38 Site Suitability 2016 Depth of Ns'n,-aflc U Does at least four feet ofna.arali absorption system? I, z 5 - Ifyes.what is the depth of rarer h-- If not. what is the depth cloaca ai] Deep Hole Nurnbm: Location (identify on she plant. J.and U-^'Vega•-bnn(l.av,m/L,eus Jandform:j pc-fe et,‘-( E . Position of Landscape: Distance from: Open Water Body Possible Wet Area Drthkino Water Well i e Asti 11 It aeobse Llr,'ItIc; Per rIEICC]nr! (0 el p.n-0w ,arrnal? - On-Site Review Dale: l c%t-th‘ Time: Slrpe(°b)'. ( `)/e Fes'. (co'4 cost Weather Coal S Dv ast Drainageuay Property Line Other T.P. Sun n/. brre Surface Stones: "o% Lhr FcctCec It Feet zed+ Feet DEEP OB ERVATSON HOLE LOG Depth from I Soil Surface Horizon Soil Texture I Soil Color (USDA) (Munsell) S P51 I Soil Other(Structure, Stones,Boulder: MottIine, I Consistency, % Gravel) Parent Material (geoloer) h Hit t.a a k Depth to-Groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: es rec,., '✓`°.s4 Depth to Bedrock: > (C { Weeping from Pit Face: l� e,1 c BOARD OF HEALTH • MEMBERS J4-Y FLEITMAN,M.D.,ACTING CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D- DONNA C.SALLOOM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH :ANTHI SCRIMGEOUR, MHEd,CHES, (413)587-1214 FAX(413)567-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Site Suitability for On-Site Sewage Disposal Data /0/Z M720/di Equipment Operator: Q U ( y/dp C ty K ?roject Number: 'erformed by:A(c.ul Isle,5 4=alth Inspector: Ckr, x(3,5 "O Site Addres fl L C'_1��Ctile/(tr r 4 to %kr1C -35S A):(tt, 110- f ore e, AAA New Construction 212'1(AIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Client Name& Address 7)) /Uort-1, ftano,s Ro.«b R Office Review 'ublished Soil Survey Available: No 3 Yes O Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Drainage Class Soil Limitations lurticial Geologic Report Available: No O Yes 9 Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material(Map Unit) Landform lood Insurance Rare Map: Above 500 year flood boundary 0 Within 500 year flood boundary 9 Within 100 year flood boundary ❑ Vetland Area: National Wetland Invetory Map (Map Unit) Wetlands Conservacy Program Map(Map Unit) foment Water Resource Conditions(USGS): Month Range: Above Normal 3 Normal 9 )ther References Reviewed: Below Normal O Percolation Lest eeCau.La Time Measurement Time Measurement erc 1-I ° Begin Saturation \ / S 1 :�n ,y " End Satrration 9"depth. Measurement 6"dept Measurement Elapsed Time 9" to 6" Saturation nd Saturation nd • leassure i ( � men suret "depth {/ l Gi I leasurement lapsed Time " rvt� 2. S to 6" o...,.,,. inn ate / 2 ercolation Rate <2 nun. ma Zy onom of Percolation Test dole: Fii5 Bottom of Percolation Test Role, i -- - ---- Deter'minationforSessonal$i_h«•rtei Tebh ACt- lethod Used Depth observed stnndin on observation hole>NC Ile 0 Depth Gr undnwater acts side ntobsers inch ole inches I Depth to soil mottle inches dex Well Number Reading Date Index well level ALAN E.WEISS,M.S.,I2_S,L.S.P. Licensed Sim Professional Registered Sanitarian Hydrngeolocisi -Weiland Consults President •Soil and Wain Testing nfield Rd. -21E She lnvesugations nn.ldRd. •Percolation Tests and 5957&323-49I6 FAX title-Septic Designs TitleSLry2uons azweisc @chaner.na Commonwealth of Massachusetts IViassachusetts Soil Suitabili Assessment or On-site Sewa Performed By: t\\c? Wt.`s ? S.) Si, SE Witnessed By: !:`,5 o{/fet --P-o tci\AC L mAaeve> Lot I new Construction 0 Repair �✓j Oilice Review Soil Survey Available: Year Published Drainage Class .. Sut vial Geologic Reoont Av_Iab C-eo!CCIC MP=e al (Map Unit) Flood _?mince Rae Map: y dot!! es Publication Scale Soil Limitations n e: No ?77 Yes TV Publication Scale Above 500 yea; flood boundary No Dyes Within 500 year flood boilndary No 114 Within 100 year flood boundary No s Wetland Area: National Wetland inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Currem Water Resource Conditions(USGS): Month Range :Above Nom:al LNormal _Bekw Normal Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROVED FORM. 1 no7/95 Date: Page 1 of 3 �e Disposal Date: IONIi6 GtIi . tau, 3S5 tit ._- r-. S e2i rtlia.L.eitho, AA. Map d er._. v- : On-site Review Hole Number.._/_ z Date:._ /")./ Time:.L'$_�.... Weather ‘,.5..2.."2----_— ation (identify on site plan) Id Use Slope (%) 1... Surface Stones .._✓°—}__--..- ;station 5265 .,..,...__,., _. Idform eFT-4 :ition on landscape (sketch on the back) ___.____...__ tances from: Lg. Open Water Body . feet Drainageway.— .°. feet Possible Wet Area .._(°° f feet Property Line _zc + feet Drinking Water Well -t qp�... feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG >spte from SuHace (Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell Soil Movdino Den lSuuowre,Stones.boulders, Co/ins:onry bGrevelf c_ ae4 -. Sc.-Sy, O —S° t 1� A A C -Gs c S -CS - y vrc-1/4- o y/ w.s)spy 0;t4 rr 1 - l� / �u l U 4 6 {-5(_ r Fs /6 ytcV3 167, z ys/Y 9b„ — En4Lots - p s .J%. cs�A , (r �t'�V��/�C ent Material (goo ogle) !„L = 5 Depth to Bedrock: .oth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole• Ato t Weeping from Pit Face: -- dfr Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: IC= /vb t._ U ..' ?d Used' Depth observed standing in observation hole ______ inches ❑,Depth weeping from side of observation hole—.-.– inches d,is Depth to soil mottles i inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet c Well Number ______ Reading Date —.—.- Index well level stment factor ._.__. Adjusted ground water level Percolation Test Date: f//6 Time: )bservation Hole # )epth of Pero 35. >tart Pre-soak /; 3S- End Pre-soak rime at 12" _ l; S� Time at 9" 5 Time at 6" • S Y Time (9"-6") e– Z Rate Min./Inch 4-- Z 1:30 :e Suitability Assessment: Site Passed lte Failed Additional Testing Needed: irformed By afritt Wyss SC, if 5 itnessed By: Gin S�i _ > . 3r5 ap omments: Certification Numbe DH Location Address or Lot No. y1 S (2y Determination or Seasonal Hi_h Water Table Method Used: nn Depth observed standing in observaion hale._...... . inches pth weeping from siderof observation hole... .. inches Depth to soil mottles. inches I Ground water adjustment __ feet • Index Weil Number Readtho Date _.._ 1ndEx well level Adjustment factor ._. ._ Adjured around water :eve) .. . __.. .- Desa. of "laterally Occurring Pervious Lateral Does at least four feet of naturally OLCUF pn pervious material exist in aU areas observed ;a : Ea proposed for Me se:: absorption syszem?::. NCC If not, what is the depth of natura3v ocOur:`;ng pervious material? —err:fir-atlas I certify that on ✓i1.{ °° c (date)by the Depa _c ) E have passed the and atth a examination s -mththerequiredtriiin exp&�eaboexa;i nce was performed 3by 10 f consistent with the requires training:expertise and experience described in 3i0 CMR 75.C77 Signature � Date (017416 COLD SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. $50 OLD ENFIELD RD. DELCHERTOWN. MA 01007 171 7 AYP AOl'p mpJ$•12/07)95