23A-013 (2) October 6, 1992
Mr . John Glenowicz , Electrical Inspector
Mr. Frank Sienkiewicz , Building Inspector
City of Northampton
City Hall
Northampton, Ma 01060
As the owners of the property at 26 Park Street in Florence,
we request that approval be granted for an owner' s electric
meter at this location. This property is a two family
dwelling with separate electric service for each apartment
and with no provision for materiae the electric usage for the
common and service areas.
This property is not owner occupied and will riot be developed
beyond the two units for which a permit has been granted.
The addition of a third meter is necessary for the smoke
detectors, the cellar light_, the outdoor lights and the
lights in a storage area that is not used by either tenant.
Thank you for your consideration.
/ Jett E. Stowell Sandra D. Stowell
� 22 Park Street 22 Park Street
tor Florence Ma 01060 Florence Ma 01060
A3RI - 13
October 6, 1992
Mr . John Glenowicz , Electrical inspector
Mr. Frank Sienkie -ncz , P.g.ilding Inspector
City of Northampton
City Hall
Northampton, Ma 01060 -
As the owners of the prcuertr at :6 Park Street in Florence,
we request that approval be granted for an owner' s electric
meter at this location. This property is a two family
dwelling with separate electric service for each apartment
and with no provision for metering the electric usage for the
.common and service area:.
This property is not owner- occupied and will not be developed
_emend the two unite, for which a permit has been granted.
The addition of a third meter is necessary for the smoke
oetectors, the ce_ tar- lights, the outdoor lights and the
lights. in a stereos, area tha.t is not used by either tenant.
Thank you for your consideration.
-4' 1aet,.—
,antet�Ct ill 4 W
Jett F. Stowell. Sandra D. Stowell
Park cftret _ -ark Street
Florence Ma. 01060 Florence Ma 01060