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32A-138 (55)
„,,,, . ,o '° ..,a.s. x...1 .1. 4'WPM. l LAAttiaiIr _A REQUIRED INSPECTIONS i ��!`..�,o 1. Footings and Walls 1,10 ;�„!� BUILDING DE1ARTMENT 2. Structural Components in Place* 3. Complete Building* Office of the Building Inspector No. Zoning Form No. 001826 Date 10/7/93 Fee $40 check# .1.U73 Page, 32A Pel 138 ,Zone C13 Section 127 ❑ Yes U No , BUILDING PERMIT Ili `'`~ *Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT Chamisa Corp. ( before Building Inspections Construct 2 dl.vidlng partition wa.u.sV •S Y has permission to Remove plaster, insulate walls, sheets Inspection on Site—Foundations situated on 25 Main Street - Room 214 Inspection of Plumbing—Rough provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspection of Plumbing—finish conform to the terms of the application on file in this office, and to the Gas Inspection provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the Construction, Inspection of Wiring Rough Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. /�� f� Anyviolation of anyof the terms above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring Finish,* �s��li 1 r of this permit.Expires six months from date of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection---RougIL , t 3- C' ,. ”' ©r it • •"i'f Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. �/ Building Inspection—Finish g a . 7 /f .,4i/ Smoke Detectors(Fire Department) Other THIS CARD ST E D PL YED IN A CONSPICU e L , ON THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupancy r -,� -'` wlding Inspector s-. 'r i - t. ) Date Filed ' k-Lcs' 002182 File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (510.2) 1 . Name of Applicant: / %/,elt Q e( Address: 3/ (,II, .,V nenet / 'irk Telephone: ?StC3c? l 2. Owner of Property: Chanut5 t, Qil/s - Address: 3/ diantea.e. Cp66/J Telephone: , ( -["'s�7t 3 . Status of Applicant: (/wner Contract Purchaser _Lessee _Other (explain: ) j=. 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# '--, Parcel# /3..)F, zoning Distric (s (i cludeove eys) Street Addres eh '4b't I7-5Yi�-\4t�+\ r ..6 Ow LLL666 JJJ Required 5. Existing. Proposed by Zoning Use of Structure/Property - J. ,d v,U-- (if project is only interior ( rk, sk°p to #6) Building height &Bldg.Coverage (Footprint) Setbacks - front - side L: R: L: R:_ - rear Lot size Frontage Floor Area Ratio %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) Parking Spaces Loading Signs Fill (volume & location) 6. Narrative Descr3'py ion of Pr..ase. Work/Projecj: (Use addi . ional sheets isnecessary) /tRi7: A A,. 4 ... i paof;iicl� /n yhnee., wrS. niciAt / flOrn bw'arr l„ i ?.' ren /a -411 . 7viur /Was -- h - ,✓h„ eti-taLe - in4„ a P 4,X 6-tti,7 i,7aPPS ..rte ta -b .. / .. - I..l - fats.. i_ -llrt , 7 . Attached Plans : �/ Sketch Plan Site Plan 8 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: /A-27 ,13 /f. Applicant's Signature � .7t ii ;c/.; v TRIB sECTION FOR OFFICIAL at- fNi C. /z-Approved as presented/based on information presented _Denied as presented--Reason : Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required: inG'ing R-r ir,¢d: Variance Require SW-- 40 5 2-e>94/ gnat .ra of —.66--ing I.•-_ . Dat NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to°empty with all zoning requirements and obtoln aft required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commisskn,oepnriment of Public Works and otbot appiicebio permit granting authorities. /i 7v- .a. ] la z 7 < n rr v O E. • Fni D 3 0 Z ,,, Z". rt _• F z =_ S F . 5 d u Z > do ..{ — m to o o C > M A Zoning Miscellaneous Additions.Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. Alterations NORTHAMPTON, MASS. /727 1997J Additions H APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair r / Garage 1. Location ,? ina it, d ha fry Ann eRM aoa LA No. 2. Owner's name �_-� Address. �J/ �AmpNS S efet �`C 3. Builder's nameiiii 611J� fiYi Address l QtM iO US /, J��tT(n 'Q Gj Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No.� 0`0 SQ & Expiration Date /agaa f 9 C. �/ 4. \$4jjioa- 'hl. 22l �7eIi' ,e (/as4es - ADD Sr3EETQ-OrX - SNSocA m Ey?. w4../5 5. Alteration � ` adtJkea4 + 1d s�emovt plaslev0 ey &%1 i � +tiW , waa( Km.2.a. jnsh 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating 11. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof 13. Siding house 14. Estimated cost „ t, _„ `• �J% The undersigned cenifies that the above statements are we to the best of his, her knowledgbelie(. \�41 Remarks sel,e of responsible appd Irani d,q �P1 \ PERMIT APPLICATION{ CHECK LIST S PAGE 32-4- PLOT ZONE a-� I ' YES NO DATE 1 . ZONING FORM APPLICATION h 12-7(Q� 2 . PERMIT APPLICATION L 3 . OWNER OCCUPANT STATEMENT / LIC. # IF NOT L-- 4 , 4 , 3 SETS OF PLANS /PLOT PLAN 5 . NEW CONSTRUCTION 6 . CURB CUT 7 , WATER AVAILABILITY FORMS 8. REMODELING INTERIOR 9 . ADDITION 10 . ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 11 . SIGN / AWNING /��(��o 12 PERMIT FEE - CHECK ONLY - MONEY ORDER � 92 ' (/ C- 13 . SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIRED WITH DEED IF APPLICABLE 14. UNDER SECTION 127 - CMR 780 .11,_19.2h1_6 1 6 . FILL a A COMMENTS: � � e t1 )LO—Priv, L.X2- 4 &Ca4 • ILeLvN.au11-04-1-6-ay wCx 44, Q kiYV x :r—)t — ( ( i e? — j $0 � �, X n ��. r Z v 9') d. cti S'C7 /i>i (7,) n� 0 N i l CO \ ti j �r 1 Wp II T 1 6 1 li f eel k !) t I; k , I • is iA Qi } ii I1 Rein Wt./tr. r1 jTT . _nW4St0 \. 4 ( ! Las.,y %.A .L . n wauaaiin. _ -_A REQUIRED INSPECTIONS sem' BUILDING DEPARTMENT Footings Wats ^Jr ' 2. Struchual Components in Place* 'vy > 3. Complete Building' Na 919 Office of the Building Inspector Toning Form No. 001826 Date 10/7/93 Fee $40 C7rcck 0 1076 page, 32A pared 138 ,Tpne Ce Section 127 0 Yes ❑ No BUILDING PERMIT � 4'Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THISCERTHWFSJHAT Chemise Corp. r before Building Inspections rnstru-.- nvi.cng � '. . � • S ' y has pemnissionto Remove plaster, insulate walls,,sheet Inspection on Sito—Foundations situated on 25 Math Street - Room 214 Inspection of Plumbing—Rough provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every 'tweet Inspection of Phanbing—Finish asp conform to the RIMS of the application on file in this office,and to the Gas Inspection provisionsof the Statures and the Ordintures relating to the Construction, Inspection of Wiring Rough Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the tams above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish of this pemut.Expiressin tmmll sfrom date ofissuance,ifnot started. Building Inspection—Rougtf.(24 ly 8 r4 J to Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspeemr& Building Inspection—Finish Smoke Detecton(Fin Department) Other THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONSPICU t" „L, a ON THE PREMISES Certifir tP of Occupancy Ole _ — .L g Inspector 1(pry IfSir.P ,, City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS • a Y• . k, BUILDING DEPARTMENT I. Footings and Walls 2. Structural Components in Place" 3. Complete Building` No. 979 Office of the Building Inspector Zoning Form No. 001826 Date10/7/93 Fee $40 Cherk# 1078 Page. 32A parcel 138 Zone CB Seclion 127 Cl Yes ❑ No BUILDING PERMIT * Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT_ Chamisa Corp. before Building Inspections has pem lssion to Remove plaster, insulate walls, sheetrock Inspection on Site--Foundations situated on 25 Main Street - Room 214 Inspection of Plumbing—Rough provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspection of Plumbing—Finish conform to the terns of the application on file in this office,and to the Gas Inspection pmvisionsofthe Statutes and the Ordinances relating totheConstruction, Inspection of Wiring—Rough Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediaterevocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish of this permit Everest months from date of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection—Rough Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection of this card signed by the Plumbing, Wiring and Building Inspectors. Building Inspection—Finish Smoke Detectors(Fire Department) Other THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONSPICU9t' A•L,•1 , ON THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupancy - J adding Inspector 1(5:W44'1411 ;1104 Date Filed /pc �j 001826 File No. ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (5E0.2) 1. Name of Applicant: - . ,- ��jarylr ;e, OW' Address : 3/ (limas P/per /P ma. /5/i cTelephone: 0S3 2 . Owner of Property: CI , a Address: 3/ ('U,,,(w,c D/CJG tqi rrm . l/cgCTelephone: C>— / 3 . Status of Applicant: f Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee Other (explain: 4 . Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# 31- 4 Parcel# /38 Zoning District(s) (include ove 1 s) BO Street Address -95 1I)&4\ Required 5. Existing Proposed by Zoning Use of Structure/Property (if project is only interior work, skip to #6) Building height %Bldg.Coverage (Footprint) Setbacks - front - side L: R: L: R:__ - rear Lot size Frontage Floor Area Ratio %Open Space (Lot area minus building and parking) Parking Spaces Loading Signs Fill (volume & location) 6. Narrative Descri tion of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) 7ilenauf va,//xpod/904r 7/aQt1 ov aefe// , //-2.50-1a6 al.) ',.vr7/ P ,,,Jti ercei ( z nnrQ7 fetid /JR/iz 7 . Attached Plans:✓✓ Sketch Plan Site Plan , 8 . Certification : I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Date: /alj 3 Applicant's Signature : /27 n, THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL US ONLY: Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented--Reason: ecial` Permit and/or Site Plan Required: •;.. ng 'red: Variance Required: / .y tel /./7 /) gha / o Builth . Spector ate NOTE; issuonoo of a zoning ponnii does not relieve an oppticonts burden to compy with oil zoning requirements and obtain a f required permits horn iha Board of Haugh,Conservation Commission,Dopwlmont of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. ti > -e a ac m m vo t., ii E. R RI n m a y ra -, O 4-1Zoning _ Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. PS"4 63;x/ I Alterations NORTHAMPTON, MASS. /�`� ''------- 19 3 Additions _ a APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair 1. Location 'Ilia,--» -Z -ft, # jy lLlot No. / 2. Ownern/ Owner's name ` m r SL. z;;-,..j,. _._Address ,31 lr7npus !0474 , MLne G-(O 3. Builders name_ ! (k,547, 94n ?C''ylr iin -ear/Address, Mass.Construction Supervisors License No. 640 Sb�Z .... Expiration Date ,' &/ao/94 4. Addition__,,,,,, / 5. Alteration 'n.,J .. /t L.. . .0/. ;4.. ....le/ • <. it.1, .jr. exfek? 444/40. . 7f L 7 6. New Porch 7, Is existing building to be demolished?�,,,,_ 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage - - No_of cars„ Size 10. Method of heating II. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof .. ... .. 13. Siding house pp 14. Estimated cost-,p deo The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best of his, her _,.,ktf q i'9 � knowled e and belief. ,/../ _ ! 4r - Signa.are of raponeible app,irnm Remarks r FdMtotopo posrnel COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY n r Massse►ssntett Stpl•BdidMf 1 OF ONE ASHBORTON PLACE Models owes fff` MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON,MA 02108 'X! oltMin • LICENSE CAUTION EXPIRATION DATE CONSTR. SUPERVISOR 12/22/1996EFFECTIVE DATE LIC-NO. FOR PROTECTION AGAINST •RESTRICTIONS THEFT, PUT RIGHT THUMB NONE _06/01 /1993 060508 PRINT IN APPROPRIATE 2 R BOX ON LICENSE. RYAN E REGAN—LADD iPO BOX 59 BLASTING OPERATORS SS # 021-52-2115 mS HUTESBURY KA 01072 MUST INCLUDE PHOTO. PHOTO'LASTING OPRONLn FEE:.u.00 NEDOYL�cENSEE OOFF�aucr zl PAID HEIGHT: STAMPED•OR�SIGNATURE OF THE COMMISSIONER DOB: JUN 2 2 1993 12/22/19581 l / / / � ELMET SBE I 7• • E1I 5 xW.MEi ' y IrvEHOPERSON % 9/' Rcrs" FuEr :y:7HTMERWEN EN , OTHERS.R .,HrvMew Row « i -o ER I .._ . . . _ . . . ! i a , Tr ;�; � D / l� tom° _ LJ %� �-)L/, ail - 44(/) N\\' 30„ j C�-� CC.._t;. _ 3; L New �1 11 me - - _ - - - . '- ._ - -' _ w a �n cp k. Ccsiri C,. CE Os ts,•-iv.S __-__ ce 1W jQ"x 2191' 91 f 3� l ��� L I I c0 ;< ._ , •