06-018 (10) �v -020 '?d PLANNING G AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NTHA MIPTON C1t)jHalf 210 Main Streetr Baont l l Mnb+mpton;YA 01060-:19 1,i3}597-r�6G- Par35Tcse4 Wapne Feiden, Direcror Fanning@nortbanptonp Liming Or g . www.nortbamptonplanningorg NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL To: City Clerk The Planning Board on September 28. 2006 by 4_0 APPROVED the following preliminary subdivision plan: "Mixed Residential Cluster, Beaver Brook Estates", prepared by Heritage Surveys, Inc. for John J. Hanley, Trustee, Beaver Brook Nominee Trust, Patrick J. Melnik. Dated August 28, 2006, Submitted by: Beaver Brook Nominee Trust & Patrick J. Melnik 110 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 OCT - 2000 Signed Chair,f lorthampton Planning Board Date: 9/28/06 The Planning Board found that the preliminary subdivision, as submitted with a cluster open space met the criteria in the subdivision rules with waivers requested. See Attachment I for Waivers and Conditions, This vote of the Planning Board is duly recorded in the minutes of their meeting. o.c. Applicant Police Department Board of Assessors oar* o '•ub is Works Register of Voters Fire Department File Board of Health Conservation Commission After twenty (20) days without notice of appeal, endorsed blueprints, if approved, will be transmitted to: Applicant-- I mylar Register of Voters- 1 print City Engineer— 1 mylar Police Department-1 print Assessors— 1 print Fire Department— I print planningboard •mnse rva t.f cornusion-ronrng board ofappenls •housing partners hip eedetee(opment axthorikee-110r.(7antprnm CLS economh`&3elopmeni •commcommenlre Jez.eh,,n nr-insrorac diszete eeelaaission-historcalcomrs Isms central ot5nescarclneeW! erigie du Attachment 1 The Planning Board voted to approve the Plans with requested waivers for the preferred option so long as Department of Public Works also approves waivers and the following conditions: 1. All submission requirements under subdivision rules shall be met. 2. As shown on the plans, a bike path connector shall be made to meet both traffic mitigation requirements and connectivity requirements under site plan and special permit for a cluster development. 3. A private booster pump system for both fire protection and potable water shall be required if 500 gpm standard at the required pressure cannot be met. All technical details should be determined prior to filing for the definitive subdivision. 4. Catch basins shall be spaced in accordance to subdivision rules. 5. Fire hydrants shall be spaced in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Recommendations. 6. If there is high groundwater, a subdivision-wide system for installation of footing/foundation drains must be submitted and addressed comprehensively at the definitive stage and will not be considered on a lot-by-lot basis. 7. A stormwater permit application must be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to submission of the definitive subdivision. 8 The detention ponds should be designed for easy implementation of maintenance and the covenants_ 9. Catch basins shall be connected with manholes. 10. Stormwater management must achieve 80% TSS removal. 11. Stormwater structures outside the right of way shall be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association 12. In accordance with concerns of the Board of Health, the applicant shall submit as part of the definitive subdivision, soil logs for all detention basins showing the highest observed water and mottling. Depending upon results, mosquito control may be necessary and shall be designed accordingly through bio/eco-remediation or other methods. 13. Definitive plans must show the total area planned for cutting trees. Trees on site must be saved to the extent practicable. 14. The bike path connection from the edge of the cul-de-sac will be required as part of meeting the access to open space standard and connecting a dead end street to other streets/bikepath broader network. This has to meet ADA requirements. 15. The connector from the rail-trail to Grove Avenue extension must meet ADA requirements. 16. The Board reserves the right to apply other conditions and or evaluation upon review of definitive subdivision data and technical information required at that stage. 17. All waivers from the subdivision rules must be specifically requested at the time definitive subdivision plans are submitted. 18. CR boundary should be dearly marked. 19. Definitive plans should show clear cutting envelopes for the area to be cut. 20. A right of way/easement from the Cul-de-sac to Haydenville Road be shown on the plan 21. Common driveway should have turnouts, one-way or have sidewalks.