE a DIE RESPECn7E (22) LG # LG315N1C—Z4 24 St Martin DIM,Bolling Z Unit II SpMOTI EaIPEENt.wTwT NE MITTEN mum • DIME NN[ SHEET REV D3/ L sa-(650)1Y-1-7059'NA M7).sda tg PEPo.YSSXINa SaIMan INC. SolarCity k Delta H6 SITE PLAN PLACARD PV 5 b 3/2/2017 (em}SDI-sotzAeg) m.aYotltg.rnn WARNING'.PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE Label Location: Label Location: Label Location: (C)(CB) WARNING (AC)(P01) WARNING (DC)(INV) Per Code: Per Code: Per Code: NEC 690.31.G.3 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NEC 690.17.E ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NEC 690.35(F) DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS THE DC CONDUCTORS OF THIS Label Location: TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE TO BE USED WHEN PHOTOVOLTAIC DC ( ) (DC) INV LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION UNGROUNDED AND MAY BE ENERGIZED INVERTER IS DISCONNECT Per Code: UNGROUNDED NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: Label location: PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM (INV) MAXIMUM POWER (DC) (INV) EQUIPPED WITH RAPID Per Code: POINT CURRENT Imp)_A Per Code: SHUTDOWN CEC 690.56(C) MAXIMUM mp) V NEC 690.53 POWER- POINT VOLTAGE MAXIMUM SYSTEMENV VOLTAGE Dios) SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENT(Inc) A Label Location: WARNING (P01) Per Code: INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION NEC 690.64.8.7 Label Location: DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT WARNING DC INV DEVICE Per Code: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED NEC 690.5(C) NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED Label Location: CAUTION (D)(P01) PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Per Code: CIRCUIT IS BACKFED NEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: WARNING (DC) (CB) ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Per Code: DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS NEC 690.17(4) Label Location: TERMIALSLOAD SIDES MAYNBOTH BE ENERGIZELINE D CAUTION (P01) IN THE OPEN POSITION DUAL POWER SOURCE Per Code: DC VOLTAGE IS SECOND SOURCE IS NEC 690.64.8.4 ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT Label Location: PHOTOVOLTAIC POINT OF (P01) Label Location: INTERCONNECTION Per Code: PHOTOVOLTAIC AC (AC)(P01) WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK NEC 690.17.4; NEC 690.54 Per Code: (C): Conduit (AC):AC Disconnect HAZARD. DO NOT TOUCH DISCONNECT TERMINALS TERMINALS ON (CB):): Combiner rBox NEC 690.14.C.2 BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDE MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN (D): Distribution Panel POSITION. FOR SERVICE (DC): DC Disconnect DE-ENERGIZE BOTH SOURCE AND MAIN BREAKER. (IC): Interior Run Conduit Label Location: PV POWER SOURCE (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect MAXIMUMAC A (AC)(P01) MAxm�umnc _A (LC): Load Center OFF RAFING cuRRRENr Per Code: OPERRA INC:CURRENT MAXIMUM AG MAXIMUM AC (M): Utility Meter OPERATING VOLTAGE - v NEC 690.54 OPERATING VOLTAGE - v (P01): Point of Interconnection C&IFDENTAE- NE INFORMAPCN HEREIN CCNTANED SHAH.NOT BE USED Fop =le 3055 Clearvmr Way NE BENmT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SMAAgtt INC.. um SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED yeZ San Males,CA 91402 Imel P` TI650)638-1038 F:(650)630-1029 E MILE OR IN PART i0 OTHERS WE ME OF THE R ORGANIZATION.ON, Label Set Po SolarC ity (HSI-SOL-CITY(765-2489)www.wlaraty ass EXCEPT IN CCNNECTON MTh NE SALE AND USE OF THE OF SOL IW SgAflgtt EWRNENT. MMWT NE Mili1EN PEBNI55ON OF SQJROIY NC. •SolaIGLy I ZZeepSolsr Next-Level PV Mounting Technology '6olacCity j ZZepSoiar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology Components I 'Cr.."( Zep System -z, fat composil$on shlpgie rootsS r_��y ✓� v"--...1/4..i ' ... • leveling Foot 1 � t. 1 -' —ammo ter MBare Nn 866.tiJ2 to 4.EriAsis "eRRRRo lili it %ixr - rod coif vit am ii 1 s"" m >m3%l f n Comp Mount _____Part Leach t.+O5S22 ' Astat toe 283 � I ' ., w,,.xe� � Mo MgfbcV Listed ie!0.2103 On.'s� Daetription ', • N rcountag sotttion kir txunnpasHroe*rat*foots .2,3.3 e2�a. • AutoWorOmin all?op red hardw re creates MIIIIMI ' { • Zep st:ynl, s a t.g.mg ears mr"gin RatIn.'ndenninstIed using • any manmttue.eaceh as"Type r Rye vdknft alb-tatted using malulesfrom anYmanufaGwea cwiltud as'Typa 1"ar Tripe 2` ( - Cum Interlock Ground Zep Y2 DC Klee Clip �"� Specifications PM Ns.8.54 tate Pat Mo.8561511 Panni.94:1448 tla'e4 to UL 2103 Ogled O UL 467 and VI 2703 Leted to R.M95 Cesigned for Oohed reds ktsfzl5 in port an and lands r onentaUans Zep System supports mod4e wind 000 and vow Iced pressures to Upsfpert/L.1702 WindSystem.g port to gainASCEproducts sro I hated to eto UL 2703 n. Zap System boMcggctsere UL ttekedb 2703 and UL4&T Zap eeemor to up to 72tandlor:Wa erL9. to O2 Zep 1116 Engvire i tor::u .nt products mT2"and ua:Wprers'5µn to 2A' Zap wee menegte,nt bledLtWell to UL 1565 tot wire paiHorvrm&erms Aimmine tt method tit listed to a 2582 for Wind Onset,Rare Array Skirt,Grip,End Caps Pail Not 8504112.8561421, 85G-146g,8.51467 zepsaarco zepsalaecom( usVNf to 0.1565 This moot bur wt&corear9.,mssronamf byecgS.nar osSSMS Ys wolrnc Of seam..Zs69olxe sew warw"t ,s d M4>tt thew1ttd MMuF wmvuP I MHs,msrvnless Mt Ovate'ny eapeta wwrgdy W Zep9alarathou?M1s[rola xeuavea.Ln SMtzalz warra'ty S amukIl tl Je x+Mei wa ct wamvgt east,rano Soo eva.aerelcactwitalw ci*mi with 2aa SoleiesoteAves.coSitialc're saki wer.00a Inns rc4mdw rt,the c.raduel arcwy inc.,uxa.verls sang each yya<t foe erwvsr ouem,ueeeu,snpwe4 With Zoo ectte p Woo mmtmures(re sort spocrfat.0%,els edo mmtpmduu warrant).'Mg vtto odd flit vspvwke fore rSNo u4 MIII?Sq a&pSebe5p(061.1(15t7eS1u 3peuhnduv am ached toGwa9e withtla netlwe Rnleeb am Aura-;span.rem reepnMlefce veMymg rM whaMdlr at ZsNSIXw's Wduus W exA use apuikations aro sub1n, amp a&Mrt intra o4s*magppc ape,-ks nmimst48c-e9a40'HevA pa old:uspMed Pwnt r13,2i1152i3PM ➢o-jnv najexwat ROA 6.G '}NeW4iW Norwotree fg)II;ey_'a NA _ TA RAPiD SHUTDOWN eox LY� x °k Model RSS6W 4-2 ConnectionDiagram: xxoor vmxlNla or Pv % My. fY„¢ , 3`' "'".,- "^Aro coewr4%. RSS ._... AC::. Ae -OCP" - BREAKER GRID DC w- arvconru r,c (mall wiring I. I I - ,'7--- ---- Technical Specifications IRatingsdd Oxn .. a pu _ - Max.System Voltage BOOV DC 600V DC . mrmr Max Numborof Input Comet 1 4 �. RatedInput ngrronl Per String 204 104 He A. a CtrZEIMIMIIIIIIIIM WA 15A Output./7 Ratings Max,Number of Output Circuit 1 2 Rated Output Current Per Circus 204 20* Maximum Current Controlled Conductor 254 25A 10 AWO 12-6AWG Output Conduit size WA SW(tyro noes) Control Signal Method PLC Signal 5V Signal Wire 5V Signal Wire VORage Rating WA WOV . . . .. 5V Signal Wire Sze Range WA 24-14 AWG General Data Rapid Shutdown Device 7,87 x5.91x 2.09(2(0 it 150 x 53) 12.44x 10.04 x 216(310x 255x 55) -. 2.BBIbs(1.Skg) 6.6119a(3.0kg) for Delta 3 . 0,%/7 .6 TI_ Inverters Input Connector" MC-4 PV Connector"/41101mA H4 PV Connector MCd PV Connector orAmphelid H4 PV Connector Output Connectors MC.4 PV Connector orAmphenol IN PVConnecror Screw TermYal Blocks Operating Temperature 40-158°F(40-70°C) -40-158°F(-00-70°C) Delta's Rapid Shutdown Devices provide an automatic disconnect of 600VDC larialIMIIIIIM -40-185•F(40-65°C) 40-1851F(40-05°C) residential or small commericial PV array system,fully compliant with the Rapid Humidity 0-100% 0-100% Shutdown requirements of NEC 2014 article 690.12.It is compatible with Delta's Max.Operating Aldmde spm above see ierel 2000m above see level single-phase residential inverters. towers 1OYears standard compliance KEY FEATURES Enclosure Protection Rating NEMA4X NEMA4X •NEMA 4X Protection 11=1M1111111111101111 Us 1741,GSA 22.2107-1 UL 1741,GSA 22.2107-1 •Compact and Lightweight NEC Cone NEC 2014 Ankle 690,12 NEC 2014ANde 690.12 •Rack Mount Installation Delta Products Corporation,Inc. •Fast Connect with PV Connectors 46101 Fremont Blvd. •Compliant with NEC 2014 article 690.12 Fremont,CA 94538 Sales Email: Inverter.Sates@della-corp.com •PLC Communication(Model RSS-6001-1 only) Support Email: InverterSupport@delta-wrp.com Sales Hotline: 1-877-440-5851 or S +1-877-442-4832 Support Hotline' +1-877-442-4832 Support(Intl): +1-626-369-8019 Us Q AELTtI Mmdayk l ,f > Ic5pm /solannvertOrs 0 AELTA www.delta ace icas.com/solarinverters EN EN LC.315N1c z4 LG NeON°" 2 LG NDON " 2 Flectncal Pemertpes(CNN) LG3151\i1 C-Z4 - M w �115N1e-v ' mn<nanm nmpen e: M ,,.,m°^^^•tom&i �1. w t p) A M „x wxyttl,l M r'd'm ^^e.e:nc .xM,rv• o ....n nae NA Int caioMmtnc _ nm innw �, ek<u..e aom _ I%l .ao o neK emfLUWrnI a n o x9 ° P<I -no .00 60 cellFom batRem bail imp el mmimmeSeries Feb ebb lbCFI InGe10 a;x, IG'a new nod,to NeON°^ [IOVts xllo technology Art ^ emnerm ryp - M[a ... . .... a .n Cello e l 1 3Y replay-sib _hart tl.l2Ni wucrto x r r � w a monmu r m e ban nl xLPu nl Iiahil,5v c es ^' t,Yxx NeON`^ d -LC W - lues - : � some n ....nnanvn beyond If uy ti. leaW laneod wa i y,d ratilty, �' / i� a 'es(NOCT) perform .. ir real envroment and Ie bttdesign nimble m for mF C tfic tl W anq mune never 1 1 fel m eea ry l M l lie Certification* er 61 21,IN 61 e il)1r 2 M) ISO F001 MortarbitCliebt Om/ lel nos (Til,,, cE lex am• p=Wermisy er Pew ewer"forcer,' ei k LE L lino scaly Dbens,„na tmml- Key Features lemperature Chatactenstics P an Ict PLeri ' 2 alp Enhanced Performance W ty H gh P O tp t oar. +^< o,e gitI l NeON m- I s coli ed pelf rem owe Conl and Neltpevio ockI,te GNic- LWCI 0 Se o:oa warranty guru el degradation ha€ I alien ha beer. errorf t 1 l D]/y o r F ayi. f( y ,ola.gtelt - leecn.n Chaact , eCunea ,• •, .., •� 1 cell l ] e[ n our 1 - niL tl t race .. the ere.rous NeON'"moth de-. ,� w • Aesthetic R f 2 proved Pd tWarranty -. Y :• ...--: It N IN b l l n M1 ic As ll 1 --II t worry ve \-.-----'N\ I d' 1 n, 11 llbr k aa Iti1 I I he Yx the 1 II e 1lt^ . tc of- Iti NntN ura,.dd t 1 properly w M1 modern(IL win ' Better Performancea Sunny Day Double-Sided Cell Structure ItNUN"r Neve ostler ins Iear r ,r 1e ! 1 Mood ir len ]N ill y �� III , I I p elk" to 1 .du rp n crab t l 1 rI 1 lir he be *Of n ea t: ill 1 r ,. II I I'. 1 -1 .alnnrn l n.of��ddGn.,I pm<i. ' About LG Electronics LG ® LGd .... r .e.. „e. n. 111" 4`; opo „E}lite'sGood vlarCityHb tHybrid Inverter General Specification ,a Max efficiency 97.6°F yL.:. CEC efficiency 97% Operating Temperature range -20•C to 60'C( 45•C with power derating) ' Storage Temperature range -20'c-IO'C ``}J Humidity 2%-98% ��" Acoustic Noise <50dBA @ Im Max.O•eratim Altitude 2000m above sea level Sola[Clfy 1111 Mechanical Desi.n Size Lx W x 0(rum)with wiring box 6307400480 mm Weigh .28kgonvec) Cooling Natural Convection AC Connectors Spring Terminals in Wiring Box - - - - DC Connectors Spring Terminals in Wiring Box Communication Interface CAN igbee e Remote lOTAI FW Upgrade Z ghee Display 3 LED,2-Line LCD Enclosurerate f DlI C12.Aluminium Revenue Grd Mt ANSI C12.1/Class 1% Standards/Directives • ,,z,-- Enclosure Protection Rating Nema 4% 3 I CoIarCi ,rl' Safety UL 1741 Ed2/SA`/PVRSS,CSA 22.2 4107.1-01,UL 9540 i g✓1 �k^ SW approval UL 1998 err Isolation Monitor Interrupt DDM1 NEC 690.480,705.702 ` . • _ - Power forever Grid Interconnection Standards IEEE 1547,Rule 21,HECO(Rule 14HI T,' 3� EMC FCC pert 15 5,ICES-003 "(Z47%&"- --,3:-. N" * ${ AFC! UL 1699B Ed2 £ .. PV Rapid Shutdown NEC 690.12' ttV"?'. SY 'xxy r vi .. ° `��' 'PV Rapid sours°..,aeo.12 compliam.n.n-lstaaad with a„art Rapid swmow„y,tem,rnu Tec nical Data Protection Features PV Input Reverse Polarity Protection on PV Input aYe BaUery Input RCD yes Max.System Voltage 570 V Emergency Shutdown Switch Yes Nominal Voltage 380 V PV Insulation Monitor Yes(at Startup) MPPT Operating Voltage Range 85-550 V)startup 120VI Isolation Transformer-less Mex MPPT Imbalance Power 70%/30% warranty Full Power MPPT Range 200-480 V 10 years DC to AC ratio a=150% Max Usable Current 19A per MPP tracker Max Short Circuit Current 26 A per MPP tracker Manual DC Disconnect Integrated,600V,304 UL listed BACKUP MPP tracker 2 PV1 PV2 BAT COMMUNICATION LOADS AC GRID Total input strings 4 Conduit and Wire Size 2 x 3/d”Conduit,a-12 AWG(Cul supported AC Output een ale�n•nn Continuous Output Power lL-N/L-LI 300oW/6000W _ n • . Mn.Surge power IL N/L-LI e go 3400W/6800W(1Os) CO Y.' Utility Grid Support Split-phase,3Wire connecf on (`L m y _ - - - o' cc .;! Operating Voltage range 105 13N/211 264V(ANSI C8411 Z 2 9 i �* Nominal/Max Output Current25A(contnuousl 28.3A(surge) I@ e NominalFrequency60Hz Frequencyrange(edlustable 69 3 60 5 Hz d4Hz-65H,) NightConsumpt on .6W> XTotal HarmonicDstort on @Nom nal Power VTHoz 5% J Power factor @Nominal Power 0.995(0.Bind-0,Bcap) Utility Gr d Proterctect 35A,40A W wire m or woe. Back grid Load Protect an 32A UL10p or 350 UL489 •vv_A°. m¢k 1.1=Red* Manual AC Bypass Switch Yes,Integrated •12V Aux GNO egla 11-81atk• Off transition time .2 Sec •Eeable Orange Conduit and Wire Size 2x3/4"Conduit,8-10 AWG(Cu)supported Copper wire only "orniow re aero Copper wire only PP •c corn LoW-llow pp Bette Interface lDCl -Actualcolors may vary Operating Voltage range 400-550V Max Voltage 570V Nominal Current/Surge Current 14.3A/20A tL Wrp DC Disconnect Yes • SolarCity HO a Internal default fuses 2x250 SolarCity 3055 Clearview Way ®us Continous Charge/Discharge Power 5000W H6 Hybrid Inverter San Mateo, CA 94402 Surge Power 7000W lOa 16501 638-1028 Communication Interface CAN Power forever. Dark Start Functionality Conduit and Wire Size I x 3/4"Conduit,8-12AWG HV,10-24AWG comm(Cu)wires Ver 0005 POWERWALL 2 DC T = The Tesla Powerwall is a DC battery system for residential or light commercial use. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack provides energy storage for solar self- consumption, load shifting and backup power. Powerwall's electrical interface is provided by an internal isolated bi-directional DC/ DC converter that controls the charge and discharge of the battery for integration with grid-tied solar inverters. Its revolutionary compact design achieves market- leading energy density and is easy to install, enabling owners to quickly realize the benefits of reliable, clean power. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL SPFCI FICA.TIONS DC Energy' 13-5 kWh Operating Temperature -20"G to 50"C(4'F to 122"F) Power continuous 5 kW(charge and discharge) Storage Temperature -30'e to 60`C(-221F to 140"F) Power,peak)los) 7 kW(discharge only) Operating Humidity(RH) Up to 100%,condensing DC Voltage Range 350-550 V Maximum Altitude 3000 m(9843 ft) DC Current,continuous 14.3 A Environment Indoor and outdoor fated DC Current,peak(10s) 20 A Enclosure Type NEMA 3H Depth of Discharge 100% Ingress Rating 1P6()Battery&Power Electrornes) Internal Battery DC Voltage 50 V IP56(Wiring) Round Trip Efficiency" 91.6% Noise Level 4311n <10 dBA at'39'C 636%) Warranty 10 years MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions 1150 mm x 755 mm x 155 mm (45.3 n x 29-/in x 6.1 n) INTERFACE SPFCIFICATIOiNS Weight 12069(26451bs) Communication Protocols Modbus(RS485).CAN Mounting options Floor or we'.I mount Modularity Multi-Powerwall capaba3ty with compatible inverters User Interlace Tesia App COMPLIANCE INFORMATION Safety UL 1642 UL 1/41.UL 1973,UL 9540. UN 38.3.SEC 62109-I.IEC 52619, GSA C22.2.107.1 Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES 003, EN 61000 Class B Environmental RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU, 2006/66/EC Seismic ACI56, IEEE 693-2005(high) TYPICAL SYSTEM LAYOUTS DC-COUPLED POWERWALL SYSTEM WI IH SOLAR Ess AC-COUPLED POWERWALL SYSTI M WITH SOLAR If SolarCity. Dear Building Dept Enclosed is design change for 57 Fort St. Nothing has changed to the original design of the solar install the only thing that has changed is the customer has added a battery back up to their system. Please add to the permit already issued for this customers install. Thank om. °�'/% 2.pll Jim DiPadua \ ,V,Q • • Jim DiPadua Project Manager SolarCity m: 978 847.7170 SolarCity HtC-68EI2 a MP Lie 1136MR :... Version#2.0 x,.5olarCity RE: Permit Submittal Addendum To Whom It May Concern, Some aspects of the attached plan set have been modified.These modifications do not affect the original structual calculations, mounting hardware, layout,or structural side views,therefore,this project does not require further Structural Engineering review which would require a restamp. Please accept this design change as an addendum to the original drawings and calculations. Sincerely, The Solarcity Engineering Team t'cC'ear A,s Ssi f.tet , CAPan" , 3 .c '-0F '33;SCIl-CI!y Fit o_.. ,. AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Tesla Motors, Inc Manufacturer: Testa Motors, Inc Address: 3500 Deer Creek Road, Address: Electric Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 Sparks, Nevada 89434 Country: USA Country: USA Contact: Mr.Jonathan McCormick Contact: John Paul Jose Phone: (650) 391-7144 Phone: (775)276-7604 FAX: NA FAX: NA Email: imccormick@tesla.com Email: jojose@teslamotors.corn Party Authorized ToApply Mark: Same Manufacturer / Report Issuing Oe: Cortlandd NYY13045 eetagt Control Number: 5005998 Authorized by: for Dean Davidson,Certification Manager Gus Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. 1'his Authorization to mark is for the excI usae use of Inter/MO Client and is prow deU pursuant Io the CoY1iK9aon agreement lletween Intertek anU I la Client I nteneKs renpprtnbil ity and Ii a bN ry la mied to the uvtnwM motions of the agreement laE.uIDk assumes ne mbINv to any part,oparaw Miler thanta We Chant m accordance with Me agmamer,tar any toss. W2xwn ^ nse or damage bned ay e Maa or lwataan awla la rwtrged to o ma conditions amlp Mwk agremnntantsesrtispAxehUaitn t MaaAmy urammat 11¢AUAeknam MO.aM Nimwerbaail4CNrib tesedwatalek sraY r renoen rest betltoNe i nwMing by iennI Mag¢viceMandesensAUNArzeolo inp Mara Amy aM1M1ortte lam IeeIMekreng aplIopsate usadeaaLMlnmd6ati n prowauct rn mamma must agrement.they In not forthenpurposestlatroclorydum 0.s owup5Prve th the heirosa olonsi not ppeYseal usage of LM1N4anlficallon rtatkmrvVAtdence with the aB�ee�nt Ney atW not tonhe puryoma of pt�utAion qualpy Nof ptl and do n01IIYlittve Ne Client of Nwlrohllgadons n this Rapeq Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road,Adingion Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-3454851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Inverters, Converters, Controllers And Interconnection System Equipment For Use With Distributed Standard(s): Energy Resources[UL 1741:2010 Ed.2+R:07Sep2016) Energy Storage Systems and Equipment[UL 9540:2016 Ed.11 Product: DC Powerwall Models: DC Powerwall 2.0 ATM for Report 102591059CRT-001b Page 1 of 1 ATM Issued: 16-Jan-2017 ED/W3 la n-S-Ist Mandatory