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23A-070 (22)
WPI S CR PERMANENTE Northampton Medical Center Renovation Florence, MA CONSTRUCTION MANUAL w Project Manager & Contractor �^ Catrambone Corporation 200 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095, Tel. (203)688-7151 Project Architect Ambrose Associates, P.C. One Union Place, Hartford, CT 06103, Tel. (203)727-8031 Project Engineers BVH Engineers, Inc. 50 Griffin Road South, Bloomfield, CT 06002, Tel (203)286-9171 41 .• OF GJry F,, C ! -0nA%H .t m w a "s ylll,�A --1 �4 �, a 4,�,v � ,,a , ,I , _j � "I �� .4 L�l ,, a ";"A " ;j : I � a � I � I , -I Catrambona Corporation Ambrose Associates, P.C., Architecture & Interior Design r ARCHITECTURAL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL This Construction Manual describes construction work required for this project. The Manual is dNk3ed kno 3 parts: .. NOTE/SPECS Note/specs Include written information describing scope of work, materials and products, and quality standards. Note/specs are numbered with the MASTERFORMAT System of ., Construction Classification developed by the Construction Specifications Institute. The first part of each note jspec number Is the MASTERFORMAT section number that corresponds to the main content of the note/spec. Where there is a capital letter at the end of the ntmbar. R refers to one of the lypes'described in the note/spec (le. partition typas,door types). Note/specs are always referenced on drawings by a leader with a dot at the and: asz3ws FPTAIEO OPENING MY DETAILS Details are numbered with the MASTERFORMAT System of Construction Classification developed by the Construction Specificaflom institute. The first part of earn detail number is the MASTERFORMAT section number that corresponds to the main content of the data#. Details are referenced on drawings by a leader with heavy line to Indicate section details, arrow to indicate elevation detail, or circle to indicate plan detail: oszooz oe000-z oeaao-� w 9ENCN ENt[unCE IXAPS a�w -wue GENERAL DRAWINGS General drawings Include plans, elevations, and section drawings. For general drawings (non-details). the first part of each number is a 2 letter code that describes the type of drawing: SP-Site Plan; SP-Building Plan; BE-Building Elevation; IE-Interior Elevation; DP- ft Detail Plans; SS- Building Section; WS- Wall Section. .F w } Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 747.documerrts,prepared by Ambrow Asweiaroa, P.C.,are inatrumenb of profewional asitia. — y are inronded for uw only whh We parties,pmjM,and laoatlon specifioWly dwaribed herein. 71 TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTE/SPECS. 01000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 01070 ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS 'e 01300 SUBMITTALS 01400 QUALITY CONTROL s 02000 SITE WORK 02050 DEMOLITION 03000 CONCRETE 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03700 CONCRETE RESTORATION to 04000 MASONRY 04500 MASONRY NEW OPENINGS 06000 WOOD & PLASTICS 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY 06400 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 06600 PLASTIC FABRICATIONS 07000 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION w. 07200 INSULATION 07900 JOINT SEALERS 08000 DOORS & WINDOWS ae 08100 HOLLOW METAL FRAMES 08200 HOLLOW METAL DOOR TYPES 08300 SPECIAL DOORS 08400 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES 08700 HARDWARE 08800 GLAZING 09000 FINISHES 09000 FINISHES, SCHEDULE 09250 GYPSUM BOARD 09500 ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT 09650 RESILIENT FLOORING 09680 CARPET 09900 PAINTING 09950 WALL COVERING 10000 SPECIALTIES a. 10650 OPERABLE PARTITIONS I. Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 T —dooumenb.prepared by Amaw Avsaciatea, P.C.,are inebumerda of prohaeional senrica. Tbay era inbnded W use only with the parties,proled,and location specifically deeedbed herein. 11000 EQUIPMENT 11700 MEDICAL EOUIPMENT 11110 DETAIL IN 06000 WOOD & PLASTICS 06400 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK ON 08000 DOORS & WINDOWS 08100 METAL DOORS & FRAMES A 09000 FINISHES 09500 ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT 10000 SPECIALTIES w 10650 OPERABLE PARTITIONS A GENERAL DRAWINGS HE EXISTING INTERIOR ELEVATIONS EIE7 LABORATORY EIE2 LABORATORY EIE3 LABORATORY EIE4 LABORATORY op EIE5 STAFF LOUNGE EIE6 DENTAL LAB EIE7 DENTAL LAB EIEB DENTAL LAB EIE9 DENTAL RECEPTION -- EIE70 DENTAL RECEPTION w IE INTERIOR ELEVATIONS IE-1 PHARMACY IE-2 PHARMACY IE-3 PHARMACY IE-4 PHARMACY IE-5 RECEPTION 4p IE-6 LUNCH ROOM IE-7 ADMIN. OPEN OFFICE IE-8 LABORATORY 11M IE-9 LABORATORY IE-10 LABORATORY IE-11 PROCEDURE ROOM IE-12 ADVICE NURSE TREATMENT IE-13 MENTAL HEALTH RECEPTION - IE-14 MENTAL HEALTH RECEPTION IE-15 ADVICE NURSE TREATMENT w IE-16 UTILITY ROOM fp Kalser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These Oxumenb, prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are InsWmsms of profeedonal service. Ttwy»intended for um wty MM the Pero",ptlirc roject,and location speaity daawib»d herein. t, UTILITY ROOM + IE-18 UTILITY ROOM IE-19 NURSE STATION IE-20 PHARMACY 1E-21 PHARMACY se IE-22 PHARMACY IE-23 PHARMACY IE-24 PHARMACY + IE-25 ORTHO EXAM ROOM IE-26 NURSE STATION IE-27 NURSE STATION + IE-28 NURSE STATION IE-29 COUNTER AT STORAGE ROOM 21 IE-30 COUNTER AT NURSE STATION 38,68 IE-31 EXAM ROOMS 44,47,79,74,76,78,83 +� IE-32 EXAM ROOMS 44,47,70,74,76,78,83 .a DP DETAIL PIANS DP-1 PHARMACY WAITING 23 OP-2 MENTAL HEALTH RECEPTION 5 DP-3 LABORATORY 29/WAITING 30 + SP BUILDING PLANS Al FIRST FLOOR ARCHITECTURAL DEMOUTION PLAN er, A2 FIRST FLOOR ARCHITECTURAL PLAN A3 FIRST FLOOR ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAN + M iIM M + + + Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These dowmeme,prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are instruments of prote"mal sarvip. They aro intended for use only with the parties,project,and[cation specilleally described herein. NOTE/SPECS. 01000, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010-1, SUMMARY OF WORK: This project consists of work required for the renovation of the Kaiser Permanents Heafth Center in Florence, MA. The existing building contains approx. 13,088 sq.fL on 1 floor.The existing building, constructed in 1982, is 1-story, with the first floor on grade, and with no basement. The building has a steel frame, with steel deck and concrete floors and roof structure and 10'masonry exterior walls. Windows are pivoting type with aluminum frames and roof is bu t-up roofing with Interior drains. Interior Improvements modifications to: HVAC distribution system, electrical distribution "e system; new partitions, ceilings, lighting, casework, doors, plumbing fixtures and all finishes. 01070-1, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS, FLOOR PLAN DRAWING CONVENTIONS: Partitions—Solid shaded partitions and columns are existing, not being changed. Partitions ,. without shading are new. Partitions shown with light lines are low partitions (top of partition is below ceiling). Partitions shown with heavy lines are high partitions (extend to ceiling or higher). Partitions shown with broken lines are existing to be demolished (shown _ only on the demolition plan. Leader with numbers— Detail or note reference. Leader with dot refers to notes; all other leaders refer to details. First part of number(before hyphen) is MASTERFORMAT Section Number, Second part of number is the number of the note or detail with the Section. Below the leader is a brief description of the subject of the note/detafi. Partition Types— Partition types are noted by note/spec. indicators on building plans and detailed plans. When indicator points to center of room, the partition type applies to all .e partitions around room. When indicator points to a pa p partition, the partition type applies to that partition, between comers of the room or ends of the partition. All partitions without a specific partition type indicated are Type "A" (Refer to Note/Spec. 09250-1). Door Types— Door types are noted by note/spec. indicators on building plans. All doors without note/spec. Indicator are Type 'A' (Refer to Note/Spec. 081000. Doors shown with double line are new. Doors shown with single line are existing. Doors shown on drawings with numbers preceded by an 'R" indicate new locations of existing doors. see demolition plan for original locations of corressponding doors to be relocated. VIF— Verify In Field. Verify dimension with field measurements. All conditions where materials or products Interrelate with close tolerances should be verified in field. Dimensions—Where indicated on plans and dimensions are not provided, use the following rules for partition placement (in order of priority): center partitions on window mullions; make face of new gypsum board partitions flush with face of existing columns or partitions; center partitions on columns. Align faces, comers, ends of partitions, and rooms unless otherwise indicated. For door placement,where dimensions are not provided, locate doors so that edge of door leaf is 1'6'from comer of room (Exam Rooms only) or 4'from comer „ Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Thew —menti, preperetl by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,ars Instrument of profeuionel service. They aro inbnd d for use only with the parties,project,and lombon specifically described herein. of room (typical condition). Do not scale drawing; if there Is a question regarding dimensions, contact Project Manager and Architect. " 01070-2, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS, REFLECTED CEILING PLAN: The reflected ceiling plan is intended for coordination only. See Mechanical & Electrical plans for types and locations of all light Postures and HVAC equipment. Rectangle or Square with circle in center- Fluorescent fight fixture. s Thin rectangle with small circle on end- Fluorescent light fixture. Circle- Incandescent Light Fixture. ae 3 lines at edge of tie- linear supply diffuser for HVAC System. Square with '/'- Return register for HVAC System. Square with 'EF'-- Exhaust fan. "Re 01070.3, ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS, INTERIOR ELEVATIONS: 00 Rectangle with black square-Telephone outlet Rectangle with dot- Data outlet. Rectangle with 2 circles- Duplex electrical outlet. Rectangle with 4 circles-- Double duplex electrical ou0et. Small line on cabinets-- Drawer or door pull. IM Broken fines-Adjustable shelving behind cabinet doors. PTD- Paper Towel Dispenser (by Kaiser). Provide blocking in partition. w SD- Soap Dispenser (by Kaiser). Provide blocking in partition. A.F.F.- Above finished floor. 01300-1, SUBMITTALS: Shop Drawings: Where materials require fabrication prior to site delivery, provide shop l! drawings for review by Project Manager and Architect prior to fabrication. Materials requiring shop drawings include, but are not limited to: cabinetry, sliding glass doors (Pharmacy Wafting 23 millwork and reception desk at Wafting 25). Provide Project Manager with min. one set of sepia prints and one set of blue or blackfine prints. Samples: Where materials require special colors or finishes, provide Project Manager with samples for review prior to fabrication/finishing. Provide min. 2 samples for each different finish/color. 01400-1, QUALITY CONTROL: T Whether or not specifically stated in the drawings and note/specs., each material and product is to be of size and type suited to use; exposed materials and products to be without defects, including stain, bend, tear, scratch, etc.; All materials and products to be Of securely attached;All products with similar function to have same finish and to be obtained 40 ,. Kaiser Pertnanwte Northampton, Const, Manual, 6 November igat fiesa tloavmenle,Preparod by Ambrose Aeeociates, P.C., ere rose meta of professiOnal servks. Tbey ate intentletl int uw o*wit i Pius",prciect,antl to afiw spedeeeCy d"Od ed"Mr w where possible, from the same manufacturer. Prepare substrates property, and provide .,, proper conditions for installation of all materials and products. The Contractor(s) is encouraged to contact the Project Manager with any questions regarding the Contract Documents, including but not limited to, questions on dimensions, Interpretations, sutabtty, of products or methods indicated, and cotsideretion of Irse of alternative products or methods. The Project Manager will respond to all questions promptly. In the absence of questions, it is assumed that the Contractor(s) will strictly follow the Contract Documents, and any deviation from the Contract Documents shall be corrected at the Contractors expense. Always follow strictly the recommendations and Instructions of the manufacturer of all products and materials being provided and Installed, including but not limited to storage, s handling, installation methods and materiels, and protection. Report to the Project Manager any instance where it is proposed that the manufacturers recommendations or instructions should not be followed or where the construction documents are in conflict r with the manufacturers recommendations and instructions before the work is done. e! w ae • w+ ea r ee Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 TMM documents,Prepared by Ambrose Asaoolmee, P.C.,are inmmmenm of profecuonm servios. + They are iMendad for arae only with Ne parties, project,and locmion speoifiemty described heroin. 02000, SITE WORK 020W1 DEMOLITION, GENERAL' Refer to demolition plans. Walls and partitions +. shown with black shading are existing to remain. Walls and partitions shown with dashed lines are to be removed. Wherever removal results in a rough substrate, patch or repair substrate as necessary to provide a sound, smooth surface for further work. For concrete repair, see Note/Spec. 03700-1. Arrows indicated with 'EIE-X' numbers represent existing ee interior elevations that designate locations of existing base and wall cabinets that are to be relocated and used in new millwork configurations. Refer to ME and IE (new interior elevation) drawings. See Note/Spec. 06400-4. Doors shown on demolition plan with ee numbers preceded by an"R"indicate existing doors to be relocated. See working drawing pian for new location for cortessponding doors. w. s a s s A + Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Thew aowM: pnp�by fmbrow Awaiatw, P.C.,ars inlnnonw ds of pno lnonal wniw. They w intended for un only with Ne parties,proje , and Ic ton specifically described herein. + 03000, CONCRETE 03300.1, CONCRETE, EXTERIOR SLABS/SIDEWALKS: The installation of the new + exterior door leading to Pharmacy Waiting 23 may require the demolition of a portion of the existing exterior concrete slab in the immediate area of the new door. The new door requires that the existing exterior slab be level with or within 1/2" below the interior floor slab. If the existing conditions do not meet this requirement the existing exterior slab must + be removed and a new slab poured. In the event a new slab must be installed, remove only as much of the existing slab as necessary to allow operation of the door as well as providing a smooth transition between the new exterior slab and existing exterior slab. + Provide 4' concrete slab with very light-textured, uniform broom finish. Provide minimun S'of compacted granular material under concrete slab. slope all sidewalks slightly to side for positive drainage. Make height of new slab 1/2" below the level of the floor slab within building. Where concrete abuts another materjal, provide expansion joint with 1/4' + premolded joint filler full depth of concrete. the top of the joint filler should be slightly below the surface of the concrete, and the edges of the conrete should be rounded slightly. Do not leave any tooling marks on sides of joints or sedges of slab (broom marks + to extend to edge of slab). 03700.1, CONCRETE, PATCHING & REPAIR: Wherever necessary, patch or repair existing concrete to provide suitable substrate for work required. Use non-shrink, high- strength cementitious grout. Where less than 2' thickness, use type with plasticizing agents designed for thin placement. Trowel smooth. + • + e. + w, Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Tlleae documents, prepmed by Ambrose Associates, RC..we inmmenm of profenionm wMa. 7My me intendetl for use arty with tum padies,p�ect mrd bca dsscrlbeo herein. • 04500, MASONRY 445001, MASONRY-NEW OPENING: Where new openings are required in existing masonry walls for doors and lower, cut openings carefully to minimize damage of brick beyond opening required. Saw cut opening as required at sides and top of door opening. At the top of the skies of opening,tooth in brick (using brick recovered from the demolition of opening) as required to accomodate steel lintel.Cuts in brick to be level, plumb, straight + and sound. If patching of brick is required, reconstruct with existing brick and use mortar joke color and pattern to match existing wall. After steel lintel angles are in place, replace brick above opening. Make opening 1/2' larger than frame, to allow for caulk joint all around items. Secure door frame to wail studs during construction. FE door frame with batt insulation. See Details 08100-2 and 08100-2, ors r r w. +m aF • • M w Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 5 November 1991 thea documents,Preperetl by Anbrow Associates, P.C..are instruments of profeador al service. TMy are 4mrW W br use only with+he part",project,and 1004bon Specifically described h~. 06000, WOOD & PLASTICS 061001, ROUGH CARPENTRY, BLOCKING: Wherever necessary for installation of i equipment on wets, provide 2x4 wood blocking in stud/parting space of partitions,scats, catlings, etc. This includes, but is not limited to, door bumpers, wall cabinets, adjustable shelving,coat closet rod&shelf supports. soap dispensers,towel dispertaws, and medical equipment. ee 082001, FINISH CARPENTRY, GENERAL: Use hardwood (species optional)for all wood trim, u niess otherwise Indicated. Wherever plywood Is to be painted, use medkxn density overlaid plywood. Wherever edge of plywood is exposed, edge band with hardwood. Fit pieces carefully. sand, and fill where necessary to minimize cracks and gaps. Miter all comers of trim. r 062002, FINISH CARPENTRY, COAT ROD &SHELF: Where Indicated, provide coat roll ,. and shelf. Use KV 1-1/8! o.d. stainfess dad tubing for rod and KV shelf and rad support by Knape & Vogt or approved equal. Rod to be centered at 5'-6' A.F.F. Shelf to be IT deep x full wklth of closet,constructed of 3/4' particle board with plastic laminate cladding on all surfaces (see note 06400.30 for laminate). install shelf and pole supports at ends and equally spaced max. 30' o.c. Height of shelf to be 5'-10'A.F.F. Install wood blocking as required for brackets. Pairs brackets to match wall color. s 064001, ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK, CABINETS: General: Ali cabinets to be flush overtay faminate construction unless otherwise r. Indicated on details, with AWI (American Woodwork Institute) Custom Grade Quality. For plastic laminate, see Nae/Spec 06400.4. Provide scribe strips where cabinets abut wolfs or ceilings, and provide filler panels as shown on elevations where cabinets must ft between walls. Scribe all cabinets to walls, including backs of cabinets at backsplashes. Verify all dimensions in field before fabrication where fa of cabinets is critical. Shelves In Cabinets: Wherever shelves are required in cabinets, either with or without doors (open shaiving), provide adjustment of shelf height, with holes drilled in side of cabinet 2' o.c. vertically and 4 shelf rests provided to support each shelf(see Note 06400- 2). Shelves to be 3/4' particle board hA depth of cabinet unless otherwise indicated. Base Cabinets: Provide finished 3/4' plywood work surface supports and end panels wherever indicated or where cabinet end is exposed, with toe space notch and resilient base continuous around panel. Provide backs on all cabinets unless otherwise indicated. All base cabinets to be 24'deep, unless otherwise indicated on drawings. Provide 4'h, x 2Wd. toe space in front of all base cabinets, with vinyl base, unless otherwise indicated. Countertops: Provide 1/2' x 4' backsplash wherever base cabinet abuts wall unless otherwise indicated. Caulk between wall and countertop. Front edge of countertops and + transaction tops to be 1 t',and overhang front or end of cabinet by 1,V. Unless otherwise noted on drawings all transaction tops to be 9'd. Wall Cabinets: All wadi cabinets to be 13' deep, and bottom of cabin to be 24' above a1e surface of countertop of base cabinets unless otherwise indicated on drawings. s R Kaiser Pemsmente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These documema, prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C..are insvumems of proleseonel aen-0n. They aro intended for use only with the parties, project,and location specifically described herein. R Particular requirements include the following: R Tackable surface: Where indicated on drawings or note/specs., including between countertops and transaction tops in reception desks, nurse work area counters and advice nurse stations, install 1/4'plastic-impregnated, budap-backed cork bulletin board material, Cord" Bulletin Board Cork, color #1450 Brown, by Carolina Chalkboard Company (tel. 704377-5457) or approved equal. Glass for Wall Cabinet Doors: Use 1/8' double strength dear glass. R Sliding glass doors: as Indicated in drawings at Pharmacy Wafting 23 provide double lite sliding glass doors In bulit4n shelving units. Glazing to be 1/4" tempered safety glass. Provide Clear anodized aluminum sliding tracks at top and bottom of millwork. Provide finger pulls and locking mechanism. See Interior Elevations. 06400.2, ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK, HARDWARE: Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, provide the following: Drawer Slides: For drawers 12' or more in height, provide steel ball-bearing drawer slides with drawer disconnect, progressive movement, closed position drawer hold-in, and full- extension travel; Provide Accurkde C439 or approved equal. For drawers less than 12' in height, provide steel ball-bearing drawer slides with drawer disconnect (lever), closed position hold-in, and full- ditmsion travel; Provide Accuride 03800 or approved equal. For keyboard drawers, provide ball-bearing slide designed for keyboards; Provide Accuride R C200B or equal. Drawer& Door Pulls: For all Cabinet drawers and doors, provide Stainless steel wire pulls with 2'k' depth for barrier-free use; Provide Epco MC-400SS pulls or approved equal. OF Door Hinges: for all cabinet doors, provide concealed casework hinges with vertical & - horizontal adjustabill y, self-closing; Provide Stanley 1561/1563 series hinges or equal. Shelf Rests: For adjustable shelving with drilled supports, provide 4 pin-type shelf rests for 4s each shelf: Provide #A11210 shelf rests by Liberty Hardware Mfg. Co. (tel. 800-542-3789) or approved equal. Drawer and Door Locks: Where drawings require lock on drawer or door, provide cam- 4F type locks, with 5 disc tumblers, keyed with individual keys and master key; Provide Yale - G6700 Series or approved equal. Wire Access Grommet: Where indicated on drawings, provide wire access grommet in countertop. Use Model 'SG'cap &liner by Doug Mockeft&Company (tel. 600-523-1269), odor black. R 06400.3, ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK, PLASTIC LAMINATE: Cabinets: For Cabinets, all exposed surfaces and edges shall be plastic laminate (HPDL) • and semi-exposed surfaces and edges may be low pressure laminate (LPDL) such as melamine (See AWI Specification 4006). Where indicated, use the following types of plastic laminate: Type A— Manufactured by Formica, color: Almond #920. Use for all exposed surfaces of Cabinets except countertop/backsplash and use in other locations where indicated on drawings or note/specs. 1}1 Kaiser Permanents Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Thew dawmema,preparod by Ambrose Associetw, P.C.,we Instruments;of professinnel wrvice. They are MtetMed to,ow orky mflM am Pa m project,and too".spMfi--Wly de 10=Mrein. w Type B— Manufactured by Formica, color. Smoked Hickory #907. Use for all countertops/backsplashes of cabinets (except for new countertops/backsplashes in the following areas: Mental Health Reception 05, Nurse Station 19, Spec. Office 37, Nurse Station 38, Nurse Station 52 and Nurse Station 68) and coat closet shelves. .e Type C— Manufactured by Formica. color: Graphite #837. Use for all countertops/backsplashes of cabinets in the following areas: Mental Health Reception 05, Nurse Statim 19, Spec. Office 37, Nurse Station 38, Nwaa Station 52 and Nurse Station w 68). 06400.4, ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK, ELEVATION DRAWINGS: HE drawings w Indicate code numbers for kndlvkltlai wall and base units Imbrom countertops)that are to be reused in new millwork configurations. See demolition plan for locations of existing millwork to be relocated. Cabinetry without code numbers in EIE drawings shall not be r reused. New countertops shall be used in all locations. IE drawings Indicate now locations for existing mlltwork. Cabinetry shown on IE drawings without these codes indicates new fabrication. New cabinets include a 4diglt number, with the first 2 digits Indicating wkith of the cabinet in inches and the second 2 digits indicating the height of the +• cabinet in inches (base cabinet height includes the counter tap). ,M 06400.5, ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK, EXAM LIGHT SUPPORT PANEL:- At Procedure room 33 provide 2' x 4' x 3/4'thick medium density overlay plywood board for support of examination light. Attach to roof deck above, Paint to match color of ceiling tile. $ee detail 095004. s w w ew ,w w ee r Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Theas tlocumems.Preperetl by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are instruments of Profeenonal service. TMy eA intended tm uee only with the Parties.protect and bcafion specifically described herein. 07000, THERMAL & MOISTURE PROTECTION 07210-1, BUILDING INSULATION, PLENUM BARRIER: Between Conference room 08 ,e and Staff Lounge 14, above accusecai ceiling, provide plan= barriers. Barriers to be constructed of 1-1/2- thick polyisocyanumte rigid board Insulation. Barriers to be constructed on both sides of now, operable portiiion- Barriers to extend from top of acoustical calling tees to roof deck above. Seal all penetrations (ducts, sprinkler pipes, eel conduit. etc.), as well as plenum barrier to roof deck and plenum barrier to calling the intersections with general purpose silicone sealant. See Dotal 10650.1. r 072900-1,JOINT SEALANTS: For exterior and interior masonry walls and concrete joints, Including sealing between masonry wells and aluminum door frames, use muBFco np onent polyurethane sealant, self leveling type where used in joints of surfaces exposed to traffic, otherwise non-sa grade /type,9 /tYPe w< w ew w. w r Ms Kaiser Permanents Northampton, Const Manual, 6 November 1991 These docuro ,prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,ora instruments of professional servke. se They aro Intended for use only with Me parties,project,and laaadon specifically desaibed heroin. 08000, DOORS & WINDOWS „ 08000.1, METAL DOORS & FRAMES, HOLLOW METAL DOORS: Provide flush style hollow metal doors complying with the Steel Door Institute Recommended Specifications (SDI-1 DO), Type III (Extra Heavy Duty), Seamless Construction. All hollow metal doors to 1-3/4' thick and 6'8' high unless otherwise indicated. Fire-fated doors to comply with NFPA 80 Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. Paint all metal doors, a including mill finish aluminum pieces, according to Note/Spec. 09900-4. Where indicated as 'Reuse' in door schedule, reuse existing door and frame it in good condition, it door Camas UL label tag where needed, and if door Can accommodate needed hardware. If existing don Is not reusable, replace with new hollow metal door of same size. 08000.1, DOOR TYPE SCHEDULE: Information on the leaf, frame,and hardware for each door type Can be found in the note/specs. referenced on schedule below. Special doors, such as rolling dons and revolving darkroom doors, are referenced directly to note/specs. and do not appear on this schedule. On floor plans, where no door type is indicated on doors, use Door Type A. Note that door Type B and Type D are the same. Type Description Leaf Frame Hdwe. Wklth Lock I Closerl Label A Swinging 08200-1A 08100-2A 08700-2A 3'-0' noxa yes rgne B Swinging 08200-1A 08100-2A 08700-2A 3'-0' yes none none C Swinging 08200-1A 08100-2A 08700-2A 3'-0' yes yes none Swinging 08200-IA 08100-2A 08700-2A 3'-0' yes none none E SwingifIg glailif08200-1B 08400-1 700-28 3' ' es none 08100.2, METAL DOORS & FRAMES, HOLLOW METAL FRAME TYPES: Hollow metal frames to be 16 ga., with depth and anchor types as required for partition, with welded and ground joints. Use anchoring devices with no visible fasteners. See Note/Spec. 09250-2 for typical placement of doors & frames. Frame types: Type A— Standard profile, with stop for door thickness as indicated on door schedule, for e. partition thickness indicated on plans. Use unless otherwise Indicated. Type B— Hollow metal frame without stops, for use in framed openings. Type C— Same as Type A, but for installation in exterior masonry wall. See Details 08100- ^ 1 and 08100-2 for installation. Type D— Same as Type A, but with removable stops for sidelight glazing. 08100-3,METAL DOORS&FRAMES, FRAMED OPENING SCHEDULE: Where indicated on drawings or note/specs., provide and install hollow metal frame for opening that will not have door or glass, as scheduled below. For frame types, see notes referenced in schedule. Use information for framed opening Type A except where otherwise indicated. All dimensions are opening dimensions (inside of frame). Position frames in center of space or wall, unless otherwise indicated on plans. a s 11111 .e Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Theae documents,prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C., are instruments of professional service. They are irdanded for um project, only wit,Me parties, and I=non specifically described herein. OR Tvoe Description Fr. Tvoe Width Heiaht Too of Coo. to Floor 1e Type A Archway 08100-28 3'0' 68" Type B Archway 08100-2B 4'4" 6'8' Type C Opening 08100-2B 4'6' 3'6" 6'8' 08100-4, METAL DOORS & FRAMES, SIDELIGHTS SCHEDULE: Sidelights are interior 40 windows. Where indicated on drawings or note/specs., provide and install hollow metal frame with glass, as scheduled below. See Note/Spec. 08100-2D for description of frame. Use information for framed opening Type A except where otherwise indicated. All • dimensions are opening dimensions (inside of frame). Position frames 4' from adjacent door frame, unless otherwise indicated on plans. Tvice Description Glazina Width Heiaht Too of Coo. to Floor Type Sidelight 08800-1A 4'6" 3'6" 618" Type B Sidelight 08800-1A 2'0' 3'6" 6'8' 1A 08200-1, METAL DOORS & FRAMES, DOOR TYPES: Leaf Types: Type A— 3'-0'w. x 6'-0"h. x 1-3/4" thick flush style hollow metal door. Type B— 3'-0'w. x 6'-0'h. x 2" thick glass door with aluminum frame. ON 08300-1, SPECIAL DOORS, RECEPTION DESK SLIDING GLASS DOORS: Where indicated on drawings (Mental Health Reception 05 and Spec. Office 37) Provide sliding glass doors mounted on top of transaction counter extending to ceiling/soffit above. on Provide 1/4"tempered safety glass with clear anodized aluminum sliding tracks at top and bottom of opening. Provide finger pulls. Intent is to match existing reception desk sliding _ glass doors. 08300-2, SPECIAL DOORS, ROLLING DOOR: Where indicated on drawings or note/specs., provide and Install aluminum overhead rolling door. Doors to have push up A operation, stainless steel finish, structural steel frame, and key lock. Mechanism to be concealed in ceiling soffit, with guides recessed in partition. Provide model #CD10-2 by The Cookson Company or approved equal. (Note that clear opening is 3'4,h'h. but additional material required for operation of door. 1• 08300-3, SPECIAL DOORS, ACCESS PANELS: Where indicated on drawings or note/specs. and wherever necessary to provide access to valves, panels, gauges, or other maintenance equipment in gypsum board ceilings or walls, provide access panels. Panels to be flush-type access doors, designed for gypsum board so that the spackling com- pound covers the flanges. Use Milcor style DW or approved equal. Coordinate size aril placement with mechanical contractors. RR Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1841 Thaas tlxamma, pmp"by Ambraw Aesadales, P.C.. ere inmrnena of prof oral wrvia. Ttrey are Inrantlatl tw usa Doty wah ll paNeF pradeol,a btl¢9on spadfimlry tleawibed herein. e O8400-1, NEW ALUMINUM ENTRANCE: Door & frame to be aluminum, by same r manufacturer, engineered and sold as complete, coordinated system. Door. Narrow all, aiwrtmtm; V tempered insulating glass glazing;Thermal break; mounted with butt halm s; with vinyl sweep strip at bottom of door. Frame: V z 41k' frame with integral stops and bulb vinyl seats. Finish to be dark bronze anodized. Provide matching aluminum threshold +, and manufacturers standard push bar, pull, surface-type closer, and deadboit. Complete door/frame assembly to have max. U value (AAMA 1503) of .67, min, condensation resistance factor(AAMA 1502.7) of 52, and max.air infiltration(ASTM E-283) of 0.50 cirn/N. .e Provide Insuldad 250 door and 451T frame by Kawneer Company or approved equal. 08700.1, DOOR HARDWARE, GENERAL: Unless otherwise indicated, all hardware to match existing building hardware and have sa0n/brushed chrome finish. For all locks except cabinet locks, provide similar keying,with one master,up to 10 submasters(consult with Kaiser Permanente officials on requirements), and individual keys. Unless otherwise r indicated, each door leaf to have 11h pair ball-bearing hinges with tamper-proof pins and a door bumper- Use wall4ype door bumper installed 3"above floor where possible, and floor type where wall type not feasible. Specific hardware requirements include the r following: Mortise Lockeets & Latchsets— Provide heavy-duty Mortise units with lever handles; See door schedule for lock requirements. +r Closers-- Provide exposed type, with rectangular cover, mounted on inside of room. 08700.2, DOOR HARDWARE TYPES: See separate columna on the door schedule for closer and locking requirements Type A— Mortise latchset or lockset (see door schedule for which is required). ee Type 8— Push bar/Pull, with deadbolt. 08800.1, GLAZING: Types: Type A— Glass to be /: tempered safety glass. Type t3— At new entrance door leading to Pharmacy Waiting 23, provide 1' thick, tempered insulated glass. See NOTE/SPEC. 08400-1. w w i • tii � 1 1 �. � 1•.:1 1•'11 1•. 1 ,:111 1••11 ,•.a i••tI i•. i ,•..,, lafl F•Yt . . 1•.:1 1••11 1•. 1 1•.1.1 1:lil 1••11 . . 1 ..��••:p 1•.:f t••11 i•. I 1• II I:.I Ii ,••,1 . . ,•.:1 L•fl /•. I 1` „ ,:111 1••,, I•.:1 1••1, 1•. 1 1. 11 1:,1, I••11 . . ,.'ll 1•. 1 1••11 1•. 1 1. 11 I:1.1 1••a . . ,... 1, �_ 1..,1 1• ,,1 ,:,fi 1••11 . . �_ , •11 1•. 1 � __ ,:•11 . . 1.'11 1•. 1 1••11 1•. 1 1. 11 1:1.11 1••11 . . I.. it I`. ! i•!f, f•. 1 I•w ii t:iti i••li . . I.'li 1•.:1 1•' 1 1•. 1 1. 11 1:111 1••11 . . 1.•11 i•. t 1••II i•. i 1. 11 I:Iff 1••tf " /.• i i.TO, i•. i t• Ii tali ib ii L•ki � 1•. 1 1•`11 1•• 1 1• 11 13111 1••11 . . WPM Kaiser Parmanerue Northampton, Const. Mant1al, s November 1991 These tlocumente, preparetl by A WOW Asappiates, P.C..are ins rnom s of profe"onal sends. They aro mbndW far uW only wM 2m Panics,projWr and location madficelly mar'+ihetl Mrw+. Room Floor Walls Base Coiling Doors Frames Millwork ,. 66 Nurse Q9650-1A 09900-1A 09650.2A x164063 69 Corr. .,, 70 Exam 09650-IA 09900-1A 09650-2A 09500-IA 08060-1 09900-4A 068004 71 Nurse 72 Exam 09650-1A 09900-1A 09650-2A Moo-IA 08000-1 09900-4A a 73 Exam 09650-1A 09900-1A 09660-2A 095DO-IA 08000-1 09900-4A 74 Exam 09650-IA 09900-1A109650-2A 09500-IA 08000-1 099004A 064003 75 Exam 0965%1A 09900-IA 0%50-2A 09500-1A 08000-109900.4A76 76 Exam 09650-1A 09900-1A 09650-2A 09500.1A 08000-1 099004A 064003 77 Exam ** 78 Exam 09650-tA 09900-1A 09W-2A109500-IA 08000-1 09900-4A 06400.3 79 Corr. 60 Office ew 81 office con. 83 Exam 09650-1A 09900-1A 09650-2A 09500FOMM-109900-4A 06400384 Lev85 Jan. 09900-1A 09660-2A 099004A Be Exam 87 Exam ae 88 Exam 89 Office V y 09250.1, GYPSUM BOARD, PARTITION TYPES: Partitions shown on plans with heavy lines are now partkfons. All partitions are -Type A- except where otherwise indicated, Partition ^► types other than Type A are Indicated on plans with Note/Spec. references to the Types described below. Where partition type indications are in center of room, all partitions surrounding that room are to be the type indicatec. Where partition type indications are on the partition itseH, the type indication only applies to that section of partition (ending at the nearest comers or ends of the partition). Type A— Typical Partition: 3-5/8'metal studs, 16"o.c., with 1 layer of 5/8'fire rated gypsum board on each side. Partitions to extend 6" above ceiling. Fill stud spaces with fiberglass batt insulation Install fiberglass all sealer Insulation below all bottom tracks. Raid bottom edge of gypsum board V above floor and caulk joint between gypsum board and floor slab. Wherever possible, avoid placing electrical boxes or other recessed wall fixtures in both sides of a partition within the same stud space. Caulk around all recessed boxes and fixtures. After ceiling is in place, lay 3'k" fiberglass belt insulation on ceiling along sides of all partitions, with insulation extending 4 It out from partitions. Place insulation carefully to seal a. against partitions, suspension wiring, pipes, light fixtures, return air boots, etc.. IN 4110 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These dowmanb.prepared by Nnbrose Associates, P.C.,are instruments of professional service. They are infentled for use only with Ne parties,project,and location spedfcally de=Zed herein. W Type B— Low partition: same as "A' except without insulation and 48'h. Provide and install w Knee Brace Kit #SKB by Softtorms (tel. 508-872-2302) along length of partition as necessary to provide adequate support and stiffness for low partitions. Provide extruded aluminum wall cap#SWC 358-8 by Softforms for tops and ends of partitions. Paint according to Note/Spec. 09900-4. Type C— Same as 'A' except use 5-5/8' metal studs). Type D— Low partition: same as "B' except 5'-0'h. on Type E— 35/8' metal studs, 16' o.c., with 1 layer of 5/8' fire rated gypsum board on each side. Bottom of partition to rest directly on exterior window sill. Partitions to extend 6'above calling. FRI stud spaces with fiberglass batt insulation. Install fiberglass sill sealer Insulation VW below all bottom tracks. Hold bottom edge of gypsum board 1/8'above window sillfloor and caulk joint between gypsum board and floor slab. 09250.2,GYPSUM BOARD, PARTITIONS,GENERAL: Where indicated on plans and dimen. sions are not provided, use the following rules for partition placement (in order of priority): center partitions on dotted line modular planning grid; center partitions on window mullions; make face of new gypsum board partitions flush with face of existing columns or partitions; IIID center partitions on columns. Align faces, corners, ends of partitions, and rooms unless otherwise indicated. For door placement, where dimensions are not provided, locate doors so that edge of door leaf is 1'6' from comer of room (Exam Rooms only) or 4'from comer of room (typical condition). Do not scale drawing; If there is a question regarding dimensions, contact Architect. Wherever there are wall-cabinets or other wall-hung equipment or millwork, provide wood blocking in wall and securely brace wall to structure above. Use moisture- resistant gypsum board wherever ceramic the is to be installed. Set hollow metal frames as JIM framing is done to ensure proper alignment and location. 092543, GYPSUM BOARD, SOFFITS: Type A— Where indicated on the drawings (Waiting 25) construct new gypsum board soffit to match existing. Soffit to be 4'4'h. and l'-11v. Bottom of soffit to be flush with existing soffits (9'-0'V.I.F.). Finish top of soffit with gypsum board, and paint top of new soffit according to Note/Spec. 09900-2. Type 8— Where indicated on drawings (in alcoves between Pharmacy 22 and Pharmacy Waiting 23) construct new gypsum board soffit. Face of soffit to be flush with surrounding partitions. Bottom of soffit to be 6'-8' A.F.F. Type C— Where Indicated on drawings (Corridor 17) construct new gypsum board soffit. Face of soffit to be flush with surrounding partitions. Soffit depth to be entire depth of alcove (1'-0' V.I.F.) Bottom of soffit to be 7'-0' A.F.F. Type D— Where indicated on drawings (Pharmacy Wading 23) construct new gypsum board Mile soffit with same thickness as surrounding partition (10' V.I.F.). Bottom of soffit to be 7'-0' A.F.F. Type E— Where indicated on drawings (Mental Health Reception 05) construct new gypsum board soffit. Soffit to match width of new partitions. Bottom of soffit to be T-0' A.F.F. Top of Soffit to match height of new adjacent partition (9'-0'). Finish top of soffit with gypsum board and paint top of new soffit according to Note/Spec. 09900-2. re Kaiser Permanents Northampton, Const. Manual 6 November 1991 Thbes tlowments,propued by Ambrose Assodatae, P.C..are instruments m prohselonel servile. 1taY ra intended for uee drib'with"parties,project,and Iaosddn spacalraily described twain. w 09250.4,GYPSUM BOARD,CEILINGS: Where indicated on plans replace/continue ad{stng gypsum board ceilings. Use 5/8" fire rated gypsum board. Construction to match existing. Fara of new calling to be flush with existing.Tape and spacids. repaint entire gypsum board ceiling In area of work (including existing gypsum board ceiling). Paint color/finish to match w. wast". 09500.1, ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT: Unless otherwise Mand set all calling heights at at ,. locations other than corridors at 9'0" A.F.F. Set ceiling heights in all corridors to match existing height (7'8' AFP. verily in fldd). See reflected ceiling plan as to center grid or the In individual rooms. Verify that the following type(s) match existing ceiling tile and grill. .. Type A— Install 2' x 4' exposed standard I61IW T-bar iay4n suspension system and fiat 2' x 4' x 5/8" mineral-fiber acoustical the (no reveal edge or scoring). Tile to have fissured type surface, min.NRC range of.55-.65, min.STC range of 35-39,and Class A flame spread rating. r Provide Armstrong Minatone the or approved equal. 095002, ACOUSTICAL, SOUND TRANSMISSION INSULATION: Lay 3'k" thick fiberglass batt insulates of top of ceiling and suspension system deg sides of Partition Type A and C (See Note/Spec. 09250-1). i 096501,RESILIENT FLOORING,VINYL COMPOSITION TILE: Vinyl Composition Tile to be i/e', 12' x 12- commercial grade tile, with pattem/color extending through tile and non- directional merbelized appearance. s Type A» Manufactured by Armstrong. Pattern: imperil Modem, color: 51850 Fleece White. 096502, RESILIENT FLOORING, WALL BASE: Wall base to be standard 4'h. vinyl base. Use straight base with carpet and cove base with tile. Where cove base is used install manufacturer's standard preformed units at all outside and inside comers. Verify that the following "(a) match existing wait base. Type A— Manufactured by Kentile. Pattem: Kencove, color: Burnt Umber KC-3. 096503, RESILIENT FLOORING, FLOORING TRANSITION STRIPS: Types: Type A— Wherever carpet abuts vinyl composition tile or ceramic tile, install tile-carpet ., transition strip under door or In center of archway 8 no door. Use Johnson ne #CTA-XX-A, color to be #63 Bumt Umber. 096801, CARPET: All carpeting to be loop pile, C.F. Antron Lumena nylon, min. 28 oz,face weight, solution dyed, permanent anti-static control fiber, permanent antimicrobial treatment, with min. 10 year wear warranty, with polypropylene Action Bac backing, and with direct glue- ., dawn installation. Type A-- Carpet to match existing. MIR Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Those doeumenb.prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are Instruments of proteseionel aerAce. Thay are intended for use only with Me parties,project,and locafion specifically described herein. 09900-1, PAINTING,ENAMEL ON GYPSUM BOARD (INTERIOR): Where indicated,gypsum board is to be painted with enamel finish. Apply 1 coat of primer and 1 coat of latex enamel (eggshell finish). Verify that the following type(s) match existing wall paint color. Type A— Benjamin Moore, color: B.M. 936 IR 09900-2, PAINTING,EPDXY ENAMEL ON GYPSUM BOARD(INTERIOR): Where indicated, gypsum board is to be painted with water-base acrylic epoxy coating. Apply 1 coat of primer and 1 coat of water-base,2-component acrylic-epoxy finish(semigloss finish). Use Waterbom Acrylic Epoxy Enamel Base and Catalyst by Benjamin Moore or approved equal. Verify that the following type(s) match existing wall paint color. fll Type A— Benjamin Moore, color: B.M. 936 09900-3, PAINTING, EPDXY ENAMEL ON WOOD (INTERIOR): Where indicated, wood is to be painted with water-base, acrylic epoxy coating. Apply 1 coat of water-base alkyd enamel undercoater and 2 coats of water base acrylic epoxy coating (semi-gloss finish). Use Waterbom Acrylic Epoxy Enamel Base and Catalyst by Benjamin Moore or approved equal. A Sand smooth before painting and sand lightly between coats. Verify that the following type(s) match existing door frame color. Type A— Benjamin Moore, color: B.M. 936. w 09900-4, PAINTING, EPDXY ENAMEL ON METAL (INTERIOR): Use for all interior metal unless otherwise stated. Where indicated, metal is to be painted with special water-base, acrylic epoxy coating. For famous metal, apply 1 coat of water-base metal primer unless -- material is shop-primed. For aluminum, apply 1 coat of zinc chromate primer unless material is shop-primed. After primer, apply 2 coats of water base acrylic epoxy coating (semi-gloss Illi finish). For shop-primed products, test compatibility of finish coating material before palming. Use Waterbom Acrylic Epoxy Enamel Base and Catalyst by Benjamin Moore or approved equal. Type A— Doors being relocated to a new area that has surrounding doors of a different color, shall be repainted to match the surrounding door color. Custom create new colors to match existing door colors. Submit color samples to architect for approval. Type B— Benjamin Moore, color: B.M. 936. Ill 09950-1, WALL COVERING: Where indicated, install 54w. fabric-backed vinyl wall covering, with min. 20 oz./lin.yd. total weight and Class A flame spread rating. Carefully prepare all substrates, including cleaning, removing any projections or voids, and priming with primer recommended by wall covering manufacturer. Verify that the following type(s) match existing wall covering. Type A— Manufactured by B.F. Goodrich, pattern: Desert Sand, color: Froth #5521-06. lF lair w Katser Permanente hbrihampton, Crnst. Manual, fi November 1991 Thep Epumenfe, prepared by Ambrpe Anaoclaws, P.C..are instiumenfs of proteaslonel aeMp. They ua Intended tar up only with are pad!",project,ami location Specifically Ceaaibed herex+. r 10000, SPECIALTIES 10520.1, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Where Indicated on plans, provide 10# dry chemical fire r axttngtiisheni with U/L 4A�609C rating, FM approval, and recessed cab; Provide Cosmic t0E Model fire extinguishers with Ambassador Model 1015V10 cabinet by J. L Industries or approved equal. Mount with bottom of cabinet 24' above floor. Pala cabinet according to Note/Spec. 09900-4. 105501,OPERABLE PARTITION: Where indicated on drawings provide and install manually operated. continuously hinged folding panel partition. Panels to be suspended from steel beam attached to building structure some acoustical coiling. Panels to match coding height (9'-0'). Provide operable bottom floor seal to compensate for Noor irregularities. Provide panels with a minimum STC of 48. Provide series 25W from Kwik-Waif or approved equal. e. Panels to be Cadn Type II vinyl wall fabric to provide a Gass A Rating ASTM-E-84 Fire Resistance,color:Stung 04. Standard hardware to include lull Mortised hinges,recessed pull handles, and roller latches. Panel stacking arrangement to be continuously hinged. See .a Structural drawings for information relating to beam support. Sao Detail 10650-1 for head detail. r r ae are r r r aSa r we Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, & November 1991 Then dowmenm,prepared by Ambrose Asnoiama, P.C..are lntmmnm of professional xenon. They era infanCecf fm un only wie,the parties, pvgj mm location spoalfcaNy d gibed haain. 11000, EQUIPMENT w 117W1, MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, ILLUMINATORS: Where Indicated on plans, provide and _ Install back Is klurtdnator boxes with staimess steel frames for viewing x-rays. Types: Type A—Where indicated, provide single tier, 2 area/bank recessed view box, Model 242ST by S & S or approved equal. Install center of Hiunrinator 6'4'from flow. s M •a ew r. w s sr r ea • Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Those tlooumen4a, prepared by Ambrose AssacleWs. P.C.,are inoumen%of professional serWoe. They ars intantletl tot use only with the ponies,project,and be n spWfically dasedbW herein. • w i tnl TRANSACTION COUNTER er 4� PLASTIC LAMINATE r SHELF FACE PANEL w 9 I g. I DRAWER 4'10" # _ _ , ' r~ DRAWER 3'4" l ADJUSTABLE '"' -- -- - - - --- � SHELVES I T ' r I DRAWER I r ee 3.¢„ e. w 06400-1, SEC-10N, SALES COUNTER * PHARMACY 22 ,s I Kaiser Permanente Nonhamptm, Const. Manual. 6 November 1991 Thew mouments, prepared by Pmbroae a ciatee, P.C., are inmumente of professional aaMa. They are Intended for um only with the pa es,project,and to tcn sp fipally tlaacMbad herein. s w 3/4" PLYWOOD W/ s PLASTIC LAMINATE \ SEE NOTE 06400-3 \\ WORKSURFACE r SUPPORT s 3— /2„ / PART1T14N • UNDERCOUNTER LIGHT FIXTURE j WORKSURFAC£ SUPPORT ® PARTITION +w 06400-2, SECTION, TASK LIGHT 0 AOMCE NURSE STATIONS r r~ e. Fcaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. AAanuai, 8 Ngvembar 1991 These eocumems, prepareq by Pmbrose Asscoistes, P.C.,are ommenn of prmeasional eawl TMy azo inuuwetl for u"only w O fie parties,project, and locsttan s mciftally Aescalba i Mreln, y STEEL ANGLE UNTEL • GYPSUM BOARD CAULK w ALUMINUM DOOR FRAME PROVIDE CONTINUOUStAM 8100-2 at BATT INSULATfON THROUGHOUT DOOR FRAME • 08100-1, HEAD, NEW DOOR IN EXISTING MASONRY WALL GYPSUM BOARD er CAULK w PROVIDE CONTINUOUS BATT INSULATION THROUGHOUT ALUMINUM DOOR FRAME DOOR FRAME aas 08100-2, JAMB, DOOR IN EXISTING MASONRY WALL Kaiser Permanents Northampton, Const Manual, 6 November 1991 Thebe ticcumenu,propared by Mnbrose Associates, P.C..are iAMmenta of profaesianal oneeMce. They areintentletl for use only with the parties,pfoject,and Ic ,ion specifically deacdbod Mroln. WOOD BLOCKING l— METAL STUD .a ee I � ee — DOOR TRACK GUIDE i TO BE RECESSED TRANSACTION INTO PARTITION COUNTER I I I ROLLING COUNTER ee DOOR PHARMACY WAITING 23 SALES COUNTER er I I SOFFIT I I e PHARMACY 22 GYPSUM BOARD j 2-1/2" V.I.F. l a" HARDWOOD FRAME TYPICAL AT ALL CORNERS OF BOTH ALCOVES- 08300-1, DETAIL, ROLLING DOOR * PHARMACY 22/ WAITING 23 w Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 There documents, prepared by Nnbmw fasociI P.C.,are Instrument;of proleWwW earn;. They are intended for use only with Ne partes, prclect, and location s ifirally described herein. s w STEEL STUDS —� ATTACHED TO ROOF DECKING ee ABOVE 2 X 6 Z,0„ M X 4' X 7 THICK MEDIUM DENSINS1TY NOTE: INSTALL PANEL IN CEILING OVERLAY BOARD, GRID TO MATCH HEIGHT AND PAINT PANEL TO APPEARANCE OF ACOUSTICAL w MATCH CEILING TILE. CEILING PANELS 09500-1, SECTION, CEILING EQUIPMENT SUPPORT PANEL J �i .r; I KaLw Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These Oocumams. PreParet by Ambrose Assoobdes, P.C., are insoumenls of professional mMa. They are i:-1 for use only wM the parries,pmjI ane baton speoifioa ly eeaabea herein. w se 07210-1 STEEL BEAM SUPPORT SOUND BARRIER SEE STRUCTURAL r DRAWINGS r,$ HANGER RODS ee 09500-1 CEILING r PARTITION GUIDE RAIL 10650-1, HEAD, OPERABLE PARTMON ,e ,e + Kaiser Pennanerlte Northampton, Cons[. Manual, 6 November 1991 These tlocumenu, preparetl by PmbAssociates,ociates, P,C., are instruments of profesaionN serWce. They are intended for use only with the parties, projM,and location specifically dexdbed herein. + THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR + NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. + Edo ob 00 + 1536 1538 1538 EIE-1, LABORATORY 1/4"=V-0" •-0.. THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. 3430 2430 3030 + FO10 E-pi, 'EOA 2� 013 + E004 '1i = E0608 + 1836 3036 2436 2436 1836 2736 et EIE-2, LABORATORY Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These Documents,prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C., are instruments of professional servip. They we=.n' for use only wO the parties, project,and location speciffcwly descnbed heroin. ,a THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. s 3530 1530 3630 E01 iE6'\ 01 /c0 8\ I \ / \V\ 7171s OPEN OPEN E01 w 1530 EIE-3, LABORATORY THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. 19 E02 a 9 0 1530 w EIE-4, LABORATORY Kaiser Permaneme Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 7991 These Documents, prepued by Nnbrose AcwOiatea. P.C.,are instrumand of proleasional aeMoe. They aro intended for use only wiM Me parties, pmleot, and lombon epeelfio ly dom1bed herein. THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. a EM1 E022 �E 231 a 3138 2I36 3836 EIE-5. STAFF LOUNGE 1/4"=V-0- THIS /4"=1'-0.THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. 3030 3330 3630 3830 EO 4.E0 INI �E 9' (✓ = 11 E03 3036 M36 1836 si EIE-6, DENTAL LAB. l/4-=1'-0- io Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These documents, prepared by Pmbmse Pssociates. P.C.,are instruments of professwnal service. They are intended br use only with the parties,probcq and lowdon spedfically descnbed herein. THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. 1630 ]630 3630 a E056 /E037\ /c0 9\ �E z E034 a Y 3036 1636 3638 w EIE-7, DENTAL LAB. 1/4-=r-o' 7 THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR .. NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. 2130 3030 �4 Xo 44 w _ 9 E040 047 3636 1836 ee EIE-8, DENTAL LAB. 7/4^=r-0' a. Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual. 6 November 7997 Thass Oopumanh, prepared by Amdroso A add dm, P.G.. are instruments of professional servid. They are intended for use only with Me patties,project,and location specifically dascritnd ,-71:1 THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. ,rr p47 ea r i X04 04 iso es EIE-9, DENTAL RECEPTION t/4,at,-a. THIS ELEVATION IS FOR REUSE OF INDICATED CABINETRY, NOT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 06400-4. aw w EIE--10, DENTAL RECEPTION t/4,il.-a„ Kaiser Pefmanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1995 These documenle,prepamd by Ambrose Associsms, P.C., are instruments of professional service. ' TMy ue intended for use QMy with Ne parties,project,and location spaGfically de=tbed hemi.. se SHELF PLASTIC L AMINATE—1 PANEL W/CUTCUT FCR RADIATOR �YINDOW SILL „* 4"H. BACKSPLASH ������ —���� COUNTERTOP EC. + WALL BASE 4.2' 4'10" EQ. a'a" EQ � i 1 15+0 usa tsw tsta RADIATOR IE-1, ELEV., PHARMACY 22 +� r'---- SHELF 08400-1 r• AIN �r, 4"H. SACKSPLASH COUNTERTOP a 4'10MT— EQ. 42 } EQ WALL BASE t EC. � ta+0 t3a0 t5i0 18M "' IE-2, ELEV., PHARMACY 22 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Thew documa prepared by Annbrose Associates, P.C., are instruments of professional Senioe. They ara intended M' use only With the parties,project,and location Specifically desQibed hereto. el s 3630 3030 3630 o'H. BACKSPLASH /E Ib\ pE 11$ h0 8\ 9" \ / \F 8' 8'0. a0.:. 2'0" SHELVING s WALL BASE � / \ � 2 D" I ` PLASTIC LAMINATE Y.0 S/ L PANEL � 30W OPEN FOR UNDERCOUNTER-J 35 REFRIGERATOR IE-3, ELEV.,PHARMACY 22 ,. NEW PARTITION -FRAMED OPENING— FRAME TO MATCH PROFILE ,..,�....�..., OF DOOR FRAMES 15'D. RECESSED .� 3,10 ADJ. SHELVING 4"H. BACKSPLASH TRANSACTION COUNTER EQ — WINDOW SILL _ I EQ. — PLASTIC LAMINATE EQ PANEL W/CUTOUT FOR RADIATOR ±836 t836 1636 1538 +336 1836 1636 1836 RADIATOR IE-4, ELEV., PHARMACY 22 1/4'=V-0" Kalser Pemlanente Northampton, Const Manual, 6 November 1991 Thew EOCumantx, prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are inwumen"of profesaionai wrviw. They are intended for use only wid, Ne parties,proles,and location sIaodfiwlly described heroin. .w EXISTING W{NOOW 2436 2a0 24]0 2430 2430 NEW PARTITION vCH / v / BAC ACKSPLASH GROMMET 2'0" LOCATION WORKSURFACE SUPPORT TYP. 2430 1530 1530 2430 KNEESPACE IE-5, ELEV., NURSE STATION 19 M pn ae 16"D. WALL CABINET E (ALL PORTIONS TO BE m / 06400-38). 2'6- TD ®�J 4"1. BACKSPLASH S / / WALL BASE �w � 6' fl12 ee as3 3am 2138 IE-6, ELEV., STAFF LOUNGE 14 i f -�_...r r r w r w w �► �+ w r 4 r Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Thgge tlooumantg, prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are inmments of professional service. r They w imentled br aea only,with Ne panieR project,and bcadon speof ly deaWbod Mrein. r r la30 30U r ECYS6 /E0 ri r 4'H. BACKSPLASN ® 2'O" r — — WALL BASE �Elp 004 E \ r 9]9 36M IE-7, ELEV., ADMIN. OPEN OFFICE 12 r r 12'D. ADJUSTABLE SHELVES r CEO \ / WALL FED GAS VALVE r 2,0' ® d RELOCATE 4'H. BACKSPLASH EXISTING 7YW. r PENCIL DRAWER // KNEESPACE—^' OPEN FOR UNDERCOUN7ER +e REFRIGERATOR IE-8, ELEV., LABORATORY 21) Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Cons[. Manual, 6 November 1991 These tlocuments.prepared by Ambrose Associates, P,C.,are instrumems of professional service. They are imentletl for use only with Me parties,project,and Ioc wn specifically desui herein. 3030 33]0 3630 w �0 7\ 02 ® B 4"H. BACKSPLASH SD 2'0" PLASTIC LAMINATE E00 �E FASCIA PANEL KNEESPACE 1536 3836 SINK FOOT PEDAL IE-9, ELEV., LABORATORY 29 2830 3030 4"H. SACKSPLASH 2'0" ® j GROMMET LOCATION KNEESPACE — 2'6" y 046 T} 1530 WORKSURFACE SUPPORT IE-10, ELEV., LABORATORY 29 r r w Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const Manual, 6 November 1991 These dacumenu, prepared by Ambrose Assomm os, P.C..are inslmmonts of profaasional sice. s They azo Intaraied for u»AMY with the parties,project,and Rc"w epooir a ly deauibed 1:1,n. as WI WALL CABINETS w3o woo ww WITH GLASS LITES TD 4"H. BACKSPLASH KNEESPACE _ _ PLASTIC (AMINATE FASCIA PANEL er tale 2438 taw 2738 SINK F00T PEDAL IE-11, ELEV., PROCEDURE ROOM 33 1 f4"»t._0.. sw GROMMET T-AC AABLE SURFACE LOCATION 30"0. LOW --- f' 12"D. SHELF NITH +� PARTITION. / SUPPORT 4"H. BACKSPLASH r 30"D. WORKSURFACE 4'0" 3.4. KNEESPACE IE-12, ELEV., ADVICE NURSE TREATMENT 33 .4 � � y � , «a . y# © � °® � � � . a >a : � <a ~ � > >� . a4 - : °� ^ Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const, Manual, 6 November 1991 TXdae tlocumanta, prepared by Ambrose Aasociatos, P.C.. are inahuments of pmfesaional service. They are intended for.Doty with the parties,project.arw Ioution sPadfic Iy tleacflbetl heroin. SUDING GLASS DOORS WORKSURFACE IN THIS ELEVATION TO BE —5— 7 GROMMET LOCA71ON 4<H. TRANSACTION COUNTER \ 4"H. BACKSPLASH TACKA9LE SURfACE sa ® ® WORKSURFACE SUPPORT WORKSURPACE SUPPORT — 'd' RELOCATE EXISTING PENCIL DRAWER KNEESPACE IE-13, ELEV., MENTAL HEALTH RECEPTION 05 WORKSURFACE IN THIS ELEVATION 70 BE 2'6"D. FIXED GLASS PANEL y 42"H. TRANSACTION COUNTER *' LINE OF --- i 1 / T EXISTING TACKABLE SURFACE PARTITION /�GROMMET >. 4"H. BACKSP.ASH j LOCATION T0" WALL BASE WORKSURFACE SUPPORT r WORKSURFACE WORKSURFACE SUPPORT KNEESPACE� SUPPORT as IE-14, ELEV., MENTAL HEALTH RECEPTION 05 y �+ �► w Kaiser Pertnaneme Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Those documents, prepared by Ambrose Aswcistes, P.C., are ineeumente of professional service. r They ora inbntled for use only wiM Ne parfies,project, and lomton specifically described herein r r J030 30.10 4"H. BACKS LASH ,pro ® 2'0" T- r J0J6 ]030 r IE-15, ELEV., ADVICE NURSE TREATMENT 35 1/4'=1._0' r 3730 3730 3730 r 2'0" 4"H. BACKSPLASH r E034 d d E008 1930 3730 1030 IE-16, ELEV., UTILITY ROOM 12 Kaiser Permanente Northampton. Const. Manuel, 6 November 1991 These do00ments,prepared by Ambrose Asecciates, P.C..ars insuumenis of P"Ob onal service. They era inennded far uatl only with Me parties,ptojaet,and head..Vp diWty dmdbed herein. ae w a� 2U0 2130 2430 2430 •M 4"H. eACKSPLASH r 7 PTD n � 2 4° ky WORKSURFACE ® E 7 E 'a SUPPORT 2136 2436 OPEN FOR UNOERCOUNTER REFRIGERATOR _ IE-17, El EV., UTILITY ROOM q2 270 2730 2730 ei 4"H. BACKSP4ASH ae 2V w T _ ( / \ WORKSURFACE e► 1% SUPPORT x36 KNEESPACE IE-18, ELEV., UTILITY ROOM q2 eta i j4"�1'-0" Kaiser Pannatiente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1$91 iheae Documents,prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.O., are insbumenbi of professional seMce. They are intended for use oniy wrlh the Parties,project,and location spaciHcelly described heroin. FRAME OF OPENING TO MATCH PROFILE NEW PARTITION OF HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAMES — .e ea FRAMED OPENING -4'6" GROMMET LOCATION 3 6" WORKSURFACE SUPPORT 4'H. 6ACKSPLASH O1 C3 2 � 1530 tS3d KNEESPACE IE-19, ELEV., NURSE STATION 19 ee a. GROMMET --- LOCATION ea 4"H. BACKSPLASH 01 ta3o WORKSURFACE SUPPORT KNEESPACE w IE-20, ELEV., PHARMACY 22 1/4 e. Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These dowmenta, prepared by Nnbmse Associates, P.C.,are instruments of pmfessional sernq. w They are intended tot use only with Me parties, pmlect, and I=don specifically de dbed herein. w PLASTIC LAMINATE PANEL COUNTERTOP / HEIGHT WINDOW SILL 4" 4" PROVIDE TOE KICK 4� 8"D. RECESSED, OPEN ADJUSTABLE w SHELVES IE-21, ELEV., PHARMACY 22 w w r PLASTIC LAMINATE PANEL w COUNTERTOP HEIGHT 4" 4" 8"D. OPEN ADJUSTABLE 4" PROVIDE TOE KICK SHELVES IE-22, ELEV., PHARMACY 22 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These Oocumante,pnpuecf by Ambrose Aseaoiates, P.C., are inevumeMs of professional servip. They we intendac for use only vnN the pubes, project,and locaban specifically Eescribecl banin. w. HEIGHT OF FRAME TO MATCH HEIGHT OF DOOR FRAMES FRAME TO MATCH PROFILE OF HOLLOW 4' LOCKABLE SLIDING METAL DOOR FRAMES GLASS DOORS SEE NO /SPEC. � 08300-1. 8"D. RECESSED ADJUSTABLE w SHELVING 4" 4-1/2" IE-23, ELEV., PHARMACY WAITING 23 FRAMES OF OPENINGS TO MATCH HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAMES HEIGHT OF FRF TO MATCH HEI NEW PARTITION OF DOOR FRAA OPENING OPENING 4 12"0. TRANSACTION LOCKABLE SUEGLASS DOORS + COUNTER SEE NOTE/SPE 08300-1. WINDOW SILL w• 8•'0. RECESSED RADIATOR r ADJUSTABLE / SHELVING PROVIDE TOE KICK PLASTIC LAMINATE PROVIDE TOE KICK PANEL ,. IE-24, ELEV., PHARMACY WAITTNG 23 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, C; W. Manual, 6 November 1981 These Eocumenb, prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C., are instrument of professional sebibe. That ra intxMed br use only with tlu pmnts, project, AM!Mian specifloARY 6"cAbad hW:. AAA A., i Mao 3630 Mao 4"H. BACKSPLASH 2V r 3636 ]6]8 J836 +Iw IE-25, ELEV., ORTHO EXAM ROOM 45 • COLUMN AAA PILASTER n'H. BACKSPLASH w 36]0 !, EXISTING MILLWORK IE-26, ELEV., NURSE STAIION 52 + Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These documents, pmMoxi by Ambrose Associates, P.C., are instruments of professional sere- + They are intenEecl for use only with the parties, project,and location specifically Eeeoribecl herein. PILASTER + NOTE: WORKSURFACE 4'H. BACKSPLASH TO EXTEND INTO ANGLED WALL RECESS � m WORKSURFACE — — r SUPPORT — B. ts3o lva + KNEESPACE IE-27, ELEV., NURSE STATION 52 s 1/4"=1•-0" + PILASTER + GROMMET 4'H. BACKSPLASH LOCATION WORKSURFACE + SUPPORT 153015]0 + KNEESPACE IE-28, ELEV., NURSE STATION 52 ,. Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These Cocumenor prepmed by Ambrose Aaeoctates, P.C.,are instruments of professional servlu. +. They are intended for use only with Me partes, project, end looaton specifically Geeoribeol herein. WORK SURFACE GROMMET SUPPORT LOCATION 4'H. BACKSPLASH EQ. EQ. EQ. WORKSURFACE SUPPORT IE-29, ELEV., COUNTER AT STORAGE ROOM 21 eei GROMMET LOCATION WORKSURFACE 4"H. BACKSPLASH SUPPORT a --F 2'6" � 1 IE-30, ELEV., COUNTER AT NURSE STATION 38, 68 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These dacumeno,prepared by Afnbmae Associates, P.C..are instruments of professional service. _ They are intended for use only w@h Na parties,project,and location specifically deacnbed h-T ae ea 30"W. X 6"H. X B"D. ,ee 30'W. X 24"D. PLASTIC LAMINATE COUNTERTOP SHELF. (ENTIRE UNIT TO BE 06400-3B). r6• ew 1 T V2'7' STEEL ANGLE SUPPORT, PROVIDE BLOCKING IN PARTITION FOR PLASTIC LAMINATE — INSTALLATION FASCIA PANEL IE-31, ELEV., EXAM ROOMS: 44,47,70,74,76,78,83 - ea - ew ea � e 3036 IE-32, ELEV., EXAM ROOMS: 44,47,70,74,76,78,83 Kaiser Pemtanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 7991 Thee.tlooum.nb, prsparetl by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are instruments of professional urvice. They are intantletl for use only with the parties, project, antl lawfion specifically tlesniWd Mnin. '_ .. OPEN ABOVE DOORS ALUMINUM HEAD TRACK PARTITION TO MATCH EXISTING FIXED GLASS SLIDING GLASS PANEL II I DOORS. SEE NOTE/SPEC. 08300-1 � 3" OVERHANG 7'0" VINYL WALL BASE INTENT IS FOR NEW SLIDING GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLY TO MATCH EXISTING UNITS. IE-33, ELEV., SPEC. OFFICE 37 r. OPEN ABOVE ALUMINUM HEAD TRACK GLASS PANEL TO MATCH EXISTING PARTITION _ SLIDING GLASS DOORS. SEE FIXED GLASS — NOTE/SPEC. PANEL 08300-1 ., 3" OVERHANG 7'0" TRANSACTION— VINYL WALL BASE COUNTER 76" INTENT IS FOR NEW SLIDING GLASS DOOR ASSEMBLY TO MATCH EXISTING UNITS. >. IE-34, ELEV., SPEC. OFFICE 37 1/a•=V—D' r 10 r it r i + Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 These documents, prepared by Ambrose Associates, P.C., are instruments of professional servip. + Thsy are intended for us only with the parties,project. and location specifically dombribw herein. + + 2" 4" r 09250-30 08300-1 _ SOFFIT + ROLLING DOOR 09250-38SOFFIT l PHARMACY 3.0" WA111NC 23 l 6' 1'4" + NEW 71 08100-1 CASEWORK HEAD ',44" i 3" + � 4'0" 6" 5'4"+/— V.I.F. 09250-3B + SOFFIT 09250-1C PARTITION + s DP-1, PLAN, PHARMACY WAITING 23 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const Manual, 6 November 1991 These BocumenW, preperoC by Ambrose Associates, P.C.,are insuumems of profesaonW aennn. They ars iMenbetl for use only w M Me pv es, project,a lona on specifically deem heroin. w a a NEW CASEWORK M.H. RECEPT. 05 r 08100-3A 2" ARCHWAYT I T FIXED GLASS s 2'8" 2'8" PANEL I I I I I 08300-4A 1 EDGE OF MANSA ON GLASS DOORS ALIGN COUNTER TO EX ND 09250-3E 1 3" OUTWARD OF SOFFIT ABOVE SOFFIT V11, DP-2, PLAN, MENTAL HEALTH RECEPTION 5 Kaiser Permanente Northampton, Const. Manual, 6 November 1991 Thou tlawments prepereo by Am Wou Associates, P.C.,we inwnimems of proM1sabnw unix. They are imantletl for use only with the penia, project,antl location specifically tlesenbetl herein. w. I 1W ° it 06200-2 •• 3,8a ROD SHELF 6'8" LAB. 29 08100-46 2'4' SIDELIGHT 3'4' 8" a 08100-3A ARCHWAY LAB. WAITING 30 e. DP-3, PLAN, LABORATORY 29/WAITING 30 n o LFIPI 1 sua66R-r oANrl: 0I : b ° 9RSMEN LINES SIFLAING CO S :TA' CE)LES TELL NfN{:AiE ITFIIIG CE N„ OR, III. SRf wNfEG LING GRiG LEA ClIL ANV EXJST E P EE TO BE A,nlO 0.R GE 9 M II LE IFF" I�IGIRAIG°N I�AI , ILIA' IllIlY AK R PN°GR�ES E—L,ll P " LTC SARE IVR COORpN Ai.VN FAFLN fLl( - �.- UlN'RIVIIEO'1 FI LI Ai1ONS AND IL G I)RY DRA PC ivVE 71 nIoI �0 - _ _ L m \ , ° I p ° -] .OR CRANING I o - SYMBOLS A- PVR iI°N CE E 1 P Ril il IHAi l( NCERSE o sLIPS N I.NA _ 0 Rf 7U BVL', .GVE1O o 0 - IVP J DIN 11 "1 1 RV RU B 0 I ACCORf) G ID I '�Ip0 0 I .19350-4 ',I ° Kaiser ermenente Northampton Health Center ''.�'��' on - --. - [ Fare ,Meesediwtte rH 1 —01 A d n,,,,,,,,,,,,, A-- Iii,. . III" Ib-.,,, -f t _ - A3 BP 3, REFLECTED CEILING PLAN { r _:__ _ ? NOTE ALL F l rlriONS T1tAI { s 5(PMP rE !TO AMTS .1LAB., 09 2W-xn. roP eomcE -CLOS _ i100-tP NUPSE 39 p Y. 0.Y � L i N1z ( E-11 E 5 AObICI: I MECH RM RI� - EXAM NURSE 2� IE-8 32 'N - 3J �� NOTES F- 2 JAN. n-iw Pz P lQCEU JX rw PE.EP 10 cons Pu _01 r.en°e, note/WC6. 01LID-1 ON EAA )FF _/ lti•__. MnHE ] - LAB. W C3I6R „ w O L7A � . C mrPt no NPt[ LrtrN nn[r�n s,.ao nr, nv[ [a sr t.c - - UIF E �G_ 30 AITWI a D2 U4 NIH 1151811M r snN1 Lu1 .PE Cxsnc ObPs srmVM E BE vhP. SPtC�rc B RADIOLOGY IE zsEB OF FI„E dOFFICE �ry •� E .Sr OS OFj ICE 3B 40 EXAM�' 45 E�O J3 as 47 hk rt Ln 3i'�' —�Q sovrr ]� °ALF 3 EXAM F_XAM M s nnoJ 4a F.-�� a6 S 4 t0 Ea Cs' .� I• s 3�l —E-10 _ 4i IE iT C� E s3 I6Frl 1FL rl L PFICE R' FFR_ �E IE-e�•: � P, fi. Ps U p Pis 11 3 IE 0J h rze -y P4 -� rWIT 42 YRR. 50 0 00 A an cv AV,' Y..i r ltL J.7, CCRC cNoertm-.e� DOJ 111 .GOEREXAM _ EXAM EXAM EXAM 621)f F.( 1 soEucnt Em v.E eons 53 54 56 58 60r0 9E CENTERED � 1ITEXAM EXAM EXAM EXAM -5S � 57 59 61 �.NURSE w EN s ATION 52 --LAV. -EXAM CORR 65 t _ 0 IC T, z r C 66 xe IG. LD !CT ll._. . r - E n A 0 __ LXAM o (.RR VvA rlNh r{Cp/ C,ORR iE Y "EXAM AM AM 7g 1 1 S A 69 -L n 73 75 77 OFFICE NU 21 11100 'A L 1Puo Dac L M ! 1A' ! NIATIIJ N i` es e3'"8 �,EOFFICE51EXAn♦. =4Hf Jr2 )c 19 72 E_ 1t t8 UE s 1F 51244 �__ Xl T €_d181s r N �A IOF s q LAV. xnM� coRR_ Hp TOfI i"ie8fftl Center 30 20 T D -- Kaiser Pemvmwde C! O5 L o' 84 74 70 ('� � _ IF 24 --. - 5 brinCa.1 _ _ FMas"dL tt* s' L DO Do m-I 1 s' - 'E�- EXAM EXAM EXAM) OFFlCE oo oRE 86 87 88 ~ E FE e zt t MA�-fI-E ,vo0o0R�lE' I. 8300 3 —EXAM JAN � :am.v�..... �. Imt 111 83 wo emr + fa awln Uv-� / - T BI cl.1 1. awl i. n. "1 � k BP-2, PLAN rn a aer ^ a Pc A2 C :.CSI i� II I E 1 1 CIL 5 R+ 6• NOTES SPE: 01010-1 V RE i0 LONSOP C ry N 'W 0iE! T10'A IEE !I EOR aPPWINL CON V6N'I0N5. r -� pj-. EE RE" W ronsW c1 RI u V 0]E!sGEc omsa-1 ' 1JP iN[{,PMPIIUN PE:PPp'.NS LFNV'JiIVN EEE� p I1 f \ Pf L CC A rF J 1-4 J7 -� �7 I FI] A I ' l r, Keiser Permanente L 7 J IE NE L�E,-N4 L \ ' SL Gf Pi aE �N..I.f E �N' Northampton Health Center or 1 01 fE i ��• Wy I � I r ISTING uen HEATER oNfrnwar"r11°.1il T.t 1 v oem..,e zwT wa.R1..1 t' .4,. aoz,.-IN N BP 1, DEMOLITION PLAN A71