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726 PARK HILL RD BP-2017-0958 GIS rt: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block: 49-028 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot:-001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2017-0958 Project# JS-2017-001649 Est.Cost: $42413.00 Fee: $75.00 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC 106113 Lot Size(sa. e.): 80150.40 Owner: RIORDON KEVIN ZonZ n : Applicant: NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC AT: 726 PARK HILL RD Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 136 ELM ST (413) 247-6045 0 Liability HATFI ELDMA01038 ISSUED ON:2/22/2017 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALL 34 SOLAR PANELS - 9.52KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring D.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: House# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Final: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Certificate of Occupancy Signature: FeeType: Date Paid: Amount: Building 2/22/2017 0:00:00 $75.00 s1. 212 Main Street, Phone(413)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 s Louis Hasbrouck—Building Commissioner File k BP-2017-0958 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON NORTHEAST SOLAR DESIGN ASSOCIATES LLC ADDRESS/PHONE 136 ELM ST HATFIELD (413)247-6045 0 PROPERTY LOCATION 726 PARK HILL RD MAP 49 PARCEL 028 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT ydn Fee Paid "• /3 Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Tyoeof Construction: INSTALL 34 SOLAR PANELS-9.52KW New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existing Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 106113 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FO WING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON IN ATION PRESENTED: Approved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:§ Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR _ Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received& Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission Permit DPW Storm Water Management 411lD-.•.litio •- - ' Signe Bmldin• Offi Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning& Development for more information. R,blitoe � tMaoay <1. - City of Northampton St*MofPenatk ri. Building Department Curb CutMrliewit 212 Main Street SamilSICIfs Room 100 WriViy'OiLD®q Northampton, MA 01060 1Wit$MaofStrudud Plane phone 413-587-1240 Fax 413.5B7.1272 Puim Other IC APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER,REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION I -SITE INFORMATION 1.1 ProoMadSase: This section to be completed by office 726 Park Hill Rd, Northampton Ma 01062 Map Lot Unit Zone Oyeday District Eim St.District Ca District SECTION 2-PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Retort: 726 Park Hill Rd Kevin Riordon Northampton MA 01062 Morro WrinrlCurran:CurraManna Address` ry leleorore 413-364-2023 S 72 Authorized Agent Northeast Solar 136 Elm St. Hatfield. MA 01038 vane(Prop Cumrc Maung Aednss: � �ins✓ 413-247-6045 SywWm twearore .. - .,_ r r . 11: M •, $F1 Item Estimated Coat(collars)to be Official Use Only completed by permit wdicant 1. Building (a)Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical @t Estimated Total Cost of Constmcionn from 16) 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical(HVAC} 5. Fire Protection 6. Total={t *2.3,4+ 5) $42.413 Checi Number 9,�J 175- This 76TMs Section For Official Use Only Building Permit NumberDate Issued: Signature: Burling Corn Nirapecacr 0'auadarps Dora Section 4. ZONING YI INwmatlm Mutt k Coaylnmd. Permit Can er armed Our Io MCPrglelf I.?mmation 11.111.11..111 min c•cd by Zoning Th$C a D!Parmcu 1.1111111ENIMMEIMINIIIMMIN From Side 11111111.1111 Rcu ®--- Pen Space Feogge fr n.a -©--- d.e. aWs*a neva =liall.111111111111. A. ?las a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued lor/on the site NO 0 DONT KNOW ® YES O IF YES,date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of (keds? HO © DONT KNOW 0 YES O IF YES: enter gook Page and/or Document a IL Don the site contain a brook, body of wale or wetlands? NO 0 DONT KNOW © YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Heeds to be obtained O Obtained O , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES Q NO IF YES, describe size, type and location; D. are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs Intended for the property ? YES © NO O IF YES,describe size, type and location: E. yWl M conatrucaon activity(Worts(nnng.eating, eavaaon.or ailing)over 1 awe or is it pan of a common plan That*ill datura over I acre? YES NO Q9 IF YES. MnIa Northampton Sums Water Menagament Parrot horn the DPW in required. New House 0 Addition ❑ Replacement/Inflows Alteration(*) ❑ Rooting ❑ Or Doors Ancessory Bldg. ❑ Demolition D New Signs (©I Decks Iq Siding(0) Other(q1 Ones Description of Aapaed Install 34 solar panels on Roof Wank: Aftershon of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Names Renayswig unfinished basxnent Yes No Rana Attached Roll •Sheet ss.If New house sod or addition to existing housing.complets the folIowlet a, Use of building:One Terrify TwoKerrey Other b. Number of morns in each farnty unit: Number of Bathrooms C. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e, Number of stories? f Method of heating? Fireplaces or Wccdetoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Maaecn«k Energy temperance form avatbed? h. Type of oa,struapn r. Is tonatrudion within 100 ft.of wetlands?_Yes No, is construction either 100 yr. floodplain Yes No i. Depth of basement or cellar Poor beau finished grade It Will building conform to the BUAdup and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank_ City Sewer` Pdvate well City water SNPpty SECTION?.-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT Kevin Riordon ,es Owner of the tuttect property hereby authorize Northeast Solar to aol my behalf,in all m ri relative to wank authorized by this building penttx kcaten. (a 04J (al..? /4 e, at iTarrar I, Ann Bronner/ Northeast Solar ,as OrrnedAuthorized Agent hereby declare that the statement and information on the foregoing epp cetkn are true and accurate,to the bat of my knowledge and beget. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. Ann Bro er Prot Name el 0 0"flint) 111/16 Slpreture of anotrAgra Ore SECTION t-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 13canaad Construction Sun.Mgpt: Not Applicable 0 Phillip Braun Tigard Nm et i Manse tet. CS104113 lbente Nuntw 41 Heath Rd Colrain, Ma 01340 6/7/1"7 s grunt/pi On _.. ". 413-247-6045 re - rarayhone ¢.Rwistared Herm ImIwovrentCantactor Not Applicable 0 Northeast Solar 169641 Con a,w rami Registration Number 136 Elm St_ Hatfield, Ma 01038 7/14117 Address Expiratar Data Telephone 413-247-6045 SECTION SO-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT fM.G.I.c, ¶52.4 2SCISfl Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be of mpeted and unhinged with this applicator.Failure to protide this efadeve will result in the denial of the issuance of the building penal. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes...._.X3 No 0 11. -Home Owner fzemntaton The current exemption for"homeowners-was extended to include Owner-occnoled Dwain,of one(1) or two(2)families end to allow such homeowner to engage art individual for hire who docs not possess a license,provided that the maw ams Definition of Rem owner:Person(s)who own a pared of land on which haste resides or intends to reside.on which there is,oris intended to be.a one or two(unity dwelling,anachedor detached structures accessoryto such use snd+or farm sanctum.A person who colAgnicS Mort than one home In a Marta Period shell Pot In considered a homeowner. Such'homeowner"shall submit to the BuikdngOfficiaL on it form acceptable to the Building Official,that btlabt ahaU he . . . . . . :._. .nor :.r." ..;, . . .... . . . .,.. .. As acting[omirordon Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time,during and Ann completion ofSc work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Msaachusems General Laws Annotated,von MAY he MOH for person(s) you hire to perform work fox you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the Stan Building Code.City of Northampton Ordinances,State and I Mal Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Print Form Department of Industrial Accidents .J Office of investigations \ ''. 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 .; p ,; Boston,MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/ilia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: General Businesses Applicant Information Please Print Legibly 1:3usiness/Organization Name:Northeast Solar Address:136 Elm St. City/State/Zip:Hatfield, Ma 01038 Phone #:413-247-6045 Are you an employer?Check the appropriate box: Business Type(required): I.Q I am a employer with 10 employees(full and/ 5. E Retail or part-time)* 6. 0 Restaurant/Bar/Eating Establishment 2.0 I am a sole proprietor or partnership and have no 7. 0 Office and/or Sales (incl. real estate.auto,etc.) employees working for mein any capacity. [No workers' comp. insurance required] $ Non-profit 3.0 We are a corporation and its officers have exercised 9. 0 Entertainment their right of exemption per c. 152, §1(4), and we have 10.0 Manufacturing no employees. [No workers' comp. insurance required]" 11.0 Health Care 4,0 We are a non-profit organization, staffed by volunteers, with no employees. [No workers' comp.insurance req.] 12.0 Other *Any applicant that check box d i must also fill out the section below showing their workers'compensation policy information. **If hie cmponte officers hove exempted themselves.but the corporation has other employees.a workers'compensation policy is required and such an organieation should check box#1. I am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy information. Insurance Company Name:Hanover Insurer's Address:726 Park Hill Rd City/State/Zip: Northampton, Ma 01062 Policy # Self-ins. Lie.#WHN 5715134-02 Expiration Date:4/8117 Attach a copy of the workers' compensation policy declaration page(showing the policy number and expiration date), Failure to secure coverage as required under Section 25A of MGL c. 152 can lead to the imposition of criminal penalties of a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator. Be advised that a copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. I do hereby certify, under th --its and pe 'es of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. 11/17/2016 Signature: -s , ..a Date: ....... ..... Phone#:413-247-6045 Official use only. Do not write in this area,to be completed by city or town official City or Town: Permit/License# Issuing Authority(circle one): 1. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3. City/Town Clerk 4.Licensing Board 5.Selectmen's Office 6.Other Contact Person: Phone#: .. __ wvwww .mass.gov/dia �. _ ParA1H11lPd !t q4 (g•AA� . 1 1 :i Mi . 'wp rje 4+Mi i �¢ ! § 4. R l... 1 % I�,t dsca ,al ° 1 `rl . j sir " !p � �r ,% Main '�. electnc fry. � Y panel in basemE l'; � mrt�� o nP a • lb " 1 r ` Ell 1 726 P en Riorgo • n 42 ..- Northampton, or ark Hill Poe 47_ ,4 y1� ,�+""m it , ;�f ttr�r:L" " /• fit, Pton Maa T /r► 9 J �q w,k a s p 662 �,/' �� i� e� °s oQ'e'"�`°" P went r� i,.x. 2121 MaRsview 1 !, ' "� t,. Northam Street060 =1 3 � �� � �Northampton, MA 07 IirrI . iili fug t =IL Irl 1„' _11 I 1 Fill I if , UI 1 ( 1it. ll Typical feet placement wJ ' ` ° ' 7` 16 o.c. rafter spacingi 1 i ... .. Lill . iit 6i liiii a rF,' wt ,1 in , Ir lug I Typical feet placement w/ i y 24" o.c. rafter spacing ` • Ili 11f IIIA ' fln Il • TII ;.-i .. I nI __. Li, II .-.. l'!—T. n I 1 ... r.. .. Vreeland Design Associates An integrative approach to design engineering and site planning Date: February 16, 2017 To: Ann Bronner NorthEast Solar 136 Elm Street Hatfield,MA 01038 From: David Vreeland,P.E. Vreeland Design Associates Re: Kevin and Ellen Riordon, 726 Park Hill Rd,Northampton, MA: Structural assessment of existing house and garage roofs to support proposed solar arrays. I have investigated the existing roof framing in the areas of the proposed PV solar panel installations.The t-1/2-story cape style house and attached garage were constructed in 2002.The rafters of 32'x 35' house are 2x10 installed at 16"on-center,spanning 15'-6"with a 6/12 roof slope. The 22'x 24' garage rafters are 2x8 installed at 16"on-center, spanning 10'-8"with an 8/12 roof slope. 2x8 ceiling joists are attached to the house and garage rafters and prevent the rafters from spreading.The rooting is asphalt shingles. I have reviewed the mounting details for the proposed array. Based on my calculations and a PV solar panel unit weight of 42+ lbs, with the attachment points of the array placed at a maximum of 4' on center and staggered to minimize the load to any one rafter,the existing roof framing of the house and garage are adequate to support the proposed PV solar arrays and the snow and wind load requirements of the current MA State Building Code. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, _060Phies, o`er DAVID A. c '."� ry 0 VREELAND m 7-f_3 0.N"e� �� e.4-.�•l CIVIL No.45317 David Vreeland, PE ',g 9Fo arvP�'�`R Vreeland Design Associates E 93IONAlG 116 Rive Road, Leyden, MA 01337 Phone: (413)6240126 Email: dvreeland@verizon.net Fax: (413)624-3282 Pod cd1o.CLir-army EVALUATION REPORT Report Number; 0248 - Originally issued: 0912012 Valid Through; 09/2013 Division: O6—WOOD AND PLASTICS 3.0 DESCRIPTION Section: 06060—Connections and Fasteners 3.1 General Description REPORT HOLDER: EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit consists of 5 basic SunModo Corporation components:(1)shoe assembly with captive waterproof 1905 SE a St,Suite A washer, (2)Lag bolt to fasten through the shingles to the Vancouver,WA 98661 roof rafter, (3) flashing that is placed under the row of shingles above the shoe and then over the shoe, (4) L- `' EVALUATION SUBJECT Foot that is placed over the protruding shoe threads and (6) hex cap that is secured on to the shoe. See SunModo EZ Roof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Figures 1 to 5 in Table 2. Roofs 3.2 Materials 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE: LZ Roof Mount is fabricated from aluminum. Shoe 1.1 Compliance with the following codes: assembly is fabricated using casting aluminum alloy with dimensions of 2.60 inches In diameter and 1 00 • 2C09 International Budding Code/ inches in height. It is held in place using one 5/16 inch • 2009 International Residential Code diameter lag bolt that is 4 inch in length and made of • 2006 International Building Codas stainless steal. Flashing is fabricated from sheet • 2005 international Residential Code® aluminum with dimensions of 10.0 inches in width, 12.5 inches in lenoth and 0.04 inches in thickness. 1.2 Evaluated In accordance with: L foot is a 2.00 inch long unequal leg angle made from • Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and 6063.T6 aluminum with dimensions of 3.00 inches in Miscellaneous Connectors (IAPM0 ES EC002- depth, 2.00 Inches in width and 0.24 inches in 2011e Approved March 2011 thickness, It contains a 0.376 inch diameter round hole • Acceptance Criteria for Roof Flashing for Pipe with a 0.83 inch diameter chamfer tin base) that is Penetrations (ICC-LS AC28$).Approved April2010 located in the center of the base leg. One sot measuring 1.64 rich long by 0.40 inch wide occurs in 12 Properties Evaluated: the center and is located 0.30 inches from the top edge of the vertical leg, which has a sca0op tort and rear • Structural face. See Table 2 for component material properties • Weather Protection and figures. 2.0 USES 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION FZ hoof Mount L-Foot Kit for Shingle Roofs is used to 4.1 Design mount solar systems and other rooftop devices such as Tabulated allowable loads shown in Table 1 of this satellite don asphalt shingle roofs with wood report are based on aiiowable stress design (ASD)_ rafters underneath. Adjustments to those values are required for wet E7 Roof Mount is scecifically designed to be used for service conditions, sustained exposure to elevated installation of solar panels for electric or hot water temperatures. use with fire retardant lumber or with prod,m;ion on ;cots with slopes from 3 to 12 units lumber whose specific gravity is loss than 0.55 vertical m 12 units horizontal. (Southern Pine). Allowable values based on fastener strength may be adjusted for duration of loading. See footnotes of Table I for more detailed explanation, Page 1 of 4 c } , I rn row re,rain wren +..,e,..e r r i ! . Mna a ;,.moor-ar Pn 3.f J Plain o Er•ry rtnuA YL[Imne mai&c f Fnvn yr! n ! >, .. .F,.oLW r _N epd .M1.+yy vrm gry.py fCry'ba hue.p:n.,4aiu�pi�,.,lu a. }6-}eP- 9� ... EVALUATION REPORT Report Number: 0248 Originally Issued: 09/2012 Valid Through: 09/2013 4.2 Installation Rain test data and thickness of aluminum flashing submitted is in conformance with Acceptance Criteria EZ Roof Mount must be installed using the 5/15 inch for Roof Flashing for Pipe Penetrations (ICC-ES AC diameter stainless steel lag screw at each bracket 260-2008), Rain test conformed to Underwriters location as described in the manufacturer's installation Laboratory Standard for Gas Vents, UL 441-96 Section instructions. Lag screw must penetrate into the rod 25. rafter a minimum of 2 : inches. Prior to installation,the roof rafter shall be bored with the requ;red lead and Test results are from laboratories in compliance with clearance hole for the unthreaded and shank portions ISO/IEC 17025 of the lag screw as required In Section 11.1.3 of the NDS -05. Threaded portion of the lag screw shall he 7.0 IDENTIFICATION alsened into its lead hole by turning with a wrench arid not driving by a hammer_ A the-stamp label in the flashing bearing the name and address of the manufacturer, the model number, Use of auxiliary holes in the Shoe other than the use of IAPMO Uniform ES Marks of Conformity, and This an extra fastener to stop the shoe from rotating during Evaluation Report Number(ER-0248). installation is outside the scope of this report Flashing should be installed full under the shingle up to I P the, raised portion of the flashing to prevent water MO ingress under the shingle. No portion of the flashing shou'd be bent upward; the flashing must rest fully ES against the roof shingles. Otherwise the water and wind 4U Trot pedcrmancn may be impaired. IAPMO 90248 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE EZ Roof Mount I.-Foot Kit for Shingle Roofs described in this report complies with the codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report subject to the following conditions' 5.1 EZ Roof Mount shall be installed in accordance with this report, manufacturer's installation instructions and the codes listed in Section 1.1. 5.2 Calculations to verify the imposed leads on the EZ Roof Mount assembly do not exceed the allowable loads contained in Table 1 of this report shall be submitted to the code official when requested. Calculation shalt be prepared by a registered design professional when required by the statues of the jurisdiction where the work is constructed. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Testing and analysis data submitted is in confo+mance with Evaluation Criteria for Joist Hangers and Miscellaneous Connectors(IAPMO ES EC 002-2011). Page 2 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT Report Number: 0240 - Originally issued: 0912012 Valid Through; 0812013 • TABLE 1: ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR CZ ROOF mourn-1,400T KIT(gu.)''2a"5 Load Dire[limt Ultimate load Test toad at 'fest Load at Calculated Allowable Test Value 0.250 inch 0.125 inch Fastener/Metal fou.figure below) F S m 3.0 defection deflection Strength Design Load Uplift(Withdrawal) 715 1,800 695 340 340 Lateral 260 240 130 153 1.30 Notes L Allou-able load values are based on the least value iioin the ultimate Gad of three tests(strength limit),tested load at 0.125 inch deflection(deflection limit).calculated fastener capmcdly(withdrawal or lateral)for.vend with a specific gravity of 053(Southern Pine;or allowable stress of the aluminum L 1not connector. 3 2, Allowable load values are based on lumber with all of the following chataeteristics: a. L:xatcd in in screice conditions whereahc moisture contain dues mai exceed 19%for an extended period of time such as in must covered structures. b. located where it does not experience sustained exposure to elevated temperatures that exceed 100'1 For any other conditions.allowable table values shall be multiplied by the related adusuuent factors)(C„ and/or C)in accordance with the National Design Specification dor Wood Construction(NUS-05), Allowablebad',aloe,arc based on lumber with a spcoiiic gravity of015(Southern Pine or equal) t. Ahowaldc load salves for withdrawal arc based on a minimum penetration of 2 11 inches into the roof gigot by one 5.16 inch x 4 inch long stainless steel lag screw. ( S. Allowable values may not be increased for load duration m accordance withSSection2 12.of tic NDS-05. i Uplift Lateral h Page 3 al EVALUATION REPORTCu+) Report Number: 0248 Originally Issued: 09/2012 Valid Through: 0912013 TABLE 2:MATERIAL PROPERTIES rmponent _._.—. . Material �� me _ Al un nmtt alloy ANSI AA A180.0 l4Sla•eroroof Washer C DM with duromocr rating of 60 1 a Boll 304 stainless steel ASTM A 240 1-foot _ Aluminum allay 606316 AS n4 B221 Hex Cap I Muumuu/1 alloy 1NSf1AA 43800 lashing Aluminum alloy 1060 ASTM 8209 EZ ROOF MOUNT COMPONENTS ,, I 1, 4 figure I' Shoe Asscmhiy Figure 4 Ilex Cap Figure 2: Lag Bolt I`igum 3:Flashing Figure 3:L-fool Page 4 of 4 EVALUATION REPORT \1/ Report Numbers 0248 4"7.-'22t- Originally / Originally Issued: 09/2012 Valid Through: 09/2013 1'AItLE is ALIOWABLit LOADS FOR El.ROOF MOUNT L-1/00T KIT(lhs.)t"''" Load Uireetimt Ultimate Load Test Load at Test Load at Calculated Allowable (sea figure below) Test Yaws 9.250 hien 0.125 inch Fastener/Metal Design Load '.S.m3.0 deflection deflection Strength Upli4 (Withdrawal) 715 1,800 695 740 340 Iteral 260 240 130 ( i5;t 130 Notes 1, Allowable load values are based m the least value from time ulthnatc load of three tests(strength limit),tested load at 0.125 inch deflection(deflection limit),calculated fastener capacity(withdrawal or lateral)for wood with a specific gravity of 0.55(.Southern Pine)or allowable stress of the aluminum I:tout IXdmteetor 2 Ailotvable load values arc based on lumber with all of the following characteristics: a. Located in dry service conditions where the moisture content does not exceed 19%for an extended period • of time such as In must covered structures. b- Located where it does not experience sustained exposure to elevated temperatures that exceed 1002F. For any other conditions,allowable table values shall be multiplied by the related adjustment recants)(Cu, andlor G)iu accordance with the National Design Spectra:M od for Wood Construction(NDS-05). . Allowable load values arc based on lumber with a specific gravity of 0.55(Southern Pine or equal). 4. Allowable load values for withdrawal am based on a minimum penetration of 2 'h Inches into the roof'rafter by one 5/16 inch x 4 inch long stainless steel Fag screw_ 1 ( 5 Allowable values may nut be increased for load duration=ti accordance with Section 1032 of the NUS-05. Latera? l ....._i...._...� 1. I MBC e^R - E "'�•6. IRONRIDGE JI I Vr graIli I {''" O •a.A Md CAmE- ARS D0lAtlO-End CkYnR Rad Rar axn.�_ ._..._y .— ��..r 31C+'e T C-__ 3 P.C.. ' �`a .rM ,..c na -I TypicalFIah Mout Array Intc* Me Clanp - Solar raael .---.-,.> \\ .. ‘43w.rr ...... .. — _ 'ae 'A .___j. ,'_ SectionFt snVowel- flat 3^cf ironaA9e Rai- \. Flashing =l C• ••• •'••»•••.� EVIsanl3Rcr arucw>i-` IC= LS•un:.i121 Roct held C i^-.a:Pool ConecIon ry V-Ij. L. I 0e..,..^..... 0.NC Camp--1 Erd Clamp 5 tar-Flielel Ida- i!-S fl d Roof A3. A i 3r4'=t G 1 y . .p I_vAme;'. .�..�, \—...m_,.... GttailD telc Clam:%Sad Chwlon BetA E cna Ga-o Nat EI "" .. ;;.. roo FI ternat Arae'Elevanm 'et 'e• :."- IR-2.0? LG Innovation for Lifer Good a Better Life r • • � _ 4. ---i } • - T 4 }_. —1 i i _ LGNeON 2 LG320N1C-G4 LG's new module,LG NeONTM 2,adopts Cello technology. Cello technology replaces 3 bush ars with 12 thin wiresc Eib 60 cell to enhance power output and reliability LG NeONT"'2 DVE cE demonstrates LG's efforts to increase customer's values beyond efficiency,It features enhanced warranty,durability, Inertk performance under real environment,and aesthetic ^•^^- design suitable for roofs. • i 1i Enhanced Performance Warranty H I •� High Power Output ILGN ON 2has ane h- ed performance warranty Compared with pmodels the LGNeON'"2 ii 1 i� The Idegradationhas fallenfrom-07%/yrto i t has been desg dt ig ificantly n t output -0 6//y.E after 25 y th ell guarantees 24%p i i i 1 efficiency thereby making it effluent even in limited space. more output than the previous LG NeON"modules 1 Aesthetic Roof (�(,(�InRI�����'''Q Outstanding Durability LG NeON"2 has been designed with aesthetics in mind; With its newly reinforced frame design,LG has extended 1 HIP thinner wires that appear all black at a distance. the the warranty of the L6 NeONTM 2 for an additional The product may help increase the value of N�� 2 years Additionally,LG NeON'"2 can endure a front a property with its modem designload up to 6000 Pa,and a rear load up to 5400 Pa. •; Better Performance on a Sunny Day Double-Sided Cell Structure LG NeON'" performs better on sunny days thanks p The rear of the cell used in LG NeONT"2 will contnhutc to Holml¢improved temperature coefficienry. ii�®i generation,just like the front the light beam reflected from Fl 11 the rear of the module is reabsorbed to generate a great amount of additional power. About LG Electronics LG EIr.Pun cos a 31,131 pier F Ho Fla.1 oFn InolIted. pa ding its capaity,based en sr lar energyl T Krut VP,'Or rmlhrdn solar nogg sourcei prom i 1985, appmted yL..Gou6s Jer condo-or c ,chemstry and s industry We essfuhyreeeedf M Y x tcJm k on 2010 yhrhw p ted to cry n w ho 1hhuh'', '9 yearsrhe ar.nrl 2013..PluON^'(pine A/Mourn asM no%e NrnN)82pls VON'0Th CFL10 mcM1 rolocy erIarAvcr., 'hi raved 6rcrM1 I .d fnrnvnlon nthe LGNe0N"2 LG320N1C-G4 Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties(STC*) Cells 6 x 10 Module Type 320W Cell Vendor LG MPP Voltage(Vmpp) 33.6 Cell Type Monocy_Ilne/N-type MPP Current(kraal) 953 Cell Dimensions 15675 x15675 mm/6 itches Open Circuit Voltage(Voc) 40.9 __. . +of Busher 12(Multi Wire BusbaQ0 Short Circuit Current(lac) 1005 Dimensions(L x WxH) 1640 x1000x40mm Module Efficiency(%) 19.5 64.57 x 39.37 x 1.57 inch Operating p g Tem perature l^q -40-.90 Front Load 6000 Pa/125 psf 5 Maximum System V°Itage(V) 1000 Rear Load -_----- 5400 Pa/113psie -(- -- -5 M Series Fuse Rating(A) 20 Weight II0x054/3148± 11 lbs Power Tolerance(Y) 0-.3 Connector Type MC 4.MC4 Compatible,IP67 stswd.,dna Coovnool ifadance 1000 wn..*,Mweie remperaw225°C AM It owes - ... . ,... JunctionBox w67wi1m/ t` o neeomna rrdury die rn « Coow la di Length of Cables -- . 2 x 1000 11700/2 x 39 37 inch Glass High Transmission Temuered Glass Frame _-- _-- Anodized Aluminum -- --- Electrical Properties(NOCT*) Certifications and Warranty Module Type -_ 320 Maximum Power(Pmax) 234 Certifications IEC 61215,IEC 61730-1/-2 MPP Voltage(Vmpp) 307 IFC 67716(Ammonia Test) MPP Current(Impp) 260 IEC 6nm (Salt Misr(orros:nnTest) Open Circuit Voltage(Vac) _ 3/9 1509001 Short Circuit Current(lac) 8 10 UL 1703 Module Fire Performance(USA) Type 2(UL 1703i Fire Rating(for CANADA) Class C(ULC/ORD C1)03) Dimensions(mm/in) Product Warranty 12 years m Output Warranty of Pmax Linear warranty'0 Ft. p TT yea 99 _1After 2 nd,ea,065.x roe_.a3o_ra -_. Temperature Characteristics -- NDCT 4623°C PmPP. -0.38V/°C4) ...,. 'I o,...: �.__ _ _.. u...... L.., Voc -029O°C Isc 003 t .^�-, H Characteristic Curves °% '""'""""" = a em' ,n I wow go 1 w, \ 11 i r ;I I; 1 11111111111 11 - - 1 IIIIININI N 11 'I111I Lift,fidom ArileOLd Solar BuiTress learn aocsyran �En9 ^°norrs Ni o]6]' DSN260C0 t I-N-504:ns are n6mammanPe t°rc notice CIPCI Capmght 02016.6 Eleammo All nghtsreeerved Innovation foraged-ter lig �Y - 14 sarplgeeam 0lmvzm6 �'L1 ^ C toclrv�mo ■ IRONRIDGE Flush Mount System -A, runts_ IronRidge builds the strongest mounting system for pitched roofs in solar. Every component has been tested to the limit and proven in extreme environments. Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features, such as curved rails and reinforced flashings, and is also why our products are fully certified, code compliant and backed by a 20-year warranty. Strength Tested PE Certified All components evaluated for superior Pre-stamped engineering letters structural performance. ., available in most states. Class A Fire Rating Design Assistant Certified to maintain the fire resistance f� Online software makes it simple to rating of the existing roof. r c create, share, and price projects. UL 2703 Listed System ri �-E 20-Year Warranty tA Meets newest effective UL 2703 F ; Twice the protection offered by standard. +°' '" `: competitors. XR10 Rail XR100 Rail XR1000 Rail Bonded Splices illi i is ,11, ,„...1,_ _ A low-profile mounting rail The ultimate residential A heavyweight mounting All rails use internal splices for regions with light snow. solar mounting rail. rail for commercial projects. for seamless connections. • 6'spanning capability • 8'spanning capability • 12'spanning capability • Self-drilling screws • Moderate load capability • Heavy load capability • Extreme load capability • Varying versions for rails • Clear& black anod.finish • Clear& black anod. finish • Clear anodized finish • Forms secure bonding .1Cn.1 _441)1MQi1ci UFOs ( Stopper Sleeves ;,, Grounding Lugs ( Microinverter Kit i • 1 . ; L .' Universal Fastening Objects Snap onto the UFO to turn Connects array to Mount MIs or POs to XR bond modules to rails. into a bonded end clamp. equipment ground. Rails. • Fully assembled & lubed • Bonds modules to rails • Low profile • Bonds devices to rails • Single, universal size • 6 different sizes • Single tool installation • Kit comes assembled • Clear& black finish • Clear& black anod. finish • Mounts in any direction • Listed to UL 2703 FlashFoot Bonded L-Feet Ls, Standoffs s 1,207-41 . itAnchor, flash, and mount with Drop-in design for rapid rail Raise Flush Mount System to various all-in-one attachments. attachment. heights. • Ships with all hardware • Bonding hardware included • Works with vent flashing • IBC & IRC compliant • Forms secure rail connection • Ships assembled • Certified with XR Rails • Clear& black anod. finish • 4"and 7" Lengths Design AssistantGY A -4 NABCEP Certified Training Fs] from rough layoutm. to fully A . Earn free learningconmoreuing education credits, engineered system. For free. A a while about our systems. ,o In hanf i „r✓drsiyn V Go to Ironfl Ite_ nt,/n1 in i,r LGNeON' 2 LG320N1C G4 Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties(STC*) Cells 6x 10 Module Type 320W Cell Vendor L<1 MPP vouape(woo) 326 Ceti Type 310474eystaNne X41 X47 ... MPP Current tla p) 9 53 Lel)4mensims rSh 75 x156]S mm/Y rntitea Open lrcuh VMtxge(Voc) +105 •or aufhar 12(Mum Wire 9usba)0 Short Circuit Current psc) 1005 Dlmeosiuns(L x W x H) 1640 x 1000 x 10 mai Module Efficiency(%J 195 9457 x 3937x I girt h 0peratin9 Tempenmre(YJ v).490 _. .. Front A st age 060 ;MLU d 9404 Pe ft15 p1 S Mammon Sertnmue Rata 170 Hem load sn{iE'Pe:n2 n+*@ Mammon Seth.,fuseaatLq(A) >o Weight 170*05 kg/3740'..x l r the Power Tolerance(M) 0-43 Connector Type MC4.MCI Compatible,IP67 lunc[anBw p67 with3 Bypass Oodos a sr Length of Cables 1xWHO mm/2x 35.3701.'5 Frame Anu0.[d nwml�um Electrical Properties(NOCT*) Ma Certifications and Warranty Maria error 320 w ia TPower(Pmaa) 234 Certifi(at,ions in-61215 IEC 61130.1/-2 MPP Voltage(Vrnpp) 307 @4))771 C'Amncrii Toiti MPP Current Ompp) -6C' I'::61701;Salt Misr r .... ,ran Tecr) Open O.antVottage(Mot) 3379 1509001 Short Circuit Current psc) 910 UL1703 -. r-.err a. c•ve.�. ire re_ ., : rod Modulo Fire Performance(USA) Type 7 NL 1703) Pee Hating(far CANADA) - (:I'.C(ULCI0R9 C 1703) Dimensions(mm/in) Product Warranty 'i.ye).onOa ._ Output Warranty of Pmax hnearwarramy'CA _ ' `r`"' +C Temperature Characteristics a i, - NC'CT 45 3°C T _ Pmpp -036%+`C@ .....1�� Voce ..... _. . ..�.....,._ 1st 011%PC ._.. .. _.. [barer terist'c Curves A „_ - row . 600N. .. w rare Jr. nry sm mz . rm vara ws n+ ! i • ji x a1 , iJ I� III ' r jr t. 1 Ill Lt ? r .G Ie r :11 73:77 171,1/4 El ',He .. Axt�.„Lg,. r ox lora e rbf Orr—.;