23A-070 (23) DEPARWNT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS 212 MIN M NORTHAMPTONhEMAf 01060 BUILDING 1;�° PERMIT F` 23A - 71 - 70 - va uDan oN DATE TAnnnry 77,r 19 A2 PERMIT NO. 12 APPLICANT EBSiW R FuliFrAFpyt ADDRESS MNao'IMillin Ifg. 1 Tnn Penna N M 0 C..C, NUMBER OF -- PERMIT TO PEO L..L.-1 STORY H/jlhCB o� DWELLING UNITS YM.ROVEMExTI 0. 1 OFO 9f1 AT (LOCATION) 7{) Ma {j n ZONING 1x0.1 uixySt.y 1 n z lcT l8 BETWEEN AND If R055 STREETI ¢Ross STREEq LOT SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK SRE 1 977 81. BUILDING IS TO BE 106 FT. WIDE BY 136 Fr. LONG BV FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ITYPEI REMARKS: Health r..,. faP414h3. PPT p1lOa ran filo (fptm(19t{nn PoIt {GanPll 11 H6YA11 pp #6642AREA OR @ VOLUME 12,990 ESTIMATED COST P 9550,000.00 FEE PERMIT p 800 I[YBIV 90 V>PE FEET) OWNER Va11 pp Heal th P1 ant Tnf BI ADDRESS PFO. Anv 777E AmhptatE Ma B WHITE - FILE COPY . GREEN - FIELD COPY . CANARY - APPLICANT COPY • PINK ASSESSORS COPY &€ fg6k .SU LDim IN5PWTIONS lz ib�o BUILDING /s?lx � 34 PERMIT-. 71 : ro-= ' _ - 4A WDATIOM DATE .Xmm� f1911 PERMIT NO. • 49 APPLICAIF{ Y4vin ! e{Ii�R A � i -= ADM" YO.J IfM I EpNTO'R}.GENS[. y t NUMBER OF PERMIT �y t�L. �STMY ��ili..Cl� oWP1ulW UNITS TYRO APROITARATY X0. 41 TSROP64EO Uf[J %, AT(LOGATIM) 711 Y It, FIE•TL•a46 QIMb,q KT PO (Nps < rR[CfJ n BEfWEE AND '+{GROES STREEiI ILROfS'StREED uILOT SUBQIYI+ LOT, . •C. BLOCK 54E a E ° BUILQIN16.'+1E TO �� FT..WILE Bf:A Y FT. 40X0 BY I`^ FT.IN IEIOHT' p BNRLL GmIFMM lyCgY16'ig11GTI0N ' TO TYPE_USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ITYF[) REMARKS;. ywal Wh r•pW gAF�14 �=�.f, kq� AID,4 �;4l, \gNNRNpT.+E iO'-�L3Lf!{�f i,jMd 11palall $/p119��13/�y ifk A. [rL[i. nn\ff�� MM VOLUM£ ESTIEMTEQ tOBY.p 4�y�10`� FEEMIT iCU61[fSOUARE E[[t) OWNER VWi 7,ay. Hwsl th Plain Tue.; ADDRESS F 0_ $pY 227 A"'LWYat E 1 V" A yNtfiE #tE COPY GREEN FIEED COPY CANARY - APPLICANT COPY -, PINK Z ASSESSORts COPY t i t T,ftV of 3Tor#4anyt" s a ata....limta, i m OOf&re of tht Ynsprrtor of j1ailbings y � 212 Main Street•Municipal Bu4Iding Northampton,Mass. 01060 Jana 241 1982 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Page No._.... 23A Plot -n-10— Building (Name) v 11. x•a11h_@,11n,.. iae. Address__71-MALS Straeti Ploranca Owner Address P-0, Box 227. A®hartt _ APpilcant. Same Address Sass Use: tst N •i Care Facility _ Occupancy 2nd _— —Occupancy --- 3rd .—Occupancy 4th Occupancy — Zone District Required inspections: New Building __X_ Existing Building 1 Elevator_...... Electrical _ G lr _r� Plumbing gyp!-4L� Y Fire ....._ Building Other _......_ ........_...— Ins .of Buildings CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 9 ! MASSACHUSETTS i e � OFFICE of the INSPECTOR of BUILDINGS ir Pageq___ Plot -7/- 7O APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT AND INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT IMPORTANT - Applicant to complete all items in sections: 1, Il, /it, IV, and IX. O A zom" I' T (LOCATION a olsTnlcTe /J LOCATION "^.1 'STREET' OF BETWEENANF BUILDING (CROSS STREET) (CRoss STREET) LOT s uEBfV IsmN LOT BLOCK s¢E N 11. TYPE AND COST OF BUILDING - All applicants complete Pans A - D � A A. TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT D. PROPOSED USE - For'•wmd,ng" mast.ecerr use oof n m 1 New but IS, Residenrlal Nonresidential ~ 2 Addrr n(!/v std, al, er a Ear r 12❑ Dne lamlly 18 ❑ Amasemen n recreaonal rrz t'an qac 9)e an¢r odded, i(mey, 13 ❑ Two more lamlly - Ea er 19 ❑ Church, o,her .ell gl^us 3 ❑ Al,ew,ron (see 2 aaouv) au"bero7 urt(ts--- f y 20 E] I^dusvi^[ _ 14 ❑ Tran nr hotel, m rel, 21 ❑ - 4 Repair, replacement or dormitory - F.-m abet Parking 9oro9e 5 �] wrecking (it mu(r i/amity resldrmtiaL o/ units y 22 ❑ S,I smnon, repair garage enter number of mutts in buimly¢ Ia 1s !❑ Garage 23 ❑ H""'wr lranm,lonal Parr D, l3) 6 ❑ SAN-, Lelacori on) 16 (-] Carport 24 [] Office, bank, prafb-,anal 7 ❑ F-Riptian only 17❑ other - Speci/y 25 ❑ Public Nulty 26 ❑ School, library, other ed— ian^I B. OWNERSHIP 27 ❑ 5mres, ...cant Oe 0 Pri.ate (Indi.idid, corporation, 26 ❑ Tanks, rowers nonprofit ir'n'nRoa, etc.) 29 ❑ Other - 11ec4(y 9 Public (endear, Sate, or o ov q _ /�y_ /1 _ el gnQ '4da't/^q '��� C. COST (Orme rears) Nonresidential - Describe in derail proposed use of Fulls,,elements,a e.g., food L-w pro s ng plant, machine shop, laundry building ,l hparkin , —S. tory 10. Com of Impa.emant................ yy (Q�,B� sdooli ondory sd�ol, allege, parochial school, parking garage for dapartments rental office building, office building ^ ndu al pram. vl I, be iesm[!ed but not inducted If use of a:isnng building Is berg changed,corm pro posed use. .bis abo. asr in e c b. Plombing ....................... c. Feeling, a it candido in........ d. Other(ehvafar, arc.)........... �{ 11. TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENT E 'INIEO,Od III. SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING - For new buildings and additions, complete Parts E - L; For wrecking, complete only Port J, /or all others skip to IV. E. PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME G. TYPPEE� OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL J. DIMENSIONS / 30'p�] Masonry (wall bearing) 401y PabIA A, vri+ora c Q. Numb,, of s Rorie............... iL'J`I om Pany 49. Tonal t 31 wood home 41 FERNote (septic fork, ercJ soma fee, of 11 oar ar / -a 1(p�0 ❑ Slanural steel dimenmm sb.sect on .tenor 32 all ,Is, ...... .... 33 ❑ Reinforced ...cite H. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY 34 ❑ Fryer - Sp-1, 42 Poblic or prl.me ram, 50. Total land ore., a,. 0. ........... IF 7Zk& 43 Prlwfe(we11, AL,ornl K. NUMBER OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES . PRINCIPAL TYPE OF HEATING FUEL I. TYPE OF MECHANICAL 51. Enclosed .___................ F 35 Gas Will he,. ba ceanal air 52. Corp.,........................ 36 Oil condi,ri^ga -- L. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY 37 r ElecRri A, 44j,< Yes 45 No 53. Number of bed.00ma.............. 30 Coat 39 Orhe.- SPe rift will there be an elmarorn � Full.......... 54. NNmbm of 46 ❑ Yes a) � No 6a,M1rooms Par iol IV. IDENTIFICATION — To be completed by oil oppllcari Name Mcdcrg addrez. rq,r mA cla,,- LIP coda Tel Na. n i a oj asp. MEPGL[L4N se No. (143 -0 ' atFr F b` Ali A-h tent r, � � Eg..C.' LLRSEN V-011' 9L a[C/bVf //Y+r.A! Mss PI .�70 oT67L I hereby certify that the proposed work is authorized by the owner of record and that I have been authorized by the owner to make this application as his authorized agent and we agree to conform to all applicable laws of this jurisdiction. S; n epi app is ddrers Appl�cor�or done A 00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE V. PLAN REVIEW RECORD — For office use Plans Review Required Check Plan Review Dsre Pe— By Oct. Me— By Nor— Fee _ oppri—ed __. BUILDING $ PLUMBING $ MECHANICAL $ ELECTRICAL $ OTHER $ VI. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED OR OTHER JURISDICTION APPROVALS Permit or Approval Check ODate ra need Number By Permit o. Approve Check OTire red Nrmber By BOILER PLUMBING CURB OR SIDEWALK CUT ROOFING _ ELEVATOR SEWER ELECTRICAL SIGN OR BILLBOARD FURNACE STREET GRADES _ GRADING USE OF PUBLIC AREAS OIL BURNER WRECKING OTHER OTHER II. VALIDATION Building FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit number &J, Building. Lice G,rup Permit issued19 Su'.Building Fire G,oa, Permit Fee $ J goa`oD ❑ve Lord'',ry Certificate of Occupancy S Occrprrcy Lood Aj by: Drain Tile $ Plan Review Fee $ TITLE NOTES and Da .m/—} tFc. d,p,tllent used ----- «:«a:sa::«::a::aasasa«::::«::::: :::::::9::::9::::E::E::EE:EEEE:EEEE: EEEe€s ..................e..E..E...__:.. .............€..€.€......€....m ......e.e_..e.e.€_e.ee ...€. ..€.. :.:eee€e € . ses':e.s_a_.....'..e.@.. _. _....... ..... .. • ..._€.€...€..€..€.€.e.e.€.€.e.€.€.€.€....€.....€.€.€...€..€..€..€...€..€.€. .. :.:..................................... ...... ................... aeaassassFg a E «EE«?EPEE :tt.-N- u : ... . iE°FE«......E««EE::EEE::::::tt:::::::tt a .........._. ......s .F.as..ssa................... ....... e�°•�_ :asFF F««F«s ss«?E«9EE E?EF«'ssssss 3s«Fiei?F?FE?««9««EE?«FF«EE9«9Fi's¢..:«PEEP .FF?......... syas?EFss?4ssssssss ..... .... tt::......:::::u:::u:EF?...*........ :=.aa:aa:tttt::aii......:aa.....I..:u::re::aE_u; r a ; ..... .•r: .. �•:xs r _ _. . ........ .. ..... »_..... ..........r:FEFu::u::uss:F:F:..:e:F:«E» mul ......::«EEFEEEEs.F::: ........... ............ mum _ ....... .............. •1211......•s tt«r9`«s 1 Eausssi«n�ir«« EEE««9E u «iE9a�EEFFE:::«F«:::::::::::a:::::: a: : ::::::::::::::: ieFeEuasE7nsa_ _ AFF.s _. ..._.... .. 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