06-018 (7) 6 -a© _pSM�MPTO i� PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON (t kel. - F I Cify Hatt- 210 Main Street Room n • Northampton,MA 0106o-3'98 -14131587-1266 • Fax:587-1264 �� t,..,^ Wayne Feiden, Director , pia nning@nortbamptonplannin,g.arg - wwrv.nortbampton pia nning.arg FORM F NORTHAMPTON, MA May 8, 2003 Date NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION DENIAL WITH CONDITIONS (ATTACHMENT A) To: City Clerk - - The Planning Board on May 8, 2003 by 5:0 _ Date vote -- DENIED the following subdivision plan: ,vf 2 <1v_�'? Name or description Beaver Brook Estates . New street names No new street are proposed (extension of Chestnut Avenue) Submitted by Beaver Brook Nominee Trust(John J. Hanley) Address 1725 York Avenue, Apt. 27C, New York, NY 10128 On March 21, 2003 with requested extensions pending termination of the statutory twenty day appeal period. Signed ►_i A� Chair, Nor( ampt•[ Planning Board This vote of the Planning Board is d ly recorded in the mutes of their meeting. c.c. ApplicantPolice 0-eartment Building Inspector .i.r. of Assessors Board of Public Works Register of Voters Fire Department File Board of Health Conservation Commission After twenty(20)days without notice of appeal, endorsed blueprints, if approved, will be transmitted to: Applicant-- 1 mylar Register of Voters-- 1 print City Engineer-- 1 mylar Police Department--1 print Assessors-- 1 print Fire Department-- 1 print Bldg. Inspector-- 1 print File-- 1 print Filed-in the City Clerk's office on: May 21, 2003. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS PAGE 64 planning board •conservation commission •zoning boardo(appeals•housing partnership•redevelopment authority-nor tbampton GIs economic development •community development •historic district commission •his torica[commission•central business architecture o,ryi.olnv.meonrmnaeLi Vape, ATTACHMENT A Beaver Brook Estates, Preliminary Subdivision,Leeds Denied by the Northampton Planning Board on May 8,2003 The Northampton Planning Board denied the above-referenced subdivision because the subdivision does not conform to all sections of the zoning ordinance that pertain to cluster development as required by the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Northampton §3.08, including the cluster provisions within §10.5 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance. This requires a connection to the proposed open space from the proposed extension of Chestnut Avenue. Specifically, §10.5 and §10.5(10) require that the open space in a cluster have a functional relationship to each lot. If all the open space is not connected to this project then it must meet provision of§10.5(9) for off-site open space. Final plans must show compliance with the subdivision rules and regulations and the following information must be included in the Definitive Plan: I. The subdivision lots must conform to all sections of the zoning ordinance per subdivision rule§3.08, including the cluster provisions within §10.5. This requires a connection to the proposed open space from the proposed extension of Chestnut Avenue. This may not be done with 10' wide public access easements 2. The Definitive Plans must show calculations for total land within the floodplain, steep slopes over 8% and wetland area. The dedicated open space must not be comprised of more than 25% of such areas. 3. The applicant shall define conservation easement area D. 4. The applicant shall submit/show what is planned for remaining area between the cul-de-sac and the conservation easement area. 5. In accordance with §3.02, 7:01 (I-C), &7:01 (1-G) of the subdivision rules, in- lieu of creating a through-street connection, the applicant shall provide a bike/ped connection from the cul-de-sac to the end of Grove Avenue. 6. Because a large portion of the open space is being met off-site, the open space shall meet the needs of the City as required in the zoning ordinance. Thus, the area shown on the plans along the future bike path is a desirable means of achieving this. 7. A list of requested waivers must be submitted. 8. The paved road width shall not exceed 24' throughout the subdivision. 9. All maintenance and ownership responsibilities for infrastructure and other open land identified in the subdivision must be clearly documented in a covenant to be approved by the City. 10. A habitat analysis shall be conducted to ensure that this development is not infringing upon the upland area that is inhabited by rare and endangered species of Jefferson Salamander and Wood Turtle. Such study should be consistent with Natural Heritage and Endangered Species program standards. 1 11. The applicant must conform to all other requirements in the subdivision rules and regulations. 12. The Planning Board reserves the right to impose other conditions during the definitive subdivision review based on evaluation of more detailed drawings and analysis presented with any such definitive subdivision filing. 13. The applicant must indicate on the Definitive Plans provisions for future connection off of cul-de-sac. 2