22 Deleading Notification 2000 Alk ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # 003416 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS IPIUUZ/U00 AIN Department of Labor L Industries and Department of Public wealth NOTIFICATION OF DELEADING WORK All sections of Clam for. must he completed in a ae to comply eith the notification requirements of M.G.L. eeiii 5 191, 454 061 22.00 and 105 Ott 460.000 as most recently amended FILE MISER: (AGENCY USE) Contractor perfomeng project ABIDE, INC, (Frank Tilli) License # DC001619 Lead Paint Inspector •Anft Collin% CrocMi*re, Exp.date August 31, 2001 License I/tl 2'7 2.4f Date of Inspection 4lyloe It low-risk deleading work is being performed, complete the following line: Property owner Agent{s) Address of Project Building Name (if any) Floor Street Address 2.2 Col.tytngus Ai/LNUE. city N R'li'IA PTbtJ Rip OIOCef') Apt. No. neleading method: Qt/Dry Scraping] Heat Gun Caustics Liquid Encapsulanc ousting Demolition p cemen . Ocher If "Other" selected, please explain mete One, Start date dwelling is au family 10121 00 .s nglo Lowly V Completion dare I O/f3/00 When will work be done: A.M- -7;03 - P.M. S: _ Weekends? A0 Project supervisor's name Robert P. LaMDuntain License 405360 Property Owner PAM SCHWA-21Z- Gild JOEL FELbfnAn/ Address L4% Mu&Ro€ STR-Qg j City NoR7r7AM PTO& Telephone 413- s$6 - 1 it 3 In case of emergency contact Phone: day 413-525-0644 State. MA _ zs„ OJ.otio_ Frank Till i , President evening (over) 413-525-0644 VP ViiroUti rni vo In accordance with Masaacbveectf General Laws c. 111 f 197 OCR 2[.00 d 105 O 460.000 notice or the date •ha methods CS) of removal or Catering of paint, piaster or other accessible mated alt containing dangerous levels of lead IS to be provided and must be received by the following ` Persons, at least ten t10) days prior to beginning of deleading. occupants of the awaiting unit All other occupants of the residential premises. if Lily Director, Childhood Leading Poisoning Prevention Program Fax 16171 753-0436 Departhent Of Public xealth. 170 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02110 Detector, Asbestos f Lead program Department of Labor f Industries Room 11006, 100 Cantrldge Street Boston, MA 02202 Fax (6171 727-7560 p� Fvt(416i sal - 112-1 Local Board of xealth/Code Enforcement Agency N W14'if•1� 6f H EACTI'1 NurtTMAMf O cite Massachueetts HISto[ICal Commission (If premises Is listed on the State Register 220 Morrissey Blvd. of Ristodc places, this notification must be Boston, Mn 02125 made upon receipt of an Order to Correct Violations or at least 10 days prior to initiating preventive Oeadinn Fax i 727-5170 Delsading Cortauter The undersigned hereby states, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deleading Regulations. 454 CMR 22.00 and Leading Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations, 105 CMR 460.000, and that the information contained in this notification is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief- : Date 9 'I -OO signed: rio,,k- ! Frank Tjylli Title: President Company: ABIDE, INC. Proprty der (If owner or unlicensed owner's agent will be performing low-r1St deleeall nq work) I certify that I have complied with the training requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Lead Poising Prevention and control Regulations, 105 CMR 460.175, for owner/agent low-risk abatement and containment. T further certify that I or my agent will be performing the following low-risk activities It have circled all that apply) : applying liquid encapsulant capping baseboards applying exterior vinyl siding covering cur races removing doors, cabinet IXarr, shutters I certify that Al) the information contained in this notification is trot noa correct co too best of my knowledge and be l ieC. Oate: Signet: ABIDE, INC. PROJECT # 00396 REV 10/12/95 II u, , a b i d e Abide, inc.,Environmental Contracting LEAD NOTIFICATION FAX COVER SHEET DATE: ci I -07 ATTENTION: FAX #: [ !rector,CLPPP(Boston) 617-284-8410 [ LEAD PROGRAM(Boston) 617-727-7568 [4 own/City of Nct-NRMPTON 9)3 -5$i - 3 22 I (Local Board of Health) [ ] Massachusetts Historical Commission 617-727-5128 FROM: FRANK TILLJABIDE,INC. REGARDING: (4 PROJECT NOTIFICATION [ I REVISED NOTIFICATION [ 1 OTHER: NUMBER OF PAGES (including this one): 3 COMMENTS: If you experience problems in receiving this transmission,please call 413-525-0644. CONFIDENTIALITY NO]rr: The docnrnts.ccompnying mi,skimpy trvrtmi.sion may contain confidential and privileged 'mbrlua$ion Loin Abide,Inc. Dm automation is intender for tbrux of the addressed individual or entity. If you re muds intended recipient,be aware rhn any disclosure,copying.disvibmina Of u,c of she tuna.!,of this uramission n prohibited. If you have received this tnosmiv'un in erns, elms Unify is by telephone(4l3-515.0644)Immedimely. /bank you. P.O. Box 886 East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Phone 413-525-0644 • Fax 413-525-0678 • E-mail ABIDE I @aoi.com