06-018 (6) %.• aol
City of Northampton, Massachusetts =0 0
Office of Planning and Development ✓ s r.
City Hall • 210 Maln Street if 9 Aw�„a, :4I�
Northampton, MA 01060 • (413)-1136-13330 -Ca.? 2-6,6 �. -. frterf
FAX(413) 5111414C6 icD - iatiy ' :sY
•Community and Economic Development
•Conservation •Historic Preservation �i �'
•Planning Board •Zoning Board of Appeals it
• Northampton Parking Commission
TO: Anthony Patillo, Building Inspector ,�-
RE: Permit application
FROM: Angela Dion, Board Secretary/OPD
DATE: 4/4/03
Would you please review and return the
peel Olt IL
enclosed saksihs,-br\ . application
before tits-Planning Board oning Board of
Appeals meeting scheduled for yAtic so
that we can advise the Boards of any
concerns you may have.
Thank you.
lr 44
File sixteen completed forms and plans and file seven additional copies,showing wetlands,which
may be 11"x17" reduced scale plans,with the City Clerk and the Planning Board, in accordance
with the requirements of Section 4:02.
To the Planning Board:
The undersigned herewith submits the accompanying Preliminary Plan of Property located in the City of
Northampton for approval as allowed under the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules and Regulations
Governing the Subdivision of Land of the Planning Board in the City of N hamptorl.
1. Applicant Beaver Brook Nominee TrustA i )
Print ortype name (John J. Hanley) Signature `���"'��, CCC
1725..York Avenue, Apartment 27C
Address New York, NY 10128 (ho�nef
2. owner Beaver Brook Nominee Trust (hone
// /V t'
Print or type name (John J. Hanley) (7/signature/
1725 York Avenue, Apartment 27C (/
Address New York, NY 10128 Phone
3. Engineer Richard P. Weisse Cercte_
Print or type name Heritage Surveys, Inc. Signature
College Highway & Clark St. P.O. Boxl, Southampton, MA (413) 527-3600
Address —>Phone
4. Surveyor Bruce A. Coombs
Print or type name Heritage Surveys, Tnc. Signature
5. Deed of property recorded in Hampshire County Registry or Land Court(circle one), /
Book _ Page r Sae (eflr c ..3//?/c3G ..3//?/c3cn
6. Location and Description of Property: N'r"'PLrjr
ra—Lei 5- ,7 5 -6 6-zo IUh-3 to - 7S> Sur-424s
7. Assessors Map ID: , Lot(s): n G -„4( y - 52
•- • submitted •
to Plan ore Boa PE C r CV 00 Date Decision Filed:
• n /
e.e's _,: ..i, . ►14C_ _-,L
e City Clerk:
(Signa .' W W (Signature)
Professional Surveyors and Engineers
College Highway & Clark Street
Post Office Box 1
Southampton, Massachusetts 01073
Bruce A. Coombs, President Telephone(413) 527-3600
Professional Surveyor, MA, CT& VT Facsimile(413)527-8280
E-mail: bruce@heritagesurveys.com Website: heritagesurveys.corn
March 18, 2003
City of Northampton
Planning Board L i
210 Main Street - City Hall , _ --
Northampton, MA 01060
RE: Beaver Brook Estates "
Preliminary Subdivision Plan I _
Showing Nineteen (19) OSR Lots -
Evergreen Road and Haydenville Road (Route 9); -- "_-
Northampton, MA
HSI Job #3923-980831
Dear Planning Board Members:
On behalf of the applicant, The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust, we are
submitting sixteen (16) prints and seven (7) 11"x17" reduced scale prints of a
plan entitled, Preliminary Subdivision Plan -Beaver Brook Estates, sheet 1 of 1,
dated March 14, 2003, prepared for John J. Hanky, Trustee - The Beaver
Brook Nominee Trust. The above preliminary plan shows a proposed Open
Space Residential Development (OSR) containing Nineteen (19) residential
subdivision lots served by a cul-de-sac located off of Evergreen Road at the
intersection of Chestnut Avenue. The proposed building lots and cul-de-sec are
located on land of Robert J. Kelly and The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust. The
above plan also shows "Open Space Area", containing 6.92 acres of land located
at the north west corner of the site and other land of Beaver Brook Nominee
Trust with an area of 44.91 acres. The submission is in accordance with
Section 5:00, §5:02 Submission of the Rules and Regulations Governing the
Subdivision of Land in The City of Northampton.
The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust property is located in SR (Suburban
Residential) and URA (Urban Residential-A) Zoning Districts of the City of
Northampton. The p cel of land has a total area of 57.05 acres and is defined
by several lots on thrCity of Northampton Assessor's Maps (Map 5, Parcels 6 &
7, Map 6, Parcels 18, 19, 20, 21, & 58). The deeds for the property are recorded
in the Hampshire County Registry in book 5869, page 6, book 5917, page 206,
book 5493, page 23 and book 5869, page 3. The Robert J. Kelly property is
located in URA (Urban Residential-A) Zoning Districts of the City of
Northampton. The parcel of land has a total area of 2.87 acres and is defined
on the City of Northampton Assessor's Map (Map 11A, Parcel 3). The deeds for
the property are recorded in the Hampshire County Registry in book 4758, page
.71'A3cG, w - 't - ii 4-3
Page Two
Northampton Planning Board
March 18, 2003
As required by the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of
Land in the City of Northampton, Design Standards, section 7:01(5)(a)
maximum length of a cul-de-sac is eight hundred and fifty (850) feet, this plan
has been designed and layout to meet this requirement. It is our opinion the
plan as submitted requires no waivers from the Zoning Ordinance or the Rules &
Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in the City of Northampton. The plan
also show that there is no work or disturbance proposed within the 100'
wetland buffer zone and/or the 200' Riverfront area of the Mill River and Beaver
As part of this application we are also submitting the following:
• Form-B Application for Approval of Preliminary Plan.
• Copy of a check addressed to the City of Northampton.
We would appreciate your directing any correspondence regarding the
above referenced project to:
John J. Hanley, Trustee, The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust,
1725 York Avenue, Apt. 27C, New York, NY, 10128
telephone # (212) 410-0968,
with copies of the same to Heritage Surveys, Inc.
Mark P. Reed
cc: The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust
Northampton City Clerk with one copy of plans and Application