06-055 (13) City of Northampton, Massachusetts k°sVinlp c(editsr4$ Office of Planning and Development OCT 2 2 997 City Hall •210 Main Street a?�, ri R • . ,IVa o Northampton,MA 01060 •(413)586-6950 $ctr q^4 -F y- ( 8 FAX(413) 586-3726 - e a+l a_�_ •Community and Economic Development �, •Conservation•Historic Preservation .,,� 4. ,' •Planning Board•Zoning Board of Appeals •Northampton Parking Commission TO: Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector RE: Permit application PROM: Laura Krutzler , Board... tary/OPD DATE: _ 4`r, Ip,” Pia f Would you please review and return the -Tr: c,A .w,e � „� k enclosed -Li, `" 'p'`"'application before the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for ,� ,. r, i9'' so that we can advise the Boards of any concerns you may have. Thank you. -D2-/rb1r S Dry To@Di)@T 1_ ....- - NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 586-0546 __-__-_- -_____._--- _- -_._..-- . 4/ r\ � I i ; It N *-4I �_ I Y . 1,"-:::::-In \ _ ,2 vi 1 s i 1 rp 110„:„....,,,,,-E1 -. � ,..,,. - 6 g , i t _ - .. _.._ tdj / pq b ,2= CITY OF NORTHAMPTON moti I ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION FOR: 1 1 type ofiPeojed a n z ( 'SflcL LP Xrr # j % Y#ofnsOccupafian z; ILafoclea).2:asoctat t/soctetyret.al y .z ria gym. - T' tf chtng^:Ad tryStcv sun 4?rruse'lpal Ruildmg .: ,^.. at; armttts rcu""c ,am-'ders'7.omng lhamaace" :4etion i3: 3 PR :: 3. .,attd:.•Secttirn 7.3(:') rg-.,y 4• .. 3. Applicant's Name: Northampton Management Systems, Inc. dfbja Linda Manor Extended 'Care racility Address: 349 Havdenville Road Tetephane:(413) 586-7700 4. Parent Identification: Zoning Map It 6 Parcel# 55 Zoning District: SR Street Address: 349 Haydenville Road 5. Status of Applicant: Owner, Contract Purchaser X Lessee Other(explain) 6. - Property Owner: John Chakal.os Address: 52 Overlook Drive Telephone: (860J 688-9944 Windsor, CT 06095 7. Describe Proposed Work/Project (Use additional sheets if necessary): Replacement of one-sided, 2.5'X6' flat stone sign with a two-sided, 4'X8' wood sign at the entrance drive to Linda Manor Extended Care Facility. Has the following information been included in the application? X Site/Plot Plan List of requested waivers X _fee($120.00) 2 sets of labels(supplied by the Assessor's Office) X Signed dated and denied Zoning Permit Application Twee(3)copies of the Certified Abutters List from Assessors' Office. 1 e. Special Permit Approval Criteria. If any permit criteria does not apply, explain why. A. How will the requested use protect adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses? SEE SCHEDULE 8 ATTACHED HERETO. How will the project provide for surface water drainage: sound and sight buffers:_ the preservation of views, light and air: B. How will the requested use promote the convenience and safety of pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets? How will the project minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area? Where is the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets? What features have been incorporated into the design to allow for: access by emergency vehicles: the safe and convenient arrangement of parking and loading spaces 2 • (CONT.) SEE SCHEDULE 8 ATTACHED HERETO. provisions for persons with disabilities: C. How will the proposed use promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to: the natural landscape: • to existing buildings: • other community assets In the area: 0. What measures are being taken that show the use will not overload the City's resources, including: water supply and distribution system: sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems: fire protection, streets and schools: How will the proposed project mitigate any adverse impacts on the City's resources, as listed above? E. List the section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance that states what special regulations are required for the proposed project (Accessory apartment, home occupation, accessory structure, etc.) 3 H (CONT.) SEE SCHEDULE E ATTACHED HERETO, How does the project meet the special requirements? (Use additional sheets if necessary)?_,__ F. Explain why the requested use will: not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district or adjoining zones: not E#e detrimental to the health, morals or general welfare: be in harmony with the general purpose and Intent of the Ordinance: G. Explain how the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives, defined in City master study plans adopted under M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 81-C and D. 9. I Certify that the Information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.I(or the landowner it I am not the landowner)grant the Zoning Board of Appeals permission to enter the property to review this application. Date: 4/.401/IApplicants Signature' BY: CA < �"— NOrrtenptat tent i 'A -y Date: y J.J3, n � • ��CY.__,� G1W, t o MYERS & 0n( 1 } Owners Signature: (If not the se me as applicant's) 9 SCHEDULE 8 The Applicant proposes to replace the existing one-sided, 2.5 feet x 6 feet flat stone sign (the"Existing Sign")with a two-sided, 4 feet x 8 feet wood sign(the "Proposed Sign") at the entrance drive to Linda Manor Extended Care Facility, a skilled nursing facility("Linda Manor"). The Proposed Sign is to be painted white with green lettering, as shown on the rendering attached hereto as Exhibit A. It will be placed perpendicular to Haydenville Road at the same location as the Existing Sign, as shown on Exhibit B, and it will be illuminated by indirect white lighting. A. The purpose of the Proposed Sign is to identify Linda Manor more clearly, yet in a manner that is attractive and aesthetically compatible with adjacent uses and the existing character of the neighborhood. Linda Manor does not sit directly on Haydenville Road; it is set approximately 678 feet back from the road. Consequently, it can easily be missed without a clear identification sign indicating its location. The Proposed Sign does not represent the introduction of a new use; the same use will continue and will have no detrimental effect on adjoining premises nor will it detract from the character of the neighborhood. The Proposed Sign will not affect surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers,nor the preservation of views, light and air. B. The Proposed Sign will have a positive impact on pedestrian and vehicular traffic by clearly identifying the location of Linda Manor. In addition, it will decrease the hazards that currently exist which are caused by the inadequate signage; these include slowed and stopped vehicles, and vehicles pulling over to the side of the road or making U-turns to circle back to locate Linda Manor. The Existing Sign is one-sided, and angled so that it can readily be seen only when traveling in a northwesterly direction on Haydenville Road(that is, when traveling from Northampton to Williamsburg). Not only has this created confusion and frustration for visitors and suppliers who drive by the entrance drive unable to see Linda Manor or to find the Existing Sign, but it has also created serious health and safety issues when ambulance drivers have been unable to locate either the Existing Sign or Linda Manor. New ambulance drivers routinely experience difficulty finding Linda Manor because they cannot see the Existing Sign, and this difficulty translates into delay and loss of time that can have significant and very serious health consequences. Therefore,the Proposed Sign will improve access to Linda Manor by ambulances and other emergency vehicles. No other aspect of the Linda Manor site is being changed, therefore, the entrance drive, the parking and loading areas and accessibility by people with disabilities will remain the same and will not be affected. NAL/9/29/97/001176/0087-001/27447/16f01! C. As explained above and as illustrated in Exhibit A, the Proposed Sign is designed to be compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and is harmonious with adjacent uses. D. The Proposed Sign will not affect the City's water supply and distribution system,nor the sanitary sewage and storm water collection and treatment systems. The Proposed Sign more clearly identifies Linda Manor, which will facilitate access by, emergency vehicles, suppliers and families of residents. E. Zoning Ordinance Sections: 7.2.13 - General Sign Regulations 7.3.3 - Signs Permitted in any"R" or"SC"District 10.10 - Special Permits The Applicant is seeking a special permit pursuant to Sections 7.2.13 and 10.10 to permit a 4 feet x 8 feet(or 32 square feet) sign, as opposed to a 10 square feet sign authorized by Section 7.3.3. The Proposed Sign is to replace the Existing Sign,which measures 2.5 feet x 6 feet (or 15 square feet). Although the Proposed Sign is larger than the Existing Sign, it is designed to be compatible with the neighborhood and adjacent uses, does not detract from the character of the neighborhood, and is no larger than necessary to serve the public interest of clearly identifying Linda Manor to visitors, suppliers, and emergency services personnel. Section 7.3.3 requires the sign setback to be"at least one-half the required depth of the front yard setback". The front yard setback requirement is 30 feet, therefore, the applicable setback requirement for the Proposed Sign is 15 feet. The Proposed Sign is set back 17 feet from Haydenville Road,which complies with the setback requirement. In addition, the Proposed Sign is being lit by an indirect method of white lighting, which also complies with Section 7.3.3. F. As explained above, the Proposed Sign(a) does not unduly impair the integrity or character of the zone district or adjoining zone districts because it is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood, (b)will be beneficial to public safety, health and the general welfare by more clearly identifying the location of Linda Manor for access by visitors and emergency services personnel, and(c)will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance by seeking to improve an existing use. G. The Applicant seeks authorization to improve an existing use; no incompatible uses are sought to be introduced, and the requested improvement is consistent with the planning objectives of promoting and serving the general welfare and public interest. NAL/9/29/97/001176/0087-001/27447/16f01!