12 Notification of Deleading 1990 DEPART ME.. _ OF PUBLIC Di:ALTF/DEPAR'TME.NT ON :.ABOR & INDUSTRIES NOTIFICATION OF DELEAD::dc WORK All sections of this form must be completed in order to comply with the notification requirements of M.G.L. C. 111 S197 UMBRR Lead Paint Inspector Iter DC —__Da _ of Ins e :Fan 9/6/90 Contractor perforr:ing project " n Address of Project Building Name (if any) Floor Street Address I .' .. . . City RorL amcto:1, 111 . Deleading Method: DRY SCRAPING (circle all that apply) Apt. No. aip O : OGn ■.HEAT G6N1 (-'N'CAPSULATION ) DEMOLImION POWER SANDING CAUSTICS CREPLACEMP:N16) OTHER If "Other" selected, please explain Check one: dwelling is Multi-family Start date : 0 /66791 When will work be done: Project Supervisor Name Property Owner Address 9iv am Fs single family .ule, i!,e ..- fl/)H/r.H . City 'adl Telephone (413) ;61-6160 State In case of emergency, contact what person: Phone: Area code required day ( =.PY - 0034 B/L (OVER) License Si lO661 3 D DI ^"1r evening same rev 11/16/09 DEPARTMEN. OF PUBLIC HEALTH/DEPARTMENT OF s.aBOR 6 INDUSTRIES NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK All sections of this form must be completed in order to comply `-ith the notification requirements of M.G.L. C. 111 5197 FILE NUMBER Lead Paint_ Inspector Waite Dernheck Contractor performing project Afford:h e ✓,n Date of Inspection an frog 9/6/90 I:cense gDC (100 613 Address of Project Building Name (if any) Floor Street Address 12 Viii :C- Apt. No. City Northampton. MN . yip 01060 Deleading Method: DRY SCRAPING ■HEAT GUN) ( ENCAPSULATION) DEMOLITION (circle all that apply) -- POWER SANDING CAUSTICS cREPLACEMENTI OTHER If "Other" selected, please explain Check one: dwelling is Multi-family single family X Start date 10/25/91 When will work be done: am Y am Completion Date 10/211/91 Project Supervisor Name Edward E . 'Pruchart weekends? Property Owner Holly lrtzerounian License gDC 000613 Address 3B West St . City Hp l cv State vi zip 01015 Telephone ( 713) 536-6100 In case of emergency, contact what person: Phone: Area code required day ( HOB ) 219 6 n nc (OVER) evening 5350e 0034B/5 rev 11/16/89