06-062 (9) COMMONWEAI,TIIOFMASSACHUS,cPPS -/ EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY& ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Jr= WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Speingteld,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784.1100 DEVAL L PATRICK IAN A BOWLES Covarnor Secretary TIMOTHY P.MURRAY LAURIE BURT Lieutenant Governor Commissioner r September 21,2007 ----- Mr.Patrick Melnik,Esq. 5L, 2 2007 _ Melnik Law Offices RE: Beaver Brook Estates 110 King Street Northampton,MA 01060 ` i1 Dear Mr.Melnik: The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(MassDEP or Department)is in receipt of a September 7,2007 letter from the Northampton Board of Assessors specific to Beaver Brook Estates. Within the letter,the Board provides notice that,for tax purposes,it will be assigning two bedrooms to each.of the six units that comprise Beaver Brook Estates. In total,the development will include twelve bedrooms,one below the public water system threshold. Accordingly,MassDEP fords that Beaver Brook Estates,as assessed by the Northampton Board of Assessors,will not be a public water system,so long as each unit contains only two bedrooms. Notice of an increase in the number of bedrooms within any of the six units must be provided to the Board of Assessors as well as MassDEP. Information on the limitation in the number of bedrooms within each unit must be disclosed during the trangfer of ownership of any of these units. Please contact me at(413)755-2148 or Doug Paine at(413)755-2281 with any questions about this letter, Respectfully, �jnw- 9 Ynmrnsrw h7� e' Cab , n Chief Drinking Water/Municipal Services Resource.Protee,tion • Cc: Northampton Asecaeor.Northampton Board of Health Nmdaarptw Building rasp e-tot Maser-MVP-Boston Y:\DWPArchire\WEROW orbmptou-Genual-2007-0S-27 W:Wry\ws'ie&staDsetns\NONmempton\Mebai anal response 2007-09-21 MU inrormartin iaavnl4bk io alkmaw rormat Call Omura M.Gnaw,ADA Coordinator at 617456-1057.TOD Sonia-1-60F29Yt}07. DEP en too Work Vide Web: hopJMww.masagovidep Z e 8(SO (1N 0 Printed on aemyem Pape! d3Q Ad60 ' 1 LOGZ :Z dj5 o -eat __ . \ l� a CITY OF NORTHAMPTON \I MASSACHUSETTS •• 41161tic e 2.r ul t .ii SE,o 10 vg./ • Municipal Building , ,,_ J \ 212 Main Street, Room 306 'L _,; Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 \ Joan C. Sarafin,Principal Assessor BOARD OF ASSESSORS TELEPHONE Margo E. Welch, Assessor (413)587-1200 (413) 587-1202 Timothy Fullam, Assessor (413)587-1203 (413) 587-1289 FAX September 7,2007 Deirdre Cabral, Section Chief Dept. of Environmental Protection Western Regional Office 436 Dwight Street Springfield, MA 01103 Dear Chief Cabral: This letter is in regard to the Beaver Brook Estates, Haydenville Road Condominium located at 330 Haydenville Road in the City of Northampton. Three units are currently constructed and three units will be constructed. The Board of Assessors will tax these condominiums as two bedrooms, only as long as the third smaller room does not have a closet. I have personally checked the three condominiums that are constructed and they have two bedrooms. We will assess these condominiums as two bedroom units. I will be checking out the future three to be constructed. The Board of Assessors use the same method in counting the bedrooms in houses. This property is seen on Assessors Map 06, Lot 062, Units 001 through 006. I hope this will provide the information needed. If not,please feel free to call me. ne rely, P-p.Nt) J C. Sarafin. MAA Principal Assessor JCSlnjk cc: Attorney Patrick Melnik Anthony Pa llo, Building Commissioner COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS "= I _._,�—1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)981-1100 DEVAL L.PATRICK J IAN A.BO WLES Governor --- '------ - , Secretary TIMOTHY P.MURRAY SEP2 4 2W] LAURIE BURT Lieutenant Governor Commissioner • --1 • iS � I September 21,Z007--'— + Mr. Patrick Melnik, Esq. Melnik Law Offices RE: Beaver Brook Estates 110 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Melnik: The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection(MassDEP or Department) is in receipt of a September 7,2007 letter from the Northampton Board of Assessors specific to Beaver Brook Estates. Within the letter,the Board provides notice that,for tax purposes, it will be assigning two bedrooms to each of the six units that comprise Beaver Brook Estates. In total, the development will include twelve bedrooms, one below the public water system threshold. Accordingly,MassDEP finds that Beaver Brook Estates, as assessed by the Northampton Board of Assessors,will not be a public water system, so long as each unit contains only two bedrooms. Notice of an increase in the number of bedrooms within any of the six units must be provided to the Board of Assessors as well as MassDEP. Information on the limitation in the number of bedrooms within each unit must be disclosed during the transfer of ownership of any of these units. Please contact me at(413) 755-2148 or Doug Paine at(413) 755-2281 with any questions about this letter. Respectfully, 2 Poo,en)w- rvc eir re Cabref Drinking Water/Municipal Services Resource Protection CC: Northampton Assessor;Northampton Board of Health;Northampton Building Inspector MassDEP-DWP-Boston Y\DWPArchive\WERD\Northampton-General-2007-08-27 W-Wrp\ws\RegisterDeclass\Northampton\Mclnik final response 2007-09-2I This information is available in alternate format.Call Donald M.Comes,ADA Coordinator at 617-556-I057.TDD Service-I-80039S-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: hap IIwmv mass.govIdep el Printed on Recycled Paper • COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS v� -= _:_S—TL EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY& ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 9 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION • t~I • _ 1 r - WESTERN REGIONAL OFFICE 436 Dwight Street•Springfield,Massachusetts 01103• (413)784-1100 DEVAL L PATRICK IAN A.BOWLES Governor Secretary TIMOTHY P.MURRAY ARISEN O'DONNELL Lieutenant Governor Commissioner July 31,2007 Mr. Patrick Melnik, Esq. Melnik Law Offices • ��'' - 1 "" 110 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 - RE: Beaver Brook Estates •--- Dear Mr. Melnik: The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP or Department)is in receipt of you June 18 letter describing your proposal for Beaver Brook Estates. This letter responds to your proposal for this property and to some issues raised in you letter. The MassDEP did know about the Beaver Brook Estates proposal as it commented on the Mass Environmental Policy Act submission. Under the original proposal and its project change, only municipal water is described in the filings. MassDEP and the drinking water program staff were unaware of any attempt to use on-site wells until this spring when a staff person working in the area observed the construction activity at this property and later followed up with the City of Northampton permitting departments. I understand that your proposal to use deed restrictions is intended to ensure that the facility will now, and in the future remain below the threshold of a public water system. The Massachusetts Drinking Water Regulations at 310 CMR 22.02 define a public water system as"a system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption, through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days of the year. Such term includes any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities tinder control of the operator of such a system and used primarily in connection with such system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with such system. The Department may presume that a system us a public water system as defined herein based on the average number of persons using a facility served by the system or on the number of bedrooms in a residential home or facility..." See also the MassDEP Drinking Water Policy H 88-11 (attached) which further discusses the use of the number of bedrooms in determining whether a facility is to be regulated as a public water system. This information is available in alternate format.Call Donald M.Comes,ADA Coordinator at 617-55.6-1057.TDD Service-1-800.398-2207. DEP on the World Wide Web: httpNwWw.mass.nov/dee Y:\DWPArchive\W EROW onhamptan-General-Beaver Brook Estates-2007-07-30 C11 Printed on Recycled Paper In response to your proposal suggestions regarding future use, please note the following: The Department is not in the position to enforce Deed Restrictions on bedrooms or occupancy capacity,nor does the Department seek to impose this enforcement responsibility on local officials. The Department,however, accepts the City and Town Assessor's determinations of the number of bedrooms to be a valid determination on construction and use. In summary, of the ideas presented in your proposal, only the possibility that the Assessor records would exclude the rooms as bedrooms is an acceptable route to ensure the facility remains below the public water system threshold. If you have any questions about this matter,please contact me at(413) 755-2148. Respectfully, /_ °Lccz ✓cam( Deirdre Cabral, Section Chief Drinking water and Municipal Services Resource Protection Enclosure Cc: Northampton Assessor Northampton Board of Health Northampton Building Inspector MassDEP-DWP-Boston Y:\D WPArchive\W ERO\Northampton-General-Beaver Brook Estates-2007-07-31 W:\brp\ws\RegisterDeclass\Northampton\Melnik proposal response 2007-07-30 i COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS rP EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS _�_= DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 'e ONE WINTER STREET, BOSTON, MA 02108 617-292-5500 emi ARGEO PAUL CELLUCCI BOB DURAND Governor Secretary JANE SWIFT LAUREN A. LISS Lieutenant Governor Commissioner Daily Consumption Per Person (Year 2000 Printing) Effective Date: 10-8-96 Policy, SOP or Guideline#88-11 Program Applicability: Supersedes Policy, SOP or Guidance# Approved by: Arleen O'Donnell Background and Rationale Massachusetts Regulation 22.02 defines a public water system as a system serving an average of at least 25 people more than 60 days and/or having 15 or more service connections. This policy is adopted to provide a standard conversion for calculating residential population served when given information on number of bedrooms and/or service connections to determine whether a water system is a public water system. Policy It is the policy of the Division when determining whether or not a residential facility for collection, treatment,storage, or distribution of water constitutes a public water system as defined by 310 CMR 22.00, to calculate the number of persons served by either multiplying the number of bedrooms by 2,or by multiplying the number of service connections by 1.67. The PWS determination shall be based on the higher population if both numbers can be calculated. Date: 10-8-96 Adopted: 10-8-96 Effective: 10-8-96 Arleen O'Donnell,Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Resource Protection 8811-1 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 117 =r11